Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(编号:0011d).zip

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课题:unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears( (sound time,culture sound time,culture time & cartoon timetime & cartoon time) ) 学科: 英语 年级:五年级(上) 版本:译林版 教师: 职称: There is a girl in front of you.There is a TV in this classroom. Read and judge. If it is right, say “Yes,!Yes ! Yes !” If it is wrong, say “No ! No! No!” Say loudly and quickly,please. There are many books in your school bag. Lets play a game. Bobby and Tina are in the kitchen.Where are they? Why do you know they are in the living room? Theres a sofa in the room. Look and guess Whats the matter with Bobby? Maybe he is. Watch and answer. 1.Whats the matter with Bobby? a. tired b. hungry c.thirsty 2.What are they talking about? a. cakes b.juice c.snacks Watch and answer. Watch and answer. 1.Whats the matter with Bobby? a. tired b. hungry c.thirsty 2.What are they talking about? a. cakes b.juice c.snacks Lets guess. Read and answer 1.Where are the cakes? 2.Can Bobby find any cakes in the fridge? 3.Who is eating the cakes? Read and answer 1.Where are the cakes? 2.Can Bobby find any cakes in the fridge? 3.Who is eating the cakes? Theyre in the fridge. Read and answer 1.Where are the cakes? 2.Can Bobby find any cakes in the fridge? 3.Who is eating the cakes? Theyre in the fridge. No, he cant. There arent any cakes here. Read and answer 1.Where are the cakes? 2.Can Bobby find any cakes in the fridge? 3.Who is eating the cakes? Theyre in the fridge. No, he cant. Their cousin is. Here are the cakes. Read and judge 1. Bobby and Tina are at home. ( ) 2. Tina is hungry. ( ) 3. There are some cakes in the fridge. ( ) 4. Tina is eating the cake. ( ) 5. Bobby is angry. ( ) F T F F T Bobby arent any Their cousin Lets read. 三人或四人一组给故事配音,注意 用语气并演出他们不同的心情。 Lets dub. Whats the matter with them? What does the doctor say? doctorcomes cousin My uncle has a , And my cousin too! The doctor comes and says, “ ” Sound time Put on your coats, you two! cold Whats the matter with them?What does the doctor say? doctor coats comes cousin cold My uncle has a , And my cousin too! The doctor comes and says, “ ” Sound time cold Put on your coats, you two! What do you want to learn from these words? (你想从这些单词中学习什么?) What can you find from these words? (你能从这些单词中发现什么?) doctor coats comes cousin cold Sound time cold C C /k/k/k/k/ Try to read! card camel cage candy Can you write more words with “C” ? 你能写出更多含有字母“c c”的单词吗单词吗 ? Work in pairs I like eating cakes.If the letterc pronounces/ k/,you can say eat, eat, eat. Play a game colour smell taste greenbrown freshrich refreshing with slight bitter bitter with slight sour and sweet Observe and describe 清香浓郁 爽口、微苦苦、微酸、微甜 Which is popular in China? culture time 受大众欢迎的 is popular in China. Tea Coffee is popular in Western countries. 中国是茶的故乡,是茶的原产地。中国人对茶 的熟悉,上至帝王将相,文人墨客,诸子百家 ,下至挑夫贩夫,平民百姓,无不以茶为好。 咖啡原产于美洲,适合在热带或亚热带生 长。咖啡含有咖啡因,能让人兴奋、放松 ,所以受到人们的欢迎,尤其是西方人。 We like rice, noodles, vegetables and meat. But Western people like beefsteaks,bread,hot dogs,sandwiches,hamburgers or pizzas. Different food and drinks are popular in different countries. Homework 3.Search more different food and drinks about China and Western countries online. 在网上查找更多中国和西方国家不同的食物、饮料。 2.Look for more words about the letter “Ck”. 找更多关于字母C发k的单词。 1.Act the story of cartoon time with your partners. 和你的伙伴表演卡通故事。 Thank you!Thank you! Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears (Sound time & Culture time & Cartoon time) Teaching contents 教学内容 Sound time, Culture Time & Cartoon time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标 1. 能正确理解并朗读 Cartoon time 故事内容,读懂故事的幽默,在教师的指导 下能够用配音或看图说话的方式表演 Cartoon time; 2. 学生了解字母 c 在单词中的发音;尝试运用所学的语音知识拼读生词,同时 结合小诗读出韵律和节奏; 3. 学生能了解中西方传统的饮食,并能用英语作简单介绍。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点 教学重点: 1. 能理解并掌握字母 c 的发音规律,熟记例词; 2. 能正确理解、朗读卡通故事,在教师指导下给故事配音; 3. 能用简单的英语介绍中西方传统的饮食。 教学难点: 1. 正确区分字母 c 的两种发音,并能正确举例; 2. Cartoon time 中语言点的理解和掌握。 Teaching procedures 教学过程 Step 1 Greeting and warm up 1. Greetings. 2. Game(yeah, yeah, yeah or no, no, no) T: Boys and girls, do you like games? S: Yes. T:Now, lets play a game. Read the sentences and judge. If it is right,please say “yeah, yeah, yeah”. If it is wrong, please say “no, no, no”. have you got it? Q1: There is a TV in this classroom. Q2:There are many books in your schoolbag. Q3 : There is a girl in front of you. Q4: Are Bobby and Tina in the kitchen?(卡通第一幅图) Step 2 Cartoon time 1.Talk about the picture of the screen. T: Where are Bobby and Tina? S: They are in the living room. T: Why do you know they are in the living room? S: Theres a sofa in the room. 2. Talk about the first picture of the Cartoon time. T: Look at the picture. Can you guess whats the matter with Bobby? (出示 Cartoon time 第一张图片) S: Maybe he is 2. Watch and answer. T: Lets watch the cartoon, and find out the answers. Q1: Whats the matter with Bobby? a.hungry b. thirsty c. tired Q2: What are Bobby and Tina talking in the living room? a.juice b. cakes c. snacks 3. Read and answer. (1)T: If your mother bought some cakes, where would she put them? Can you tell us? T: In the bedroom? S:No. T: In the living room? S: No. T: In the bathroom? S:No. T: In the kitchen? S:Yes. (2) T:Lets read the story by yourself. And find out the answers of the three questions. When you read, please underline the key sentences. 1.Where are the cakes? 2.Can Bobby find any cakes in the fridge? 3.Who is eating the cakes? (3) (出示第二幅图) where do you find out the answer? S: Theyre in the kitchen. T: So Bobby goes to the kitchen and tries to find some cakes, but can he find any cakes there? T: Can Bobby find the cakes in the fridge? S: No, he cant. T: Why? S: There arent any cakes here. (教师示范,学生跟读。) T: Where are the cakes? And who is eating the cakes? S: Tina and Bobbys cousin is eating the cakes. 4. Listen and imitate T: Now lets read after the tape and pay attention the pronunciation and tone. 5. Dub the story. T: Now lets dub the cartoon in groups. 6. Look at the picture. How do they feel? Can you guess? Bobby is angry. His cousin is happy. Step 3 Sound time 1. Look at the two guys. T: Are they happy? S: No, they arent. T: Look. The doctor comes. 2. Listen and answer. Q1: whats the matter with them? They are cold. Q2: whats the doctor saying? Put your coats, you two. 3. Read follow the tape. 4. Read in your groups. 5. Read together. 6.T: What can you find from these words? T: Yes. They all have the letter”C”. What do you want to learn from these words? And they sound k. 7. Read the words follow T. 8. Try to read the new words. T: Do you know more words about”C”? Please work in your groups and write a word on the paper. And then stick it on the blackboard. 9. Play a game. T: We know Bobbys cousin likes eating cakes. If the letter “C” sounds k, lets say” eat, eat, eat”. Otherwise, lets say “No, No, No”. 10. Read the words follow T. (拓展”C”还可能发s) Step 4 Culture time 1. Bobbys cousin eats so many cakes. He is thirsty now. There are three kinds of drinks. What does he like drinking best? Coffee?Tea?Juice? S: Juice. T: Maybe he likes juice best. 2.Observe and describe. (1) Look. There is some tea in the glass. What colour is it? Its green. Who wants to smell it? How is it? Its fresh. Do you have a cup? Who wants to taste it? Can you describe it? Its refreshing with slight bitter 爽口、微苦 (2) Look. There is some coffee in the glass. What colour is it? Its brown. Who wants to smell it? How is it? Its rich. Do you have a cup? Who wants to taste it? Can you describe it? bitter with slight sour and sweet 苦、微酸、微甜 3.拓展不同的容器 In China, we usually use purple sand tea ware to drink tea. In western countries, they usually use coffee cup and spoon to drink coffee. 4.Do you know which is popular in China? (教授 popular) Tea or Coffee? Tea is popular in China. Coffee is popular in western countries. 5.Show different pictures of food and drinks. (总结:Different food and drinks are popular in different countries. ) Step 3 Homework 1.Act the story of cartoon time with your partners.和你的伙伴表演卡通故事。 2.Look for more words about the letter “Ck”. 找更多关于字母 C 发k的单词。 3.Search more different food and drinks about China and Western countries online. 在网上查找更多中国和西方国家不同的食物、饮料。 Blackboard Design: Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears Bobby Bobbys cousin C k 单词 C s 单词
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