Unit 3 Our animal friends-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(编号:d1517).zip

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(Story time) Study aims: (学习目标学习目标) You can use “It is. / They are.” “It has./They have.” “It can./They can. ” to describe the animal friends. (能够正确使用这三种句型描述动物朋友)(能够正确使用这三种句型描述动物朋友) cat . . fish bird dog animals According to some pictures, you should say these animals as quickly as you can. 根据图片尽可能快速说出动物名称根据图片尽可能快速说出动物名称. If you see , please say:Bomb 123 animal friends rabbig t body bodies tail 复数:复数: eyes ears 小提示:小提示: 认真听,仔细看,用心记。认真听,仔细看,用心记。 Q1.What animal friends do they have? has What animal friends do they have? Nancy MikeLiu Tao Su Hai BlackRedWhite Big eyes and big bodies. Legs and arms. Big tails. Fly Swim Jump Q1.What coluor are Nancys animal friends? Q2. What do Nancys animal friends have? Q3.What can Nancys animal friends do? 小提示:小提示: 默读第默读第1段,用查阅的方式段,用查阅的方式,将选项弄明白后,在将选项弄明白后,在 第第1段中找答案。段中找答案。 I have two animal friends. One is red and the other is black. They have big eyes and big bodies. They have no legs or arms, but they have big tails. They can swim. Oneand the other 一个 .另一个.。 One is small and the other is big. 一个是小的另一个是大的。 otherm White. Black. Red. Big eyes and big bodies. Legs and arms. Big tails. Fly. Swim. Jump. Q1.What color are Nancys animal friends? Q2. What do Nancys animal friends have? Q3.What can Nancys animal friends do? I have two animal friends. One is red and the other is black. They have big eyes and big bodies. They have no legs or arms, but they have big tails. They can swim. let g 比比 较较 foot腿腿脚脚 two footsfeet复数:复数: le ar g cman arm They have no legs or arms. 他们没有腿也没有手臂。他们没有腿也没有手臂。 White. Black. Red. Big eyes and big bodies. Legs and arms. Big tails. Fly. Swim. Jump. Q1.What color are Nancys animal friends? Q2. What do Nancys animal friends have? Q3.What can Nancys animal friends do? I have two animal friends. One is red and the other is black. They have big eyes and big bodies. They have no legs or arms, but they have big tails. They can swim. I have two animal friends. One is red and the other is black. They have big eyes and big bodies. They have no legs or arms, but they have big tails. They can swim. Tips:尽量模仿语音语调哟:尽量模仿语音语调哟! Colour Feature(特(特 征)征) Ability(能力(能力 ) 想一想:How to talk about the animal friends? 如何谈论动物朋友呢?如何谈论动物朋友呢? Animals dogwhite rabbit ColourFeature(特征特征) Abilities(能力能力) white red eyes long ears four legs a short tail four legs big ears a short tail run and jump run 小提示:小提示: 1.根据所需了解的信息,大声朗读第根据所需了解的信息,大声朗读第2,3段。段。 2.快速锁定任务,完成表格。快速锁定任务,完成表格。 I have an animal friend. It is white. It has four legs and a short tail. It has big ears. It can run and jump. My animal friend is white. It has red eyes and long ears. It has four legs and a short tail. It can run. It has It is It can Colour Feature(特(特 征)征) Ability(能力(能力 ) parrot I have an animal friend. It is yellow and green. It has two legs and two wings. It has a big mouth and a long tail. It can talk and fly. ings 复数:复数:wings w 小提示:小提示: 读第读第4段,段, 划出描述鹦划出描述鹦 鹉鹉颜色、容貌和能力颜色、容貌和能力的句子。的句子。 比一比谁比一比谁 又快又准确。又快又准确。 Colour Feature(特(特 征)征) Ability(能力(能力 ) My animal friend is yellow and green. It has two legs and two wings. It has a big mouth and a long tail. It can talk and fly. 1.Nancys fish have big_,_, and _. 2. Mikes dog has big_and a short _. 3. Liu Taos rabbit has long _and a short _. 4. Su Hais parrot has a big _, a long_, two legs and two_. eyesbodies tails earstail ears tail mouthtail wings 根据提示,尝试复述课文。根据提示,尝试复述课文。 选择一种你喜欢的方式复述。选择一种你喜欢的方式复述。 A.四人小组合作完成。四人小组合作完成。 B.二人合作完成。二人合作完成。 C.一人独自完成。一人独自完成。 1. 1.介绍动物朋友的颜色,可以说介绍动物朋友的颜色,可以说: : It is ./They are . It has ./ They have. 3.3.介绍动物朋友会做什么,可以说介绍动物朋友会做什么,可以说: : 2.2.介绍动物朋友的容貌,可以说介绍动物朋友的容貌,可以说: : It can ./They can . 聪明的你今天学到了什么聪明的你今天学到了什么? 1 . Read and try to recite the story . 熟读课文并尝试背诵。熟读课文并尝试背诵。 2. Try to talk about more animals with your friends. 尝试和朋友谈论更多的动物。尝试和朋友谈论更多的动物。 Our animal friends教学设计及教后反思 一、教学目标 1.能听懂、会读、会说单词 arm, body, leg , tail, wing. 2.能听懂、会读、会说、会初步运用句型 I have They haveIt has来描述动物特征。 3.能正确理解文本,并能灵活运用本课句型描述动物朋友。 二、教学重点 1. 能正确理解文本,并能流畅地朗读与表述。 2. 掌握文中的重点句型 I have They haveIt has,并运用于实际生活当中。 三、教学难点 正确理解句型:One is red and the other is black. They have no legs or arms.并能尝试运用。 四、教学准备 板书、 Smart 课件。 五、教学过程 A. Pre-reading 1. Lead in Today well learn U3 Our animal friends. 2. A guessing game T:Do you have any animal friends? T:What animal friend do I have? Can you guess? Maybe it has (Show and learn: a body, a tail, an arm, a leg.) B. While-reading T: Look, here are the four children. They are Su Hai, Mike, Nancy and Liu Tao. Theyre also talking about their animal friends. 1. A guessing game T:What animal friends are they talking about? Lets listen and guess. 2. Listen and match T:What animal friends do the children have? Lets listen and match the pictures. (Try to answer: has) 3. Ask and answer 1)Read the passage about Picture 1. Then ask and answer in pairs. Q1 What colour are the two fish? Q2 What do they have? Q3. What can they do? 2)Lets check. Read and learn:One is red and the other is black. Look and learn: They have no legs or arms. 3)Try to retell Paragraph 1 . 4. Read and fill 1) Read the passages about Picture 3 and Picture 4. Then try to fill in the blanks and talk with partners. 2) Try to retell Paragraph 2 and 3. 5. Look and say 1)Look at the parrot. What colour is it? What does it have? What can it do?(Read and learn: a wing) 2)Try to describe in pairs. 3)Listen and repeat Paragraph 4. 6. Watch and remember. Watch the cartoon and remember the features of the animals. 7. Think and write. (完成课文后的练习 2) 8. Think and say Today we talked about animal friends. Do you know how to describe our animal friends? C. Post-reading 1. Make a riddle Lets play a game. Work in groups of four and choose an animal to describe. Then let the others guess what animal it is. 2. Lets remember Love animals, make friends. 3. Homework 1)Listen , read and recite Story time. 2)Introduce your animal friend and write down. 六、教学反思: 1.教学设计应该再合理一些。 1)句型 One ,the other是本课的重点内容,通常用来形容两者不一样的地方。操练时, 我让学生看金鱼图用该句型描述两条鱼有哪些相同之处。虽然运用语言的目的达到了,但 不合理。我可以这样设计:利用金鱼图创设情境,提问:Look at the two fish, what else can you find?引导学生观察两条鱼其它不一样的地方,比如:One is big and the other is small. One is long and the other is short.这样,不仅达到了依托课文情境操练语言点的目的而且更具 合理性。 2)教学 Mike 和 Liu Tao 的动物朋友环节,我让学生通过阅读课文并填表的方式寻找狗和兔 子的相同之处和不同之处。这样的设计有些牵强,因为狗和兔子的不同之处没有明显的对 比性。我可以这样设计,依然采用阅读并填表的方式,让学生从颜色、特征和能力这三个 方面去描述兔子和狗。这样,让学生运用语言的目的达到了,也不会存在什么疑义。 2.读中活动应该再放手一些。 教学中,因为担心时间来不及,老师包办较多,学生始终被老师牵着鼻子走。教学中,老 师应该相信学生,充分创造机会让学生自主发挥。老师要学会放手,去成就学生的精彩。 3.板书设计应该再动态一些。 本着快捷的目的,事先在板书图片上设计好了圈圈和文字。如果能在教学的过程中,适时 张贴板书图片,并在上面圈画和书写,学生会印象深刻。
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