Unit 3 Our animal friends-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(编号:1019b).zip

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Self-introduction (自我介绍) Metal Have big eyes and big ears Making friends Name: Feature: Hobbies: 特征 Guessing game(猜一猜) He is tall and fat. He has a big body. He has strong arms. 强健的 He can play basketball well. classmate 同学 bodyxstu 身体 膀臂 are m Watch and answer 看动画,答问题 1. What animals can you see? 2. What animal friends do they have? Watch and tick 看一看,勾一勾。 加选项 A B C F ED Watch and match练一练,说一说 ( ) Listen and choose 听一听,选一选。 I have two animal friends. One is and the other is . They have big and big . They have no or , but they have big .They can . afraid ( ) red white ( )blackblue eyesears( ) bodiesmouth( ) bodieslegs eyes arms( ) mouth( ) tailsrunswim( ) ColourFeatureAbility Complete the form 特征 能力 red and blackred and black big eyes, big bodies, big big eyes, big bodies, big tailstailsno legs or arms no legs or arms can swimcan swim Onethe other 一个另一个noor 没有和 Tips: or 用在否定句 Read and write 读一读,写一写 let g tail 尾巴 leg 腿 Read and complete 读一读,完成表格 。 ColourFeatureAbility red and blackred and black big eyes, big bodies, a big eyes, big bodies, a big tailbig tail no legs or arms no legs or arms swimswim whitewhite four legs , a short tail, four legs , a short tail, big earsbig ears run and jumprun and jump whitewhite red eyes, long ears, red eyes, long ears, four legs, a short tailfour legs, a short tail runrun yellow and greenyellow and green two legs, two two legs, two wingswings, a , a big mouth, a long tailbig mouth, a long tail talk and flytalk and fly wing 翅膀 ing s w Read after the tape 跟读课文 28 30 I have two animal friends. They have big eyes and big bodies. One is red and the other is black. They have no legs or arms, but they have big tails. They can swim. Read after the tape 跟读课文 28 30 I have an animal friend. It can run and jump. It is white. It has four legs and a shor(t) tail. It has big ears. Read after the tape 跟读课文 My animal friend is white. It has red eyes and long ears. It has four legs and a shor(t) tail. It can run. Read after the tape 跟读课文 My animal friend is yellow and green. It has two legs and two wings. It has a big mouth and a long tail. It can talk and fly. Choose one way to read 选种方法读课文 read Together 集体读 read in roles 分角色读 read after One 跟读 Lets retell 复述课文 ColourFeatureAbility red and blackred and black big eyes, big bodies, big big eyes, big bodies, big tailtail no legs or arms no legs or arms swimswim whitewhite four legs , a short tail, four legs , a short tail, big earsbig ears run and jumprun and jump whitewhite red eyes, long ears, red eyes, long ears, four legs, short tailfour legs, short tail runrun two legs, two two legs, two wingswings, a , a big mouth, a long tailbig mouth, a long tail talk and flytalk and fly Tips: 根据板书或表格复述课文 yellow and greenyellow and green Nancy has a It is It has It can 30 How to describe our animal friends? 怎样描述我们的动物朋友呢? Our animal friends Colour Feature 特征 Ability能力 Food 食物 Think and say 想一想,说一说。 1.Running race 跑步比赛 2.The high jump 调高比赛 Rules(规则): 1.给动物朋友报名参赛,限报一项。2.描述你 的动物朋友在这项比赛中有利的身体特征。3. 指出对方动 物朋友在这项比赛中比较确实的身体特征。 Homewor k 1. Listen, read and try to retell the whole story. (听读, 并尝试复述整篇故事。) 2. Think and write. (完成书本28页练习。) 3. Choose one different animal friend, and describe it from more ways. (选择一个 不同的动物,从更多的方面进行描述) Unit 3 Our animal friends (story time) 教学内容:教学内容: 译林英语五上 Unit 3 Our animal friends (story time) 教学目标:教学目标: a.知识目标 1.能听懂、会读、会说单词 arm, body, leg , tail, wing. 2.能听懂、会读、会说、会初步运用句型 They haveThey can It has It can来描述动物特征及能力。 b.能力目标 1.培养学生阅读理解的能力。 2.能灵活运用本课句型描述其他动物朋友或身边的朋友。 c.情感态度目标 1.引导学生观察比较,大胆开口说英语的能力。 2.引导学生关爱身边的动物朋友,构建人和动物和谐共处的生态环 境。 教学重点:教学重点: 1.能听懂、会读、会说单词 arm, body, leg , tail, wing. 2.能听懂、会读、会说、会初步运用句型 They haveThey can It has It can来描述动物特征及能力。 3.能灵活运用本课句型描述其他动物朋友或身边的朋友。 教学难点:教学难点: 1.能听懂、会读、会说、会初步运用句型 They haveThey can It has It can来描述动物特征及能力。 2.能灵活运用本课句型描述其他动物朋友或身边的朋友。 教学准备:教学准备: PPT, 图片 教学过程:教学过程: Step1: Free talk before class.: T: Boys and girls, I asked you to prepare lessons yesterday. Have you done it? T: Before the lesson. lets talk about todays aims. Who can say something? 【设计意图:“让学引思”中要求目标让学生定,所以布置学生在 家完成预习作业,通过预习,学生能自己说出学完本课所要达到的 目标,给足学生自主确立学习目标的时间、空间。目标让学生定,会让学生找 到学习的方向感、归属感。】 Step2: Leading-in: 1. Self-introduction: T: Boys and girls. Im new here. Do you want know more about me? T: Look at my eyes. I have big eyes. I have big ears. 2. Guessing game: T: Oh, thank you. I also like making friends. I have a friend here. Hes your classmate. Can you guess Who is he? (教学单词 body,arm) T: Animals are our friends. Today we all learn unit3 Our animal friends.(板书课题) Step3: Presentation and practice: 1. Pre- reading: T: Lets watch a cartoon. And then answer my questions: a. What animals can you see? b. What animals do they have? 2. While- reading: T: Do you want to know more about these animal friends? Read and choose. T: Heres a text. Please listen carefully, and then choose the right word. (教授单词 tail) Read and complete the form. T: Read this text, and complete this form. Read it loudly. (师示范用三个 问题问答形式完成表格。) a. What colour? b. What do they look like? c. What can they do? T: Please read the others animal friend, ask and answer in pairs. Then try to complete the form. 【课件出示】 (教授单词 wing) 【设计理念:根据“让学引思”中的问题让学生提,师借助三个问 题一问一答形式,放手让学生多种形式问答完成表格。把提问权还 给学生,把主动权还给学生,让学生做学习的主人,他们才会爱学, 乐学。同时在他们的脑海里形成表述动物可以先从这三方面来说一 说。为下面学生自己总结做铺垫。 】 Listen and read: T: Lets read after the tape. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. T: Choose one way you like to read. 3. Post reading: T: Choose one animal friend, and retell according to the writing on the blackboard. T: How to describe our animal friends? T: Try to describe one animal friend in the other ways with your partner after class. 【设计理念:通过上面的学习,让学生自己总结描述动物的方 法。还可以拓展其他的方面再说一说,培养学生综合运用语言的能 力。让学生自己去总结,有利于培养学生的主动性,培养学生的能力,使其感 受到探索和成功的乐趣。】 Step4: Consolidation 1. Show time T: Theres a special match in the forest. If you think, your animal friend can be the king of the forest. You can stand here, then describe it. 2. Tick time T: Who can get nine stars. Good job. If you cant, dont be sad. Try your best after class. 3. Affective education T: animals are our good friend. They give us many help. We live happily together. But they always have been hurt and killed. My children. animals are our good friend forever. Please take care of them. 【设计理念:选择了一个学生感兴趣的话题,森林之王,目的 是调动学生的积极性,并把所学知识用于生活实践中。在 tick time 中让学生自己总结收获,学生自己小结课堂学习所得,对梳理、概括、表 达水平的提升有重要意义。】 Step5: Homework 1. Listen, read and try to retell the whole story. 2. Make a animal puzzle. Play and guess with your friends. 3. Think and write. 【设计理念:课后作业不仅仅是有巩固性、检测性作业,更应该有拓展 性、探究性的作业。】 译林英语五年级上册译林英语五年级上册 Unit 3 Our animal friends (story time) 自主导学单自主导学单 1 1、Funny listening. . Tip: 1.Try to read the new words according to the old words. . (试着根据旧单词,尝试对比读出新单词)试着根据旧单词,尝试对比读出新单词) 2.listen to the tape and try to imitate.(听录音,并模仿读课文)(听录音,并模仿读课文) 二、二、Funny picture. . Colour the picture. 三、三、Funny expression. .( (趣味表达趣味表达) ) It is a bee.(蜜蜂蜜蜂) It is _. It has_,_,_. and _. 4 4、Target Yourself.(.(目标自己定目标自己定) ) Tip:Try to write down the learning aims . 1.预习课文,试着自己写一写本课的教学目标。 2.可以用中文表达。 1.1._ 2.2._ 3.3._ 4.4. 课后练习课后练习 . Look and write.(仔细看图,完成句子)(仔细看图,完成句子) 1. This is an elephant. It has a _ nose and _ big ears. 2. This is a rabbit. It has red _ and long _ . It has four _. 3. This is a _. It has _ legs and a long _ . 4. This is a squirrel(松鼠). It has a big _ . . Draw and write. (在下面方框里画出你的动物朋友,并涂上合适的颜色。向在下面方框里画出你的动物朋友,并涂上合适的颜色。向 你的同学们作一介绍。你的同学们作一介绍。) Tips: 可 使用句子: I have. It is . It has . It has no. _ _ _ _ _
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