Unit 4 Hobbies-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(编号:92f54).zip

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(Story time) Look,do and say . Look at the pictures, do the actions say the words loudly. (看到图片,做出动作,大声说出单词。)看到图片,做出动作,大声说出单词。) What do you like doing? 你喜欢做什么?你喜欢做什么? I like .ing. Watch and answer: Whose hobbies are they talking about?谈谈论论了哪些了哪些人的人的爱好爱好 ? What do they like doing? How does Mike talk about his hobbies? 他是怎样谈论他的爱好的? Step 1:自读第一段,圈出生词。:自读第一段,圈出生词。 be good at He is good at football. =He can play football well. A B 擅长 How does he talk about his hobbies? 他是怎样谈论他的爱好的? Step 2:What does he like doing? ? (用(用“”“”画出。)画出。) Na me li kes Hobbies A. playing footballB. readingC. playing table tennis E. playing basketballD. swimmingF. watching films G.drawing I. playing the pianoH.dancing A. playing footballE. playing basketball G.drawing Step 3:选出正确的答案填空选出正确的答案填空,并尝试介绍他的爱好并尝试介绍他的爱好 Use: _ likes _ing. * Step 1:自自读一段课文,读一段课文,圈圈出出生生词。词。 (可可联系联系上上下下文文或向老师或向老师、同学求助同学求助) Step 2:W Whathat d doeoes s hehe/s/shehe liklike e d do oi in ng g? ? (用用“”画画出。出。) Step 3:完成完成表表格并尝试介绍他格并尝试介绍他的的爱好爱好。 (用用liklike es s介绍介绍) How to learn?(怎样学习的?)怎样学习的?) Learn the rest of the paragraph and choose one to introduce. 四人一组自学剩下的三段,选自己最有把握的一段汇报。 Step 1:自:自读一段课文,读一段课文,圈圈出出你不认识你不认识的词。的词。 (可可联系联系上上下下文文或查字典解决音义)或查字典解决音义) Step 2:What does he/she like doing? (用用“”画画出。出。) Step 3:完成:完成表表格并尝试介绍爱好格并尝试介绍爱好。 (用用He/shelikes介绍介绍) How to introduce Liutaos hobbies? 怎样介绍刘涛的爱好的? 也 =He likes playing table tennis,too. Na me li kes Hobbies A. playing footballB. readingC. playing table tennis E. playing basketballD. swimmingF. watching films G.drawing I. playing the pianoH.dancing A. playing footballE. playing basketball G.drawing Step 3:选出正确的答案填空选出正确的答案填空,并尝试介绍爱好并尝试介绍爱好 Use: _ likes _ing. A. playing football C. playing table tennis How to introduce Yanglins hobbies? 怎样介绍杨林的爱好的? is also a story. is a story, too. They are both . both(两者)(两者)都都 stories pig apple no is a story. tea read Na me li kes Hobbies A. playing footballB. readingC. playing table tennis E. playing basketballD. swimmingF. watching films G.drawing I. playing the pianoH.dancing A. playing footballE. playing basketball G.drawing Step 3:选出正确的答案填空选出正确的答案填空,并尝试介绍爱好并尝试介绍爱好 Use: _ likes _ing. A. playing football C. playing table tennis B. reading stories I. playing the piano How to introduce twins hobbies? 怎样介绍苏海苏阳的爱好的? a film 一场电影 watch a film 看一场电影 watch films 看电影 两两者都者都 Na me li kes Hobbies A. playing footballB. readingC. playing table tennis E. playing basketballD. swimmingF. watching films G.drawing I. playing the pianoH.dancing A. playing footballE. playing basketball G.drawing Step 3:选出正确的答案填空选出正确的答案填空,并尝试介绍爱好并尝试介绍爱好 Use: _ likes _ing. A. playing football C. playing table tennis B. reading stories I. playing the piano H.dancing D. swimming F. watching films D. swimming Tip1: like后面要用动词后面要用动词ing形式形式 Tip2: 主语是第三人称单数时,要用主语是第三人称单数时,要用likes,例:,例:He likes playing football. Lets read. Lets read. * Read the story. 四人一小组,选择你喜欢的方式读课文。四人一小组,选择你喜欢的方式读课文。 分段读分段读 小组内跟读小组内跟读组员齐读组员齐读 Lets talk. Can you talk about your familys hobbies? 你能谈谈你家人的爱好吗? I have a happy family. My father likes _. My mother likes _. They both like _ My grandpa/grandma/sister/brother likes_. And I like_. I love my family. playing basketball reading singing drawing watching TV Proverb time. Hobby makes us full. 爱好让我们生活充实。 Hobby makes us colourful. 爱好让我们生活多姿多彩。 Lets enjoy our colourful life. 让我们享受多彩生活。 Lets enjoy every day! 让我们享受每一天! 1.Listen to the tape and follow the tape 5 times.(听录音,跟读课文听录音,跟读课文5遍。遍。) 2.Tell your friends about your familys hobbies.(向你的朋友介绍你家人的爱好。向你的朋友介绍你家人的爱好。) _s e-friend Gender(性别)Boy ( )Girl ( ) Age (年龄) Country (国家) Hobbies Subjects 其他 UK ( ) US ( )China ( )Canada ( )Australia ( ) playing basketball ( ) playing football ( ) skating ( ) swimming ( ) fishing ( ) dancing ( ) drawing pictures ( ) singing ( ) reading books ( ) playing the piano ( ) (补充)_ PE ( )PE ( )Music ( ) Maths ( ) English ( )Chinese( ) Art( )Science( )(补充)_ 设计题目 Unit4 Hobbies (Story time) 日 期 教学目标 1. 掌握并使用 I like doing. He/she likes doing 和特殊疑问句 What do you like doing?/ What does he/she like doing? 2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写的句型: I like doing. He/she likes doing 3. 能听懂、会说、会读单词和词组 be good at, read, story, a lot of, dance, sing. 4.4. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词 hobby, with, also, play the piano, watch, films, both, 教学重点及解决 措施 掌握并使用 I like doing. He/she likes doing 和特殊疑问句 What do you like doing?/ What does he/she like doing? 教学难点及解决 措施 掌握并使用 I like doing. He/she likes doing 和特殊疑问句 What do you like doing?/ What does he/she like doing? 教学策略PPT ,合作学习 教学过程(可续页) 教学步骤 所 用 时 间 教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设计说明 Step1. Warm up & Lead in Step2.Watch and match 1. look and say (PPT 播放有 关活动图片 uochulai,让学生) T: Boys and girls, so many kinds of activities. In all these activities, I like playing basketball and dancing. What do you like doing? T:We talk about hobbies just now. this time lets watch a vedio. I have a Ss: 说出各种活动名 称 Ss:引导学生用 I like ing.回答 Ss:看动画回答问题: 谈论了那些人的爱好。 复习回顾了 4A 中 一些活动类的单 词词组,为后面 的说爱好做铺垫。 Step2. Learn the new words and sentences Step3. Consolidation Step4. Homework question for you ,Whose hobbies are they talking about?(Watch and match) T:出示文章第一自然段 Step1:自读第一段,圈出你不认 识的单词。 T:教学新的单词:with, good at . Step2 What does he like doing?(用直线画出) Step3 完成表格 T:师生总结学习方法。 (生自学其它三部分)One group choose one animal and learn in groups. T:师生检查。 T:Try to retell. 1.分组试说 2.全班齐说。 T:Lets read 1.跟电脑读。 2.选择自己喜欢的方式去读。 3.齐读课文。 T:拓展(讨论我们自己动物) T:家庭作业 Ss:学生找出不认识的 生单词。 Ss:学生跟读单词。 Ss:学生根据问题找出 正确的答案。 Ss:学生迅速完成表格。 Ss:师生总结方法。 Ss:学生自己选择一个 人去介绍。 Ss;学生试着去说。 Ss:学生跟读课文。 通过小组互相合 作问答的方式更 调动学生的参与 积极性。 体现了以学生为 主体,学生占据 课堂主动性的教 学模式。 通过听,说锻炼 学生的综合语言 运用能力。 作业设计 1 ,Recite the story. 2. Review the cartoon. 板书设计 5A Unit 3 Our animal friends It has .It can. They have.They can. 教学反思 本节课是故事板块的教学,由教师先示范学习一段,然后由学生分组自学, 体现了由收到放的过程,体现了学生自主学习,但有些环节与步骤操作过于流于 形式未能做到扎实,这是我需要改进的。另外在学生朗读指导上有所欠缺,学生 读的不是很好,可以做一些重读、连读、弱读等的读书技巧指导,让学生读得更 好。
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