Unit 5 What do they do -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(编号:e0f85).zip

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. A. Hes a cook. C. Hes a policeman.B. Hes a teacher. 1. What does Mikes father do? 2. What does Mikes mother do? Shes a nurse. Shes a writer.Shes a teacher. A. Hes a cook. C. Hes a policeman.B. Hes a teacher. 1. What does Mikes father do? 2. What does Mikes mother do? Shes a nurse. Shes a writer.Shes a teacher. My father is a. He teach_ English. teach_er es I teach English. Learning tip 第三人称单数后动词要用三单形式, 加s或es。 Mr./Miss is a teacher. He / She teaches. Mikes father is a _. He works _. He _ English. He _ a lot of students. Thats _! teacher teaches has at school nice A teacher teaches at school. A teacher is like a _. Nice job! 像 No, she isnt. She is a. Learning tip 如果我们第二次问相同的问题,可以用 What/How about.?来代替前面的问题。 She write_ stories. write_ er s . is a writer, he/she writes Mikes _ is a _. She _ stories. She _. Thats _! writer super works at home mother writes A writer writes everything(任何东西). A writer is like a _. _ job! A teacher, a teacher, Hes a teacher! Teaches, teaches, He teaches English! A writer, a writer, Shes a writer! Writes, writes, She writes stories. Super!Super!They are super! . a doctor helps sick people A. B. C. sick people a doctor helps sick people in a hospital a factory worker makes sweets in a factory helps sick people in a hospitala doctor A: What does a factory worker make? B: He/She makes. . Oh, really? . Su Hais _is a _. He/She _. He/She _. Thats _! A doctor . A docotr is like a. A worker . A worker is like a . . jobs! What a nice photo! What does your father do, Mike? My father is a teacher. He teaches English. He has a lot of students. Thats nice. What about your mother? Is she an English teacher too? No, she isnt. Shes a writer. She writes stories. She works at home. Thats super! What does your father do, Su Hai? My father is a doctor. He helps sick people. Thats great! What does your mother do? My mother is a factory worker. She makes sweets. Oh, really? Cool! I like sweets! I eat a lot of sweets. 1、What a nice photo! 开头更加自然!开头更加自然! 2、Thats super! Cool! 加入了情感!加入了情感! What about your mother? Is she.? 5A Period 1 Mike and Su Hais parents jobs Unit 5 What do they do? MaterialsMaterials:Yilin English (Jiangsu Edition) 5 上 U5 What do they do? TeachingTeaching aids:aids: Multi-media, word cards, Work sheet, ect. 第一课时语用任务:第一课时语用任务:学生能在谈论照片的语境中, 借助图片或表格,用 2-3 个话轮口头询问并描述家庭 成员的职业、职业特点等,注意三单形式,做到内容完整,表达基本流利。 单元课时划分:单元课时划分: P1(Topic: Mike and Su Hais parents jobs):Story time P2(Topic: Different jobs around us):Grammar time, Fun time, Culture time P3(Topic: Bobbys dream job):Cartoon time, Sound time P4 (Topic: my familys jobs):Checkout time, Think and write 教学目标:教学目标: 一、知识目标 1.在谈论照片的语境中学习、理解本单元的核心词汇:doctor,nurse,teacher 等职业类的 名词。 2.在语境中学习、理解下列词组: teach English, have a lot of students, write stories, work at home, help sick people, make sweets 等, 3.在语境中学习、理解并运用本单元的核心句型:What does.do? Hes/Shes a .进行职 业问答。 4.能用第三人称单数形式对他人的职业进行描述。 二、能力目标 1. 能够通过问答询问他人的职业,并了解相关职业特点。 2. 能在角色扮演中体验不同职业的特点,感受不同人对职业的热爱。 3. 能够运用核心句型和核心词汇来对他人的职业进行描述。 三、情感目标 1. 在语境中体会不同职业的特点,感受他人对职业的热爱之情。 2. 对各种职业有初步的了解,明白每个职业都是非常重要的。 ProcedureContentMethodsPurpose Pre-task preparation 1. Warming up introduce the teacher 2.Mind map: About jobs 3.Riddles: 1.sing a song: 2-1 What jobs do you know? 2-2 How much do you know about these jobs? 3.What does he/she do? 通过歌曲激发学生学 习兴趣并引出今天的 话题。用思维导图复 习和巩固有关职业的 词汇及和相关功能。 激发孩子联想能力。 While-task procedure Story time 1.Look and guess: T: Look, whore they? Whatre they talking about? 2. Listen and answer. 1-1 Whore they? Where are they? 1-2 Whatre they talking about? 1-3 If we want to talk about a photo, what Qs can we ask? What Qs cant we 通过让学生猜测谈话 内容激发兴趣。 并引导学生自主发现: 在讨论一张照片时, 我们可以问什么问题? 不可以问什么问题? ask? 2. What are they talking about today? 避免敏感话题。 Learn P1: 1.Watch a cartoon and choose. 2. Act as a teacher and a writer. 3. Say a chant. 1-1 What does Mikes father do? Teach ”teach” and “teacher” 1-2 What does Mike mother do? T: Does Su Hai ask “What does your mother do?” Why? What about your mother? Is she? Sum up: Teach “write” and “writer”. 1-3 say sth. about a writer. 2.Act in pairs and make a dialogue. 3.Say a chant about teachers and writers. 通过观看卡通片引出 本节课核心句型并进 行操练。 特别注意对动词三单 形式的用法和归纳。 通过问题让学生自主 发现:在第二次询问 某件相同的事时,我 们可以用 What about.?或 Is he/she.?来代替, 避免重复。 通过角色和歌谣扮演 让学生切身体验到各 种职业的特点,感受 每种职业的美好。 Learn P2: (自学+商学) 1.Read and fill in blanks. (Learn new words) 2. Role play. 3. say a chant. 4. Lets introduce. Now Mike wants to know about Su Hais parents jobs. Can you help him find out? 1. Talk in pairs and fill the blanks 2-1. Act like a doctor 2-2 Act like a factory worker. 3.Say a chant about doctors and factory workers. 4.T: Now can you choose a 学生运用学习策略自 主学习第 2 副图,完 成相应表格,体现 “让学” 。 通过视频引出 worker 让学生对 worker 有 视觉上的认识。 通过歌谣和角色体验 使学生对职业的情感 有进一步升华。 Mikes father is a _ He _ English. He _ a lot of _. Hes in _. Thats _. Su Hais father is a _ He _. Her mother is a_. Shes in _. Thats _. picture and introduce? Post-task activities 1. Talk about the teacher and ss familys jobs. 2. Talk about different jobs and how they look. 1-1 T introduce his family photo first. 1-2 Ss talk about their family photos. S1: What does your .do? S2: He/She is a .He/She. S1: Thats. 2. Choose one job and act. 3. Different people have different jobs. Everyone is important. 开展任务型教学,通 过谈论教师和学生的 家庭照片,进一步复 习运用所学职业及特 性。通过本节课的学 习,学生对内容也能 够总结概括。 有条件可现场生产照 片展开讨论:不同的 人有不一样的职业, 每个人都是重要的。 Assignment1.Read the passages about the jobs 2.Introduce the jobs in your family 板书设计板书设计 Unit5 What do they do? (P1 Mike and Su Hais parents jobs) Who? What does.do? How? Mikes. Mikes. Su Hais. Su Hais. 再构文本: Su Hai: What a nice photo! What does your father do, Mike? Mike: My father is a teacher. He teaches English. He has a lot of students. Su Hai: Thats nice. What about your mother? Is she an English teacher too? Mike: No, she isnt. Shes a writer. She writes stories. She works at home. Su Hai: Awesome! Mike: What does your father do, Su Hai? Su Hai: My father is a doctor. He helps sick people. Mike: Thats great! What does your mother do? Su Hai: My mother is a factory worker. She makes sweets. Mike: Oh, really? Cool! I like sweets! I eat a lot of sweets.
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