Project 1 An animal school-Part A, B & C-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(配套课件编号:80040).doc

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Project 1 An animal school-Part A, B & C-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(配套课件编号:80040).doc_第1页
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Project 1 An animal school-Part A, B & C-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(配套课件编号:80040).doc_第2页
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1、Teaching design of Safari Park Analysis of the teaching material and students Safari Park is a story about some childrens Safari Park tour. By learning this story, students can learn many things about the animals in the Safari Park, i.e. “ What are they doing?” “Where are the animals from?” and the

2、places the animals live in the Safari Park. Students of this age are active and curious, teacher should provide them with enough opportunities and encouragement. Teaching objectives By the end of the lesson, most of the students should be able to: Knowledge objectives 1.Master the pronunciation and

3、meaning of the new words like hippo, snake, giraffe, zebra, pond, bush, grassland, pool,Africa and Southern China, etc. 2.Understand the meaning of the story. 3.Know the usage of The Present Continuous Tense. Ability objectives 1.Be able to use the reading strategies, such as scanning for the main s

4、tructure. 2.Choose one part of the passage to read with emotion. Emotional objectives Understand human beings and animals are equal, we share the planet. We should love each other. Teaching focus and predicted area of difficulty 1.Understand the story. 2.Read the story with emotion. Teaching methods

5、 Activity Based Teaching Communicative Based Teaching Teaching aids PPT, Pictures of the animals in the story Teaching procedure Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings 2.Enjoy some pictures of Safari Park Students enjoy some pictures about Safari Park. (设计意图:通过欣赏野生动物园的图片,初步形成对 Safari Park 的认知。为 接下来的文本学习做好准备。

6、) Step 2 Pre-reading Encourage students to ask some questions about Safari Park. (What, Where, How, etc.) (设计意图:鼓励学生自主提问,发散他们的想象力,激发阅读兴趣。 ) Step 3 While-reading 1.Scan and answer (1streading) Students scan the pictures on page 24-43 and answer the following question: What animals are there in the Sa

7、fari Park? (设计意图:学生快速浏览课文图片并回答问题,初步形成对于课文的整体印 象。 ) 2.Skim and answer(2nd reading) Students read the story very quickly, bearing this question in mind: Where does the minibus pass? (设计意图: 学生观看课文完整视频, 找出小巴行进路线, 理出课文推进的线索。 ) 3.Detailed reading (3rdreading) Watch and answer Students watch the video abou

8、t the monkeys and hippos and find out what they are doing. (设计意图:学生在教师的引导下通过分别观看猴子和河马的视频,回答问题 What are .doing? 引导学生对现在进行时的用法形成初步概念。) Listen and fill in the blanks Students listen to the part about the snakes and lions, then fill in the blanks. (设计意图:此处有 hissing 和 roaring 两个拟声词,故而采用听的方式,让学生 猜出蛇和狮子,继续

9、使用听的方式处理文本。 ) Read and answer Students work in groups of four, each one choose one animal among the rest four animals: elephants, giraffes, zebras and tigers. Read the part they choose and answer the question: What are the.doing? 4.Lets read (4threading) Ss enjoy reading with the teacher. Step 5 Pos

10、t-reading Answer the questions Ss and the teacher asked at the beginning of the lesson. (设计意图:通过解决学生在课堂开始提出的问题,复习文本。通过解决老师的 两个问题:Where are the animals from? 引出本课情感目标:Human beings and animals are equal, we share the planet. We should love each other.) Step 6 Homework 1. Choose one animal to do the role play, record it and send it to the teacher. 2. Think about the difference between zoo and Safari Park. (设计意图:进行适当拓展,确保学习活动能延伸到课后。 ) Blackboard design


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