Unit 7 At weekends-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(编号:910e6).zip

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Unit 7 At weekends (Story time) 译林英语五年级上册 wweeeek ke endnds s Saturdays and Sundays at I always watch TV at weekends. I often play the piano at weekends. 总是,一直 经常 At weekends, I usually chat on the Internet. chat on the Internet go to the cinema Sometimes I go to the cinema. alwaysusuallyoftensometimes (总是)(通常)(经常)(有时) Miss Luos weekends Lets learn What do you do at weekends? Learn and talk A: What do you do at weekends? B: I . play table tennis play football swim dance play the piano read books sing go shopping play basketball draw pictures play on the swing always 总是,一直 usually 通常 often 经常 sometimes 有时 Watch and choose 观看动画,选出孩子们的周末活动 What do they do at weekends? Listen and choose 选出孩子们的周末活动 What do they do at weekends? Learn picture 1 What do you do at weekends, Su Hai? I usually visit my grandparents. Su Yang and I like playing with their cat Kitty very much. We often have dinner with our grandparnets at weekends. visit . 拜访 play with . 和一起玩 have dinner with . 和一起吃晚餐 1 My grandparents live in the UK.I usually chat with them on the Internet at weekends. chat with 与聊天 1.说出图1中的人都干了什么; 2.划出新词难词,读一读; 3.联系自身说一说 Learn by yourself 自学图2图3 ,完成表格 (可以自己学,也可以几人小组学习) Step 1: Find the key information 找出关键信息 Step 2:Learn the new phrases 学习新词组 Step 3: Relate yourself 联系自身 Do a survey (Fill in the blanks) Na me At weekends al ways usu ally o ften sometim es Helen Mike Read in roles(分角色读 ) Read after the tape(跟录音读 ) 可以 选择你们喜欢的方式读一读哦 ! Talk about ourselves What do you do at weekends? I My familys weekends Hello, Im _. At weekends, I always_. I often_. Sometimes I _. My _often _, Sometimes _ _ _ We are _ at the weekends. How about your family? 第一步:介绍自己及周末活动。 第二步:介绍家人的周末活动 。 第三步:评价全家的周末活动。 Think and write 周末生活图weekends Plan your study well, enjoy your weekends as well! 安排好学习,享受好周末! 1. Read the story 3 times 2. Finish your survey and be ready for making a report Goodbye! 五年级上册五年级上册 U7U7 AtAt weekendsweekends (Story(Story time)time)教学设计教学设计 一、一、TeachingTeaching contentscontents: Story time 二、二、TeachingTeaching aimsaims 基础性目标: 1. 通过整体阅读,掌握文中小伙伴们周末的主要活动。 2. 在对话中学习,通过查阅单词表、查字典、猜测词义等方式听懂、会 说、会读单词或词组: at weekends, always, sometimes, often, visit, grandparent(s), play with, chat, Internet, cinema。 3. 学生能简单的运用句型 What do you do at the weekends? I always/ usually/ often/ sometimes 或 What does he/ she do at the weekends? He/She always/ usually/ often/ sometimes 描述自己或他人 的周末。 4. 能初步理解对话内容并能朗读和初步表演对话。 发展性目标: 1. 学生能用英语进行生活交际,了解同学的周末活动。 2. 能通过调查让学生体会合作的重要性。 3. 通过学习本课,使学生能丰富自己的业余生活,快乐。 三、三、TeachingTeaching keykey andand difficultdifficult pointspoints 1. 通过第一人称的练习转化到第三人称单数。 2. 能正确区分频率副词 always, usually, often,和 sometimes 四、四、TeachingTeaching aidsaids:PPT 五、五、TeachingTeaching proceduresprocedures Step1Step1 WarmWarm upup 1.Greetings 2.Free talk StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation 1.1. 引出引出 weekendweekend,导入课文标题,导入课文标题 T:Look, this is a calendar.What day is it today? Ss: Its Thursday/Friday.(给出 12 月的日历) T: Tomorrow is. Ss: Saturday. T: The day after tomorrow is. Ss: Sunday. T: We call them weekend. Ss: Weekend. T:Yes, weekend.Saturdays and Sundays are weekends.I like playing the piano at weekends. T: OK,today lets learn Unit7 At weekends (边板书课题,边带读) 2.2.进入话题,渗透重难点进入话题,渗透重难点 先通过句型教学四个频率副词复习表示活动的动词词组,然后教句型先通过句型教学四个频率副词复习表示活动的动词词组,然后教句型 WhatWhat dodo youyou dodo atat weekends?weekends?最后用最后用 T T 自己的周末活动引入自己的周末活动引入 2 2 个新词组个新词组 3.Work in pairs StepStep 3 3 LearnLearn thethe texttext 1. T: Look at the kids. Who are they?What about their weekends? Lets watch and choose! 整:第一遍整体看课文动画,选出所提到的周末活动(初步理解课文) T: Well, what do you think of their weekends? Now, choose the activities hear. (找学生反馈,并出示答案,教读动词词组) 2.分:分段学习课文 3. 图 2 & 图 3 (Ss 仿照 T 图 1 的方法自学) (T 用几个问题 check 自学效果) 4. T: Heres a tabulation about their weekends activities. According to the adverbs always, usually, often, sometimes, you can finish it in your group.(练习纸) 5.(出 P70)让学生填,提醒可借助板书。 StepStep 4 4 ConsolidationConsolidation 1. Try to read.(任选一种自己喜欢的方式读) 2.联系自身 3.Think and write StepStep 5 5 HomeworkHomework 1. Read the story 3 times. 2. Finish your survey and be ready for making a report. BoardBoard writingwriting Unit 7 At weekends What do you do at weekends? always I often usually sometimes What doesdo at weekends? He/She.
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