Unit 1 The king's new clothes-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:30177).zip

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Unit 1 The kings new clothes( Story time) Hans ChristianAndersen 安徒生 (丹麦) The main characters Keywords: 1.ever clean clever 2.food English foolish 3.aunt cough laugh 4.noise voice point 5.out she shout Task 1: Watch and answer the questions: 1.What did the king like best? 2.What did the two man give to the king? 3.Why did the little boy point at the king and laugh? Story动画 Task 1: Watch and answer the questions: 1.What did the king like best? 2.What did the two man give to the king? 3.Why did the little boy point at the king and laugh? Task 2: Read and try to find the actions and mark them. Task 3: Lets enjoy reading. Presentation . Lets read Long long ago, there was a king. He liked new clothes. One day, two men visited the king. “My king, we can make new clothes for you.” The king was happy. Presentation . Lets read The two men showed the king his new clothes. “My king, please try on these magic clothes. Clever people can see them. Foolish people cant them. Presentation . Lets read The king walked through the city in his new clothes. There were a lot of people in the street. They looked at the king and shouted, “What beautiful clothes!” Presentation . Lets read A little boy pointed at the king and laughed, “Ha! Ha! The king isnt wearing any clothes!” We have finished all the tasks! What surprise is coming? Act the story . Think and write Write more about “The kings new clothes” Homework: 1.Retell the story. 2.Try to read more stories written by Andersen. Thank you! The Kings New clothes 学习目标: 1. 学生通过旧单词已知的发音规律,学会新单词,为读故事扫清障碍; 2. 学生通过看卡通、听读等环节,能够熟练准确的朗读故事; 3. 学生能够表演出故事,同时进行进一步思考并且续写故事。 学习重点:通过故事文本的学习,能够听、说、读、写综合运用语言。 学习难点:在理解故事的基础上,续写故事。 学习活动教师助学 设计理念 I.Before reading 1.Ss introduce the writer of the story. (Andersen,Danish,and so on) 2.Ss try to say the main characters in the story(the king,two cheats,the child,some ministers and some people in the streets) II.while reading 1.Ss try to read the read keywords. ( 1.ever clean clever 2.food English foolish 3.aunt cough laugh 4.noise voice point 5.out she shout) Presentation 1.Today,lets talk about a story”The Kings new clothes”. Who knows the writer of this story ? 2. Try to remember the main characters in the story. 3. T showed the pictures of the king,the cheats,the boy on the blackboard. 1.T shows a magic book and says”This magic book will guide us to the kings country.If you want to go to the Kings country,you should try to find the keys to open the magic book.The real keys are in all these keys.Lets try to find together.” I导入 教师直接介绍课上要接触的 故事皇帝的新装引导学 生们根据已有的知识积累, 来介绍对这个故事作者和书 中描写的主要人物的了解。 通过了解作者的生活背景进 一步的感受作品的深刻意义。 II读故事 通过师生共同对作者的了解 之后,进入到读故事环节。 英语学科的核心素养,我认 为应该落脚在学生综合运用 英语语言的能力上来。语言 的学习方法其实是相通的, 学习英语的最好方法应该是 大量阅读原版读物和语言交 流。在即将进入到读故事的 环节之前,教师带领学生一 起对一些生词先进行一下认 1.Ss watch the cartoon and try to answer the questions. (1) What did the king like best? (2) What did the two man give to the king? (3) Why did the little boy point at the king and laugh? 1. Ss read the story in a low voice and try to find the verbs or the phrases and mark them. the king-like new clothestry on the new clotheswalk through the citybe ashamed; two man-visit the kingshow the new clothesrun away; the people-look at the kingshout The magic book opened.Lets enter the story. If you can finish the task in the magic book,maybe,you will get a big surprise. First,watch and answer 1.T shows “the new clothes”on the blackboard. Then,read and find 2.T asks Ss read the story by themselves and try to find the actions of the main chatacters. 知,通过发音规则,鼓励学 生自己认读新单词,孩子们 的阅读和朗读能力一定是从 掌握发音规律开始。发音可 以使孩子们更好的理解单词, 然后更好的进行阅读,如果 孩子们掌握了发音规律,那 么他们读英文的水平会飞速 提高。而学生们认读单词又 是本课的第一个学习任务, 完成这个任务就可以打开神 奇的书进入到故事里去。这 将是本课的一个主线,通过 这个主线,学生们会慢慢的 走进故事里,感受故事,表 演故事,最后引发对故事更 深入的思考。 无论是前一个环节的从记忆 已学单词的发音,找出规律 自己读出新单词,还是后面 的各个环节都运用了任务型 语言教学。这样能够帮助学 生不仅单纯的记忆语言点, 而是把语言点学以致用到解 决问题的过程中。这个过程 学生需要“理解、应用、分 析、评估最后创作”完美的 结合了认知的几个递进层次, 从而是学习语言对学生更有 吸引力。 文本呈现于操练环节力求师 生做到学习活动与核心素养 相融合。 1. 观看视频回答问题。这 一环节鼓励学生发现并 解决浅层次重要问题, 针对问题概括理解文本 中的重要线索,侧重培 养学生的听和思考相结 合的能力; the boy-point at the kinglaugh Ss write the verb phase on the blackboard. 3.Ss read the story with friends and try to say as the king,the two men,the people and the boy. After group-work,Ss show their acting. 4.Ss listen and read the story. Ss have group work again to practice reading the story. Ss come to the front and show their group reading. 6. Ss practice and try to act out the story. Next,read and discuss 3.T asks Ss read and discuss in groups . If you are the characters,what will you say. At last,read the story 4. After Ss showing their reading ,Ss have finished all the tasks. “What surprise will the magic book bring to us? Look ,some magic new clothes.Can you see them?” 2. 默读并找角色的主要动 作。这一环节要求学生 通过自己小声读故事, 去找出并标注角色的动 作,主要培养学生独立 阅读和思考的能力。 3. 小组共读故事,找出或 者想象各个角色所说的 语言,组内分工,感受 模仿不同角色所说的话, 主要培养学生分工合作 和相互提醒感受人物语 言的能力。 4. 听读模仿发音。继续小 组合作互相纠正发音, 并选择展示形式。通过 这一个环节,学生通过 听录音模仿发音和组员 的共同讨论,感受情景 中人物的语言,主要培 养学生正确的发音习惯。 5. 学生通过小组合作和分 工来表演英语剧。这个 环节侧重培养小组长的 领导和组员的组内责任 的权利和义务,提倡学 生们沟通协作,互相学 习,互相欣赏,共同完 美的完成展示任务。 IIIAfter reading Think and write Ss try to write more about the story. IVHomework: Retell the story. Try to find more stories was written by Andersen ”Ok, you are clever children.” “Which group wants to try on these clothes to act out the story?” T helps Ss with their writing. 通过对故事的充分听、说、 读、演,学生已经能够深刻 的理解。这一环节要求学生 续写故事,回顾梳理故事的 同时引发深度思考,旨在引 导学生提取、整合文本的关 键信息,进一步的创造作品。 从课内学习延伸到课外学习。 鼓励学生们了解安徒生的更 多童话故事,同时可以了解 更多的关于安徒生的生活背 景等。
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