Unit 6 Keep our city clean-Sound time, Song time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:d2e5d).zip

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Period 3 SoundSound time,time, SongSong timetime & & CartoonCartoon timetime I dont like living in the city. Because . makes. Do you like living in the city? Why? I like living in the city. Because . Free talk 你的你的每次发言每次发言所奖励所奖励 的贴纸的贴纸都可以为城市都可以为城市 贡献力量哦!贡献力量哦! * sitting on the hill Song time * Two little blackbirds sitting on the hill. One named Jack and one named Jill. Fly away, Jack. Fly away, Jill. Come back Jack and come back Jill. Two little blackbirds sitting on the hill. 跟着老师做手语,朗读歌词吧! Two little blackbirds Read and do Song time fly away飞走飞走 come back回来回来 * Two little blackbirds sitting on the hill. One named Jack and one named Jill. Fly away, Jack. Fly away, Jill. Come back Jack and come back Jill. Two little blackbirds sitting on the hill. Two little blackbirds Song time 试着边做手语边跟唱吧! Learn to sing * Two little blackbirds sitting on the hill. One named Jack and one named Jill. Fly away, Jack. Fly away, Jill. Come back Jack and come back Jill. Two little blackbirds sitting on the hill. Two little blackbirds Song time 男生唱蓝色部分,女生唱红色部分。 Try to sing 女生唱红色部分,男生唱蓝色部分。 Two little blackbirds sitting on the hill. One named Jack and one named Jill. Fly away, Jack. Fly away, Jill. Come back Jack and come back Jill. Two little blackbirds sitting on the hill. k u8 * The birds fly away, because Do you want them to come back? Lets think * sorry angry Cartoon time Look and say * A. Tina throws a banana skin on the ground. Billy climbs the tree and falls down. B. Bobby throws a banana skin on the ground. Billy slips on a banana skin and falls. Cartoon time Watch and choose * Cartoon time Watch and choose * 滑倒 倒下 Cartoon time Watch and choose A. Tina throws a banana skin on the ground. Billy climbs the tree and falls down. B. Bobby throws a banana skin on the ground. Billy slips on a banana skin and falls. 地面 * 1. What does Tina say to Bobby? 2. What does Billy say to Bobby? 自读第二到第四段,找出Tina和Billy对 Bobby说的话。 Cartoon time Read and find Bobby, you shouldnt do that! Pick it up. It makes the street messy. 把它捡起来把它捡起来 * 1. What does Tina say to Bobby? 2. What does Billy say to Bobby? 自读第二到第四段,找出Tina和Billy对 Bobby说的话。 Cartoon time Read and find Bobby, you should put your rubbish in the bin. What will you say to Bobby? * Bobby likes living in the city because _. Tina likes living in the city because _. there are many museums, shops and cinemas Cartoon time Listen and answer I like living in the city. There are many museums, shops and cinemas. its clean and beautiful I like living in the city too. Its clean and beautiful. Cartoon time Listen and read Read in roles Read in groups Act it out Cartoon time Read or act 选择自己喜欢的方式读或表演吧选择自己喜欢的方式读或表演吧 * Lets think What can Bobby do then? He can ./ He cant . * Do they throw rubbish on the floor? (扔) Sound time Listen and answer A: Do you throw rubbish on the floor? B: No, I dont!put my rubbish in the bin. A: Can we keep our city clean? B: Yes, we can!put our rubbish in the bin. I We can 这些句子中哪些应该用升调呢?你能找出它这些句子中哪些应该用升调呢?你能找出它 们吗?们吗? Tip: 一般疑问句一般疑问句 句末通常用句末通常用 升调升调 ; 陈述句陈述句 句末通常用句末通常用 降调降调 ! Sound time Try to find Tip: 注意升降调哦! Sound time 试着用正确的语调朗读下面的句子吧 ! Try to read 1. Can you see the sign? 2. What does it mean? 3. It means you cant fish here. 4. Did you catch any fish? 5. Yes, I did. 6. I caught a big fish! Rule:每人在爱心卡上写下句子来表每人在爱心卡上写下句子来表 达各自的环保计划,让我们的城市达各自的环保计划,让我们的城市 变得更美丽!变得更美丽! We can/should We cant/shouldnt * Two little blackbirds sitting in the tree. One named Jack and one named Jill. Too many cars, too much smoke. Fly away, Jack, and fly away, Jill. Come back Jack, and come back Jill. No more cars and no more smoke. Sing a new song 让我们呼唤小鸟飞回城市吧! Two little blackbirds Keep the city clean, start from us! Homework 2. Talk about your green plans to your friends. 有感情地朗读并表演卡通片。有感情地朗读并表演卡通片。 与你的朋友讨论关于你的绿色计划与你的朋友讨论关于你的绿色计划 。 1. Read and act Cartoon time emotionally. 六年级上册六年级上册 第六单元第六单元 第第 3 课时课时 教案教案 Teaching contents 教学内容教学内容 Sound time & Song time & Cartoon time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标 1. 学会表演唱歌曲,并能试着创编歌曲唱。 2. 学会如何使用升降调,并根据升降调的规律,读出小韵文。 3. 学习主要短语 throw a banana skin on the ground, pick it up, slip on the banana skin and fall。 4. 能通过创设的情景读懂故事,并尝试表演故事,正确运用本课所学的语言。 5. 通过学习故事,明白不能随手乱扔垃圾的道理,养成良好的卫生习惯。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点 教学重点:能使用正确的升降调,会表演唱歌曲,通过学习故事,让学生意识到保护 环境要从自己做起,从小事做起。 教学难点:能根据故事回答问题,能根据图片表达自己的观点。能熟练运用本课所学 语言知识。 Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程 Learning aims. 1. We can sing the song well. 2. We can read and act the cartoon. 3. We can understand the rising and falling intonation. 4. We can keep our city clean and know what to do. Step 1 Warming up 1. Look, this is a picture. What is it? Yes, a city! Do you like living in the city? I like living in the city, because I dont like living in the city, because 2. 解说课堂比赛规则 T: Today I bring a lot of stickers here. Theyre trees, flowers, bins, buses and so on. If you do well in class, you can get the stickers. And before the ending of this class, I hope you can stick them on the picture to make the city more beautiful. OK? Lets try to be green stars! 3. T: There are many people and animals living in the city. 1) Look, two little blackbirds, one named Jack and one named Jill. 贴图展示 2) Oh, they are our old friends, Bobby, Sam and Billy. 3) They are our new friends, Nancy and Tony. Lets say hello to them. What happened to them in the city? Lets go and have a look. Step 2 Song time 1. T: First, look at the birds, where are they sitting? They are sitting on the hill. PPT 图图+板书板书 Yes. What do they do then? They fly away.PPT 图图+板书板书 And we hope they can come back.PPT 图图+ 板书板书. Lets read and do the actions with our hands. Follow me, please. (做手语,朗读歌词) Two little blackbirds sitting on the hill, one named Jack and one named Jill. Fly away, Jack. Fly away, Jill. Come back, Jack and come back, Jill. Two little blackbirds sitting on the hill. One named Jack and one named Jill. 【设计意图:利用手做动作,加深对歌词的印象,学生跟着读。 】 2. Learn to sing. 3. Try to sing in roles. 【设计意图: 学会唱歌曲后,设计男女生分角色演唱环节,激发学生学歌曲的兴趣, 同时让学生熟悉歌曲的曲调。 】 4. 思考 Now please think: The birds fly away because T: The city is not clean, its not good for the birds to live. Do you want them to come back? T: Yes, so we should keep our city clean. (点题) Step 3 Cartoon time T: Now lets turn to Billy, Bobby and Tina. 1. Look and guess T: Look at this picture (Picture 4). Where are Bobby and Billy? Whats wrong with Billy? How do Billy and Bobby feel? 【设计意图:展示故事结局,抛出问题,引入故事。 】 2. Watch and choose T: What happens? Lets watch a cartoon and try to choose. T: Yes, choose B. Bobby throws a banana skin on the ground.(教师展示图片帮助理解) 跟读句子,并学习 a banana skin, ground Next, Billy slips on a banana skin and falls. (展示图片及词组帮助理解) 跟读句子,并学习 slip, fall 3. Read and find T: What does Tina say to Bobby? Bobby, you shouldnt do that! Pick it up. It makes the street messy. (教师展示图片和词组 pick it up, 并学习 should 用法) She is worried. Can you read worriedly? T: What does Billy say to Bobby? T: Billy is angry. Can you read emotionally? T: What will you say to Bobby? Please give him some suggestions. S: Bobby, you should put rubbish in the bin./ Bobby, you shouldnt throw rubbish on the ground./ Bobby, you should keep our city clean 【设计意图:看动画选择,找出 Billy 滑倒的原因,检查学生的阅读能力。并通过大家 给 Bobby 建议,引导学生用英语表达。 】 4. Listen and fill in the blanks T: Great. We should keep our city clean. We shouldnt throw rubbish on the ground. I think our city will be more beautiful. You will like living the city better, right? Bobby and Tina like living the city too. Why? Please listen and try to fill in the blanks. Bobby likes living in the city because _. Tina likes living in the city because _. Lets check. (展示答案) S: Bobby likes living in the city because there are many museums, shops and cinemas. Tina likes living in the city because its clean and beautiful. 【设计意图:通过听的练习,找出 Bobby 和 Tina 喜欢住在城市里的原因,并呼吁学生 要保护城市环境,使城市干净美丽。 】 5. Read after the recorder. 6. Read or act in groups. (四人一组进行朗读、表演,提醒学生注意表情、动作和语调) 【设计意图:根据学生的能力设计不同的训练任务,让每一组学生都得到操练。 】 7. T: Lets think. What can Bobby do then? S: He can put the rubbish in the bin/ He cant throw rubbish on the floor again/ So we should keep our city clean. (再点题) 【设计意图:故事延伸,让学生思考接下来 Bobby 会怎么改变,引导学生用英语思考。 】 Step 4 Sound time 1. Listen and answer. T: Now lets look at Nancy and Tony. Do they throw rubbish on the floor? Please listen and answer. Ss: No, they dont. T: Do you throw rubbish on the floor? S: No, I dont. I put my rubbish in the bin. T: Can we keep our city clean? S: Yes, we can. We can put our rubbish in the bin. 2. Read and find T: Boys and girls, do you know the rising and falling intonation? Now look at the rhyme. Can you find the rising and falling intonation? S: Sentence 1: Do you throw rubbish on the floor? (闪烁升降调标记) T: Yes. What else? S: Sentence 4: Can we put our rubbish in the bin? T: Yes. We should use the rising intonation when we read the first sentence and the fourth sentence. We should use the falling intonation when we read the other sentences. 【设计意图:学生通过经验自主找出升降调,引出 Sound time。 】 3. Listen and repeat 【设计意图:让学生听一听,读一读,进一步感知升降调。 】 4. Try to read T: Now we know how to use the rising and falling intonation. Lets try to read these sentences. (展示句子) Well done. For Sentences 1and 4, we should use the rising intonation. And for other sentences, we should use the falling intonation. Try to read again. 【设计意图:让学生读新句子,从中进一步体会升降调的使用。 】 Step 5 Consolidation 1. Talk about your ideas T: Nancy and Tony are doing something to make the city clean. And what can we do to keep the city clean? S: We can (学生说各自的建议) 2. Write down your suggestions T: As a green star, can you write down something? Give your suggestions with the following sentences. (写完后) T: To make a more beautiful city, would you please put your suggestions on the wing? 3. Stick the stickers on the blackboard T: Lets do something now. Show me your stickers, where are your trees/ buses/ ? Ok. Green stars, please stick them here, on the blackboard. (学生把奖励得的贴画粘贴在黑板城市画的合适位置) Look, how beautiful the city is! People go to school or work on foot or by bus. There are many trees and flowers in the streets. The air is clean, the birds fly happily. You are green stars! Thank you very much. 4. Sing a new song T: Do you like this city now? I think the birds like the city too. Lets recall them! This time, sing a new song. Two little blackbirds sitting in the tree, one named Jack and one named Jill. Too many cars, too much smoke. Fly away, Jack. Fly away, Jill. Two little blackbirds sitting in the tree, one named Jack and one named Jill. No more cars, no more smoke. Come back, Jack. Come back, Jill. 【设计意图:让学生试着换歌词来唱,前后呼应。 】 Step 6 Homework 1. Read and act Cartoon time emotionally, and sing the song to your parents. 2. Talk about your green plans to your friends.
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