Unit 6 Keep our city clean-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:01f5f).zip

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      • 动画
        • 1.swf
        • Story time 01.swf
        • Story time 02.swf
        • U6Cartoon.swf
        • U6Sound.swf
        • U6Story.swf
        • 手机QQ视频_20171216102001.mp4
      • 图片
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        • 空气污染.jpg--点击预览
        • 街道污染.jpg--点击预览
        • 鱼死了.jpg--点击预览
        • 鸟飞走了.jpg--点击预览
      • 声音文件
        • air.mp3
        • bin.mp3
        • clean.mp3
        • dead.mp3
        • dirty.mp3
        • hbbj.wav
        • keep.mp3
        • make.mp3
        • messy.mp3
        • more.mp3
        • move … away from.mp3
        • plant.mp3
        • rubbish.mp3
        • smoke.mp3
        • Song time.mp3
        • story time 001.mp3
        • story time 01.mp3
        • story time 02.mp3
        • story time 03.mp3
        • story time 04.mp3
        • story time 05.mp3
        • story time 06.mp3
        • story time 07.mp3
        • story time 08.mp3
        • story time 09.mp3
        • story time 10.mp3
        • story time 11.mp3
        • story time 12.mp3
        • story time 13.mp3
        • story time 14.mp3
        • story time 15.mp3
        • story time 16.mp3
        • story time 17.mp3
        • story time 18.mp3
        • Story time.mp3
      • 背景音乐
        • Declan Galbraith - Tell Me Why.mp3
        • diaocha 幸运摩天轮 演奏版.mp3
        • Michael Jackson - Heal the World.mp3
        • 可爱的背景音乐.mp3
        • 瞬间 萨克斯 萨克斯名曲.mp3
        • 背景音乐 钢琴伴奏版.wma
        • 花仙子之歌欢快的轻音乐.mp3
        • 轻音乐 - The Truth That You Leave.mp3
    • Keep our city clean课件.ppt
    • 教案01f5f.doc--点击预览


Unit6 Keep our city clean 教学设计 【教学目标教学目标】 (1)知识目标知识目标 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写 keep,clean,make,dirty,museum,ground 2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写 What makes.dirty/messy? What can we do to.? (2)能力目标能力目标 1. 通过整体阅读理清思路,培养学生综合语言运用能力。 2. 能关于城市让生活更美好展开话题讨论 (3)情感目标情感目标 能让学生发现城市环境卫生方面的问题,并思考解决问题的答案,从而使他们 增强意识,更加珍惜和热爱城市环境。 【学情分析学情分析】 六年级的学生整体水平比较平均,学习气氛浓厚,大部分同学学习习惯良 好,学习积极性高,能较好地完成学习任务。但不足的地方就是学习比较浮躁, 两极分化的现象比较突出。不少同学在学习上好胜心强,乐于学习,勇于克服 学习上的困难,思维活跃,有较好的学习习惯。 【重点难点重点难点】 句型: What makes .dirty/messy? .makes.dirty/messy. What can we do to.? We can. 词汇: keep, clean, make, dirty, museum 【教学过程教学过程】 Step1 pre-reading Good morning,boys and girls, Im your new English teacher today Do you remember my name? I just told you. So lets greet first ok? Hello, boys and girls, Ss: Hello, Jane. Wow, so loud! So sweet! So I want to know about you. 1. You please, What story do you like? So do you read stories at home? Is your home clean and nice? Yeah! We should keep our home clean. Good, thank you! 2. You please, what do you usually do at weekends? 3. What did you do last weekend? 4. Did you do your English homework yesterday? Do you like English? Sweet! So today we are going to have an English lesson ok? 5. First, Ill show you todays learning aims, Lets try our best to achieve them ok! 6. Boys and girls, I know you like playing games ,lets play a guessing game, according to the sentences, please guess what is it? (clever, nice answer, good try, thats easy ) 7. See, magic will happen. Its a new word. City! We live in the city of kunShan, we should keep the city clean. Today we will Unit 6 keep our city clean. Follow me. 设计意图:从学生感兴趣的游戏入手,激发学生英语学习兴趣, 从而引出今天的课题,再从昆山正在创建文明城市入手,设置三个 任务,创设一个大的情境,将新课的学习和巩固拓展有机地融合在 一起,形式的创设与内容相统一,这样使整节课更加紧凑和完整。 Step2 While reading 1. Boys and girls, our city is now establishing the national civilazed city ,would you like to join it? Would like to be volunteers. Yes or no? You have 3 tasks. Guess what are they according to the video, its about Miss Lis city. Our city is like it. Please watch it carefully and tell me what are Miss Lis main questions? Clever boy, you have a good memory! 2. And I can change 3 Qs into 3 tasks. Lets come to the first task. Task1: listen and tell me what makes our city dirty? (teach dirty) Teach air. So lets make a conclusion who can try? Smoke from _and_makes the air dirty. Lets continue. What makes the streets dirty? Teach rubbish. So try to fill the blanks together. This time lets read together. Pay attention to the rising tune, stress and pause. Well done,class! I know you can understand the part1 well. Please 4 Ss a group to ask and answer. Ill give you 1 minutes to prepare. Wonderful, boys and girls. Lets see some pictures and try to talk about the harm of city pollution. Try to say something. Any words come to your mind. Say it.教学紧紧围绕文本展开,课文分为两个部分What makes the city dirty?What can we do to keep our city clean? 设计意图:第一部分内容首先看卡通,初步感知。引出三个课 文中出现的问题,接着学生自主学习,听读文本,获取课文细节信 息,完成练习,然后逐个反馈,理解课文,学习生词新句,注重学 生连贯的思维与表达。最后通过师生,生生问答检查学生是否理解 掌握里这部分的内容。在此基础上,让学生联系实际谈谈环境污染 的危害,引起情感共鸣,从而引出第二部分的教学,如何解决问题? 3. We know the harm of city pollution. So it comes to the second part. What can we do to keep our city clean? This time turn to page 59. read silently and find the answers. Try to finish the exercise on page 60. 4. This time lets follow the tape, pay attention to the intonation ok? 5. Excellent,boys and girls. Do you know some other ideas to keep the city clean? These pictures will help you. Just give me the phrases that comes to your mind. 设计意图:第二部分:仍然采用自主学习的方式,学生自读课 文,找出解决问题的办法,图文结合,学习生词新句,指导朗读后, 让学生谈谈自己其它的建议,训练学生的发散思维。 Step3 Post-reading 1. We have many ways to keep our city clean, this time lets make a poster . you know therere schools.shopping centres, parks , homes and many other places in the city. Please 4 a group, choose one topic to design your poster. There are 3 parts, what makes it dirty? And what can we do or not do to keep it clean? So three students write down them and 1 student designs the poster. At last, please show it to us use your own words and gestures ok? 2. Heres a sample, please watch it! 3. Clear? Do it right now! 设计意图:在学生学完课文后,教师根据板书小结课文,What makes the city dirty?What can we do to keep our city clean?明确问题及 解决问题的办法,进而完成第三个任务,完成海报。海报是对整节 课的一个总结和拓展,学生在理解的基础上,创造发挥,活学活用。 Step4. Homework 1.1.Share your poster to your parents and other people.(把你的海报读 给你的父母和更多的人听) 2.To be a volunteer,to keep our city clean.(成为志愿者,共建美好家 园,从我做起。)
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