Unit 3 Holiday fun-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(配套课件编号:32fb5).doc

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Unit 3 Holiday fun-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(配套课件编号:32fb5).doc_第1页
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Unit 3 Holiday fun-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(配套课件编号:32fb5).doc_第2页
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Unit 3 Holiday fun-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(配套课件编号:32fb5).doc_第3页
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1、Unit3 Holiday fun (Fun time 学生的个性呈现出独立张扬的 一面,明显有了独立的思想,爱表现自我,竞争意识强;在知识构成上,经过几年的英 语学习,学生已掌握不少话题的语言点。因此教师在授课中应积极调动学生已有 的知识经验,激活学生的语言积累,激发学生的参与意识,提供语言使用的平台,学 生在学习的过程中,体验到成功的快乐。 教学目标教学目标: 1.学生能够使用句型What did you do?/Where did you go?/Why did ?/Did you? 进行回答。 2.学生能熟练朗读并表演Cartoon time,能正确认读heavy rain, go w

2、ell,wear/wore。 3.学生能够了解英国的三个主要学校假期,并了解对东西方不同的节日习俗。 4.学生会用本单元所学句型谈论自己喜欢的假日,为下一课时的写作做好铺垫。 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点: 教学重点教学重点: 1.学生能够使用句型What did you do?/Where did you go?/Why did?/Did you? 进行问答。 2.学生能熟练朗读并表演Cartoon time,能正确认读heavy rain, go well,wear/wore。 3.学生能够了解英国的三个主要学校假期,并了解对东西方不同的节日习俗。 教学难点教学难点: 学生会用本单元所学的

3、句型谈论自己喜欢的节日,形成语段输出。 教学过程教学过程: Step1 Warm-up 1.Sing a song “I went on a holiday” T:Lets sing a song Ss: Sing together. T:What is the song about? S1:The song is about “the holiday”. T:Good ,today we continue to learn :Unit3 Holiday fun. Lets read the title: Holiday fun. (设计意图设计意图:歌曲导入引出课题,激发学生学习兴趣,活跃课

4、堂气氛。歌曲导入引出课题,激发学生学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。) 2.Have a matching game T:Look, here are some words, visit-visited, can you do it like me? (白板课件呈现动词原形和过去式,请学生配对) T: Great, Now I give you 40 seconds ,can you use the words to make sentences? Boys VS Girls T:Wonderful, You did a lot of things just now. And I had a lot o

5、f fun last National Day holiday.How was your holiday? S: It was great fun T:Where did you go? S:I went to T: What did you do? S:I visited/climbed/ saw T:Did you? S:Yes, I did./No, I didnt. Work in pairs (设计意图:运用希沃白板设计意图:运用希沃白板5自带的游戏让学生动手操作拖移配对,学生参与自带的游戏让学生动手操作拖移配对,学生参与 性高性高,并通过男女生并通过男女生PK的形式的形式,给与学生

6、规定时间让学生用动词过去式进行给与学生规定时间让学生用动词过去式进行 造句造句,由词到句由词到句,为对话交流做好铺垫为对话交流做好铺垫。为了激励学生参与的积极性为了激励学生参与的积极性,教师运教师运 用班级优化大师给男生女生加分。用班级优化大师给男生女生加分。 Step2 Presentation Learn the Cartoon time T: Just now we talked about our holiday.And our friend Boddy and Tina spent a special hoiday.Because they had a fashion show.(板

7、书: a fashion show) T:What do you want to know about “the fashion show”? Work in groups and ask some questions S1: How was the show? S2: Where was the show? S3: Who was on the show? S4:Where did the wear? (设计意图:教师给出的大问题下放,学生运用小组合作的形式讨论,教师(设计意图:教师给出的大问题下放,学生运用小组合作的形式讨论,教师 及时回收学生生成性的资源捕捉到板书上。及时回收学生生成性的

8、资源捕捉到板书上。) (1)Watch the cartoon and answer the questions: Where was the show?Who was on the show? (2)Read the catoon by yourselves and underline the answers: What did they wear? How was the show? ( 及时板书,并处理文本中的生词:go well , heavy rain, wore) (3)Read together after the tape. (4)Four students in a grou

9、p and act the story. (设计意图(设计意图: Cartoon time 作为阅读板块作为阅读板块, 教师让学生针对标题教师让学生针对标题a fashion show 进行提问,并通过看视频,自己阅读处理四个问题,并在这过程中处理生词,进行提问,并通过看视频,自己阅读处理四个问题,并在这过程中处理生词, 运用白板的白板笔书写功能和放大镜功能运用白板的白板笔书写功能和放大镜功能,聚焦学生的注意力聚焦学生的注意力,在教师在教师heavy单词单词 时,教师为了让学生更直观地理解,运用肢体语言让学生领会。)时,教师为了让学生更直观地理解,运用肢体语言让学生领会。) 2. Learn

10、the Culture time T:Though Bobby and Sam were wet ,they spent a wonderful National Day holiday. National Day holiday is the main school holiday in China. (运用希沃5的查字典功能直接感知main的音形义 ) T:Can you say other main school holidays in China? S: Spring Festival/ Summmer holiday/ National Day holiday T:How about

11、 in the Uk? Listen to the tape and find out. (运用希沃的课堂活动:Put the pictures in the pumpkin) T:There are three main school holidays in the UK. They are Easter holiday ,summer holiday and Christmas holiday.(教师板书) T: Now lets watch the video and know more about the holidays (设计意图(设计意图:为了便于学生理解为了便于学生理解main

12、的意思的意思,教师运用希沃教师运用希沃5的特有功能查字典的特有功能查字典 让学生理解,并通过中国的主要学校假期引出英国的学校假期,过渡自然;为让学生理解,并通过中国的主要学校假期引出英国的学校假期,过渡自然;为 了让学生能更多地领悟这三个假期,给学生观看视频,在视觉上冲击,为巩固了让学生能更多地领悟这三个假期,给学生观看视频,在视觉上冲击,为巩固 环节的语段输出做好铺垫。环节的语段输出做好铺垫。) Step3 Consolidation T: In these holidays , I like summer holiday, because I went to the Qingdao wit

13、h my family. We went to the beach and caught some crabs in the morning. They went to the farm in the afternoon .we picked some grapes ,they were delicious .And we had a good time. How about your holiday? Four students in a group and choose your favourite holiday to discuss. Group1: Summer holiday Ch

14、oose some students to ask some questions about the summer holiday Q1: Can you eat some yummy food? Q2: Is Singapore a beautiful country? Group2: Christmas Q1: What was the present? Q2:Do you love your parents? Group3:Easter holiday T:Great, today you did a good job,I give boys one point, and girls o

15、ne point too. (设计意图(设计意图: 有了对话和视频的铺垫有了对话和视频的铺垫,本环节的小组讨论后的语段输出本环节的小组讨论后的语段输出,层层递进层层递进, 螺旋上升螺旋上升,学生用一般过去时描述自己最喜欢的假日变得容易些学生用一般过去时描述自己最喜欢的假日变得容易些,也为课后作业也为课后作业 的习作打下基础的习作打下基础 。)。) Step4: Homework Read “Cartoon time” three times and act the story. Choose one holiday to say your parents. Try to write your favourite holiday.


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