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1、1._ n. 城堡 2._vi.申请;请求 vt.应用;涂(油漆、乳剂) _n.应用;用途;申请 _申请人_申请_向某人申请_把应用到 _致力于,专心于 3._n.签证 4._vt.租用 vi.出租;租用;租金为 n.租金 5._ vi.& vt.收拾(行李);包装 n.(商品的)纸包;纸袋;大包_打包(短语) _n.包裹_包价旅游 6._ 申请 7._ 四处走动(旅行) 8._ n.经济_adj.经济的 9. _n.借款;信用;称赞;学分_信用卡 10._ n.细节;详情;细微之处_细节的信息 11._ (在旅馆、机场等)登记_结账离开(旅馆等) 12._ n.(正式或礼貌的)要求; 请求

2、vt.(正式或礼貌地)要求; 请求_应某 人的请求;在某人的请求下 13._ n.视野;景色;看法_以某人看 14._ adj.令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的_adj.惊奇的;惊喜的_n.惊讶,吃惊 _令某人感到(非常)惊讶的是_惊讶地,吃惊地_对感 到惊讶_对做感到惊讶 15._(n.)力量;权利;电力_adj.强有力的 16._(v.)给提供食宿_食宿 provide _ for为 提供膳宿_ sb with.向某人提供 17. _ vt.钦佩,赞赏 _ n.敬佩,钦佩,羡慕_ sb for (doing) sth因(做) 某事而钦佩/欣赏某人_ oneself自我欣赏 in _ 敬佩地;羡慕地

3、18. _vt.联络;联系 n.联系;接触 make_ withget in/into _ with 与取得联系 lose _ with与失去联系 keep in_ with与保持联系 19._ 把 与 连 接_n. 联 系 ; 连 接 _.with/to. 把与联系/连接 be _ with与有联系 have _with与有联 系 in_ with与有关 20._城市_adj.公民的;民权的_n.市民_n.文明 _vt.使开化 21._帝国_皇帝 22._vt. 安 排 _ 安 排 某 人 去 干 _n. 安 排 23._n.来源;出处_资源 24._adj.极其的_adv. 极其地 25.

4、_adj.狭窄的_adv.狭窄地_=_ 九死一生 26._adj.平的;扁的 n.公寓() 27._n.地点位置;现场_在现场 28._=_接管控制 29._ 办 公 室 _ 办 公 室 的 办 公 人 员 _adj. 官 方 的 ; n. 官 员 30._v.辨认 _把认可为_n.承认;认可_难以辨 认 31._v.飞_过去式_过去分词_n.飞行 32._n.种类 v.打字_血型 _打字员_打字机 33._adj.独一无二的_对是独有的 34._小路_在路上 35._目的地;终点 36._ 除 以 外_ 而 不 是_ 多 于 _ 少 于 37._n.建筑_n.建筑师 38._手册 39.ma

5、ke up _ _ _ _ 40._士兵军人 41._=_n.运输_v.运输 42._去远足 43._n.景象视野视力_乍一看_进入视野_不在视野 内 44._n.雕塑_n.身份;地位 45._坟墓 46._n.地球;土壤_v.挖掘 47._对进行评论 二单词语境练习 1.Those who are applying _the job are waiting to be interviewed. 2.Since the 1970s many new _(apply) have been found. 3.Over the next months,he_/_ toimproving the te

6、chnique. 在接下来的几个月里,他一门心思改进技术。 4.Li Hua has applied _( join) the army.李华已申请参军。 5.Its_(amaze)that another second-hand Boeing 747 has been sold on Taobao. 6.When he heard someone calling his name,he looked back in _(amaze). 7.你竟然从来没有听说过迈克尔杰克逊,我很惊讶。 I amthat you have never heard of Michael Jackson. Itis

7、for me that you have never heard of Michael Jackson. Tomy,you have never heard of Michael Jackson. 8. 1.The newly-built school library will be a useful_ (来源) of information for us. 9.They have a _(公寓) in town as well as in the country. 10.He is in a rather_(独特的) position,as his job is different from

8、 anyone elses. 11.Both English and French are _ (官方的) languages in Canada. 12.We can get to our holiday _(目的地) by plane. 13.We drove too fast in the street and _(narrow) missed hitting the car in the other direction. 14.I think China will become more and mor_ (power) in the future. 15._ (accommodate

9、) will be provided for all new students. 16.To catch the early_(fly),we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early. 17.Three of the patients were airlifted to Holmes Hospital and the others were _ (运输) by ambulance. 18.If you see _(士兵) wearing sky-blue helmets,they are United Nations peacekeepe

10、rs. 19.He looked at the envelope and _(辨认出) Jennys handwriting immediately. 20.I was driving my car along a muddy _(小路). 21.We will remain in regular_(联系) with them. 22.One favourite _ (类型)of comedy is called stand-up. 23.As we all know,the Internet is a useful _ (来源) of information for us. 24.Sara

11、lives in a _(公寓) in central London with her husband and children. 25.Everyone is _ (独特的),which is why you might like to stay up late while your sister always wants to go to bed early. 26.She _(评论) that she was happy to be a guest in their country. 27.Russia is a large _(power) country in the world.

12、28.People in the world recognise Mao Zedong_a great man. 29.There are _(fly) between Hong Kong and Beijing every week. 30.We admire the young people _ their efforts to put out the fire. 31.The country is in a bad _(economy) state,and its hard to find a job. 32.Ying Zheng was the first _ (empire) of

13、China in history. 33.Li Sicheng majored in _(architect) in Tsinghua University. 34.Twenty_(士兵) were sent to the mountain in search of the trapped climber. 35.No _(官方的) permission has been given for the event to take place. 36.Everyone is_ (独一无二的) and you dont have to imitate others. 37.Please_(联络) m

14、e by e-mail if you are interested. 38.Happiness is a way of travel,not a_(目的地). 39.He was worried about working with people who did not share his_(看法). 40.Its unbelievable that I met an old friend on the _(航班) from London to Paris. 41._ (惊奇的),she stood and stared while the police arrested her husban

15、d. 42.The sun is the major _ (来源) of energy for our planet. 43.The _(租金)in the city center is surely higher than that in the suburbs. 44.Over the years, my grandmother is losing her _(视力). 45.Pygmalion made a stone _(雕塑) of a beautiful woman. 46.As the _(经济) heated up,and so did car sales. 47.At the

16、 meeting,you raised a reasonable_(要求). 48.In this age of _(信用) cards,it is still important to have at least a little of the local currency (货币) with you when you arrive in a country. 49.Jerry did not regret giving the _ (评论) but felt that he could have expressed it differently. 50.She placed a punch

17、 of flowers at the _(坟墓). 51.Farmers still sometimes _(挖掘) human bones here. 52.Theres a fine _ (景象)of the lake from our hotel window. 53.My boss arranged for me to discuss business_ (细节)with someone from another company. 三课文句子 1.How is she planning to _ _ ( 到 处 转 转 ) after she arrives ? 2._ _(尤其;令人

18、惊叹的是) is the Incasdry stone method of building. 3.Enjoy the beautiful countryside as you spend a day _(drive) along the new highway _(connect) Cusco to Lake Titicaca. 4.Below _(be) two texts about Peru. 仿写 下面是对一个简单科学实验的描述。 _ _a description of a simple scientific experiment. 5. _ _ for this reason_ Spanish is the main official language of Peru. 仿写 是老师的表扬促使我成功。 _ _the teachers praise_ contributes to my success. 6. Inca builders cut stones to exact size _ _(以致于) nothing was needed to hold walls together _ _(除了) the perfect fit of the stones. 7.Anyway,I _(对感到惊讶) the progress youve made.


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