Unit2Section B Reading andThinking 同步练习 (2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册(高一上学期).doc

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1、第 1页(共 13页) Unit2Travelling around Section B Reading and Thinking 一、单句语法填空 1.Girl students make60 percent of the whole class. 2.China is wealthier and more(power) than ever before. 3.The new hospital will be(official) opened by the mayor on Tuesday. 4.I hadnt seen her for 20 years,but I(recognise) h

2、er immediately. 5.This problem is not uniquelearners of English. 6.Clubs are a way of(contact) people with similar interests from all over the world. 7.We stood for a few moments,(admire) the view. 8.While he was at the library,Steve decided to seek out some information on(accomodate) in the area. 9

3、.He likes to go(hike) over the weekend and takes pictures along the way. 第 2页(共 13页) 10.The place makes tourists explore something about the dynastys history,including(site) on the ancient Silk Road. 二、完成句子 1.他是通过自己的勤奋工作而成功的。 he succeeded. 2.由于这些理由,我们对未来充满希望。 we are hopeful for the future. 3.指纹对每个人来

4、说都是独一无二的。 Fingerprintsevery individual. 4.那天中午教室里除了我之外没有任何人。 Theres nobody in the classroom that noon. 5.我真佩服那些能在如此艰苦的条件下工作的人。 who can work in such difficult conditions. 6.我们将用船只运送这些产品。 Weby ship. 7.隔壁桌是一个正在等人的漂亮姑娘。 第 3页(共 13页) a pretty girl waiting for someone. 8.参观长城的是 200 名美国大学生。 200 American col

5、lege students. 9.那时,罗马人统治着一个很大的帝国。 At that time the Romans . 10.当我们离目的地只有几英里的路程时,汽油用完了。 When we were the gas gave out. 三、阅读理解 A Love sugarwhite sand beaches? Love skiing down the side of a mountain? Whatever you like, you will find the best winter travel destinationin the following list. Paradise Is

6、land, Bahamas Best for:Families and water babies Its one of the Atlantis resorts ( 旅 游胜 地) in the Caribbean. The Coral Towers and Marina Village (an openair shopping and dining market )are two reasons to visit this Caribbean popular travel destination. Dont forget about Aquaventure, the worlds large

7、st openair water park. With the 第 4页(共 13页) winter temperatures between 15 and 24 , its a perfect place to escape the cold. Salt Lake City, Utah Best for:Winter sports lovers Salt Lake City is known as “Ski City”. Its one of four best ski resorts in the USA.Salt Lake City welcomes winter sports love

8、rs all around the world. In addition to wonderful skiing tracks, Utah Olympic Park offers an unforgettable experience. Iceland Best for:Extreme Adventurers Iceland in the winter is very beautiful. The temperatures there arent as low as you think. Theres no better time than winter to view the Norther

9、n Lights. Short winter days mean youll have an even greater chance to catch the magic. An increasing number of flights in and out of Reykjavik make it easier than ever to visit Iceland. Orlando, Florida Best for:Theme park lovers Orlando is another destination for winter travel. The weather is fine

10、in winter. With the largest Disney World in the world, Orlando must be a good place to travel. 1What can visitors do on Paradise Island? ASki down the mountain. BPlay in the water park. 第 5页(共 13页) CVisit the Olympic Park. DTake pictures in Disney World. 2Where can visitors go to enjoy the Northern

11、Lights? ASalt Lake City. BOrlando. CIceland. DParadise Island. 3Orlando is the best destination for _. Awinter sports lovers Bwater babies Ctheme park lovers Dextreme adventurers B Georgia OKeeffe always thought of herself as an artist. By 1928, the rest of the world did, too. At the age of 41 she w

12、as living in New York and becoming a wellknown painter. Still, OKeeffe wasnt happy. New York had been a good source of ideas for almost ten years. Now those ideas were drying up. OKeeffe felt like she needed a change. She had visited New Mexico in 1917 with her sister. The wide open space had thrill

13、ed her. “Maybe I should go back, ” she thought. In April of 1929, OKeeffe packed her bags. The wide open space of New Mexico drew OKeeffe in. She spent hours just watching the sky change. Because the light was so clear, she felt like she could see for the first time. The 第 6页(共 13页) beauty of the la

14、nd renewed her. She couldnt wait to start painting. Cow and horse skulls and desert flowers filled her canvases (画布). The colours of the desert inspired OKeeffe. As a result, she made new choices in her artwork. “The colour up there is different, ” she explained. She loved the dusty blues and greens

15、. That August, OKeeffe went home to New York. It was the start of a pattern. Each spring, she travelled to New Mexico to paint. These trips restored her spirit. Then, in the autumn, she would return to New York. There, she showed her work. Each time OKeeffe visited New Mexico, she explored a little

16、more. The bleached animal bones and skulls that OKeeffe found excited her because she could see their special beauty. The bones didnt mean death to OKeeffe. To her, they showed the lasting beauty of the desert. The landscapes, clear light, and bright colours also spoke to her. She often painted clos

17、eups of the rocks and mountains. Later, she began to travel more in search of new ideas. However, she always came back to New Mexico. As OKeeffe grew older, her eyesight began to fail. Still, OKeeffe wasnt ready to give up. Her friend Juan Hamilton helped her work with watercolours. He also taught h

18、er to sculpt. As a result, she made art into her 90s. When she died at the age of 98,Hamilton sprinkled her ashes over the desert. Her body became part of the land that had touched her art and her 第 7页(共 13页) life. 4Why OKeeffe was unhappy in New York in 1928? AShe was lacking in creative ideas. BSh

19、e felt disappointed about her job. CShe was not successful as an artist. DShe felt bored about life in a big city. 5After her trips to New Mexico, OKeeffe _. Areceived great reputation there Bdiscovered the meaning in her life Cchose to settle down in that country Dgot new thoughts from the scenery

20、6What can we know about OKeeffe from the passage? AShe was never afraid of failure and death. BShe was devoted and passionate about art. CShe was patient with the coming chances. DShe was curious about the nature of people. 7Which of the following could be the best title for this article? ALifestyle

21、 in the Desert BSpecial Love for Art CInspiration from the Desert DModern Women Artists 四、阅读填句 第 8页(共 13页) Ancient Rome was one of the worlds most powerful empires more than 2,000 years ago.The Romans ideas about roads,laws,government and buildings still influence us today. Italy is shaped like a bo

22、ot.The Colosseum(罗马斗兽场) in Rome was built during the time of the Roman Empire,in the first century AD.1It is a popular tourist attraction today. Italy is well-known for its designers,who create cars,handbags,clothes,shoes and other items that are in demand for their style and fine workmanship. Today

23、,the economy of Italy is stronger than in the past. 2Today,manufacturing and tourism are the main sources of income.There are some big companies,but Italy has many smaller companies,too. 3The southern part does not offer as many manufacturing jobs,so it is not as prosperous. Italy is a member of the

24、 European Union,a group of countries that join together for better trade.The currency,or money,they use is called the “euro”. Food and eating good meals are important to Italians.4 Many families still eat their main meal in the middle of the day.5Families spend a lot of time together. A.Italy has se

25、veral islands off the coast. 第 9页(共 13页) B.The country used to depend on agriculture. C.It could seat about 50,000 people,who went to see fights between animals and people. D.Mountains cover about three-fourths of the country. E.Popular foods include pasta,risotto,minestrone and pizza. F.The family

26、is very important to the Italian way of life. G.The northern part of the country is the main manufacturing centre. 第 10页(共 13页) 一、单句语法填空 1.up 2.powerful 3.officially 4.recognised 5.to 6.contacting 7.admiring 8.accommodation 9.hiking 10.sites 二、完成句子 1.It was through hard work that 2.It is for such re

27、asons that 3.are unique to 4.other than me 5.I really admire people 6.will transport the products 7.At the next table was 8.Visiting the Great Wall were 9.took control of a vast empire 10.only a few miles from our destination 第 11页(共 13页) 二、阅读理解 1.B细节理解题。 根据 Paradise Island, Bahamas 部分的 “Dont forget

28、 about Aquaventure,the worlds largest openair water park.” 可知, Aquaventure 是世界上最大的露天水上乐园。 故 B 项(在 水上乐园玩)符合题意。 2.C细节理解题。 根据 Iceland 部分的 “Theres no better time than winter to view the Northern Lights.”可知,想欣赏北极光 就要去冰岛。故选 C 项。 3.C细节理解题。根据 Orlando,Florida 部分的“Best for: Theme park lovers”可知,佛罗里达州的奥兰多对于主题公

29、园爱好 者是最适合的,即奥兰多对主题公园爱好者来说是最好的目的地。故 选 C 项。 4.A细节理解题。根据第一段中的“New York had been a good source of ideas for almost ten years.Now those ideas were drying up.”可知,1928 年,乔治娅奥基芙在纽约生活得并不开心的原因 是她缺乏创造性的想法,故选 A 项。 5.D细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The beauty of the land renewedher.”及第三段中的“These trips restored her spirit.” 可知,新墨

30、西哥州的景色让她精神焕发,给了她新的想法,故 D 项正 确。 6.B推理判断题。 根据最后一段中的 “As OKeeffe grew older, her eyesight began to fail.Still,OKeeffe wasnt ready to give up.HerfriendJuanHamiltonhelpedherworkwith watercolours.He alsotaught her to sculpt.As a result,she made art into her 90s(随着奥基芙年龄的增长,她的视力开始衰退。 第 12页(共 13页) 不过,奥基芙还不想放弃,她的朋友胡安汉密尔顿帮助她画水彩, 他还教她雕刻。结果,她 90 多岁时还在从事艺术创作) ”可判断出, 奥基芙对艺术倾注了毕生的热情,故选 B 项。 7.C标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了乔治娅奥 基芙每年春天都从纽约出发到新墨西哥州的沙漠里发掘艺术灵感的 故事,所以“来自沙漠的灵感”为短文最佳标题。故选 C 项。 四、阅读填句 1.C2.B3.G4.E5.F 第 13页(共 13页)


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