Unit 4 Narural disastersListenin gand Speaking 课后练习-(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册(高一上学期).doc

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Unit 4 Narural disastersListenin gand Speaking 课后练习-(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册(高一上学期).doc_第1页
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1、第 1页(共 14页) Unit4 Narural disasters Section A Listening and Speaking 一、完成句子 1.强烈的地震袭击了这个城市,许多大楼都被损坏了。 A strong earthquake hit the city and. 2.你知道唐山大地震的震级是多少吗? Do you knowthe earthquake in Tangshan was? 3.他竟然能在洪水中幸存下来,真是太神奇了。 It is amazing that hethe flood. 4.农业正受到气候变化的极大影响。 Farminggreatly by the cha

2、nges of climate. 5.因为数以百计的人涌入狭窄的小路,所以他们很难继续前进。 It was hard for them to move on,because hundreds of people the narrow path. 6.救援队立即赶到去营救地震中的幸存者。 A rescue team arrived immediatelythe survivors from the earthquake. 第 2页(共 14页) 二、阅读理解 A If youre out for a run,what difference does it make if you re able

3、to tough it out for another 50 seconds?If youre less than a minute from the top of the hill,that extra time can make the difference between having reached your goal and snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. How do you get those extra seconds of energy?A research team at the Texes Tech Universit

4、y developed a study to measure what effect listening to music would have on exercise tolerance.The researchers based the study on stress testing.As part of the testing,they noted any changes in heart rate and blood pressure as participants underwent physically stressful exercise. The tests were done

5、 on treadmills (跑步机),which increased in both speed and incline (坡度) through three stages.In the final stage,the treadmills moved at 10 miles per hour at a 14-percent grade.Most of these tests were designed to last up to 40 minutes.The average gym-goers lasted 30 minutes.For this study,they divided 1

6、27 participants into two groups.One listened to upbeat(快节奏) music,while the other group had earbuds in but did not listen to music. 第 3页(共 14页) The group that listened to music was able to outlast the non-music group by an average of 50.6 seconds.Again,being able to go an extra minute may seem like

7、a no-brainer,but “after 30 minutes,you feel like you are running up a mountain,so even being able to go 50 seconds longer means a lot,” said the study s lead author,Waseem Shami,MD. The study has confirmed something runners and gym-goers have suspected for years:Listening to music during workout can

8、 be beneficial to your endurance.“Our findings reinforce the idea that upbeat music can help you exercise longer and stick with a daily exercise routine,” said Shami.“When doctors are recommending exercise,they might suggest listening to music,too.” 1.Why did Shamis team conduct the research? A.To t

9、est the effect of music on health. B.To know the cause of failure in sports. C.To improve runners exercise tolerance. D.To record the body change of participants. 2.What did the researchers find about the participants in the stress testing? A.They ran much faster than average runners. B.They created

10、 a new record of indoor sports. 第 4页(共 14页) C.They could run a little longer with music on. D.They all enjoyed extreme physical challenges. 3.What do the underlined words “a no-brainer” mean in Paragraph 4? A.A dull activity.B.A foolish action. C.A demanding task.D.An easy practice. 4.What did Shami

11、 suggest us doing in the last paragraph? A.Developing a daily exercise routine. B.Listening to music while working out. C.Participating in physical stress testing. D.Taking exercise as doctors recommend. B What are martial (武术的)arts and swordsmen like?To most Chinese,the answer to this question can

12、be found in the works of the late novelist Jin Yong,whose real name was Zha Liangyong,died in Hong Kong,China,aged 94.The news soon spread all over Chinese mainland,where he inspired a generation,guiding them into the world of Wuxia,namely,swordsmen. In his books,readers can learn about Chinese call

13、igraphy(书 法),painting,music,medicine and wine.He was the most 第 5页(共 14页) successful writer in popularizing traditional Chinese culture.Chinese people had a deeply-rooted admiration for noble qualities and love for the country.So he won many people s hearts.Many people are fond of watching films and

14、 TV dramas adapted from his books,which influenced many peoples personality and value. Jins influence knew no national boundary.No matter in New York,Singapore or Vancouver,where there are Chinese,there are his readers.His death marks the end of an era for martial art novels.We can hardly expect to

15、see other writers with such influence and artistic achievement as him. In terms of writing technique,Jin borrowed from Western plays.Some of his plots were just like ancient Greek tragedy.For instance,in hisDemi-GodsandSemi-Devils(天龙 八部),the hero was like a tragic figure in Greek mythology.Writers i

16、n the West created new worlds like the one inTheLordoftheRingsorHarryPotter.If there is an imagined world in China,that is the world with martial arts and swordsmen Jin wrote for us. 5.How does Jin influence his readers? A.By making films and TV dramas. B.By making his readers read his books. 第 6页(共

17、 14页) C.By making his readers love their country. D.By making traditional Chinese culture popular. 6.What can we learn from Paragraph 3? A.Jin knew no national boundary. B.Other writers can get achievements as him. C.An era of martial art novels was ended as he died. D.People living in foreign count

18、ries are his readers. 7.By which did Jin make his writing technique better? A.Chinese novels.B.Western plays. C.Greek tragedy.D.Greek mythology. 8.What can be a suitable title for the text? A.The Basic Introduction of Jins Life B.Jins Writing Technique of His Books C.Jins Making Martial Arts and Swo

19、rdsmen Better D.The World of Jins Martial Arts and Swordsmen 三、语法填空 An American game that has traveled well is basketball.1. is now played by more than 250 million people worldwide in an 2.(organise) way,as well as by countless others in informal games.Basketball began in 1891,when a minister,called

20、 James Naismith,3.(ask) to teach a class of young men in Springfield,Massachusetts. 第 7页(共 14页) The class was well known 4.being difficult to teach and Naismith was told to invent a new game 5. (keep) the young men busy.Then it 6.(be) winter and very cold outside.It needed to be a game that could be

21、 played indoors. Naismith thought back to his childhood in Canada where he and his friends had played a game which had involved trying to hit 7.big stone off a rock with smaller stones.He also remembered 8.(watch) rugby players throw a ball into a box or fruit basket 9.had been raised up.Naismith ma

22、de up the 10.(rule) for the game in less than an hour.Most of them still apply in some form today. 四、读后续写 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成 一篇完整的短文。 A young man and a young girl fell in love.But the man came from a poor family.The girls parents werent too happy.So the young man decided not only to pleas

23、e the girl but to please her parents as well.In time,the parents saw that he was a good man and was worthy of their daughters hand. But there was another problem:The man was a soldier.Soon,war broke out and he was being sent overseas for a year.The week 第 8页(共 14页) before he left,the man knelt on hi

24、s knee and asked his lady love, “Will you marry me?” She wept happy tears,said yes,and they were engaged.They agreed that when he got back in one year,they would get married. But tragedy struck.A few days after he left,the girl had a major vehicular accident.It was a head-on collision.When she woke

25、up in the hospital,she saw her father and mother crying.Immediately,she knew that she must have been badly injured. She later found out that she suffered brain injury.The part of her brain that controlled her face muscles was damaged.Her once lovely face was now disfigured. She cried as she saw hers

26、elf in the mirror.“Yesterday I was beautiful.Today,I m a monster.” Her body was also covered with so many ugly wounds.Right there and then,she decided to release her fianc (未婚夫) from their promise.She knew he wouldnt want her anymore.She would forget about him and never see him again. For one year,t

27、he soldier wrote many lettersbut she wouldn t answer.He phoned her many times but she wouldnt return his calls. 第 9页(共 14页) But after one year,the mother walked into her room and announced,“Hes back from the war.” The girl shouted, “No!Please dont tell him about me.Dont tell him Im here!” 注意:续写词数应为

28、150 左右。 The mother said,“Hes getting married,” and handed her a wedding invitation. That was when the young man entered her room with a bouquet of flowers. 第 10页(共 14页) 一、完成句子 1.many buildings were damaged 2.what the magnitude of 3.should survive from 4.is being affected 5.flooded into 6.to save 1.C

29、推理判断题。 根据第一段可知对于运动员来说,最后的一分钟决 定着成与败。以及第二段中 “Howdoyougetthoseextrasecondsofenergy?AresearchteamattheTe xesTechUniversitydevelopedastudytomeasurewhateffectlistenin gtomusicwouldhaveonexercisetolerance.”可知如何获得这些额外 的能量?得克萨斯理工大学的一个研究小组开展了一项研究,以衡量 听音乐对锻炼耐力的影响。由此推断,Shami 的小组进行该研究的目 的是测试怎样提高运动耐力。故选 C 项。 2.C

30、细节理解题。根据第四段第一句 “Thegroupthatlistenedtomusicwasabletooutlastthenon-musicgr oupbyanaverageof50.6seconds.” 可知听音乐的那一组比不听音乐的 那一组平均多坚持了 50.6 秒。 由此可知,音乐对测试者的运动耐力有 一定影响,听音乐可以使他们坚持更长时间。故选 C 项。 3.D词义猜测题。根据下文“but after30minutes,youfeellikeyouarerunningupamountain,soeven 第 11页(共 14页) beingabletogo50secondslonge

31、rmeansalot,”可知但是 30 钟后你 感觉自己好像在爬山,所以即使能多跑 50 秒也意义重大。由此推 断,but 表示转折,说明上文的意思是能够多跑一分钟,一开始好像是 很容易的练习,但是三十分钟后就像在爬山一样累。故画线词意思为 “容易的练习”。故选 D 项。 4.B推理判断题。根据最后一段中 “ Ourfindingsreinforcetheideathatupbeatmusiccanhelpyouexer ciselongerandstickwithadailyexerciseroutine,saidShami. Whendoctorsarerecommendingexerci

32、se,theymightsuggestlisten ingtomusic,too.”可知 Shami 说:“我们的研究结果证实了这样一 个观点,即欢快的音乐可以帮助你锻炼的时间更长,并能坚持日常锻 炼。当医生建议锻炼时,他们可能也会建议听音乐。”由此可推 知,Shami 建议我们锻炼时听音乐。故选 B 项。 5.D细节理解题。根据第二段中 “HewasthemostsuccessfulwriterinpopularizingtraditionalChin eseculture.Chinesepeoplehadadeeply-rootedadmirationfornoble qualitiesa

33、ndloveforthecountry.Sohewonmanypeople shearts.(他 在推广中国传统文化方面是最成功的作者。 中国人崇尚高贵的品质和 爱国之情。因此他赢得了很多人的心。)”可知,金先生是靠传播中国 传统文化影响了他的读者。故选 D 项。 第 12页(共 14页) 6.C细节理解题。根据第三段中 “Hisdeathmarkstheendofaneraformartialartnovels.”可知,他的 逝去标志着一个武侠小说时代的终结。故选 C 项。 7.B细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句 “Intermsofwritingtechnique,Jinborrowedfr

34、omWesternplays.” 可 知,他借鉴了西方戏剧,让他的写作技巧更上一层楼。故选 B 项。 8.D标题归纳题。 通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了金庸先生作品中的 武侠世界对中国人的影响、 金庸先生在武侠作品领域中的重要性以及 他的作品的写作渊源。 也就是介绍了金庸的武侠小说世界。 故选 D 项。 三、语法填空 1.It2.organised3.was asked4.for5.to keep 6.was7.a8.watching9.which/that10.rules 四、读后续写 Themothersaid,“Hesgettingmarried,” andhandedheraweddin

35、ginvitation.That is a big shock to her.Her eyes were fully filled with tears immediately.She couldn t help shaking so that she didnt look at the wedding invitation.She felt her heart in great pain.Then,the girl asked her mother to leave her room and lost in thoughts.The young man who once was her fi

36、anc would get married with the other girl.She really hated the accident which made her injured.How poor she was!Thinking about this,she burst into tears again. 第 13页(共 14页) Thatwaswhentheyoungmanenteredherroomwithabouquetofflower s.She was so shocked that she couldnt believe it.The young man gently

37、touched her face,saying,“Dear,I really miss you.Why dont you return my calls?The war stops me from keeping my promise.Everything for the wedding is ready.Now,young lady,would you like to marry me?” She cried again,but this time,she was filled with happiness.Finally she opened the wedding invitation,and it was her name that was written in it.How lucky she was! 第 14页(共 14页)


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