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1、Useful words and expressions 1. begin/start (sth.) with sth./by doing sth. 从从 (做做) 某事开始(活动)某事开始(活动) Well begin (the party) with a dance /by dancing. She began (her speech) with a story/by thanking us all for coming. The fighting began/started with an argument about money. p begin/start (sth.) as sb.

2、/sth. 作为作为开始开始(); 开始开始是是/当当 He began (his working life) as a waiter. 2. read about sth. 读有关的内容读有关的内容/情况情况 p read a book/letter 读读 p hear about/of 听说过听说过情况情况 p hear the news/sound 听到听到/见见 pspeak about/of说说到到/提到提到情况情况 pspeak (a language) 说(语言)说(语言) plearn about sb./sth. 了解了解/学习有学习有 关关 plearn the news/

3、a language 了解了解/学习学习 pwrite about写有关写有关内用内用 pwrite a letter/story 写写(信信/故事故事) 3. get to know/like/realize/understand 逐渐认识、喜欢、意识、明白逐渐认识、喜欢、意识、明白 Shes very shy, _ shes great fun _you gets to know her. 4. match with 把把与与配对配对 5. an exchange student/program 一个交换生一个交换生/项目项目 pexchange vt. & n. 1) 【C】(不同国家人

4、员不同国家人员、团体团体) 交流、交流、 互访互访 but once pdo an exchange with (a school.) 与与进行交流进行交流 pgo on an exchange to (France) 去去进行交流活动进行交流活动 pbe on an exchange with sb. 与与进行进行交流活动交流活动 2) 【C】【】【U】交换交换(物品、思想、信息物品、思想、信息) We offered free accommodation (住住 宿宿) in exchange for some help in the house. (以以换取换取) 3) vt. 交换交换

5、 (物品、信息、思想等物品、信息、思想等) p exchange (gifts/addresses/ideas/ news/words/looks/smiles) (with sb.) (与与) 交换交换/交流交流 p exchangefor 把把调换调换/兑换成兑换成 =changefor pI would like to exchange this skirt for a bigger size. 6. a lecture hall 演讲大厅演讲大厅 p give/deliver a lecture (on sth.) (to sb.) (对某人对某人)发表发表(有关有关)演讲,作演讲,作

6、 (有关有关) 讲座讲座 Shes giving a lecture on modern art (to some freshmen). =Shes lecturing on (vi.) p go to/attend a lecture 出席讲座出席讲座 p listen to a lecture 听讲座听讲座 p give sb. a lecture (on/about sth.) 就某事对某人训斥一顿就某事对某人训斥一顿 =lecture sb. on sth. p get a lecture from sb. 被某人训斥一顿被某人训斥一顿 7. The registration offi

7、ce/number 注册注册/登记处、汽车牌照号码登记处、汽车牌照号码 Student registration for evening classes will take place on September. 学生注册报名参加学生注册报名参加 pregister vt. & vi. 登记、注册登记、注册 (事件、公司、车辆等事件、公司、车辆等) pregister a birth/death/marriage 登记出生、死亡、结婚登记出生、死亡、结婚 All births, deaths and marriages must _(register). p register a compan

8、y/trademark/ship 注册公司、商标、船舶注册公司、商标、船舶 pregister for (English courses/classes) 注册注册/报名参加(课程)报名参加(课程) pregister to do (to vote) 登记登记(投票投票) pregister with (a doctor) 向向(某人某人)注册注册/登记登记 be registered pbe registered/register at (a hotel)/in (France) 在某地登记在某地登记/注册注册 p be registered (as) disabled/ unemploye

9、d 被注册被注册/登记为残疾登记为残疾/失业失业 pregister 【C】 注册注册/登记表登记表/薄薄 8. Amy is talking to Ms Li, a school adviser, about which course to choose. =which course she should choose. 9. be helpful to sb. 对对有帮助有帮助 10. on campus 在校园里在校园里 on a/the farm 在农场里在农场里 疑问词疑问词+不定式作宾语不定式作宾语 宾语从句宾语从句 11. a visiting group of teachers

10、 and students 一群正在访问的师生一群正在访问的师生 12. Whats up (with sb.) ? =Whats the matter (with sb.) ? (某人)怎么回事?(询问异常或(某人)怎么回事?(询问异常或 不愉快的事情发生)不愉快的事情发生) 13. Hows it going? =How are things going? =How are you doing? 怎么样?好吗?怎么样?好吗? 14. first impressions 第一印象第一印象 When it comes to job interviews (求求 职面试职面试) , first

11、impressions are of importance. 1) make/create/leave a (good/bad/ strong/deep) impression (on sb.) (给某人给某人)留下留下()印象印象 ( (当谈到当谈到的时候的时候) ) =give (sb.) aimpression Her speech made a deep impression (on the audience 观众观众). 2) give (sb.) the impression that (同同 位语从句位语从句) / of sth./ doing sth. (给某人给某人)留下印象

12、是留下印象是 她给人(我们)的印象是非常勤奋。她给人(我们)的印象是非常勤奋。 She gives (us) the impression that she works hard. that she is hard-working. of being hard-working. of being a hard worker. 3) have/get a (good/bad) impression of sb./sth. 对某人对某人/事事的印象的印象(好、坏好、坏) We had/got a very good impression of the school we had looked ar

13、ound. 我们我们对对所参观的那所学校的所参观的那所学校的印象印象 非常好非常好。 What (first) impression did you get of the city? =What was your (first) impression of the city? 你对这座城市的(第一)印象怎样?你对这座城市的(第一)印象怎样? 4) have/get the impression that (同同 位语从句位语从句) 有有/得到这样的印象得到这样的印象 We had/got the impression that she wasnt happy with the job. 我有(

14、得我有(得 到)这样的印象,她对这份工作不满意。到)这样的印象,她对这份工作不满意。 5) My (first) impression was that (表从表从) 我的我的(第一第一)印象是印象是 6) What impresses sb. is sth/that p=It impresses sb. that p=Sb. is impressed that 让某人佩服、印象深刻的是让某人佩服、印象深刻的是 7) impress sb. with sth. (某人、事)以(某人、事)以(特征特征/品质)品质) 给某人留下深刻的给某人留下深刻的印象印象 西湖西湖的美景给游客留下深刻印象。的美

15、景给游客留下深刻印象。 The West Lake impressed the tourists with its beauty. =The tourists were impressed by/with the beauty of the West lake. 8) impress on/upon sb. sth. (the importance/value/need) (某人)使某人铭记某(某人)使某人铭记某事事 Father impressed on me the value of hard work. pimpressive adj. 令人印象深刻的、令人印象深刻的、 敬佩的、赞叹的敬

16、佩的、赞叹的 15. be anxious (about sth./for sb.) (对(对)感到焦虑)感到焦虑/忧虑忧虑/担心担心 16. What if. (主句省略主句省略) 如果如果怎么办怎么办/样样? What if my mother finds out that Ive lost my cell phone? 17. have a/sb.s (maths) class 上课上课 p take/attend a class/classes 学学(选(选 修)课程修)课程 =take a course/courses pteach a class/classes (教师)上课(教师

17、)上课 pin class 在课堂上在课堂上 pin a/sb.s class 在班上在班上 18. I found most of my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful. pfind sb./sth.adj.(宾补宾补) 发觉某人某物(怎么样)发觉某人某物(怎么样) (简单句的基本句型之一)(简单句的基本句型之一) I hope you will find my ideas useful/helpful. 注意注意:能带形容词作宾补的动词有:能带形容词作宾补的动词有: think, consider, feel, believe, s

18、uppose, declare, imagine, find, see, make, keep, leave, get, have, drive, prove, show, wish, want, like, paint, colour, etc. 19. (do sth.) the whole time =(do sth.) all the time 一直,总是(做某事)一直,总是(做某事) 20. concentrate on (doing) sth. 专心致志于专心致志于,全神贯注于,全神贯注于 I found it hard _ (on my studies) with all tha

19、t noise going on. 吵闹声吵闹声不绝于耳,我不能全神贯注。不绝于耳,我不能全神贯注。 pconcentrate ones mind/attention/ energies/efforts on (doing) sth. 集中思想注意力精力全力以赴作某事集中思想注意力精力全力以赴作某事 to concentrate The authorities are concentrating their efforts on preventing the disease _ (spread). The students got tired and lost their _ (concent

20、rate). 21. be worried/pleased/surprised/ happy/glad/confident that(宾从宾从) 感到担心、高兴、意外、感到担心、高兴、意外、 spreading concentration 22. leave/let sb. alone =stop annoying or interrupt sb. 不打扰,不惊动某人不打扰,不惊动某人 Shes asked _ (leave) alone, but the press photographers follow her everywhere. pleave/let sth. alone 不触碰,

21、不移动(某物)不触碰,不移动(某物) to be left 23. feel awkward (about sth./doing sth.) = feel not relaxed, comfortable or confident (某人)(某人)对对感到别扭或不自在感到别扭或不自在 She felt awkward about asking to borrow more money. an awkward question/situation/ silence/customer (=difficult) 令人尴尬令人尴尬、为难的、难以对付的为难的、难以对付的 24. Theres a lot

22、 to explore p There is sth./sb. to do p Sb. has sth./sb. to do (某人)(某人) 有某事可做有某事可做 (不定式作定语,动宾或介宾关系(不定式作定语,动宾或介宾关系) There is nothing to read/to be afraid of/to worry about now. 现在没有可读现在没有可读/可害怕的可害怕的/可担心的事可担心的事 情情。 25. be/feel confident of/about (oneself/ success/winning) be/feel confident that 对对充满信心

23、充满信心 phave/gain/lose/lack confidence (in sb./sth./to do sth.) 有有/增强增强/失去失去/缺乏信心缺乏信心 p(say) with confidence 有信心地有信心地 26. text (sb) about text sb. sth. =send a written message to sb. about using a cellphone 发短信告知某人(关于)某事发短信告知某人(关于)某事 27. be sure that(从句(从句) p be not sure/unsure wh- (从句)(从句) 28. be ner

24、vous about/of sth./doing sth. 对对感到焦虑感到焦虑/担忧担忧/惶恐惶恐 (nervousness, nervously) 29. notany more/longer =no longer 不再不再 30. look forward to sth./doing sth. 期待某事期待某事/做某事做某事 31. (be) at sea 在海上航行(时在海上航行(时) p (travel/go) by sea 通过海路、乘船通过海路、乘船 (旅游、去)(旅游、去) p (a cottage) by the sea 在海边(别墅)在海边(别墅) p (go swimmi

25、ng) in the sea 在海里(游泳)在海里(游泳) 32. reflect on/upon sth. =think carefully and deeply about sth. =think over 认真和深刻思考某事认真和深刻思考某事 33. rate sb./sth. 对做出评估对做出评估/评价评价 p rate sb./sth. highly (for sth.) (因(因)对)对评价很高评价很高 p rate sb./sth. + adj./(as) + n. 认为、评价认为、评价为为 pThe university is highly rated for its rese

26、arch/is rated as one of the best in the country. pat a/the rate of 以以速度速度/价格价格 34. be curious about sth. 对对感到好奇感到好奇 35. not/neverwithout sth./doing 没有没有就不;每就不;每必必 I cant see anything without my glasses. I cant speak English without making mistakes. and his band could not go out without _ (follow). 3

27、6. My dream/aim/goal/wish/hope/ plan is to do sth. 我的梦想我的梦想是做某事是做某事 being followed 37. give (sb.) a good/bad impression of sb./sth. 给(某人)留下对给(某人)留下对的的印象印象 Does the profile give you a good impression of the student? 38. give sb. feedback on sth. 向某人反馈有关向某人反馈有关的情况的情况 The teacher will give you feedback

28、 on the test/your homework. =The teacher will feedback the test/your homework to you. (vt. 把把反馈给某人反馈给某人) 39. revise vt. & vi. 1) vt. 修改,修正修改,修正 (plan/book/opinion) (change, make some revisions to) 2) vt. & vi. 复习,温习复习,温习 (go over, review, do some revision for) p revise (geography) for ones exam. 复习复

29、习 () 准备考试准备考试 40. build up (your vocabulary/ collection) 扩大扩大 1) vt./vi. (increase, strengthen, become concentrated, accumulate) ( (物质,健康,情感物质,健康,情感) )增加,增强,增加,增强, 扩大;聚集;扩大;聚集; 积累积累 Greenhouse gases continue to build up in the atmosphere. Traffic is building up on roads into the city. Taking exercise regularly will build yourself up /build up your strength/ health. 2) vt. 逐步建立逐步建立 build up a company/a business/ the friendship between 41. decide on sth. 选择选择,选定选定 (choose, select) Weve decided on Spain as our vacation destination this year.


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