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1、高一英语完形填空专项训练一高一英语完形填空专项训练一 Test one I did very badly at school. My headmaster thought I was _1_ and when I was 14, he said, “Youre never going to be _2_ but a failure.” After five years of _3_ jobs, I fell in love with a very nice middleclass girl.It was the best _4_ that could have happened to me.

2、I _5_ to do something positive with my life because I wanted to prove to _6_ that what people said about me was _7_ . So I tried hard with my _8_ and went to college. My first novel came _9_ while I was at college. After college I taught during the _10_ in high school and attended evening classes at

3、 London University, where I got a _11_ in history. I became a lecturer at a college and was thinking of giving up that job to write fulltime _12_ I was offered a parttime job at Leeds University.I began to feel proud of myself: here was a workingclass boy whod _13_ school early, now teaching at univ

4、ersity. My writing career(职业) took off when I discovered my own style.Now Im rich and _14_,have been on TV and met lots of film stars. I _15_ wish all the people that have put me down had said,“I believe in you.Youll succeed.” 1A. brightBuselessC. simpleDhopeful 2A. anythingBsomethingCeverythingDnot

5、hing 3A. dirtyBusefulCgoodDpoor 4A. supportBhappinessCsurpriseDthing 5A. admittedBdecidedCplannedDtold 6A.meBthemCherDit 7A. wrongBrightCstupidDfaulty 8A. experimentBpracticeCwritingDcomposition 9A. onBinCoutDback 10A. dayBnightCmonthDyear 11A. graduationBpassCdegreeDsuccess 12A. whileBifCwhenDor 13

6、A. leftBattendedCchangedDgraduated 14A. tiredBcalmCnervousDfamous 15A. justBexactlyCsoDvery Test two September 4 was my first day at Phillips Academy, my new school. It was also my 18th birthday. I received a warm1from my host family the Steins. Her daughter Lily would also be a new2at Phillips. The

7、y took me to the school and showed me3the campus. On our way to my dorm (学生宿舍), we saw a huge truck delivering (传送) a students 4to her room. Many students at the school were very rich, and they would fill their dorms with decorations (装饰物). But I was determined not to because I thought it was a5of t

8、ime and money. 6she helped carry my bags, Lily asked me, “Whats your favorite7, Teresa?” I thought for a moment before answering, “Orange.” I didnt know why she had asked the question. We attended an introduction meeting after dinner.8of the students were native (本 地的) English speakers, so I felt a

9、little9 I returned to my room after the10, tired and wanting to go to bed after a(n)11 day. When I opened my door, I found a big12. The bed was perfectly made with blankets and an orange sunflower pillow. I opened my mouth,13. How beautiful! There was also a14card. I touched the little pillow on the

10、 bed as I read the card. A warm current (暖流) rushed through my15 1A. heartBcardCserviceDwelcome 2A. studentBteacherCassistant Dvisitor 3A. offBinCaround Dout 4A. belongingsBnewspapersClettersDfurniture 5A. matterBwasteCshowDuse 6A.AsBThoughCBecauseDWhile 7A. fruitBweatherCfoodDcolor 8A.AllBMostCSome

11、DFew 9A. pleasedBnervousCangryDafraid 10A. dinnerBclassCmeetingDteaching 11.A. excitingBordinaryChonestDinteresting 12.A. secretBjokeCwarmth Dsurprise 13.A. frightenedBmovedCsatisfied Ddisappointed 14.A. postBbirthdayCgreeting Dfestival 15.A. mindBheadCfaceDbody Test three In South Sudan, girls face

12、 many barriers (障碍) to education. Some girls cannot1to attend school because their parents cannot meet the costs, and there is also2housework for girls, which takes up their time. Therefore, their parents dont3their daughters to go to school. Another problem is that girls can be married off early,of

13、ten4force. We dont have the 5to choose the person we wish to marry. Our parents6us to the one who pays the highest price in cows. Now more people are going hungry and marrying off girls to get cows to 7This happened to me. My parents married me off when I was studying, and I had to8 school. Luckily,

14、 my brother helped me come toASEW, which9to help girls finish school. I saw that the headteacher was a woman and that10me. ASEW was a school without punishment and school fees (学费)It was a day school, not boarding school (寄宿学 校),that gave me11to help at home. The curriculum (课程) was12so we could com

15、plete our education more quickly. It was also13, protected from outsiders. It is extremely dangerous for women and girls14there is fighting all around Rumbek. At ASEW, I studied hard and passed with a high score of 77 percent. I wish other girls could have15like me, to go back to school. 1A. waitBaf

16、fordCrefuse Dpromise 2A. heavyBeasyClittleDdangerous 3A. inviteBorderCallowDtrain 4A.byBforCthroughDat 5A. abilityBrightCpatienceDenergy 6A. lendBshowC. giveDintroduce 7A. studyBmoveChideDlive 8A. quitBattendCstartDfinish 9A. wantsBprefersCstopsDremembers 10A. worriedBsatisfiedCsavedDencouraged 11A.

17、 timeBmoneyCpowerDcourage 12A. added upBbroken upCspeeded upDmixed up 13A. freeBbeautifulClargeDsafe 14A.asBunlessCthoughDbefore 15A. dreamsBskillsCchancesDduties Test four You may not know a lot of people when you start high school.1you know some freshmen, you still feel nervous as you dont know an

18、y upperclassmen (美国高年级学生)and teachers. How are you going to make friends among2faces? Most high schools hold orientation (迎新会) for the freshmen before school3starts, which is helpful not only because you know your way around the building and get to meet some of your teachers, but also because you ge

19、t to4fellow freshmen. That way, when you5on your first day of school, you may6a few familiar faces. When you talk to your new classmates, youll probably find that a lot of them are feeling just like you are. Theyre all new to the school and dont know what to7. Talking about a common concern with the

20、m can help you8friendships. The work in high school is something freshmen are probably worried9, which builds on what you learned in junior middle school, giving you a more10knowledge of many subjects. So you may find you have more work to do or that its a bit more11. If you ever find your work too

21、difficult, teachers can give you extra12 High school also has more extracurricular13than junior middle school has, such as clubs, music, theater groups and sports teams. This is a good time to explore your interests and try new things. High school gives you the chance to learn how to14your time, to

22、develop your social skills and interests, and to be more15and responsible. 1A. Even ifBIfCSinceDNow that 2A. unexpectedBunknownCunnoticedDunacceptable 3A. finallyBsuddenlyCclearlyDactually 4A. realizeBappreciateCmeetDwatch 5A. join inBshow upCsendDintroduce 6A. recognizeBacceptCbelieveDtouch 7A. sol

23、veBexpectClistenDtake 8A. growBinventCproduceDdevelop 9A. aboutBforCatDto 10 A. familiarBobviousCadvancedDused 11A. challengingBsatisfyingCexcitingDunderstanding 12.A. wishBapplicationChelpDinvitation 13.A. volunteersBlessonsCspeeches Dactivities 14.A. killBprepareCmanageDset 15.A. cleverBwillingCki

24、ndDindependent Test five My husband and I have little money lately. We havent eaten out for a while, so we went to a1last night. When we saw the2, we knew we could only afford to get a small pizza, so we would have enough money left for3Before long our pizza that was cut to 4 pieces arrived. My husb

25、and wanted to act like a4, so he would like to put a piece of pizza on my plate. Unluckily it dropped onto the floor. I knew he would be5about others opinions on him. I told him, “Honey, dont let other people6us. We still have three pieces left.” The manager7this and came over with a broom (扫帚)He8th

26、e pizza and said he was sorry that the oven (烤箱) had been turned9, or he would have brought another pizza for us. At the end of our meal he10to our table again to thank us for being here. Then he gave us one coupon (优惠券) for a free small pizza. We were11because he could have chosen a12attitude (态度)

27、when he saw the pizza we dropped during their closing time. Instead he chose to make sure we could left13My husband was going to give him tips for our meal that we had prepared,14the manager didnt take them. To some people it might not be important, but to us it meant a lot. Our rare treat of enjoyi

28、ng a night out was made more15 1A. churchBsupermarketCparkDrestaurant 2A. pricesBsizesCwaitersDnames 3A. clothesBdrinksCtipsDdesserts 4A. gentlemanBpolicemanCdoctorDteacher 5A. worriedBsureCmadDhopeful 6A. knowBinfluenceCrecognizeDwork 7A. doubtedBbelievedCnoticedDliked 8A. threwBhidCpickedDcleaned

29、9A. offBdownConDup 10A. wavedBpointedCreturnedDshouted 11A. movedBproudCrelaxedDserious 12A. wrongBbadCfriendlyDcareful 13A. freelyBpolitelyCreadilyDhappily 14A. becauseBifCbutDso 15A. interestingBsuccessfulCsurprisingDpleasant Test six Among all seasons I like summer best. First of all, summer is t

30、he time when school is out and I can spend most of my time1both outside and in. My parents2me to get out in sunlight as much as possible. This is fine since my friends and I like to go out together. We often go on bike trips, which give us a lot of3 Besides, there are more daylight hours to4in summe

31、r. This means that theres a lot more5.I can go swimming or just lie to get a suntan (日光浴)I dont want to do it for too long,6I dont want to get burnt. Because of the sun, we often take a walk outside. I believe it can help us stay7. The last reason is that its the8time of year for us since we dont ge

32、t very much sunny weather where we9 For most of the year, its either cool and wet or cold and icy in my country. We only have three months of reprieve (缓解) from the10weather that is summer. When my neighbors and I want to11the summer, we go out, have barbecues (户外烧烤) or just sit and talk12This is a

33、good thing to do at night when the heat of the day remains in the air. 13,summer is the time of year that really puts together everything I like to 14It is certainly the season that15me most. 1A. singingBplayingCworkingDstudying 2A. forceBwarnCinviteDencourage 3A. luckBtimeCfunDhelp 4A. keepBenjoyCt

34、akeDcount 5A. sunshineBmoonlightCnoiseDair 6A.onceBbecauseCunlessDalthough 7A. busyBsimpleCyoungDhealthy 8A. warmestBquietestChardestDshortest 9A. get offBcross overCcome fromDhurry down 10A. lovelyBclearCfreezingDterrible 11.A. celebrateBlook forCintroduceDwait for 12.A. loudlyBbravelyChappilyDpoli

35、tely 13.A.At firstBIn factCAs usualDIn a word 14.A. teachBanswerCexperienceDexamine 15.A. interestsBworriesCtouchesDhurts Test seven In 1991, Davenport played in her first professional tennis match when she was 15.She was ranked (排名) the Number 1 woman1player in the world eight different times. I ha

36、d the chance to2Davenport at the 2012 US Open.3that night, she answered some questions from our group and I asked her,“Ms Davenport,4can teach people a lot of lessons. What lessons did you5during your time as a professional tennis player that you didnt learn6an amateur (业余运动员)?” To be honest,I had a

37、 personal reason for asking this question.I played baseball in college,but not7. So I wanted to know what I missed. Davenports first8was to talk about how she had to grow up9. She mentioned the power of the media and learning to live her life in front of a(n)10But then she changed the11and talked ab

38、out improving her skill and the lessons of competition,hard work,and perseverance. Those things,she said,were learned long12she became a professional. In other words,to learn about what its like to13as a professional athlete, you need to be a professional athlete. But to learn the lessons of playing

39、 sports, you just need to 14your sport. Take note: you dont need to be the best in order to be15or satisfied,but all that matters is that you play the game. 1A. tennisBgolfCbasketballDbaseball 2A.considerBdescribeCaskedDmeet 3A. LaterBAgainCMaybeDOnce 4A. booksBsportsCjobsDmusic 5A. teachBprepareCof

40、ferDlearn 6A.asBlikeCwithDfor 7A. speciallyBwonderfullyChappilyDprofessionally 8A. answerBtaskCresultDquestion 9A. slowBfastCsoonDtogether 10A. crowdBleaderCathleteDfamily 11A. aimBtimeCwayDsubject 12A. afterBsinceCbeforeDwhen 13A. liveBappearCdependDsuffer 14A. compareBcontrolCplayDdevelop 15A. ang

41、ryBhappyCdifferentDdirect Test eight While shopping for clothes, my daughter insisted on buying the latest style shirt in a popular name brand. I explained that the shirt cost more than the unknown or1shirt, so I refused her to buy one. When we got home,2, I discovered that she had several packages

42、of extra buttons from the name brand shirt. I explained that this was a special kind of stealing action and she would have to3them with an apology and a4that she would never do it again. Before we got back into the car to give them back, I called the store and explained the5, saying that I wanted to

43、 call the security (安保人员) who would then be left to6the little “thief” in a proper manner. With my permission two young security men7her into the monitor (监控) room and made her believe they would be8her anytime she was in the store. Then they showed her out and later9me.T hey said they wished more p

44、arents would do like me rather than refuse to10that their child could “do such a thing”11 they found their kid caught redhanded. I had taught my daughter a(n)12lesson. In this way I killed two birds with one stone. The first is about13with an eye for right14, while the second is about morality (美德)

45、Because of the first, shes still frugal (节俭的) to this day, at the age of 45; and for the second, that15made her a really honest woman with high morality. 1A. uglyBbrokenCcommon Dspecial 2A. howeverBmoreoverCthereforeDbesides 3A. ignoreBreturnCuseDsell 4A. praiseBsmileCpromiseDpermission 5A. accident

46、BtragedyCdefinitionDsituation 6A. deal withBcriticizeCpreventDcontrol 7A. shutBtookCforcedDpushed 8A. watchingBinquiringCprotectingDeducating 9A.comfortedBencouragedCthankedDinspired 10.A. pretendBadmitCdiscussDnotice 11.A. ifBorCsoDalthough 12.A. popularBimportantCeasyDnormal 13.A. workingBlivingCs

47、tudying Dshopping 14.A. opportunityBvalueCbehaviorDemotion 15.A. incidentBchoiceCresultDmethod Test one : 1-5 B.A. D. D. B6-10 C.A. C. C. A11-15 C. C. A. D. A Test two : 1-5 D.A. C. A. B6-10 A. D. B. B. C11-15 A. D. B. B. D Test three : 1-5 B.A. C. A. B6-10 C. D. A. A. D11-15 A. C. D.A. C Test four

48、1-5 A. B. D. C. B6-10 A. B. D. A. C11-15 A. C. D. C. D Test five 1-5 D.A. C. A. A6-10 B. C. D. A. C11-15 A. B. D. C. D Test six 1-5 B. D. C. B. A6-10 B. D. A. C. D11-15 A. C. D. C.A Test seven 1-5 A. D. A. B. D6-10 A. D. A. B.A11-15 D. C.A. C. B Test eight 1-5 C.A. B. C. D6-10 A. B.A. C. B11-15 D. B. D. B.A


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