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人教版英语语必修第一册 第1单单元 单词练习题 中选英 成年人 成年的;成熟的 A. adult B. quit C. confusing D. attract 参考答案:A 对对入迷的人;吸毒成瘾瘾的人 A. addict B. focus C. suitable D. responsible 参考答案:A 前进进;发发展;促进进 A. advance B. solution C. greenhouse D. extra 参考答案:A 吸引;引起的注意(或兴兴趣) A. graduate B. focus C. attract D. addicted 参考答案:C 事实实上;的确 A. clean up B. advance C. actually D. confusing 参考答案:C 高级级的;高等的;先进进的 A. responsible B. extra C. expert D. advanced 参考答案:D 有瘾瘾的;上瘾瘾的;入迷的 A. addicted B. schedule C. advanced D. clean up 参考答案:A 冒险险;奇遇 A. recommend B. adventure C. suitable for D. prefer 参考答案:B 对对很入迷 A. attract B. addicted to C. Chicago D. behaviour 参考答案:B 芭蕾舞;芭蕾舞剧剧 A. quit B. extra C. teenager D. ballet 参考答案:D 行为为;举举止 A. behaviour B. suitable for C. suitable D. youth 参考答案:A 喜爱爱 A. volunteer B. behaviour C. recommend D. be attracted to 参考答案:D 对对负责负责 A. addict B. be responsible for C. teenage D. confuse 参考答案:B 内容;pl 目录录;(书书、讲话讲话 、节节目等的) 主题题 A. prefer B. volunteer C. content D. focus 参考答案:C 使糊涂;使迷惑 A. confuse B. advanced C. Chicago D. preferto 参考答案:A 芝加哥 A. Chicago B. extra-curricular C. teenager D. responsible 参考答案:A 打扫扫(或清除)干净净 A. clean up B. attract C. youth D. graduate 参考答案:A 糊涂的;迷惑的 A. topic B. solution C. confused D. prefer 参考答案:C 挑战战;艰艰巨任务务;怀怀疑;向挑战战 A. advanced B. challenge C. solution D. extra-curricular 参考答案:B 难难以理解的;不清楚的 A. graduate B. literature C. confusing D. challenge 参考答案:C 辩论辩论 ;争论论 A. debate B. obviously C. advanced D. responsible 参考答案:A 额额外的;附加的 A. extra B. literature C. addict D. Chicago 参考答案:A 主编编;编辑编辑 ;编编者 A. fluent B. movement C. schedule D. editor 参考答案:D 专专家;行家;熟练练的;内行的;专专家的 A. preferto B. teenager C. expert D. advanced 参考答案:C 课课外的;课课程以外的 A. teenage B. extra-curricular C. confused D. suitable for 参考答案:B 集中(精力等);调节调节 焦距;焦点 A. expert B. addicted C. confusing D. focus 参考答案:D (尤指外语语)流利的;熟练练的 A. youth B. greenhouse C. fluent D. sign up for 参考答案:C (中学)九年级级学生;(大学)一年级级新生 A. extra B. freshman C. obviously D. sign up for 参考答案:B 集中;特别别关注 A. Chicago B. focus on C. adult D. advance 参考答案:B 毕业毕业 ;获获得学位;毕业毕业 生 A. adventure B. graduate C. recommend D. extra-curricular 参考答案:B 温室;暖房 A. addict B. greenhouse C. recommend D. confused 参考答案:B 一代(人) A. generation B. Seoul C. extra-curricular D. responsible 参考答案:A 文学;文学作品 A. extra B. literature C. Chicago D. focus 参考答案:B 动动作;运动动;活动动 A. responsibility B. movement C. attract D. focus on 参考答案:B 显显然地;明显显地 A. teenager B. preferto C. quit D. obviously 参考答案:D 盘盘子;碟子 A. graduate B. plate C. generation D. greenhouse 参考答案:B 较较喜欢欢 A. debate B. prefer C. topic D. responsible 参考答案:B 喜欢欢多于 A. confused B. preferto C. clean up D. responsible 参考答案:B 停止;戒掉;离开(工作职职位、学校等) A. quit B. topic C. recommend D. survival 参考答案:A 建议议;推荐;介绍绍 A. recommend B. generation C. clean up D. focus 参考答案:A 负责负责 的;有责责任的 A. editor B. responsible C. recommend D. responsibility 参考答案:B 责责任;义务义务 A. survival B. suitable C. youth D. responsibility 参考答案:D 首尔 A. solution B. Seoul C. responsibility D. content 参考答案:B 适合的;适用的 A. suitable B. behaviour C. volunteer D. addicted 参考答案:A 解决办办法;答案 A. clean up B. confused C. actually D. solution 参考答案:D 工作计计划;日程安排;安排;预预定 A. solution B. schedule C. advanced D. volunteer 参考答案:B 生存;幸存;幸存事物 A. prefer B. debate C. preferto D. survival 参考答案:D 报报名(参加课课程) A. ballet B. sign up for C. be responsible for D. schedule 参考答案:B 对对适合的 A. freshman B. suitable for C. solution D. survival 参考答案:B (书书、诗诗歌等的)名称;标题标题 ;职职称;头头 衔衔 A. prefer B. recommend C. literature D. title 参考答案:D 话题话题 ;标题标题 A. be attracted to B. teenager C. recommend D. topic 参考答案:D 十几岁岁的(指13至19岁岁);青少年的 A. advanced B. teenage C. confuse D. title 参考答案:B (13至19岁岁之间间的)青少年 A. addicted to B. teenager C. teenage D. suitable for 参考答案:B 志愿者 A. teenage B. quit C. volunteer D. addict 参考答案:C 青年时时期;青春 A. confuse B. youth C. responsibility D. solution 参考答案:B 人教版英语语必修第一册 第2单单元 单词练习题 中选英 申请请;请请求;应应用;涂(油漆、乳剂剂) A. the Andes B. rent C. the Terracotta D. apply 参考答案:D 惊奇的;惊喜的 A. amazed B. type C. the Andes D. hike 参考答案:A 钦钦佩;赞赏赞赏 A. amazing B. soldier C. admire D. check in 参考答案:C 令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的 A. amazing B. narrow C. Lake Titicaca D. sight 参考答案:A 申请请 A. make up B. apply for C. contact D. accommodation 参考答案:B 建筑设计师设计师 A. amazing B. architect C. BCE D. economy 参考答案:B 安排;筹备备 A. arrangement B. the Andes C. economic D. economy 参考答案:A 建筑设计设计 ;建筑学 A. Cusco B. the Eiffel Tower C. architecture D. contact 参考答案:C 住处处;停留处处;膳宿 A. accommodation B. powerful C. empire D. site 参考答案:A 公元前 A. admire B. castle C. package D. BCE 参考答案:D 资资料(或广告)手册 A. brochure B. tomb C. architecture D. sight 参考答案:A 库库斯科(秘鲁鲁城市) A. powerful B. amazed C. package D. Cusco 参考答案:D 城堡;堡垒垒 A. castle B. the Uros C. the Andes D. flight 参考答案:A 借款;信用;称赞赞;学分 A. arrangement B. view C. credit D. unearth 参考答案:C 联络联络 ;联联系;接触 A. path B. detail C. package tour D. contact 参考答案:D 议论议论 ;评论评论 A. comment B. detail C. unearth D. arrangement 参考答案:A (在旅馆馆、机场场等)登记记 A. view B. check in C. Iceland D. powerful 参考答案:B 结账结账 离开(旅馆馆等) A. check in B. economic C. tomb D. check out 参考答案:D 信用卡 A. castle B. take control of C. credit card D. type 参考答案:C 文明;闻闻名世界 A. castle B. civilisation C. the Terracotta D. recognize 参考答案:B 细节细节 ;详详情;细细微之处处 A. other than B. detail C. credit D. sight 参考答案:B 迪士尼乐乐园 A. empire B. the Terracotta C. Spain D. Disneyland 参考答案:D 目的地;终终点 A. recognize B. destination C. powerful D. Disneyland 参考答案:B 帝国 A. type B. castle C. the Terracotta D. empire 参考答案:D 皇帝 A. pack B. check out C. emperor D. unique 参考答案:C 交通运输输系统统;运输输;运送 A. architecture B. recognize C. economy D. comment 参考答案:C 经济经济 (上)的;经济经济 学的 A. economic B. the Amazon C. Spain D. site 参考答案:A 极其;非常 A. source B. civilisation C. extremely D. request 参考答案:C 平坦的;扁平的;公寓;单单元房 A. flat B. soldier C. economy D. Spain 参考答案:A 空中航行;航班;航程 A. rent B. BCE C. flight D. narrow 参考答案:C 徒步旅行;去远远足;远远足 A. empire B. architecture C. package tour D. hike 参考答案:D 冰岛岛 A. Iceland B. credit card C. the Terracotta D. view 参考答案:A 的的喀喀湖 A. source B. the Andes C. Lake Titicaca D. contact 参考答案:C 构成;形成 A. package tour B. architecture C. make up D. tomb 参考答案:C 马马丘比丘 A. visa B. the Inca C. Machu Picchu D. hike 参考答案:C 狭窄的;(使)变变窄 A. contact B. narrow C. Lake Titicaca D. apply for 参考答案:B 新天鹅鹅堡 A. admire B. apply C. Neuschwanstein D. emperor 参考答案:C 官方的;正式的;公务务的;官员员;要员员 A. hike B. pack C. official D. architecture 参考答案:C 除以外 A. request B. powerful C. Spanish D. other than 参考答案:D 纸纸包;纸纸袋;大包 A. amazed B. the Uros C. pack D. credit 参考答案:C 小路;路线线;道路 A. Machu Picchu B. site C. path D. detail 参考答案:C 秘鲁鲁 A. recognize B. pack C. Peru D. amazed 参考答案:C 包裹;包装盒;将包装好 A. recognize B. package C. emperor D. the Andes 参考答案:B 强有力的;有权势权势 的;有影响力的 A. apply B. powerful C. visa D. architecture 参考答案:B 包价旅游 A. package tour B. credit C. amazing D. view 参考答案:A 租用;出租;租金为为;租金 A. contact B. rent C. package tour D. pack 参考答案:B (正式或礼貌的)要求;请请求 A. site B. arrangement C. request D. statue 参考答案:C 辨别别出;承认认;认认可 A. package tour B. contact C. recognize D. make up 参考答案:C 地点;位置;现场现场 A. site B. admire C. path D. flight 参考答案:A 景象;视视野;视视力 A. empire B. recognize C. apply for D. sight 参考答案:D 西班牙 A. soldier B. credit card C. Spain D. Iceland 参考答案:C 来源;出处处 A. source B. castle C. the Eiffel Tower D. Machu Picchu 参考答案:A 雕塑;雕像 A. type B. statue C. Spanish D. accommodation 参考答案:B 士兵;军军人 A. soldier B. package C. tomb D. the Eiffel Tower 参考答案:A 西班牙语语,西班牙人,西班牙的 A. Spanish B. accommodation C. visa D. type 参考答案:A 类类型;种类类;打字 A. flat B. pack C. visa D. type 参考答案:D 坟坟墓 A. Iceland B. destination C. amazing D. tomb 参考答案:D 印加帝国 A. rent B. amazing C. the Inca D. powerful 参考答案:C 乌鲁乌鲁 斯人 A. architecture B. destination C. flight D. the Uros 参考答案:D 交通运输输系统统;运输输;运送 A. extremely B. the Andes C. Neuschwanstein D. transport 参考答案:D 安第斯山脉 A. hike B. emperor C. the Andes D. architecture 参考答案:C 亚马孙亚马孙 雨林 A. the Amazon B. unique C. the Terracotta D. Iceland 参考答案:A 兵马马俑 A. the Uros B. the Terracotta C. Spanish D. Cusco 参考答案:B 控制;接管 A. Peru B. emperor C. narrow D. take control of 参考答案:D 埃菲尔铁铁塔 A. extremely B. unique C. the Eiffel Tower D. sight 参考答案:C 唯一的;独特的;特有的 A. unique B. flight C. civilisation D. path 参考答案:A 挖掘;发发掘 A. unearth B. sight C. Machu Picchu D. architecture 参考答案:A 签证签证 A. economic B. Lake Titicaca C. visa D. Cusco 参考答案:C 视视野;景色;看法 A. Spanish B. take control of C. view D. BCE 参考答案:C 人教版英语语必修第一册 第3单单元 单词练习题 中选英 分离;分开;成碎片 A. compete B. marathon C. apart D. host 参考答案:C 运动员动员 ;运动动健儿 A. athlete B. legend C. stadium D. give up 参考答案:A 观观众;听众 A. apart B. champion C. failure D. audience 参考答案:D 拳击击(运动动) A. even if/though B. cut out C. boxing D. jog 参考答案:C 羽毛球运动动 A. make it B. positive C. badminton D. come along 参考答案:C 作弊;欺骗骗;欺骗骗手段;骗骗子 A. pretend to do sth B. master C. injure D. cheat 参考答案:D (运动队动队 )队长队长 ;船长长;机长长 A. now and then B. championship C. injury D. captain 参考答案:D 竞竞争;对对抗 A. cut out B. error C. compete D. comparewith/to 参考答案:C 冠军军;优胜优胜 者 A. million B. champion C. captain D. rather than 参考答案:B 停止做(或使用、食用);剪下 A. rather B. come along C. cut out D. stress 参考答案:C 跟随;到达;进进步;赶快 A. apart B. graceful C. make sense D. come along 参考答案:D 锦标赛锦标赛 ;冠军赛军赛 ;冠军军称号 A. championship B. graceful C. slim D. rather 参考答案:A 与比较较 A. comparewith/to B. work out C. now and then D. injured 参考答案:A 规规定饮饮食;日常饮饮食;节节食 A. diet B. master C. rather than D. cut out 参考答案:A 决心;决定 A. track B. determination C. cheat D. audience 参考答案:B 比赛项赛项 目;大事;公开活动动 A. positive B. event C. make it D. championship 参考答案:B 错误错误 ;差错错 A. error B. sweat C. ski D. even if/though 参考答案:A 即使;虽虽然 A. even if/though B. give up C. championship D. medal 参考答案:A 健康;健壮;适合 A. pretend to do sth B. fitness C. cut out D. championship 参考答案:B 失败败;失败败的人(或事物) A. failure B. set an example C. host D. master 参考答案:A 破裂;破碎;崩溃溃 A. even if/though B. badminton C. stress D. fall apart 参考答案:D 健身房;体育馆馆 A. give up B. champion C. gym D. set an example 参考答案:C 荣誉;光荣;赞赞美 A. glory B. determination C. jog D. champion 参考答案:A 放弃;投降 A. give up B. comparewith/to C. stress D. cut out 参考答案:A 优优美的;优优雅的 A. rather B. positive C. gymnastics D. graceful 参考答案:D 体操(训练训练 ) A. fall apart B. now and then C. soccer D. gymnastics 参考答案:D 主办办;主持;主人;东东道主;节节目主持人 A. host B. come along C. injury D. rather than 参考答案:A 荣誉;尊敬;荣幸 A. honour B. determination C. lose heart D. diet 参考答案:A 使受伤伤;损损害 A. injure B. cut out C. track D. make sense 参考答案:A 伤伤害;损伤损伤 A. make sense B. rather than C. injury D. fall apart 参考答案:C 受伤伤的;有伤伤的 A. pretend B. injury C. failure D. injured 参考答案:D 慢跑 A. error B. stadium C. jog D. rather 参考答案:C 传传奇故事(或人物);传说传说 A. soccer B. determination C. jog D. legend 参考答案:D 丧丧失信心;泄气 A. even if/though B. lose heart C. determination D. comparewith/to 参考答案:B 奖奖章;勋勋章 A. determination B. medal C. pretend to do sth D. apart 参考答案:B 高手;主人;精通;掌握 A. badminton B. jog C. master D. injured 参考答案:C 获获得成功;准时时到达 A. medal B. make sense C. cut out D. make it 参考答案:D 一百万 A. gymnastics B. championship C. million D. audience 参考答案:C 马马拉松赛赛跑 A. host B. captain C. marathon D. cut out 参考答案:C 有道理;合乎情理;表述清楚 A. determination B. make sense C. set an example D. rather than 参考答案:B 有作用或影响 A. compete B. push-up C. legend D. make a difference 参考答案:D 有时时;偶尔 A. pretend to do sth B. injure C. now and then D. come along 参考答案:C 假装;装扮 A. medal B. come along C. pretend D. event 参考答案:C 俯卧撑 A. push-up B. apart C. stadium D. rather than 参考答案:A 积积极的;正面的;乐观乐观 的;肯定的 A. cut out B. push-up C. pretend to do sth D. positive 参考答案:D 假装做某事 A. pretend to do sth B. give up C. stadium D. error 参考答案:A 相当;有点儿 A. honour B. host C. rather D. event 参考答案:C 而不是 A. rather than B. injure C. track and field D. soccer 参考答案:A 滑雪的;滑雪 A. injured B. ski C. rather than D. jog 参考答案:B 苗条的;单单薄的 A. slim B. strength C. host D. million 参考答案:A 使出汗;出汗弄湿;出汗;汗水 A. sweat B. legend C. cheat D. glory 参考答案:A 足球;足球运动动 A. gymnastics B. determination C. cheat D. soccer 参考答案:D 压压力;重音;强调调;使焦虑虑不安 A. soccer B. stress C. fall apart D. track 参考答案:B 体育场场;运动场动场 A. honour B. pretend C. set an example D. stadium 参考答案:D 力量;体力 A. even if/though B. master C. strength D. honour 参考答案:C 树树立榜样样 A. push-up B. set an example C. injure D. error 参考答案:B 跑道;足迹;铁铁路轨轨道;追踪;跟踪 A. captain B. soccer C. rather D. track 参考答案:D 田径 A. track and field B. make sense C. slim D. graceful 参考答案:A 锻炼锻炼 ;计计算出;解决 A. now and then B. gymnastics C. athlete D. work out 参考答案:D 人教版英语语必修第一册 第4单单元 单词练习题 中选英 援助;帮助;救援物资资 A. tornado B. bury C. erupt D. aid 参考答案:D 似乎;好像;仿佛 A. helicopter B. in the open air C. slide D. as if 参考答案:D 影响;(疾病)侵袭袭;深深打动动 A. Sumatra B. supply C. affect D. in ruins 参考答案:C 埋葬;安葬 A. bury B. emergency C. slide D. magnitude 参考答案:A 砖砖;砖块砖块 A. brick B. whistle C. shock D. volcanic eruption 参考答案:A 呼吸 A. Ecuador B. disaster C. revival D. breathe 参考答案:D 镇镇静的;沉着的;使平静;使镇镇静 A. pipe B. wave C. crack D. calm 参考答案:D 裂纹纹;裂缝缝;(使)破裂 A. crack B. supply C. ruin D. in ruins 参考答案:A 碰撞;撞击击;撞车车 A. crash B. calm C. on hand D. supply 参考答案:A 上下文;语语境;背景 A. strike B. context C. revive D. wave 参考答案:B 死;死亡 A. sweep away B. in the open air C. magnitude D. death 参考答案:D 损损害;破坏;损损坏;损损失 A. damage B. emergency C. magnitude D. slide 参考答案:A 灾难难;灾害 A. pipe B. Sumatra C. disaster D. deliver 参考答案:C 旱灾;久旱 A. drought B. length C. kit D. context 参考答案:A 摧毁 ;毁灭灭 A. shock B. tap C. volcanic eruption D. destroy 参考答案:D 递递送;传传达;发发表 A. destroy B. volcano C. calm D. deliver 参考答案:D (火山)爆发发;(岩浆浆、烟等)喷喷出 A. ruin B. erupt C. sweep D. volcanic eruption 参考答案:B 努力;艰难艰难 的尝试尝试 ;尽力 A. effort B. tap C. hurricane D. crash 参考答案:A 影响;结结果;效果 A. brick B. effect C. ruin D. slide 参考答案:B 厄瓜多尔 A. Ecuador B. shock C. flood D. volcanic eruption 参考答案:A 疏散;撤出;撤离 A. evacuate B. summary C. as if D. survive 参考答案:A 突发发事件;紧紧急情况 A. emergency B. calm C. kit D. summary 参考答案:A 电电;电电能 A. magnitude B. context C. unify D. electricity 参考答案:D 洪水;大量;淹没;大量涌入;使灌满满水 A. ruin B. summary C. whistle D. flood 参考答案:D 急救箱 A. typhoon B. breathe C. first aid kit D. bury 参考答案:C (尤指大西洋的)飓风飓风 A. crack B. hurricane C. strike D. volcano 参考答案:B 直升机 A. erupt B. affect C. helicopter D. trap 参考答案:C 严严重受损损;破败败不堪 A. tornado B. summary C. effect D. in ruins 参考答案:D 震惊;吃惊 A. disaster B. helicopter C. tsunami D. in shock 参考答案:D 印度尼西亚亚 A. rescue B. emergency C. tsunami D. Indonesia 参考答案:D 露天;在户户外 A. flood B. in the open air C. Sumatra D. as if 参考答案:B 成套工具;成套设备设备 A. kit B. slide C. Sri Lanka D. ruin 参考答案:A 长长;长长度 A. breathe B. whistle C. length D. unify 参考答案:C (山地或悬悬崖的)崩塌;滑坡 A. landslide B. whistle C. drought D. summary 参考答案:A 金属 A. evacuate B. percent C. metal D. on hand 参考答案:C 马马来西亚亚 A. Malaysia B. metal C. Thailand D. in ruins 参考答案:A (地)震级级;重大 A. supply B. in the open air C. magnitude D. slide 参考答案:C 现现有(尤指帮助) A. tap B. ruin C. aid D. on hand 参考答案:D 管子;管道 A. magnitude B. pipe C. damage D. drought 参考答案:B 电电力供应应;力量;控制力 A. deliver B. first aid kit C. power D. sweep away 参考答案:C 百分之 A. percent B. suffer C. shelter D. calm 参考答案:A 破坏;毁坏 A. effect B. sweep away C. evacuate D. ruin 参考答案:D 营营救;救援 A. whistle B. disaster C. rescue D. evacuate 参考答案:C 复活;(使)苏苏醒 A. revive B. slide C. drought D. in the open air 参考答案:A 振兴兴;复苏苏 A. emergency B. suffer C. revival D. supply 参考答案:C (使)滑行;滑动动 A. slide B. Sri Lanka C. flood D. Indonesia 参考答案:A 震惊;令人震惊的事;休克;(使)震惊 A. wisdom B. rescue C. shock D. crash 参考答案:C 打扫扫;清扫扫 A. in the open air B. sweep C. kit D. emergency 参考答案:B 遭受;蒙受 (因疾病、痛苦、悲伤伤等)受苦 A. calm B. s
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