Module 4 The world around us-12 The four seasons-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级公开课-沪教版三年级上册英语(编号:21281).zip

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I know four seasons. springsummer autumnwinter Super door! Super door! Open, open, open! Look! Its winter. Its cold . What can you see? I can see snowmen. Snowmen, snowmen, Big and fat . Snowmen, snowmen, Nice,nice,nice. Winter, winter Winter, winter Cold, cold, cold. Cold, cold, cold. I can see snowmen. I can see snowmen. Nice, nice, nice. Its so nice. Look! Its winter. Its cold. I can see snowmen. How nice! You can read correctly. (正确地朗读正确地朗读) You can read beautifully. (有感情地朗读)(有感情地朗读) Super door! Super door! Open, open, open! Wow! Its cool. Its yellow. Look! Its autumn. What can you see? autumn Autumn, autumn. Cool, cool cool. Autumn, autumn. Yellow, yellow, yellow. Autumn, autumn. I can see trees. Autumn, autumn. Nice,nice,nice. yellow cool trees Look! Its autumn. Its cool. I can see_. How nice! You can read correctly. (正确地朗读正确地朗读) You can read beautifully. (有感情地朗读)(有感情地朗读) Its so hot! But its so nice. Come here! Super door! Super door! Open, open, open! I have a task for you. Its on your desk. Look! Its _(summer/winter). Its _ (cool/ hot). I can see the _ (sea/bee). How nice! the sea I can see the sea. Look! Its summer. Its _. I can see_. How nice! hot the sea You can read correctly. (正确地朗读正确地朗读) You can read beautifully. (有感情地朗读)(有感情地朗读) You can read correctly. (正确地朗读正确地朗读) You can read beautifully. (有感情地朗读)(有感情地朗读) Look! Its_. Its _. I can see_. How nice! warm spring You can read correctly. (正确地朗读正确地朗读) You can read beautifully. (有感情地朗读)(有感情地朗读) Look! Its_. Its _. I can see_. How nice! warm spring cool cold warm hot In spring, it is warm. In autumn, it is cool. In summer , it is hot. In winter, it is cold. Taiyuan Taiyuan Harbin Harbin Urumqi China Australia Different countries, different seasons Look! Its . Its . I can see . How nice! spring warm birds hot summer the sea autumn cool trees winter cold snowmen Spring is warm. Summer is hot. Autumn is cool. Winter is cold. Spring ,summer, autumn and winter, Make a year. A nice year. 1. Copy the new words: warm, hot, cool, cold 2. Read the text “Listen and say” 3. Try to introduce one or two seasons to your parents Oxford English Book3A Module 4 Unit 12 The four seasons 教学说明 Book : Oxford English Book 3A Module 4 Unit 12 Period: 1 Theme: The four seasons Topic: Seasons I know Teaching Aims (教学目标): A. Knowledge Aims (语言知识) : 1.能在 Doraemon 带领大家感受四季的语境中初步认读和拼写 spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot, cool, cold 等核心词汇。 2.能在 Doraemon 带领大家感受四季的语境中使用已学句型 Its描述四季的 气候特征。 3.能在 Doraemon 带领大家感受四季的语境中复习已学句型 I can see描述在 四季的所见景物。 B. Skill Aims (语言技能) : Listening: 1.能在相关语境中听懂单词 spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot,cool, cold 等以及句型 Its I can see 2.能听懂主体文本并理解含义。 Speaking: 1.能在语境中说出主要单词 spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot, cool, cold 以及句型 Its I can see 2.能初步描述一个或几个季节的气候特征以及所见景物。 3.能有感情地朗读主文本。 C. Practice Aims (语言应用): 1.能将学过的内容综合应用,初步描述一个或几个季节的气候特征以及所见 景物。 2.在语境中帮助学生熟悉四季特征,帮助他们热爱生活。 D. Affection and attitudes (情感态度) : 通过对四季的欣赏与学习,让学生感受到四季的不同气候特征以及四季的 美丽。 E. Learning Strategy (学习策略) : 1.通过图片、视频等多媒体效果创设合适的情境。 2.通过师生互动、生生互动带动情境发展和语言操练。 3.利用 chant, song 等手段提高学生学习的积极性,有效促进语言输出。 F 、教学难点:、教学难点: 能初步描述一个或几个季节的气候特征以及所见景物。 Teaching Processes: ProcedureContentMethodPurpose Pre-task Preparation Warming-up1.Listen and enjoy 2.Ask and answer and elicit the topic 3.Enjoy a video 先听后读儿歌的方式既让 学生对于旧知有了回忆, 又对今天的新授内容有了 初步感知。 利用问答的形式引出话题 the four seasons 欣赏一段关于四季的视频, 语言内容就是本课的主体 文本,让学生进行整体感 知。 While-task Procedure Autumn 1.Introduce Doraemon and his friends 2.Listen to the dialogue and elicit the new words 引入 Doraemon 这个卡通 人物,创设情境,激发学 生的学习兴趣。 根据对话提炼出 autumn, cool, windy 几个新授单词。 3.Say a chant 4.Ask and answer 5.Read the passage 通过儿歌对以上单词进行 操练。 通过问答让学生谈谈在秋 天的所见景物。 朗读第一段主体文本。 Winter 1.Make a guess 2.Listen to the dialogue and elicit the new words 3.Enjoy a song 4.Read the dialogue and elicit the new words 5.Say a chant 6.Pair work 7.Read the passage 根据猜谜引出冬天的教学, 激发起学生的好奇心。 根据对话引入 winter, cold, cloudy 几个新授单 词。 通过儿歌让学生复习之前 的单词,同时初步感知 snowmen 等内容。 通过对话引出新授内容 I can see snowmen. 通过儿歌对 snowmen 进 行操练,巩固学生的学习 兴趣。 通过 pair work 操练核心 词汇与句型。之后朗读主 体文本第二部分。 Summer 1.Listen and circle 2.Enjoy a video and elicit the new words 3.Complete the passage 通过圈出听到的单词,让 学生复习关于夏天的词汇 并初步感知新授单词 sea 通过视频,让学生更直观 地感受到他们的所见所闻, 为之后的输出做铺垫。 完成并输出主体文本第三 部分。 Spring 1.Discuss and talk about spring 根据之前所学的三段内容, 让学生来介绍下春天的气 候以及所见景物以及感受。 Post-task activity Revision of the whole passage 1.Enjoy the read after the video 2.Group work: talk about the season(s) you know 3.Enjoy a poem 学生根据视频与板书整体 朗读主体文本,对本课内 容进行整体回顾。 四人一组讨论一个或者几 个自己了解的季节,实现 本节课的语用功能。 通过诗歌让学生进一步感 受到四季的美丽,实现本 课的情感目标。 Assignment1.Copy the new words: autumn, cool, windy, winter, cold, cloudy 2.Read the new words and the rhyme on P26 3.Read the text “Seasons I know” 4.Try to introduce one or two seasons to your parents Board-writingSeasons I know Season Weather Things Feeling spring warm nice flowers/ summer sunny hot the sea/ nice autumn windy cool trees/ winter cloudy cold snowmen/ Look! Its _. Its _. I can see_. How_!
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