Module 1 Getting to know you-1 Meeting new People-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级公开课-沪教版四年级上册英语(编号:91466).zip

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M1U1 Meeting new peopleM1U1 Meeting new people 四年级英语上册(沪教2011课标版三年级起点) This is my new neighbour. Her name is Xiaoli. She is a nurse. Hes Peter. His name is Peter. Age: Grade Ten Four Hobby: Teacher: Playing football Miss Fang Who is he? How many members are there in Peters family ? Name: Age: Grade: Hobbies: Sally Twelve Six Singing and dancing Her name is Sally. His name is Paul. Hobby: Name: Age: Grade: Paul Eight swimming Two Who will they meet ? Who will they meet ? Age: Grade: Ten Four Hobby: Teacher: swimming Miss Fang Good friend:Peter Does Kitty know Peters sister or brother? Does Kitty know Peters sister or brother? my sister. Sally. This is Her names my brother. Paul. This is His names Alex Tina What will Kitty say ? What will they talk? How old are you? Whatre your hobbies? What grade are you in? Hi,Sally. Hi, Paul. My names Kitty. Hi,Kitty. Nice to meet you . How old are you? What grade are you in? Whatre your hobbies? What will they do next? Shall we play in the park together? Good afternoon, Peter. Good afternoon, Kitty. This is my sister. Her names Sally.This is my brother. His names Paul. Hi,Sally.Hi,Paul. My names Kitty. Hi,Kitty. Nice to meet you. Goodbye Kitty. See you, Peter. Goodbye, Sally and Paul. If you If you If you If you meet new peoplemeet new peoplemeet new peoplemeet new people, , , , what should you dowhat should you dowhat should you dowhat should you do ? ? ? ? When you meet new people in a tour group, what will you do? Self-introduction. Do you like travelling? What place do you want to go next? Do you often travel? When your parent meets your teacher, what will you do? Introducing them. What about my son/daughters study? what will your parent and teacher talk ? How can I help him/her? When you meet new people in a dance club, what will you do? Self-introduction. How often do you come here? Do you like dancing? Do you want to be a dancer? Self-introduction. Do you like travelling? Do you often travel? What place do you want to go next? Self-introduction. Do you like dancing? How often do you come here? Introducing them. Greeting each other. What about my son/daughters study? Do you want to be a dancer? 1 2 3 When you meet new people in a tour group, what will you do? Self-introduction. Do you like travelling? What place do you want to go next? Do you often travel? When your parent meets your teacher, what will you do? Introducing them. What about my son/daughters study? what will your parent and teacher say ? Please be strict with him/her. When you meet new people in a dancing club, what will you do? Self-introduction. How often do you come here? Do you like dancing? Do you want to be a dancer? be confident !be confident !be confident !be confident ! be polite !be polite !be polite !be polite ! When you meet new people, When you meet new people, When you meet new people, When you meet new people, try to talk ! try to talk ! try to talk ! try to talk ! try to make friends ! try to make friends ! try to make friends ! try to make friends ! 课题课题 / / TopicTopic 四年级英语上册(沪教四年级英语上册(沪教 20112011 课标版三年级起点)课标版三年级起点) Module1Module1 GettingGetting toto knowknow youyou Unit1Unit1 MeetingMeeting newnew peoplepeople 执教教师:执教教师: 执教年级:执教年级:四年级 教学目标教学目标 / / TeachingTeaching AimsAims: 1. 知识与技能:(1)能够准确、熟练用句型 This is.His/ Her names .介 绍 别人的名字, 用句型 My name is .介绍自己的名字; 用日常用语 See you. 和别人道别; 用日常用语 Nice to meet you (too). 与新朋友互相打招呼。 (2)能够在生活实际情境中遇到新朋友时做恰当地交谈。 2. 过程与方法:(1)能够理解、表达和表演课文内容; (2)能够初步在恰当的情境中,综合运用本单元所学的句型和日 常用语。 3. 情感态度与价值观:启发学生在生活中遇到新朋友时,自信、礼貌、勇敢地与 其 交流,生活中应善交朋友。 重点重点 / / KeyKey pointspoints: 句型 This is .His/ Her names.My name is . 日常用语 See you. Nice to meet you (too).的准确运用。 难点难点 / / DifficultDifficult pointspoints: 1.在日常具体生活情境中应用本单元句型和日常 用语。 2.应用学生的知识储备进行文本的再构。 教具教具 / / TeachingTeaching AidsAids: 多媒体课件。 教学过程设计教学过程设计/ / TeachingTeaching ProcedureProcedure 教学环节教学环节 Steps 教师活动教师活动 Teachers Activities 学生活动学生活动 Students Activities 教学意图教学意图 Purpose 导入导入 LeadingLeading inin Greet the students. Show some photos to the students. In the photos, the teacher is running, having a class and cooking. Greet the teacher. Talk with the teacher. Answer the questions: Who is she? What am I doing? What time is it? To catch the kids attention. To lead to the topic of this lesson. 旧知复习旧知复习 RevisionRevision Say the chant with the students. Organize the students to discuss the information about the main roles(Peter, Sally and Paul) of the dialogue and prepare for the following task. Say the chant. 1. Introduce Peter. 2. Introduce Peters sister and brother. To review “My name is .”and Nice to meet you. Review what they have learnt last class and prepare for this lesson. Help the students to know about the main roles of this lesson. 课文学习课文学习 TextText learninglearning I I.Lead.Lead inin 1. Organize the students to predict the text and watch the video of the text. 2. Encourage the students to introduce Kitty. Discuss with the teacher and the classmates about the text prediction. Introduce Kitty with the information. To grasp the main idea of the dialogue. To further review what they have learnt last class and prepare for IIII. . TextText learninglearning Picture1:Picture1:Organize the students to summarize: When we meet our friends, How should we greet each other? Picture2:Picture2: 1.1. Organize the students to learn how to introduce others. 2.2. Ask the students to be Peter to introduce his brother and sister. 3.3. Ask the students to help me to introduce my two friends. Picture3:Picture3: 1. Organize the students to learn how to introduce themselves when they meet new people. 2. Organize the Watch the video clip of Picture 1 and summarize: When we meet our friends, How should we greet each other? Watch the video clip of Picture 2 and summarize: How should we introduce others? Be Peter to introduce his brother and sister. Introduce Miss Lis two friends. Watch the video clip of Picture 3 and summarize: How should we introduce ourselves? . Discuss what else they the following task. To summarize the talking about meeting. To write the letter Pp correctly. To learn how to introduce others. To feel and grasp the sound of m. To practice introducing others. To further practice introducing others. To learn the self- introcution. To reconstruct the text. students to discuss what they will talk after the self- introduction. 3. Encourage the students to make a dialogue about what Kitty, Sally, Paul and Peter will talk and show it in front of the classroom. 4. Organize the students to discuss what Peter, Sally, Paul and Kitty will do next. Picture4:Picture4: Organize the students to summarize that what we should say when we are leaving. Encourage the performance the dialogue after the preparation. can talk when they meet new people. 4 students in a group to make a dialogue and show it. Discuss what they will do next. Watch the video clip of Picture 4 and summarize : What should we say when we are leaving.? Prepare and performance the dialogue. To complete the story. To complete the story. To learn the saying of goodbye. To better and understand the text and use the spoken English correctly. To strengthen the sentences they have learnt. 巩固拓展巩固拓展 ConsolidationConsolidation 1. Organize the students to discuss: If you meet new people, what should you do? 2. List 3 occasions that is about meeting new people and organize the students to discuss what they will do on these 3 occasions: When you meet new people in a tour group,what will you do? When your parent meets your teacher, what will you do? When you meet new people in a dance club,what will you do? 3. Encourage the students to choose one occasion,make a Discuss with the teacher and the classmates. Discuss with the teacher and the classmates. Choose one occasion ,make a dialogue and To inspire the students to think about the topic. To expand the studentsthinking and Prepare for the next task. To be able to talk when the students meet new people in their real life. dialogue and performance it. performance it 总结归纳总结归纳 SummarySummary Organize all the students to look back what we have learnt. Review what they have learnt. To summarize what they have learnt. 结束结束 EndingEnding Encourage the students to be confident and polite when they meet new people. Talk with the teacher. To encourage the students to try to talk with new people and make friends. Blackboard Design / 板书设计
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