Module 2 Relationships-5 Friends-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-沪教版五年级上册英语(编号:00020).zip

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          • 5A Unit 5 Friends.ppt--点击预览
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          • Ennio Morricone-Friends.mp3
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          • Listen and say.swf
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Lets do it 一选择填空 1)Kitty ,Alice and I like Ms Guo A. both B. all C.All the 2) They are in classes. A.the same B. same C. different 3) We sometimes help old people the street. A.cross cross C.crossing 4).I a cat and Alice a dog. A. have,have B.has,have C.have, has 5) Do you live our school? Yes,I go to school by underground,they by bus. A. far from B. near C. far 二用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1)Jack (like) playing football. Bill (like) playing basket. They both (like) sport. 2) I have a good friend. (she) name is Lily. I usually pay volleyball with (she). 三连词成句。注意大小写和标点符号。 1) class, the ,they, same,are, in(.) 2). both ,playing, like , we,sport (.) 3).colour , you, do, like,same,the(?) 4) carry,thing,heavy,people,we,old,help(.) 5) is ,good,your,who,friend(?) Period 1 Listen and say Look at the film Alice Look at the film Women volleyball match Lets enjoy I like sport, She likes sport. We both like sport. Try to say I like playing , She likes playing We both like playing. fruitfruit animals toy cars books My friend and I both like animals What do you and your friend both like ? Practice different same same or different Look at the film Listen and say Which thing do we like to do best? A . We play together B. We go to the zoo together C. We are in the same class and Study together D. We both like helping old people together We sometimes help old people cross the street. We also help them carry heavy bags How do we help people? . Sport sport We both like sport A dog a cat We both like animals People people We both like helping people You and me like each other each other, each other Enjoy a chant My good friend I have a good friend. He/She is _. We both like _. I like _. He/She likes _. We both like _. I like _. He/She likes _. We like each other. We are good friends Try to write 1.1. ListenListen toto thethe tapetape andand readread threethree times.times. 2.2. Introduce your good friend to your parents. A friend walks in when the rest of the world out 全世界离你而去,朋友仍和你在一起。全世界离你而去,朋友仍和你在一起。 5A Module2 Relationship Unit 5 Friends 第 1 课时 教材分析教材分析 本节课是 5A Module2 Relationship Unit 5 Friends 的第 1 课时,它 与三年级和四年级所学 Friends 有很大区别;在三年级和四年级都是描述 朋友的外貌,会重点学习 tall short fat thin 等单词,但在本节课, Listen and say 呈现了 Kitty 和好朋友 Alice 之间的相同和不同之处, 从而带出核心单词 same 和句型 We both 等等。 教学内容教学内容 Unit 1 Friends period1 Listen and enjoy Listen and say 教学教学 目标目标 知识与技能:能听懂会说 Listen and say 里的核心句型和词汇。 过程与方法:创设情境,在游戏中巩固和运用句型 情感态度与价值观: 让学生学会介绍自己的朋友,乐于交友,热心助人。 教学重点教学重点 1.词汇:both same help old people cross the street heavy 2.句型: We both 教学难点教学难点 1.通过 Listen and say 语篇,帮助学生学习核心句型和词汇。 2.帮助学生学习 Look and learn 词汇。 教学准备教学准备 1.学生准备:学生提前听录音模仿本节课内容,形成初步认知。 2.教师准备:ppt 单词卡片 一副乒乓球 Alice Kitty 以及小猫小狗的头像 一只手表 课时安排课时安排1 课时 教学过程教学过程(含各环节中的教师活动和学生活动以及设计意图) 教学过程教学过程 Step1Step1 Pre-taskPre-task preparationpreparation Free talk. T: Hello,I am new here .just now ,I have known more about you,But do you want to know anything about me? S: Yes. T:What is my name?Am I Alice or Kitty?Close your eyes(此时,我立 刻梳两个小辫子,带上眼镜,手拿玩具猫)Open your eyes please. S:You are Kitty T:Yes .I am big kitty.and Alice is friend,she is clever.(张贴 5.friend 和 Alice 头像)Today,We are going to talk about friends.Do you hve a friend? S: 通常孩子们看到的 kitty 是卡通小 kitty, 原来长大后的 kitty 竟然是 新来的老师,让他们感到意外,也拉近了学生和教师之间的距离,为下文 大 Alice 的出现做了很好的铺垫。 StepStep 2 2 While-taskWhile-task proceduresprocedures 1.Learn“same” T:Are you in the same class?( 张贴 in the same class)Alice and I are in the same class.(show the same finger as the teacher does at the same time read “same”) 2.learn “both”and the “both like sport” 1)Show the picture of big Alice(PPT1) 2)Show the video of Alice.( 播放 2016 年中国女排精彩比赛,让学生们 有种身为中国人的自豪感,老师指向一名运动员,并告诉同学们这就是长 大后的我的好友 Alice,让学生们匪夷所思,为随后的激情朗读蓄势。) T: The number ten is Alice,She is tired,Let us say “Come on ,Alice.” Teacher:Alice,come on 此处为激情朗读,激发学习热情。 boys: playing Ss: Playing volleyball. T: Look, Alice is running again,Is she super?. S1:Yes T: Alice likes playing volleyball.Do you know what do I like playing ? S1: . S2:. T:(教师做打乒乓球的样子) T : I like playing table tennis.She likes playing Volleyball. We both like sport. 3)Students say “both”at the same time clap their hands. 4) Play a ball game and read the phrase “both like sport” T: Letpass the ball as quickly as possible,When you hear “stop”you read it? 老师在黑板上张贴“both like sport”传球游戏 既避免了枯燥无味的单词操练,又为下个环节由 both 开头的短语学习奠 定了基础。 4. Learn “love animals” in groups and Ask and answer in groups. T:What do you and your friend both like?(出示 PPT) S1:My friend and I both like flowers S2: My friend and I both like toy cars S3: 5.Learn the sentences “both like helping”, “help old people cross the street” “help them carry heavy bags” 1) Have a guess(出示 ppt) T:We both love animals,I have a cat,She has a dog.We do a lot of things Together. T:Which one do we like to do best? S1:A S2:B. S3:. T:Great! We both like helping old people(教师张贴 both like helping) 2) Ask a question(出示 PPT) T: Please listen ,We both like helping people,How do we help people? S2: help old people cross the street S3: help them carry heavy bags S4:. T:You are clever, we sometimes help old people cross the street, we also help them carry heavy bags 3)Act out The teacher acts the old man ,Ask two students help her coss The street and carry heavy bags(bags 就是学生自己的重书包)在此 处我创设了真实情景,让学生感受到如何去帮助需要帮助的人。 4) Group work 1.T:I put some cards in some students desks or under the chairs ,you find and read it,stand here to make a sentence in the shortest time,The group is the winner(卡片 1:We sometimes 卡片 2:help old people 卡片 3cross the street ;卡片 4 we also 卡片 5 help them 卡片 6 carry heavy bags) 我是通过四个步骤,对两个重点句子进行了分散教学 :一.找被分割 句子的短句。二.读短句。 三.排成通顺的句子。 四.比赛。运用这种教学 方法,既降低了句子的教学难度,又让学生在轻松、愉悦的氛围中学会了 重点难句。 2.Studunts come to the blackbord group by group StepStep 3 3 Post-taskPost-task activitiesactivities 1 Enjoy a chant(教师示范朗读,学生两两齐读并做动作) both both we both like sport Both both we both like animals both both we both enjoy helping people you and me ,we both like each other, each other(在儿歌中让他们切身体会到 each other 的含义) 2.Say something about your friends by writing the sentence on the paper.(播放写作英语,让同学们静心) My good friend I have a good friend. He/She is _. We both like _. I like _. He/She likes _. We both like _. I like _. He/She likes _. We like each other. We are good friends. Guess! Who is he/she? 板书设计板书设计 Blackboard Design Kitty 的头像 5.Friends5.Friends Alice 的头像 both love animals both like sport A cat 的头像 playing table tennis A dog 的头像 playing volleyball both like helping people help old people cross street help them carry heavy bags 布置作业布置作业 Introduce your friends to your parents 教学反思教学反思 在本节课中,我想方设法创设真实英语环境,其中包括排球比赛视频,让 学生感到很新奇,然后让学生们一起为我的好友 Alice 助威。我还创设了 老人过马路的情境,让学生感受到如何去帮助需要帮助的人。让他们感受 到其中的快乐。我觉得要学好英语,一定要有语言环境,学生只有在逼真 的教学环境中,才能准确地理解语言,正确地使用语言,才能让他们兴致 勃勃地参与交际活动。中国学生学习英语,最缺乏的恐怕就数语言环境。 因此在教学中应结合教学内容,为学生尽可能多地创造英语环境,营造英 语环境. Period 1 Listen and say 三山区龙湖中心小学东升分校三山区龙湖中心小学东升分校 徐徐 谨谨 Look at the film Alice Look at the film Women volleyball match Lets enjoy I like sport, She likes sport. We both like sport. Try to say I like playing , She likes playing We both like playing. fruitfruit animals toy cars books My friend and I both like animals What do you and your friend both like ? Practice different same same or different Look at the film Listen and say Which thing do we like to do best? A . We play together B. We go to the zoo together C. We are in the same class and Study together D. We both like helping old people together We sometimes help old people cross the street. We also help them carry heavy bags How do we help people? . Sport sport We both like sport A dog a cat We both like animals People people We both like helping people You and me like each other each other, each other Enjoy a chant My good friend I have a good friend. He/She is _. We both like _. I like _. He/She likes _. We both like _. I like _. He/She likes _. We like each other. We are good friends Try to write 1.1. ListenListen toto thethe tapetape andand readread threethree times.times. 2.2. Introduce your good friend to your parents. A friend walks in when the rest of the world out 全世界离你而去,朋友仍和你在一起。全世界离你而去,朋友仍和你在一起。
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