Module 2 Relationships-5 Friends-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-沪教版五年级上册英语(编号:b0fa3).zip

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Learning guide Task 1: Put the words to the right places . (2) hardworking , rude , friendly , tell a lie , honest , kind share the snacks , helpful , lazy , Good friends should be Good friends should not be Good friends should Good friends should not Task 2: Read ,discuss and answer (3) Look up the dictionaries and explain “polite” in English . What can good friends do together ? In your mind , what are the good friends like ? Friends Friends are very important to us . When In trouble, we need friends to encourage and help . We also need friends to share our happiness . Of course good friends should be helpful , polite , and honest . They can eat together, work together, take care of each other . Sometimes, good friends are like the teachers in the life , sometimes they are like the mirrors ,we should treat good friends such as to treat our eyes . Task 3: Complete the passage about your good friend(s) . (3) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FriendsFriends 牛津英语6B Unit 2 第二课时 Pre- task (前置作业) helpful friendly lazy honest hardworking share the snacks rude tell a lie kind cute pretty smart strong snack (零食) share the snacks Task 1 : (任务1) Please put the words into the right places. (把下列单词放入合适的位置。) helpful friendly lazy honest hardworking share the snacks tell a lie kind rude 22 Good friends should be Good friends should not be Good friends should Good friends should not friendly helpful honest kind hardworking lazy rude share the snacks tell a lie Task2 : Read ,discuss and answer (任务2: 读一读,讨论并回答。) (3) 1. Look up the dictionaries and explain “polite” in English . (查字典,用英语解释“polite”) 2.What can good friends do together ? (好朋友可以在一起做什么?) 3.In your mind , what are the good friends like ? (在你心里,好朋友像什么?) Friends are very important to us . When In trouble, we need friends to encourage and help . We also need friends to share our happiness . Of course good friends should be helpful , polite , and honest . They can eat together, work together, take care of each other . Sometimes, good friends are like the teachers in the life , sometimes they are like the mirrors ,we should treat good friends such as to treat our eyes . Friends Good friends are like stars .You dont always see them ,but you know they are always there . Task 3 : (任务3) Complete the passage about your good friends . (写一篇关于朋友的文章。) ( 3 ) My good friend(s) I hope - I wish - Make a wishing card to your good friend . (给你的好朋友制作一张祝福卡。) Dear friend: Homework Make an album about you and your friends . (制作一份关于你和朋友的相册) 教学设计 1、话题:Friends 我们要用心去了解自己的朋友,体会身边因为有这些好 友。 3、课时说明:40 分钟 4、学生情况说明:本案例适合小学五年级学生,班级人数约 45 人。 二、teaching plan 课题名称: Friends 教学目标: 情感目标:我们要用心去了解自己的朋友,体会身边因为有这些好 朋友使自己的生活更加美好 教学重点: 2、课题说明:本案例是结合沪教版牛津英语教材五年级上册第五单 元 Friends 中 Listen and say 部分的内容编写的。主 要让学生在已学单词 friend, sport 等词的基础上掌握 hardworking, friendly, kind, helpful, honest 等单 词。能从各方面介绍自己和自己的好朋友;能够灵活运 用 both 一词及单三形式的准确运用。 知识目标:掌握四会单词和句型。 能力目标:能从各方面介绍自己和自己的好朋友;能够灵活运用 both 一词及单三形式的准确运用。 1.词汇:clever, same, class, both, heavy, different 2.句型:We both like sport. 教学过程: I.Pre-task preparation: Sing and enjoy the song: 欣赏歌曲,活跃课堂 氛围。 II.While-task procedure: 通过歌曲很自然地进行自由对话。 sport/fruit/ animal do you like? Does your friend like ? T: Who is your friend? Is he/she in our classroom? Oh, you are classmates. So you are in the same class. /Oh, you are in the different classes. T:What color do you like?(在同一班级,问两人) T: What color does he/she like? (不在同一班级,问一人) 对 color/ sport/ fruit/ animal 这些方面的提问,让学生掌握核心句型: We both like . 描述时第一人称和第三人称的运用。 like/ likes Students introduce their friends. Read page thirty. Ask the students to find the same part and different parts about Kitty and Alice. 通过阅读和回答问题,学生掌握单词和词组:clever, carry heavy bags, cross the street, each other. 以及扩展内容: 反义词 heavylight 单三形式:like/likes, have/has, 复习上学期重点语法内容: III.Post-task activity: Ask the students to fill in the blanks. . Two students are one group. Introduce his/her friend to their deskmate. 3. Choose some students to read their sentences. 通过这个练习,让学生锻炼自己的表达能力,并且能够操练本课的 主要内容。 板书: Unit5 Friends same We both like sport. different I like . She/He likes . color / fruit / animal / sport / age / class 这篇教案设计的教学对象是小学五年级学生。这个年龄段的学生爱 动,好表现,机械的读背不能吸引他们的注意力,达不到很好的教 学效果。所以我利用多媒体生动直观的优势设计了丰富多彩的游戏 活动,并为每个活动确定了特定的目标。教学设计中还有一些方面 有待完善。如教学环节的连接还不够紧密;活动时间需严格控制。 要注意教学的张弛度,根据学生的实际情况适当调整教案中的活动。
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