Module 4 The natural world-10 Wind-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+素材)-部级公开课-沪教版五年级上册英语(编号:f2b9b).zip

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      • 再别康桥 英文配乐诗朗诵_标清_2.mp4
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五年级五年级 英语英语 上册(上教版)上册(上教版) Say Goodbye to Cambridge Again by 徐志摩徐志摩 再别康桥再别康桥 ModuleModule 4 4 TheThe naturalnatural worldworld 南京一校南京一校 郭晓晰郭晓晰 UnitUnit 1010 WindWind Oxford English PeriodPeriod 1 1 win d The wind is blowing.blow The wind is blowing. wind 风风 windy 刮风的,多风的刮风的,多风的 blow 吹吹 The wind is blowing. wind 风风 windy 刮风的,多风的刮风的,多风的 blow 吹吹 The wind is blowing.blow blow gently strongly It is blowing . gently It is blowing . strongly It is blowing . The children are flying their kites happily. The wind is blowing. It is blowing strongly. The flowers are dancing in the wind softly. The wind is blowing. It is blowing gently. The children are flying their kites happily. The wind is blowing. It is blowing strongly. The wind is blowing. It is blowing gently. The flowers are dancing in the wind softly. The wind is blowing. It is blowing gently. The flowers are dancing in the wind softly. -ly 副词副词 gentle 温和的(形温和的(形)- gently 温和地温和地 温柔地(副温柔地(副 ) softly gently soft 轻轻柔的(形)柔的(形) - softly 轻柔地(副轻柔地(副 ) The wind is blowing. It is blowing strongly. The children are flying their kites happily. -ly 副词副词 strong 强壮的(形强壮的(形)- strongly 强劲地(副)强劲地(副) happil y strongly happy 开心的(形)开心的(形) - happily 开心地(副)开心地(副) thirsty 渴的(形)渴的(形) - thirstily 饥渴地(副)饥渴地(副) slow 慢的(形慢的(形)- slowly 慢慢地(副)慢慢地(副) quick 快的(形)快的(形) - quickly 快速地(副快速地(副 ) The children are happy. The children are playing happily. happy happily My mother has a new dress. She is _. The children are playing football _. The boys fly kites _ in the park. I am _ with my new toy. happy happily happy happil y Read and choose The wind is . The wind is blowing . gentl y Now it is . The wind is blowing . strongly gentle strong Mom is touching. Mom is touching the baby softly. The girl is reading . The girl is reading a book quietly. The boy is drawing. The boy is drawing a picture carefully. The wind is blowing. It is blowing gently. The flowers are dancing in the wind softly. The wind is blowing. It is blowing strongly. The children are flying their kites happily. Announcements: The windmill is moving. windmill 风车风车 movemoving dance dancing move move around move to Shanghai His speech moved her to tears deeply. They moved to Shanghai recently. The teacher is moving around the classroom quietly. move somebody The windmill is moving slowly. The windmill is moving quickly. The wind is blowing gently. The wind is blowing strongly. The wind is blowing. It is blowing gently. The wind is blowing. It is blowing strongly. The windmill is moving slowly. The windmill is moving quickly. The clouds are floating. They are floating freely. The raindrops are flying happily. The clouds are floating. They are floating freely. The raindrops are flying happily. LittleLittle windwind Kate Greenaway LittleLittle wind,wind, blowblow onon thethe hillhill top,top, LittleLittle wind,wind, blowblow downdown thethe plain,plain, LittleLittle wind,wind, blowblow upup thethe sunshine,sunshine, LittleLittle wind,wind, blowblow offoff thethe rain.rain. WhoWho hashas seenseen thethe wind?wind? Christina Rossetti WhoWho hashas seenseen thethe wind?wind? NeitherNeither I I nornor ButBut whenwhen thethe leavesleaves hanghang trembling,trembling, TheThe windwind is is passingpassing through.through. WhoWho hashas seenseen thethe wind?wind? NeitherNeither youyou nornor I. I. ButBut whenwhen thethe treestrees bowbow downdown theirtheir heads,heads, TheThe windwind is is passingpassing Collection of Poems By Class Ten 1. Read the text fluently and confidently. 2. Describe the daily actions with adverbs freely. 3. Write a poem creatively. 小学英语上海教育出版社三年级起点 教学设计教学设计 五年级上册五年级上册 Module 4 Unit 10 Wind 教学内容:教学内容: Module 4 Unit 10 Wind 教学年级:教学年级: 五年级(上册) 教材分析:教材分析: 本单元处于本册教材的最后一个模块Module 4 The natural world,本模块共有三个单元,分别从 Wind、Water、Fire 不同的方 面来介绍我们的自然世界。 本课课文以诗歌的形式,描述在不同风力下的环境变化及人物 活动。本课的核心教学内容是副词的用法。通过有节奏的听音、模 仿、跟读、仿写等方式让学生体会副词的用法。并感受诗歌的语言 韵律,达到热爱生活的情感升华。 学情分析:学情分析: 五年级上学期学生已经进入小学高年段的学习。学生学习的自 主性增强,具备了一定的独立学习语言的能力,能够预习课文,自 学单词,对文中不理解的地方提出疑问,基本体会文章表达的思想 感情。但学生是初次接触副词,需要经过教师的讲解和指导,逐步 地学习与应用。 教学目标:教学目标: 1、知识与技能目标: 掌握本课的单词及句型。根据文章结构复述课文。 2、过程与方法目标: 通过听、模仿、读、复述、自如运用等教学环节的逐步推进, 引导学生熟练掌握本课的内容。 3、情感态度与价值观目标: 感受英语诗歌韵文的优美韵律,体会不同语言的表达魅力。 教学重点:教学重点: 词汇: blow, gently, softly, strongly, happily, move, slowly, quickly 句型: 用副词来描述动作进行的方式。 如:The children are flying their kites happily. 教学难点:教学难点: 副词和形容词在用法上的区别。 课前准备:课前准备: 学生: 通过预习课文,感受英语诗歌、韵文的美丽。为课堂学习做准 备。 教师: 认真准备教材,以学生为主体思考如何设置教学内容便于学生 理解本课的重、难点。 信息技术支持: Flash 动画、PPT 演示文稿、iPad 同屏、实物展台一体机的应用、 慧学网网页学习平台 教学过程:教学过程: 教学 过程 教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设 计 意 图 导入 1、Greetings. 2、Appreciate a poem. 3、Brief summary: Its a very famous poem by 徐志摩, its name is “Saying Goodbye to Cambridge Again”, in Chinese is 再别康 桥. 欣赏 Saying Goodbye to Cambridge Again, 汇报对诗歌的认识。 1、欣赏英文版诗 歌再别康桥 , 把学生带入良好 的学习情境中。 2、引导学生根据 短片进行汇报对 诗歌的初步了解, 让学生体会中英 文诗歌的差异, 感受诗歌的魅力。 3、创设氛围,为 学习新知做好准 备。 新授 读前: 观看诗歌之前, 先对学生预设问题。 Show the questions: 学生带着问题观看 本篇课文 Wind,思考并汇报 利用问题让学生 抓住主题,便于 学生自主学习。 What do you think of the poetry? What can you see? 读中: Enjoy the poetry, then answer the questions. Learn the new words and sentences. 从词汇到句子循序 渐进。 Extension.对重点 动词 blow 和 move 进行扩展。 Think and say. How is the wind blowing? 体会 gently 和 strongly 的 区别,不同的风力 人们的行为有什么 不同? What are they doing? 学生初步了解课 文,体会诗歌的韵 律与特点。 自主学习词汇及 词汇在句子中的作 用。 扩展重点动词 blow 和 move 在其 他情境中的应用。 带着问题 How is the wind blowing?边 看边思考,同时, 让学生品味诗的韵 律和语调。 引导学生说出在不 同的风速时不同的 景象。 初识诗歌,感 知全文。 信息获取,梳 理加工。 扩展延伸,核 心素养。 智慧飞扬,言 传身教。 How about the wind? Practice.拓展练习, 了解副词。初步了 解副词的用法,体 会副词与形容词的 区别。 Read and act.跟读、 模仿、点拨,突出 诗歌的特点,如何 优美的朗诵英文诗 歌,体会 gently, strongly, happily, softly, slowly, quickly 的区别,突 The wind is blowing. It is blowing gently. The flowers are dancing softly. The wind is blowing. It is blowing strongly. The children are flying kites happily. 观看慧学网网络 教学初步了解副词, 通过练习了解副词 的应用及副词与形 容词的区别。 通过教师领读, 学生跟读,生生互 读,突出副词的作 用,感受诗歌的魅 力。 整合内化,表 达交流。 明晰语篇,赏 析精彩。 出语言特点。 Do the voice.通过 配音和朗诵的形式, 感受英文诗歌的魅 力。 有感情的朗读诗 歌,强调 gently 和 strongly,softly 和 happily,slowly 和 quickly 的不同。 学以致用,表 述顺畅。 读后: 观看一段小视频, 感受其意境,教师 根据所学句式写出 一首小诗为例,指 导学生写出自己的 诗歌。 阅读与倾听关于 wind 的其他的诗歌 并制作本班的诗集。 将做学的知识运用 到写作中,训练学 生综合运用语言的 能力。 创新迁移,发展 思维能力,体会 语言魅力。 作业 布置阶梯式作业,并教育孩子当遇到难题时要互帮互助。 1. Read the text fluently and confidently. 2. Describe the daily actions with adverbs freely. 3. Write a rhyme creatively. 板书 Unit 10 Wind The wind is blowing. It is blowing 反思与评价:反思与评价: 教学围绕文章一个主线 wind。两个重点,感受副词用法和欣赏 小诗的结构及韵律引导学生展开教学活动。 一、从主线入手 全篇小诗的教授围绕 wind 这一主线展开。从 The wind is blowing.开篇。分为 It is blowing gently. 和 It is blowing strongly. 用副词来表达在两种风的状态下,孩子们的活 动和自然事物的变化,用副词来表达真实的语境,同时在英语学习 的同时,感觉周围环境的变化和对我们的影响。 二、感受副词用法,突破教学难点。 副词的学习和应用是本课的重点和难点。整个教学过程都渗透 strongly gently softly slowly happily quickly 了副词的用法和语用。 1、首先借助复习导入阶段的短片。这部分学生可以自由描述,教师 用副词给予适时的补充,难点分散,感知副词,从而使学生初步感 知副词修饰动词。 2、小诗的学习中,根据风的强度变化加入适当的副词修饰动词。学 生具体感知副词用法,突破本课教学重点。 3、找出文中的副词,与相应的形容词做比较练习。学生明确副词和 形容词在用法上的区别,突破本课教学难点。 4、观看短片,要求学生运用本课新知-副词来描述短片中的动作, 自如运用副词,培养孩子们说的能力,同时活用本课的重难点。 5、仿写小诗,副词与诗的韵律,自然融合,从而语言的输出自然生 成。 三、小诗的赏析和学习。 本课的一大特点是课文的题材-诗歌。 1、教学中注重培养学生的听、读和模仿,学习赏析和诵读,提高孩 子们的英语素养。 2、指导学生注意诗歌的押韵和格式特点,培养孩子们英语能力。 3、以仿写的形式,让学生体会小诗的意境和美丽,感受英语带给我 们快乐的学习体验。 小学英语上海教育出版社三年级起点 教学设计教学设计 五年级上册五年级上册 Module 4 Unit 10 Wind 沈阳市和平区南京街第一小学沈阳市和平区南京街第一小学 郭晓晰郭晓晰 教学内容:教学内容: Module 4 Unit 10 Wind 教学年级:教学年级: 五年级(上册) 教材分析:教材分析: 本单元处于本册教材的最后一个模块Module 4 The natural world,本模块共有三个单元,分别从 Wind、Water、Fire 不同的方 面来介绍我们的自然世界。 本课课文以诗歌的形式,描述在不同风力下的环境变化及人物 活动。本课的核心教学内容是副词的用法。通过有节奏的听音、模 仿、跟读、仿写等方式让学生体会副词的用法。并感受诗歌的语言 韵律,达到热爱生活的情感升华。 学情分析:学情分析: 五年级上学期学生已经进入小学高年段的学习。学生学习的自 主性增强,具备了一定的独立学习语言的能力,能够预习课文,自 学单词,对文中不理解的地方提出疑问,基本体会文章表达的思想 感情。但学生是初次接触副词,需要经过教师的讲解和指导,逐步 地学习与应用。 教学目标:教学目标: 1、知识与技能目标: 掌握本课的单词及句型。根据文章结构复述课文。 2、过程与方法目标: 通过听、模仿、读、复述、自如运用等教学环节的逐步推进, 引导学生熟练掌握本课的内容。 3、情感态度与价值观目标: 感受英语诗歌韵文的优美韵律,体会不同语言的表达魅力。 教学重点:教学重点: 词汇: blow, gently, softly, strongly, happily, move, slowly, quickly 句型: 用副词来描述动作进行的方式。 如:The children are flying their kites happily. 教学难点:教学难点: 副词和形容词在用法上的区别。 课前准备:课前准备: 学生: 通过预习课文,感受英语诗歌、韵文的美丽。为课堂学习做准 备。 教师: 认真准备教材,以学生为主体思考如何设置教学内容便于学生 理解本课的重、难点。 信息技术支持: Flash 动画、PPT 演示文稿、iPad 同屏、实物展台一体机的应用、 慧学网网页学习平台 教学过程:教学过程: 教学 过程 教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设 计 意 图 导入 1、Greetings. 2、Appreciate a poem. 3、Brief summary: Its a very famous poem by 徐志摩, its name is “Saying Goodbye to Cambridge Again”, in Chinese is 再别康 桥. 欣赏 Saying Goodbye to Cambridge Again, 汇报对诗歌的认识。 1、欣赏英文版诗 歌再别康桥 , 把学生带入良好 的学习情境中。 2、引导学生根据 短片进行汇报对 诗歌的初步了解, 让学生体会中英 文诗歌的差异, 感受诗歌的魅力。 3、创设氛围,为 学习新知做好准 备。 新授 读前: 观看诗歌之前, 先对学生预设问题。 学生带着问题观看 本篇课文 Wind,思考并汇报 利用问题让学生 抓住主题,便于 学生自主学习。 Show the questions: What do you think of the poetry? What can you see? 读中: Enjoy the poetry, then answer the questions. Learn the new words and sentences. 从词汇到句子循序 渐进。 Extension.对重点 动词 blow 和 move 进行扩展。 Think and say. How is the wind blowing? 体会 gently 和 strongly 的 区别,不同的风力 人们的行为有什么 学生初步了解课 文,体会诗歌的韵 律与特点。 自主学习词汇及 词汇在句子中的作 用。 扩展重点动词 blow 和 move 在其 他情境中的应用。 带着问题 How is the wind blowing?边 看边思考,同时, 让学生品味诗的韵 律和语调。 引导学生说出在不 初识诗歌,感 知全文。 信息获取,梳 理加工。 扩展延伸,核 心素养。 智慧飞扬,言 传身教。 不同? What are they doing? How about the wind? Practice.拓展练习, 了解副词。初步了 解副词的用法,体 会副词与形容词的 区别。 Read and act.跟读、 模仿、点拨,突出 诗歌的特点,如何 优美的朗诵英文诗 歌,体会 gently, strongly, happily, 同的风速时不同的 景象。 The wind is blowing. It is blowing gently. The flowers are dancing softly. The wind is blowing. It is blowing strongly. The children are flying kites happily. 观看慧学网网络 教学初步了解副词, 通过练习了解副词 的应用及副词与形 容词的区别。 通过教师领读, 学生跟读,生生互 读,突出副词的作 用,感受诗歌的魅 力。 整合内化,表 达交流。 明晰语篇,赏 析精彩。 softly, slowly, quickly 的区别,突 出语言特点。 Do the voice.通过 配音和朗诵的形式, 感受英文诗歌的魅 力。 有感情的朗读诗 歌,强调 gently 和 strongly,softly 和 happily,slowly 和 quickly 的不同。 学以致用,表 述顺畅。 读后: 观看一段小视频, 感受其意境,教师 根据所学句式写出 一首小诗为例,指 导学生写出自己的 诗歌。 阅读与倾听关于 wind 的其他的诗歌 并制作本班的诗集。 将做学的知识运用 到写作中,训练学 生综合运用语言的 能力。 创新迁移,发展 思维能力,体会 语言魅力。 作业 布置阶梯式作业,并教育孩子当遇到难题时要互帮互助。 1. Read the text fluently and confidently. 2. Describe the daily actions with adverbs freely. 3. Write a rhyme creatively. 板书 Unit 10 Wind The wind is blowing. It is blowing 反思与评价:反思与评价: 教学围绕文章一个主线 wind。两个重点,感受副词用法和欣赏 小诗的结构及韵律引导学生展开教学活动。 一、从主线入手 全篇小诗的教授围绕 wind 这一主线展开。从 The wind is blowing.开篇。分为 It is blowing gently. 和 It is blowing strongly. 用副词来表达在两种风的状态下,孩子们的活 动和自然事物的变化,用副词来表达真实的语境,同时在英语学习 的同时,感觉周围环境的变化和对我们的影响。 strongly gently softly slowly happily quickly 二、感受副词用法,突破教学难点。 副词的学习和应用是本课的重点和难点。整个教学过程都渗透 了副词的用法和语用。 1、首先借助复习导入阶段的短片。这部分学生可以自由描述,教师 用副词给予适时的补充,难点分散,感知副词,从而使学生初步感 知副词修饰动词。 2、小诗的学习中,根据风的强度变化加入适当的副词修饰动词。学 生具体感知副词用法,突破本课教学重点。 3、找出文中的副词,与相应的形容词做比较练习。学生明确副词和 形容词在用法上的区别,突破本课教学难点。 4、观看短片,要求学生运用本课新知-副词来描述短片中的动作, 自如运用副词,培养孩子们说的能力,同时活用本课的重难点。 5、仿写小诗,副词与诗的韵律,自然融合,从而语言的输出自然生 成。 三、小诗的赏析和学习。 本课的一大特点是课文的题材-诗歌。 1、教学中注重培养学生的听、读和模仿,学习赏析和诵读,提高孩 子们的英语素养。 2、指导学生注意诗歌的押韵和格式特点,培养孩子们英语能力。 3、以仿写的形式,让学生体会小诗的意境和美丽,感受英语带给我 们快乐的学习体验。 Collection of Poems By Class Ten Module 4 Unit 10 Wind 南京九校 宋冬焱 Sindy 初识副词 The wind is blowing. wind 风 windy 刮风的,多风的 blow 吹 The windmill is moving. windmill 风车 move 移动,搬家 moving dance 跳舞 dancing The wind is blowing. It is blowing gently. The flowers are dancing in the wind softly. The wind is blowing. It is blowing strongly. The children are flying their kites happily. The wind is blowing. It is blowing gently. The windmill is moving slowly. The wind is blowing. It is blowing strongly. The windmill is moving quickly. The wind is blowing. It is blowing gently. The flowers are dancing in the wind softly. -ly 副词 gentle 温和的(形)- gently 温和地 温柔地(副) softly gently soft 轻柔的(形) - softly 轻柔地(副) The wind is blowing. It is blowing strongly. The children are flying their kites happily. -ly 副词 strong 强壮的(形)- strongly 强劲地(副) happily strongly happy 开心的(形) - happily 开心地(副) thirsty 渴的(形) - thirstily 饥渴地(副) -ly 副词 slow 慢的(形)- slowly 慢慢地(副) quick 快的(形) - quickly 快速地(副 ) The wind is blowing gently. The windmill is moving slowly.slowly The wind is blowing strongly. The windmill is moving quickly.quickly 形容词 strong soft slow quick gentle happy strongly softly slowly quickly gently happily 副词 The children are happy. The children are playing happily. The wind is gentle. The wind is blowing _.gently Now it is strong. The wind is blowing _.strongly The wind is _(blowing, blow). It is blowing _(gentlely, gently). The windmill is _(moving moveing). The flowers are dancing in the wind _(softly soft). blowing gently moving softly Read and choose The wind is blowing _(strongly, strong). The children are flying their kites _ (happyly, happily). The windmill is moving _(quickly, quick). strongly Read and choose happily quickly happy happily My mother has a new dress. She is _. The children are playing football _. The boys fly kites _ in the park. I am _ with my new toy. happy happily happy happily Read and choose From Sindy 南京九校 宋冬焱 Module 4 Unit 10 Wind Listen and say The wind is blowing. It is blowing gently. The flowers are dancing in the wind softly. The wind is blowing. It is blowing strongly. The children are flying their kites happily. The wind is blowing. It is blowing gently. The windmill is moving slowly. The wind is blowing. It is blowing strongly. The windmill is moving quickly. Module 4 Unit 10 Wind Listen and say The wind is blowing. It is blowing gently. The flowers are dancing in the wind softly. The wind is blowing. It is blowing strongly. The children are flying their kites happily. The wind is blowing. It is blowing gently. The windmill is moving slowly. The wind is blowing. It is blowing strongly. The windmill is moving quickly.
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