Module 4 The natural world-12 Fire-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-省级公开课-沪教版五年级上册英语(编号:867f1).zip

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    • Unit 12 Fire教学课件.ppt--点击预览
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Module 4 The natural world PeriodPeriod 1 1 F Fi ir re e In this video,what can fire do? Fire can burn down a lot of trees.i Fire can burn down our houses.i Fire can hurt people.i Fire is dangerous. our houses Fire can burn down. a lot of trees a bus . We must be careful with fire ! Fire is dangerous! DontDont smoke.smoke. Dont smoke. = We _. mustntmustnt smokesmoke Dont smoke in the park. We mustnt smoke in the park. We mustnt smoke in the market. Dont smoke in the market. Dont smoke in the hospital. We mustnt smoke in the hospital. Dont smoke in the bus. We mustnt smoke in the bus. Dont play with matches. = We _. mustntmustnt playplay withwith matchesmatches We mustnt play with matches at home. Dont play with matches at home. We mustnt play with matches . Dont play with matches. Dont play near fires. = We _. mustntmustnt playplay nearnear firesfires You mustnt ./Dont. MakeMake a a posterposter aboutabout FireFire safetysafety withwith youryour partner.partner. Make a poster: 每组制作一个防火安全海报每组制作一个防火安全海报 Fire is useful! But sometimes fire is dangerous! 一件事情总有两面性!一件事情总有两面性! DontDont throwthrow rabbish!rabbish! DontDont taketake photos!photos! DontDont touch!touch! DontDont swim!swim! DoDo youyou knowknow thesethese signs?signs? 教学预案 学 校学科英语年级五年级主备教师 课 题Fire课 型新授 研究主题团队成员 教材 简析 及 学情 分析 本篇课文以火为主题,围绕火综合运用了情态动词 must, mustnt。学生已经 步入五年级,思想都发生了很多转变,学习积极性不是很高,尤其不爱发言, 但是他们在几年的学习生活中积累了很多英语知识,如果能够调动他们的学习 积极性,会收到良好的效果。 学习 目标 1. 帮助学生学习四会单词 fire; hurt; mus t; careful; smoke; burn down;(be) careful with,能够综合运用句型 We mu st be careful with fire.和 We mustn t play with matches. 2. 使学生懂得用火安全,让学生明白火的危 险性。 3. 掌握 must 情态动词的使用。 重点 难点 教学重点: 1、词汇:fire; hurt; must; careful; smok e ;burn down;(be) careful with 2、句型:We must be . We mustnt. 教学难点: 1. 能够描述必须及禁止做的事情。 教学 资源 教学过程: 【导入】 Part 1: Warm-up T: Boys and girls. Look ! My name is Ella, so you can call me Ella, Ok? T: Class begins! Stand up! Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Ella. T: There are so many teachers in our class, pleas e say hello teachers. T: Ok, sit down, please. What do you usually do a t home? Ss: I usually play chess with my grandpa./read a book/watch TV. 设计意图 从幼儿所熟悉的语言环境入手, 利用学生已有的认知水平引入 watch TV,观看火灾视频,导入主 题。 T: Ok, boys and girls. Lets watch TV first. Ok? 教师播放森林着火的视频 T: OK! What can you see in this video? Ss: T: Yes. There is a big fire in the forest. The people get away from the fire. Today well talk about the fire.(板书 Fire) 【讲授】Fireisdangerous. T:In this video. What happened? Ss: 着火了 (The forest is on fire.) T: Is it terrible? Ss: Yes. T: Why? S1: Fire can burn down a lot of trees. S2: Fire can hurt people. S3: Fire will be produce a lot of smoke to pollute the environment. T:Yes, you are so smart. Sometimes fire is terrible. Fire is dangerous, too. So we must be careful with fire. Safety first! T: Children, what do you know about fire safety? Look at these pictures.(出示安全标识) Can you tell me what do these signs mean? Ss: (Dont smoke) T: (把 Dont smoke 卡片放到公交车上)I will put i t in a bus. Dont smoke! it means we mustnt sm oke in the bus, yes or no? Ss: Yes T:So we mustnt smoke in public. Ok. If I put th e sign in the forest. Dont smoke! What does it mean? Ss: We mustnt smoke in the forest. T: Great! OK, look this sign, what does it mean? Oh,(指图片上的火柴)look! Do you know whats this ? Its a match. Dont play with matches . What does it mean? Ss: We mustnt play with matches . 通过观看视频来调动他们视觉, 听觉和观察力来参与语言活动。 引导学生通过个人思考来引出新 句型,以便教师对新语言点的呈 现更加自然。 从谈论公交车上禁止吸烟到谈论 森林里禁止吸烟,围绕目标语开 展活动,既“巩固新知” ,又体 现了语言实际运用的原则。 T:Ok.Who can read this sign? Ss: Dont smoke! T: Where can we put the sign? Ss: Bus stop/ Park/Bus/underground station/hospit al/Gas station/supermarket/library. T:What mustnt we do in the forest? S1: We mustnt smoke in the forest. S2: We mustnt throw rubbish. S3: We mustnt cook in the forest. T: What mustnt we do at home? S4: We mustnt play with matches at home. S5: We mustnt play near fires at home. 【活动】Make a warning sign about fire. (制作警示标志,并介绍) T:Ok, I have a task for you. Please make a warning sign about fire. And then introduce that where we can put the sign. Try your best! S1:This is a sign. It says, “Dont play with matches.” We can put it in the kitchen. S2:This is a sign. It says, “Dont cook.”We can put it in the forest. S3: . 【活动】Make a poster about fire safety T:I have four posters about fire safety. In the forest , in the supermarket, at home and at school. The team leader choose one poster. Make a poster about fire safety with your partne r, ok? 【作业】Homework 1. Listen and read the text. 2. Tell your friends the fire safety. 3. Find more signs about fire safety. 板书设计: Fire We must Dont _. We mustnt _. 教学反思: 集体研讨达成的共识(主要观点纪实):
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