Recycle 1-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(编号:401d0).zip

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人教版五年级上册人教版五年级上册 Recycle 1 Lesson 1 What s he / she like ? What s he / she like ? Is she kind? Look and say Look! This is Willow School. Chenjie is visitIng Willow Primary School,She meets David at school? What are they talking about? Willow School What are they talking about ? Listen and answer Who are they talking about? 1.Whos Davids Chinese teacher? 2.Whats she like? 3.Is she always kind? Read and answer.(读一读,回答下了问题读一读,回答下了问题 ) Ms Zhang. She is kind. No, she is strict sometimes. Lets read David: These are my teachers. Chen Jie: Whos your Chinese teacher ? David: Look at that picture.Thats Ms Zhang our Chinese teacher. Chen Jie: Whats she like? Is she kind? David: Yes.She is very kind.but shes strict sometimes. Pair work(小组分角色读对话小组分角色读对话) Lets talk about other teaches. David: These are my teachers. Chen Jie: Whos your .teacher ? David: Look at that picture.Thats .our . teacher. Chen Jie: Whats he/she like? Is he/she kind? David: Yes. She/He is very kind.but he/shes strict sometimes. Lets talk about other teaches. Talk about teachers in the school. What do you have on ? Whats your favorite class? Talk about subjects in the school. Chenjie meets some new friends at Willow Primary School.Listen to the dialogues and fill in the table. computer class maths PE art PE art Talk about your teachers and subjects in the school. A: What do you have on Mondays? B: I have .and . A: Whats your faourite class? B: My favourite class is . A: Who is your .teacher? B: He is /She is . A: Whats she/he like ? B: She /He is . A: Is she/he . B: Yes,he/she is ./No,she/he isnt. Summary Talk about your teachers in the school. Talk about your subjects in the school. Who is your .teacher? What do you have on .? We have . Whats he /she like ? Whats your favourite class? My favourite class is. Homework 1. 写一篇小短文,介绍你的老师写一篇小短文,介绍你的老师 和学校课程。和学校课程。 2. 预习下节课的内容。预习下节课的内容。 PEPPEP 小学英语教材五年级上册小学英语教材五年级上册 Recycle1Recycle1 第一课时第一课时 一 、教材分析 (1)重、难点:复习 1-3 单元会话,并在情景中运用;能听懂 Listen and circle 的录音,并回答问题,会唱 Lets chant 的歌谣,能理解其含义。 (2)难点:在实际的情景熟练运用这些句子。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1.知识目标:知识目标: 本课是复习课的第一学时,以 Chen Jie 参观 Willow 小学为线索,通过她和 David,Jean,Dean 的对话情境,让学生在语境中复习前三个单元的核心词和句 型的语义及用法。 知识和能力目标: 1.学生能理解第 32 页对话大意,并通过听、看电子书包里其他相关视频和同伴 展开问答; 2.学生运用电子书包的相关功能,完成第 33 页的听力和阅读练习, 以此巩固复习句型 What do you have on?Whats your favorite class?等句型; 2. 能力目标能力目标 (1)能够把前三个单元所学语言知识融会贯通,运用到实际的语言交际中去。 (2)能够通过温习旧知识开拓思维,自觉学习并运用融合和扩展后的新世界语言 知识。 3情感目标情感目标 1.能够合理安排学习和生活作息时间,学会劳逸结合; 2.注意健康饮食 3.培养热爱集体、老师、同学的感情及合作能力。 三、学生分析三、学生分析 五年级的学生较活跃,具备一定的运用英语语言的能力,我在新单元的教 授过程中可以利用前面所学的知识,创设一定的语言交流的环境,鼓励学生自 然的交流。同时,由于个体的差异,学生的分化已经形成并开始逐渐拉大,导 致英语兴趣浓的学生越学越有劲头,而部分接受能力差的学生越学越没劲。在 课堂教学时,教师应面向全体学生,兼顾两头,逐步提高学困生的学习兴趣, 鼓励学优生和学困生互助合作共同进步。 四、课前准备四、课前准备 教学课件 五、教学步骤五、教学步骤 1、热身、热身(Warming up ) (1)Lets Chant 师生共同吟唱,边唱边做动作 (2)师生一齐复习所学会话 T: What day is it today? S1:Its Wednesday. T: What do you have on Wednesdays? S2:We/I have T: Whos your math teacher? S3:Miss Li T: Whats she like? S4:Shes tall and thin. T: Is she strict? S5:Yes, she is./No, she isnt. 2、新课呈现、新课呈现(Presentation) 1. Willow Primary Schools teachers. (1)师生对话。 T: Do you want to go to a school in another country? Ss : Yes. T: Today well go to Willow Primary School with Chen Jie and David. (2)介绍情景 T: Chen Jie is visiting Willow Primary School in the UK. David is a student in the school. Now lets know something about the teachers in the school. 设计意图:设计意图:“参观学校”是本单元的主线和话题,在新课的一开始介绍情景有助 于学生从整体上进行把握。 (3)学生同桌分角色练习读对话。 (4)学生自主阅读对话,回答下面的问题: Whos Davids Chinese teacher? Whats Ms Zhang like? Answers : Ms Zhang. She s very kind, but shes strict sometimes. (5)学生同桌合作,根据图片内容替换对话中的关键词,重新编写新对话,谈 论大卫学校的其他老师。 (6)学生拿出人物头饰上讲台分角色表演对话,教师表扬表演到位的学生。 2. New friends in Willow Primary School. (1)介绍听力任务;, T: Chen Jie meets some new friends at Willow Primary School. They talk about the subjects during I he days of the week, lets listen to the tape and fill in the table. (2)第一次播放教学录音,学生根据录音内容填写表格。 (3)再次播放教学录音,学生根据录音内容圈出正确答案。 T: Now lets listen to the tape again and circle the right answers. (4)学生根据及格内容判断句子正误 T: Please look at the schedule and tick or cross. 三三 Practice 出示任课老师的照片,学生谈论自己老师。出示任课老师的照片,学生谈论自己老师。 四、课堂小结四、课堂小结(Summary) 师生共同总结本节课学习的主要知识,鼓励学生课后对所学知识加以应用。 六、布置作业六、布置作业(Homework) 1. 写一篇小短文,介绍你的老师和学校课程。 2. 预习下节课的内容。 板书设计板书设计 Recycle 1 The First Period Talk about teachers in the school. Who is your .teacher? Mr/Ms/Miss. Whats he/she like ? He is /she is . Talk about subjects in the school. Whats your favourite class?My favourite class is.
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