Unit 1 What's he like -A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(编号:b02b8).zip

相关 举报
  • 全部
    • funny 片段.mp4
    • lets talk.swf
    • strict 片段.mp4
    • Whats he like .ppt--点击预览
    • 关爱自闭症片段.mp4
    • 写作时插的音乐.mp3
    • 小组交流讨论图片.doc--点击预览
    • 教案b02b8.doc--点击预览
    • 歌曲doremi.mp4


Lets learn (熟 读单词和对话) 2.Introduce your own teachers with your classmates. (与同学合作表演介绍身边的老师) 3.Enjoy the filmThe sound of musicafter class. ( 欣赏英文电影音乐之声) Thank you! 小组内讨论:小组内讨论: Who is he/ she ? He /she is. Whats he/she like? He/ she is. 1 PEP 五年级上册五年级上册 unit1Whats he like?教学设计教学设计 【教学内容教学内容】 小学英语 PEP 五年级上册 Unit 1 Whats he like? Part A lets talk and lets learn. 【学情分析学情分析】 本节课授课对象是五年级学生,经过四年的英语学习,学生已经掌握了一些简 单的日常用语,学生在本单元学习之前已经学习过怎样描述人物的外貌特征,并 能根据人物实际情况表述人物外貌特征,有效地激活了学生已有的相关知识,为 本节课继续讨论人物的外貌特征继而学习人物的性格特征奠定了基础。 【设计理念设计理念】 依据新课标,英语学科的核心素养包括语言能力、思维品质、文化品格和学习 能力四个维度。语言能力就是用语言做事的能力;思维品质包括用英语进行多元思 维等活动;文化意识重点在于理解各国文化内涵,比较异同,汲取精华,尊重差 异等方面;学习能力主要包括元认知策略、认知策略、交际策略和情感策略。因 此,在本课教学中,老师遵循学生发展认知规律,截取著名电影音乐之声片 段,并与课文文本相结合,采用任务型教学方式,课堂活动设计多样化,学生在 老师的巧妙引导启发下分析人物性格特征,提高学生的英语学习兴趣,充分调动 学生学习积极性,并注重培养学生英语口头表达能力和应用英语的能力,引导学 生多听、多说、多思,并渗透人文关怀,让学生通过感知、体验、实践、参与、 合作交流将知识与技能,过程与方法,情感态度与价值观完美融合,从而实现任 务目标。 【教学目标教学目标】 1.知识目标:知识目标: a.能够听、说、读、写单词“Old、young、funny、kind and strict”; b.能在适当的情境中灵活运用句型: “-Whats he/ she like?” -He/she is. “-Is he/ she .?” “-Yes, he/ she is.” “-No, he/ she isnt.” 2.能力目标: a.能够听、说、读、写单词“Old、young、funny、kind and strict”并能够在语 境中正确运用这些形容词描述人物外貌和性格特征; b.能够在适当的情境中运用句型: “-Whats he/ she like?” -He/she is.; “-Is he/ she .?” “-Yes, he/ she is.”; “-No, he/ she isnt.” c.培养学生自主学习、合作学习的意识和能力,帮助学生树立学习英语的自信心。 3.情感目标 2 通过对人物外貌和性格特征的学习,引导学生树立正确的审美观和价值观,学会 接纳、尊重并理解不同外貌和性格特征的人。 【教学重点教学重点】 a.能够听、说、读、写单词“Old、young、funny、kind and strict”; b.能在适当的情境中灵活运用句型: “-Whats he/ she like?” -He/she is. “-Is he/ she .?” “-Yes, he/ she is.” “-No, he/ she isnt.” 【教学难点教学难点】 a.能准确认读单词“kind/ strict” 注意它们的发音; B.能够熟练运用所学句型,提高学生在与人相处时准确判断他人性格特征的意 识和能力。 【课前准备】 单词卡片,PPT. 【教学过程】 一、Warm-up(热身): T: Good morning! class. S:Good morning! T:Nice to see you! S:Nice to see you ,too! T: Whats the weather like today? S: Its sunny. T: Yes, its a beautiful day. Now, lets enjoy a beautiful song do re mitogether. T: Do you like the song? S:Yes, we do. T: This song is from a famous movieThe sound of music.Look,we can see a father, some children and a family teacher here, The sound of music is a love story happened in their family. (设计意图:播放do re mi歌曲,让学生一起歌唱,引出了老师这根主线,也 为后面的人物性格的学习奠定基础,同时也活跃了课堂气氛。) 二、Presention(呈现): 1、新词学习: (1)kind T: And everyone in their family is different ,they have their own features. T:Look at the teacher, whats she like? (Is she tall or short? Does she have long hair? 3 What colour is it? How about her eyes? Anyoneelse?) S: . T:Yes,you are right. Do you like the teacher? Why? (Is she kind?) She teaches children with smiles.They are happy together. She is _.(出示 kind 并教读). T: Now, Please take out your guns,lets shoot and say. T: How about you? (单个点学生读) (设计意图:从描述老师的外貌特点层层引入到学习性格特征,复习了旧知,又 为新知的学习做了铺垫) T: My mother is kind, she often cooks delicious food for me. Who is kind to you? ( My friend is kind,she often helps me. My father is kind,he often palys with me.) T:Oh, How about in our class? Who is kind? S: .(oh,she is a good girl; he is a good boy.) T:Wonderful, I think everybody should be kind. (设计意图:设置语境,让学生在语境中操练所学单词。) (2)Strict T: The family teacher is young ,beautiful and kind,how about the father? Look, this is the the childrens father. T:And look at this man,whats he like?(Is he tall?)(and?) S: He is . S: He has. T: The family teacher is kind to the children, is he kind? Now, lets enjoy the film and find out the answer. S: So whats the father like? Is he kind? S: No, he isnt. T: look at his face, he doesnt smile, he is easy to be angry, he is _.(出示 strict 并教读) T: Train is coming.(学生开火车读) T: Is he strict? (设计意图:从描述爸爸的外貌特点层层引入到学习性格特征,复习了旧知,又 为新知的学习做了铺垫,影片的欣赏让学生感知了“strict”的含义。) T:The father is very strict, but he loves his children very much.Right? T: How about your father? Is your father strict? 4 Yes, he is.(wow,you are lucky) Yes,your father is strict. No, he isnt. (Who is strict in your family?) S:. T:Your father or your mother is strict, but they love you very much,yes or no? T: When I studied at school. My English teacher is strict.Do you have a strict teacher?(Who Chinese teacher or English teacher?) S: My .teacher is strict.(So ,you can speak English well)(so you can have a beatiful writing right? So you can study maths well,yes or no? You are good at. ) T: No matter your teachers are strict or kind, they all love you very much.Right? (设计意图:两个话题的引入,让孩子们在语境中操练、巩固所学单词,并渗透 积极的情感:严格是一种爱。) (3)Funny T:The family teacher is kind ,she often plays with the children and teaches them lots of beautiful songs, now lets enjoy a music show together. How do you think of the music show? Is it interesting? Its funny. T: Look at the puppets, Is she funny?(出示并教读) T :Look at the puppets, are they funny? T: Who is funny in our class? Is he funny? S: . T:Look , I have some pictures here, are they funny? Who can do the funny actions? Come here please. T: Is he funny? S:. T: Anyoneelse? Who wants to have a try? S: He is . T: Funny people can make us happy,yes or no? (设计意图:通过影片的欣赏,让学生感受“funny”的含义,请学生到台前展示 “funny”的动作,既让学生感同身受、学以致用,也活跃了课堂气氛。) 2、整体操练新词和句型: (1)T: So from the film ,We know the father doesnt smile. He is strict. The puppets are interesting ,they are funny. The family teacher often plays with the children,she is kind. The mans hair is white, he is old. The man is twenty-five years old, he is young. 5 The girl gets one hundred points, she is clever. T:Wow, you are clever, toot! (设计意图:在情境中操练、运用、巩固所学单词。) (2)The father is strict, the family teacher is kind,how about the cartoons, who are they?what are they like? Please discuss in your group. Who is he? He is_. Whats he like? He is_. How abou t this one? So we can see :Superman is. Snow white is. Now,lets play an interesting game: guess who is he or she? Look, I am A,who wants to be B?(猜人游戏) Please come here,I will guess, you will control the needle. T: Are you ready? (设计意图:活跃课堂气氛,操练了句型,同时也检查了学生对句型的掌握情况。 ) 3、回归课本: T:Children in tne film have a young, beautifu and kind teacher,how about your teachers? T: Excuse me, who is your Chinese teacher ? S: Miss Zhu. T : Is she young? Is she kind? S:. T: Oliver and zhangpeng are also talking about their teachers, this time,one is Oliver,the other one is zhangpeng, please practice dialouge in pairs.(学生站起来做介绍 Im Oliver, Im Zhangpeng) T: You are so smart, thank you! Mr Young is also Wu Yifans teacher,Wu Yifan and Oliver are talking about Mr Young too, (1)Please listen and answer me a question : Is Mr Young funny? (2)now,please listen and repeat, pay attention your prounciation and intomation (3)this time please read by yourself and fill in the blanks.can you? (4)now,point to your book,lets read the dialogue together. T: wonderful, a beautiful voice,thank you. (设计意图:回归课本,进一步学习、突破本节课重难点,通过挖空的形式,难 度由浅入深,让学生逐步能够流畅地运用所学句型。) 6 4、拓展延伸(前置作业:画一幅自己喜欢的老师的画像) T:Oliver likes funny teacher, so what kind of teachers do you like?(请学生说一说) Look,she is my favourite teacher, she is. Who is your favourite teacher?Whats he or she like? Please write and show about your favourite teacher. Here is an example for you. 例文:My favourite teacher is Miss Hu. She is tall and thin. She has long black hair,She is very beautiful.she likes reading book.She is funnyand kind .I like her very much. T: Do you finish it? Yes or no? Who can share your writing with us? (拿画到台前展 示)This boy, can you? T: Wow, a wonderful writing ! Ok! So much for this. (设计意图:教师先给学生基本信息,让学生根据信息提示来描述自己喜欢的老 师,然后再让学生根据自己的描述写几句话,活动设计由浅入深,提高了学生语 言运用能力,也锻炼了学生的写作能力。) 三、Summary(总结) T:Time is limited, lets recall what we have learnt today? Today,we learnt some words to describe sombodys characteristic: old, young, funny, kind, strict and the sentence pattern like: -Whats he/she like? -He/She is _. And a general question: -Is he/she _? -Yes, he/she is.(肯定回答) - No, he/she isnt.(否定回答) (情感教育) Boys and girls , I believe that after this class ,you can use the new words to describe others and you will also know that different people have different character. On the earth, someone maybe active,someone maybe shy , someone maybe funny, and someone maybe kind. Everyone is different. And there are some special children , they are quiet, they have no friends, 他们是患有自闭症的孩子,他们需要我们更多的关注。 Now,lets watch a short vedio together.(播放视频) So How do you feel? What can you do for them? Yes,you are right, we are famliy, they need your care and help.So, please help them a lot and lets love with each other,ok? (设计意图:本环节在回顾所学内容的基础上,引导学生关爱自闭症儿童这一特 7 殊群体,加强情感渗透。) 4、Homework(作业): Todays homework:1.Remember the new words and act out the dialogue;(熟读单词和 对话) 2.Introduce your own teachers with your classmates.(与同学合作表演介绍身边 的老师)3. Enjoy the film The sound of musicafter class.(欣赏英文电影 音乐 之声) (设计意图:复习巩固所学内容,并学以致用;电影欣赏让学生进一步了解人物 形象,感受人物魅力,也培养了学生学习英语的兴趣。) Class is over,thank you ,my dear students, bye-bye! 板书设计: Is he/ she.? Yes, he/ she is. No, he /she isnt. young kind strict oldfunny kind funny clever shy quiet polite active strict
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