Unit 1 What's he like -A-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(编号:1032e).zip

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      • What is he like?和绘本MY DAD的整合教学.ppt
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      • 阿摩司 - 爸爸去哪儿英文版.mp3
    • What is he like?和绘本My dad的整合教学.ppt
    • 教案1032e.doc--点击预览


1 教学设计教学设计 教材及学情分析:教材及学情分析:本课内容是出自英国作家安东尼.布朗原版绘本故事,主要围绕My Dad 这一主题展开教学活动,通过本课学习使学生在阅读绘本的过程中享受绘本阅读,乐于阅读 绘本内容,为今后进一步的绘本阅读打好基础。 MyMy DadDad I.I. TeachingTeaching AimsAims 1. Knowledge Aims: By the end of this lesson,Ss will get to know the picture reading, and try to tell the story with the help of pictures. 2. Ability Aims:By the end of this lesson,Ss will improve reading ability. 3. Emotion Aims:By the end of this lesson,Ss will enjoy reading and feel the love of dad at the same time. II.II. TeachingTeaching KeysKeys Ss will enjoy reading and feel the love of dad at the same time. III.III. TeachingTeaching MaterialsMaterials Pictures, Real Things, CAI IV.IV. TeachingTeaching StepsSteps StepStep 1.1. GreetingsGreetings T:Hello, boys and girls, nice to meet you, Im Ivery, I hope you will enjoy this lesson, are you ready? StepStep 2.2. PresentationPresentation 1.(PPT)Show some pictures about the TV show Dad,where are we going?and encourage Ss to sing the song in Chinese. 2.The dads in the TV show are great, so I ask Ss a question: Whats your dad like? 在导入环节,我通过展示爸爸去哪儿这个节目的亲子照以及主题曲,吸引学生的注意力, 充分调动他们学习的主动积极性,并借此引出关键句:Whats your dad like?让学生谈 谈自己的爸爸是什么样的? 3. (PPT)Show the cover of the book and encourage Ss to guess the name of the story. Then I show the name .(Its My Dad) 2 4. Have Ss ask any question about the dad,because questions are good for Ss before reading. 5. Start to enjoy the story,but some pages are missing. Have Ss guess the missing part of the story using their imagination! 此部分重点培养学生有根据地进行读前推测与想象,为下一步学生阅读故事做好铺垫。 6. Have Ss discover the missing parts of the story and they will get the whole story. 每个学生手中有阅读材料,但是不完整,让学生揭开故事的遗失部分这样他们就得到了完整 的故事。 7. Listen to the whole story quietly and enjoy it! StepStep 3.3. PracticePractice 1. Have Ss try to tell the story. (Guess the meaning of the new words from the pictures and context. Guess how to read the new words by the syllables.) 2. Encourage Ss to share the story with others and offer Ss some suggestions. 3. Group work: Make a barbola. 分组合作制作My Dad剪贴画。(让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参加和合 作等方式,实现任务的目标。要求学习者通过完成任务,用目标语进行有目的的交际活动。 在活动中我提供给学生合作交流的空间和时间,促使学生为完成任务和同学进行合作,为完 成任务进行探究性学习,这样的活动既可以培养学生的合作意识,又能在情境中用重点句型 进行交际,巩固了本节课的重点,从而突破了难点,促使学生在学习过程中体会理解。) StepStep 4.4. ConsolidationConsolidation Introduce the writer and his many wonderful picture books to Ss and hope Ss will enjoy reading. 通过一本绘本阅读以及教师的介绍让学生了解绘本作者,接触到更多的优秀的绘本,扩大学 生的阅读面,进一步引领学生走进绘本的世界。 StepStep 5.5. Wrap-UpWrap-Up Have Ss enjoy some lovely pictures about the love of dad . 情感在教学中不仅具有动力功能,而且具有激活创造力的作用。英语教学要注意以情来沟通 与学生的联系,以情来陶冶学生的情操,以情来引导学生的行为。只有充分发挥情感的功能, 在课堂上营造浓郁的情的氛围,引导学生感悟情,才能增强教学效果。 V.V. BoardBoard DesignDesign 3 MyMy DadDad He is He can like He is asas VI.VI. ReflectionReflection 1.In lead-in step,we reviewed the words about describing people by watching some pictures of the TV show Dad,where are we going?,in order to form a connecting link between the preceding and the following. In the part of practice,I took many methods (retell,make a barbola) to stimulate Ss interest and arouse Ssenthusiasm. 2.In the teaching procedure,Ss enjoyed the fun and beauty of reading. 3.In the future teaching,I will design more games and activities,make Ss more active to learn English. PicturePicture PicturePicturePicturePicture PicturePicture
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