Unit 2My week-C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(编号:d0070).zip

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Zoom has _ in a week. A. English, maths, art and PE B. Chinese, maths and PE C. Chinese, English and art some notebooks some pencilsa pencil case a ruler some brushes a box of crayons Unit 2 My week Part C Story time 1、教材分析教材分析 本课教学内容是 PEP 五年级上册 unit 2 My week, part C story time 部分。本 部分呈现的是 Zip 和 Zoom 根据新学期课表中的课程,一起为新学期购物的故事。 教师以购物为情境,展开课程内容,让学生在情境中学习,在表演中体会新学 期购物的快乐。 2、教学目标教学目标 知识与技能:知识与技能: 1. 能够在情境中理解并运用单词:need, enough, put back 2. 能够根据课表,表达:We have.on. 3. 能结合生活实际,运用 I need a/an/some. 4. 能复述故事,表演购物场景 过程与方法:过程与方法: 1. 能在 shopping for the new school year 的情境中购物 2. 能理解并表演 I want this football, please./We dont have enough money, Ill put it back. 情感态度:情感态度: 1. Try to make a plan before action 2. Put back the things after use 3、学情分析学情分析 本节课的授课对象是五年级学生。他们能够运用英语表达自己的所见。经 过两年多的学习,五年级的学生具备根据给定条件创编故事的能力。 4、教学重点及难点教学重点及难点 重点:重点: 1. 理解并运用:I need a/an/some. 2. 巩固并运用:We have.on. 难点:难点: 1. 理解并运用:I need a/an/some.、we dont have enough money. Ill put it back. 2. 为自己新学期购物,创编对话 5教学过程教学过程 Warm-up 1. Sing a song-seven days 【设计意图:从歌曲着手,复习星期的单词】 2. Talking-talk about the class schedule T: Look,this is a class schedule of the new school year. Which class do you like best? Why? 【设计意图:学生通过观察图片,理解 new school year】 3. Chant- lets sing a chant about the new school years class schedule 学生听一次 chant 并根据课表再次创作 【设计意图:通过 chant 引发今天的主题 shopping for the new school year.熟 悉课程与文具之间的搭配,为之后的学习做铺垫。】 PresentationPresentation 1.1. leadlead inin T: Who are they? S:Zip and Zoom. T:What are they talking about? Guess! S1:They want to buy something. S2:. T:Lets listen together. T:What are they doing? S:Do some shopping. T:Pay attention this word “need”.whats the meaning of “need”? S:需要. T:Zip wants to help him.Now, I want to do some shopping for the new school year.Who wants to go with me?What do you need? S:I need a/an/some. 2.listen2.listen andand check:check: T:What does Zoom need? Lets listen the tape,you can finish it on your worksheet. T:What class are these things for?Lets listen the tape,you can finish it on your worksheet. 【设计意图:创设购物情境,让学生感知新词 need,通过模拟购物场景,展开 猜想 Zip 和 Zoom 新学期需要什么?】 3.read3.read andand write:write: Can you finish the blank of the class schedule? Please open your book,P21.read picture1-5 and fill the blanks. 教师学生核对答案。 T:Can you give me a sentence like this:We have _ on _.I need_. 【设计意图:填表格,核对答案,让学生体会关键词,练习核心句式,培养阅 读能力。】 4.Talking4.Talking Look at the picture, Zoom looks not happy. Lets guess why. T:Lets listen. T:What are they talking about? S:Zoom wants a football. T:How do you know? S:I want a football please. T:Why does he say please? S:He really wants the football. T:Can you read the sentence for us? S:. 【设计意图:感受 Zoom 这是为什么说 please,激发学生的想象力,丰富语言的 综合输出。】 T:Can Zoom buy the ball? S:No/Yes. T:Lets go to see. T:Why does Zoom not happy? S:He cant buy the football. 【设计意图:学生通过观察图片以及教师的动作,理解 put back,enough 的意 思。】 5.Role5.Role playplay T:Can you role play this part? S:. 6.Watch6.Watch thethe videovideo practicepractice 1.Fill1.Fill thethe blankblank 【设计意图:通过填空的形式复述课文,强调句子中的连读,提高朗读技巧。】 2.pair work T:Zoom and Zip go to check, they are lucky dog, they get a prize. T:They give 50yuan to us. We can use the money to buy things for the new school year. You can say like this ,now work in pairs. Homework 1. Listen and repeat P21. 2. Tell the story to your parents. Todays advice: Make a plan(计划) before you do. 2. Please put back the things after use. PEP5 Unit2 C Story time 温州市中通国际学校温州市中通国际学校 李芊颖李芊颖 New School YearNew School Year A week, seven days Its Thursday today. Chinese on Thursdays Notebooks for Chinese. Music on Fridays Ukulele for music. Lets go shopping For the new school year! For the new school year! A week, seven days Its _ today. _ on _ _ for _ Lets go shopping For the new school year! For the new school year! Its a new school year. I need to do some shopping. Ill help. 需要需要 You need to do some shopping for your NEW SCHOOL YEAR! I need a/an/some_. some notebooks a ruler a box of crayons some brushes a pencil case Zoom needs a/an/some _. some pencils some notebooks a ruler a box of crayons some brushes a pencil case Zoom needs a/an/some _. some pencils MondayTuesday Wednesday ThursdayFriday swimming ChineseChinese swimming music music chessChinese readingscience English 2. _ 4. _ English maths art PE We have _ on _.I need_. 1. _3. _ P21 picture 1-5 I want a new football, please. We can play with it on the weekend. please Im sorry, Zoom. We dont have enough money. Ill put back the football.Oh, no! 足够的足够的 放回放回 I want a new football, please. We can play with it on the weekend. Im sorry, Zoom. We dont have enough money. Ill put back the football. Oh, no! Role play Fill in the blanks. Its a I need to do some shopping. Ill help. new school year. We have on and I need some and . English Mondays Wednesdays. notebooks pencils We have on mathsTuesdays. I need a ruler. On Thursdays, we have . I need a box of art crayons. We have PE on Fridays. I want a new , please. We can play with it on the weekend. football Im sorry, Zoom. We dont have money. Ill the football. Oh, enough put back no! Wow! They are 50 yuan. And you can get a prize! 50 50 volleyball 20 yuan basketball 30 yuan football 20 yuan pencil 2 yuan notebook 10 yuan pencil 1 yuan ruler 2 yuan crayons 8 yuan 5050 Its a new school year. I need to do some shopping./Lets go shopping. Well help./ Me too. We have.on. I need a /an/some. Sorry, We dont have enough money. Ill put back the . Its a new school year. I need to do some shopping./Lets go shopping. Well help./ Me too. We have.on. I need a /an/some. Sorry, We dont have enough money. Ill put back the . 1. Listen and repeat P21. 2. Tell the story to your parents.
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