Unit 3What would you like -A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(编号:91a18).zip

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Unit 3 What would you like? Section A Lets learn Task 1. Sing a song Task 2. Brainstorming 1 Task 1.learn new words Task 2. lets learn What would you like to eat? Step 4. Homework Brainstorming 2 ice cream teahamburgersandwichsalad Game whats missing? Step 1. warm up and lead in Step 2. presentation Step 3. practice apple egg milk noodles cake chicken fish orangerice I am hungry. I want to eat. Lets go to the restaurant! menu What would you like to eat? ice cream Id like an ice cream. What would you like to drink? tea Id like some tea. What would you like to eat? hamburger Id like a hamburger. What would you like to eat? sandwich Id like a sandwich. What would you like to eat? salad Id like some salad. Review: ice cream hamburger sandwich tea salad Whats miss? ice cream salad tea sandwich Whats miss? hamburger tea ice creamsandwich Whats miss? hamburger ice cream sandwich salad Whats miss? hamburger ice cream tea salad Whats miss? salad hamburger tea sandwich What are missing? sandwich ice cream tea What are missing? salad ice cream hamburger What would you like to eat? Id like a sandwich. What would you like to eat? Id like a hamburger. What would you like to eat? Id like an ice cream. What would you like to eat? Id like some salad. What would you like to drink? Id like some tea. What would you like to eat? Id like a hamburger and a sandwich. Homework (1)Copy the new words of “Lets learn”. (2)Introduce some kinds of food to your partner 参考资料:人民教育出版社参考资料:人民教育出版社( (三年级起点三年级起点 )五年级上册英语课本)五年级上册英语课本 Thank You ! Firstly, I will analyze the teaching materials and the fact of the students. This lesson focuses on a topic of food. This topic is so interesting and practical that students will accept it. My lesson is the words teaching in unit 3. This unit is about describing food. Students are active and full of curiosity. They have learnt English for two years and know many English phrases and sentences. So, its helpful for them to learn the new knowledge. According to the teaching materials and the fact of the students, I set the following teaching aims: NO 1. Aim on knowledge. To enable students to master the important words of this lesson, such as hamburger、ice cream, and the new sentence patterns like what would you like to eat、Id like a hambueger. NO 2. Aim on ability. To develop the students ability of listening and speaking, and to enable students to use the target language correctly in daily life. NO 3. Aim on emotion. To foster students consiousness of good cooperation and loving food. I think the key point of this lesson is to master the new words. The difficult point is to master the written form of ice cream. Secondly, I will talk about the teaching methods. I will mainly use TSA、TBLT and communicative teaching method. Whats more, I will use PPT and blackboard to set up the real situation and enliven the learning atmosphere. Ill give students some tasks to understand the dialogue. Of course, students will have many chances to speaking English in my class. Thirdly, I will talk about the learning methods. In the new English curriculum, students become the master of the English class. So, I will let the students to learn the knowledge by themselves. And they will review、learn and use the knowledge in pairs or groups and communicative with each other. 学校名称学校名称备课内容备课内容:五年级上册 Unit 3 What would you like ? Section A lets learn 班级班级五(1)班备课者备课者:备课日期: 教学内容教学内容 本部分学习的单词是 ice cream、tea、hamburger、sandwich 和 salad.教材通过 Sarah 和妈妈的对话呈现了 上述五个有关食品类的单词的词形和意义。 教学重教学重 难点难点 1. 重点重点:掌握单词ice cream、tea、hamburger、sandwich、salad. 2. 难点难点:(1)词汇量大,应设计有趣、符合学生生活 实际的情景,激发兴趣。 (2)ice cream 书写形式。 教学目标教学目标 知识目标知识目标:能够听、说、读、写单词 ice cream、tea、hamburger、sandwich、salad. 能听懂句型 What would you like to eat? Id like 能力目标能力目标:能够在实际情景中运用单词 ice cream、tea 等及句型 What would you like to eat? Id like. 情感目标情感目标:学生能学会团结协作,保持健康的饮食习惯,坚持绿色生活。 教学过程教学过程教学目的教学目的Teachers talk Studentss talk Greeting 1.状态调整、 吸引孩子注 意力。 2.活跃气氛、 熟悉彼此。 Hello, everyone! Nice to meet you! How are you today? Whats the weather like today? Hello, Miss Chen. Nice to meet you,too. Fine, thank you./Im happy today. Its sunny/cloudy/windy/rainy. Grouping 提高学生课堂 参与度与积极 性 Today we have four teams team A/B/C/D. Four teams PK and lets see which team will be the super team,ok? OK! 教学过程教学过程教学目的教学目的Teachers talk Studentss talk Sing a song 拉近老师与学 生距离,并给 予信号,已经 上课了,让学 生兴奋起来, 迅速进入上课 状态。 Guessing game Its my favourite fruit. Its red. Its big. Whats this? Wonderful! Do you like to eat apple? Ok! Now ,lets sing the apple song. Clap your hands and sing it together. Its apple. Yes! Brainstorming 复习旧知,将 已学知识快速 迁移到本节课 的教学中,为 接下来的教学 做准备。 Ok! Its time for brainstorming. Ill show you some food which we have learnt before. If you know it, please raise up your hands first and then answer me. Ill give your team one star,ok? (快速出示图片,学生抢答) Whats this? OK! Let me try! Its cake/fish/milk. presentation 创设情境,引 入新知。 Step 1. Learn new words and sentences Now, Im so hungry. I want to eat something. Lets go to the restaurant. Look at the menu, What would you like to eat?(请学生回 答,用 Id like.句型) Now, its my turn. I ordered my favourite food already. Can you guess? Id like fish/cake/milk. Humburger/cake/juice. 教学过程教学过程教学目的教学目的Teachers talkStudentss talk presentation 用 PPT 呈现新 词,通过不同 方式操练新词, 吸引学生注意 力并通过课件 呈现标准读音, 感受单词的正 确发音,用 Phonics 正音, 让学生懂得结 合音节学单词, 并把单词放在 句型中操练, 做到词不离句, 句不离词。 (通过PPT呈现新词) (1) ice cream Wow, Whats this? Yes, Its ice cream. Do you like ice cream? i-c-e c-r-ea-m, ice cream.(用 phonics 带读,并通过大小声操练单词) If I read the word in a high voice, you should read it in a low voice. If I read it in a low voice, you should read in a high voice. Ok? ice cream(high) ice cream(low) What would you like to eat ? 引导生回答 Id like an ice cream. (2) tea Now, Im thirsty. I want to drink something. Can you guess? 出示图片,Whats this? How to say it in English ? tea, t-ea, tea (看老师手势读,操练单词) If I put my hand here, you should read the word in a high voice. If I put here, you should read it in a low voice. Understand? What would you like to eat? Id like some tea. (3)hamburger Ice cream. Yes. Ok! ice cream(low) ice cream(high) Id like an ice cream. Its juice/water. Tea. Yes! Id like some tea. Egg. presentation 通过游戏复习 Im still hungry. I want to eat. 出示图片。Whats this? Its hamburger. h-u-m-b-ur-g-er,hamburger. (快慢读,操练单词) Now, lets read the word as slowly as you can. H-a-m-b-ur-g-er. This time, lets read it as quickly as you can. Hamburger. Do you like hamburger? What would you like to eat? Id like a hamburger. (4) sandwich Now, I want to eat Sandwich s-a-n-d-w-i-ch, sandwich.(用 phonics 带读单词,听老师拍手读,操 练单词) I will clap my hands. If I clap my hands three times, you should read it three timesok? Do you like sandwich? What would you like to eat? Id like a sandwich. (5)salad Now, I eat too much meat. I want to eat. Salad,s-a-l-a-d,salad(用 phonics 带读,生拍手读操练单词) Now Lets read the word and clap your hands. Salad. What would you like to eat? Id like some salad. (6) Whats missing ? ( review the words) Hamburger. H-a-m-b-ur-g-er. Hamburger. Yes, I do. Id like a hamburger. Ok. Yes, I do. Id like a sandwich. Salad. Id like some salad. 教学过程教学过程 新知,巩固新 知,加深记忆。 教学目的教学目的 Today we have learnt five words. Lets review them first. (ice cream、tea、hambuger、sandwich、salad) Then lets play a game Whats missingIll take out one or two pictures, if you knows, please say“ let me try ”.Ill give you ten seconds to review the words. Count down. Now , lets begin. Teachers talk Whats missing? Studentss talk presentation 回归课本, 呈现标准读 音,学生跟 读单词和句 型,培养良 好的语音语 调。 Step 2,lets learn Now, lets watch the vedio. Later, you should answer my question“ what does Sarah want to eat?” Now, lets go! (生看动画) Now, who can answer my question? Yes, she likes salad. 再次听录音,学生跟读(要求学生先听再读) 师带读两遍,再请以为学生带读。 I want to choose a student to be a little teacher. So, who can try? Let me try! Salad. Let me try. Practice 通过游戏情 景,让学生 在游戏中操 练,运用所 学单词和句 型,提高学 生英语语言 (What would you like to eat?) Its time for games. Listen to me, Ill show you pictures. Please ask me” What would you like to eat?” If my answer is right, please read after me. If not, please say no and I ll ask you the answer. You should tell me the right answer. Are you clear? Yes! 教学过程教学过程 运用能力。 教学目的教学目的 Id like a hamburger. So, what would you like to eat? Id like some salad. Teachers talk What would you like to eat? No! Id like a sandwich. What would you like to eat? Id like some salad. Studentss talk Studentss talk Summary 复习、总结Today, we have learnt five wordsice cream/tea/hamburger/sand wich/salad. And two sentences: What would you like to eat? Id like . 生一起回忆所学内容 Homework复习巩固所学, 练习学生书写 能力 Now, todays homework. (1) Copy the new words of “lets learn” (2)2)Introduce some kinds of food to your partner课后作业 Count the stars树立信心,给 予表扬 Ok,lets count the stars. Team A 1.2.3. Super team. Lets clap your hands. Hey hey wonderful, hey hey hey wonderful, hey hey super!Hey hey wonderful, hey hey hey wonderful, hey hey super!
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