Module 1 Getting to know each other-1 Growing up-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-沪教版六年级上册英语(配套课件编号:d14ee).docx

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Module 1 Getting to know each other-1 Growing up-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-沪教版六年级上册英语(配套课件编号:d14ee).docx_第1页
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Module 1 Getting to know each other-1 Growing up-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-沪教版六年级上册英语(配套课件编号:d14ee).docx_第2页
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Module 1 Getting to know each other-1 Growing up-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-沪教版六年级上册英语(配套课件编号:d14ee).docx_第3页
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Module 1 Getting to know each other-1 Growing up-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-沪教版六年级上册英语(配套课件编号:d14ee).docx_第4页
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Module 1 Getting to know each other-1 Growing up-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-沪教版六年级上册英语(配套课件编号:d14ee).docx_第5页
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1、课题:沪教版牛津英语(三起)六年级上课题:沪教版牛津英语(三起)六年级上 M Moduleodule 1 1 UnitUnit 1 1 LittleLittle JustinJustin 课时:第三课时课时:第三课时 教材分析教材分析 1本课选自小学英语六年级上册,本书有十二个单元,本课为第一单元,属于 故事型语篇教学。本单元共有三课时,本课是第三课时。 2六年级上册第一单元第一课时用 Sally 成长的不同阶段的介绍引入一般过去 时,并要求学生用 was/were 来表达过去的状态。一般过去时的学习是本单元的 重点也是本册书的重点。而本课随着故事内容的推进,用小蝌蚪 Justin 的变化 让

2、学生进一步学习体会过去时和现在时对比应用,从而帮助学生提高巩固和综合 运用本单元所学的知识的能力。 学情分析学情分析 1在之前学习的基础上,教师虽然以前没有教过这个班的同学但能够在上课之 前多次和学生进行沟通,并了解学生的学习习惯和认知规律。 2六年级的学生有一定的英语语言基础,对待一些问题有自己的看法,并且具 备了一定的逻辑思维能力、小组合作能力和写作能力。但是随着年级的增加不如 中低年级的孩子愿意表达和积极参与,这就要求老师尽可能多的调动学生的积极 性。课前布置学生做一个自己喜欢的居住在海里的小动物的头饰并鼓励学生最后 在课文输出部分灵活再构自己头饰的动物,让学生对故事的学习更加感兴趣。

3、教学目标教学目标 一Knowledge aims 1. Learn the newwords and phrases: catch flies , be born 2. Learn how to describe an animal with functional sentences, such as: It is It has It can 3. Learn the different situations when to use the past tense and when to use present tense. 二.Ability aims 1. Develop the abili

4、ty of understanding a story. 2. Understand when to use “He was He is ”and “His was/were Hisis/are” 3. Retell the story and make up an ending to the story. 三.Emotion aims Arouse the love to our mother. 重点重点&难点难点 一.key points 1.Understand the main idea of the passage 2. By the tasks of the story, stud

5、ents can consolidate the usage of past tense of be. 二二.different points 1. Correctly use the past tense when describe the changes of little Justin. 2.Make up an ending of the story . 教学工具教学工具 videos, powerpoint, pictures,new words cards 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动预设学生活动预设学生活动设计意图设计意图 Step One: Warming

6、-up 热身导入 1. Greetings. 2.Use a little video about the changes from a cocoon to a butterfly and a picture about little ducks to lead in the phrase “be born” 3.Bycontrastingthetwo sentences and the phrase ask students why the real situations we use the past tense. The teacher and the students greet ea

7、ch other .问好 Watch the video and guess the meaning of “be born” 蝴蝶破茧成蝶的视 频以及小鸭子破壳 而出的图片给学生 真实的场景, 这个时 候出示 be born 短 语, 结合语境很容易 猜出短语的含义 出生。 通过真实句子达让 学生通过对比总结 出 be born 实际应 用中注意过去时态 的运用。 Step Two: Presentations 新知呈现 1.With the help of video about butterfly and the picture of the duck showing a picture

8、 of a tadpole and let students guess” Where was the tadpole(Justin) born ?” 2.Show a picture about tadpoles eggsand tellstudents when tadpole was born he was an egg. 3.Encouragestudentsto describe the features of an egg, such as: small and black , a long tai. By contrasting the two pictures from egg

9、 to tadpole let students to fill in the blanks. 1) He is an egg. Withthehelpof videoand pictures students can make a sentencewithbe born and can answer the question Justin was born in the river easily . Studentscan describe the egg and tadpolewiththe sentences: He is His head is He can/has 从视频到图片到简

10、单问题, 一步步循序 渐进易于学生回答。 首先通过熟悉的句 型描述蝌蚪和卵的 外貌特征, 为后面出 现过去时对比句型 做铺垫。 He is small. He is black. 2) He was an egg. Now he is a_. His head is_. He has a _. 4. Teacher asks them to wear a headwear made by themselves and lead students to guess what happens when little Justin finds his mother. According to the

11、 headwear, Justin may meet fish, turtles, crabs and nets 5. Watch the video and see what really happens. Before watching guess two questions: How many mothers does little Justin meet? Who are they? 6. When students answer fish and turtle let them think the common parts between Justin and fish or bet

12、ween the turtle. Let them sum up the key words. 7.Fill in the blanks to describe the changes from a tadpole to a froglet. 8.As the turtle part has the mainly same sentence structures with the fish part, teacher lets students read by themselves and directly sum up the key words and key phrases. The f

13、ill the blanks. 9.Make an ending of the story. What will happen when Justin meets a frog? Give students chance to make up the ending and write down on the answer sheet. The fill the blank to make up the sentencesofchangesfrom froglet to frog. Students follow the action of the teacher by referring to

14、 the pictures of catching flies, they can easily guessing the meaning of “catch flies” After meeting the fish and the turtle students can easily make up what happens to the frog and Justin. Justin: Frog: 通过 Justin 从卵长 成蝌蚪这一变化, 让 学生更好体会现在 时和过去时的对比 帮助巩固核心句型。 其中关键词 was now 做了红色字处 理, 便于学生正确完 成练习。 让学生课前准

15、备自 己喜欢的一种生活 在河里的动物的头 饰,激发学生的兴 趣, 鼓励学生在文本 输出时加入自己想 法或者角色。 这部分老师在展示 课文中的故事之前, 根据学生的头饰进 行预测, (老师带上 蝌蚪头饰游去同学 之间遇见小螃蟹渔 网等, 激发了学生的 兴趣, 让本不是教课 书里的动物也可以 有机会参与扮演输 出。 ) 填空练习采取循序 剪辑, 组层深入的方 式, 引导学生从简单 句描述外貌填空到 描述过去和现在不 同的生长过程再到 整句的输入, 层层深 入。 Step Three: Practice 巩固练习 1 Retell the story by referring to the pict

16、ures, words and phrases on the blackboard. 2 Act the story 3 Let students think whether Justinisangrywithhis mother or not. In this way, arose the love to our mothers and make a heart card to express our greeting and love to our mother for the coming Mothers Day. Students can retell the story by ref

17、erring to the pictures and phrases. Students write their words to their mother for the coming Mothers day. 从复述故事到改编 故事再到输出表演 故事, 一步步循序渐 进, 符合学生的认知 特点, 同时鼓励学生 加入课文额外的故 事情节, 培养学生的 创造力。 Step four Homework 作业 A. Retell the story of Little Justin and make your own ending. B .Make a card to your mother and stick to the heart card to it. Students work in pair or in little groups to take about it. 复述故事体的形式 检测了学生文本输 出的情况同时回家 动手美化课上的母 亲节卡片, 让学生把 学到的句子结构用 到实际的生活中去, 体现学以致用的好 习惯。 板书设计板书设计 eggtadpole frog froglet smallblack be born round head catch flies green look like long tail four legs


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