四年级上册Unit 3 It's a pineapple.-Lesson 13-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-人教(精通)版(配套课件编号:44752).docx

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四年级上册Unit 3 It's a pineapple.-Lesson 13-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-人教(精通)版(配套课件编号:44752).docx_第1页
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四年级上册Unit 3 It's a pineapple.-Lesson 13-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-人教(精通)版(配套课件编号:44752).docx_第2页
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1、UnitUnit 3 3 ItIts s a a pineapple.pineapple. LessonLesson 1313 教学目标教学目标: : 1、知识与能力: (1)能听、说、认读单词:pineapple, lemon。 (2)能听、说、读、写单词:apple, pear。 (3)能理解并在游戏和日常生活中灵活运用句子: Whats this? Its a / an . 2、过程与方法:在活动中,积极参与小组竞赛、小组合作,激发学生参与 活动的热情,主动用英语进行交流。 3、情感态度与价值观: (1)喜欢小动物,知道要善待小动物。 (2)乐于与同伴合作,体验分享水果的乐趣。 (3)不

2、乱扔垃圾,懂得爱护身边的美好环境。 学情分析学情分析 : 四年级的学生经过一年的学习,已经有了一定的英语基础,对学习英语充 满了好奇和兴趣,渴望获得更多的英语信息和知识。学生们在三年级下册 Unit 4 中学过了 apple, pear, fruit 等几个表达水果的单词,并在同册 Unit 5 中学过了 Whats this? Its a / an .的句型。学生已掌握的知识和心理状态, 为本节活动的顺利开展打下了基础。 教学重点:教学重点: 1、掌握单词:pineapple, lemon,apple, pear。 2、在游戏和情境中灵活运用句子: Whats this? Its a / a

3、n . 教学难点:教学难点: 在游戏和情境中灵活地运用所学句型表达询问、回答水果的名称以及表达 自己的喜好 教学过程:教学过程: StepStep 1 1 WarmWarm upup (1)Lets sing. Old MacDonald had a farm T: Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to my English class. Are you happy? Ss: Yes! T: OK! Lets sing a song. (2)Grouping. T: Oh, there are so many animals on Old MacDonalds f

4、arm! Boys and girls, do you want to go to the farm? Ss: Yes! T: Lets go in groups! There are six groups in our class. Where are you? Ss: We are red group! We are blue group! T: Red, blue, yellow, orange, green and purple groups. Are you ready? Lets go! StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation (1)Making

5、 rules M: Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to Old MacDonalds farm. There are lots of fruit, animals and vegetables on the farm. You will play games here. If you do a good job. Your group will go up steps and get the gift. Boys and girls, have a good time! (2)Fruit Park Guessing game. T: Boys and girls

6、, lets go to the fruit garden. Look! There are many fruit trees. Lets look at the fruit. T: Guess! Whats this? (Show pictures of mango one by one. And ask the students try to use the sentence “Its a / an.” answer the question.) Ss: An apple? A pear?. T: Look! Its a mango! Show the pictures of the ot

7、her fruit one by one. (Teach the words apple, pear: read, write on the blackboard, and spell with students together. Teach the word pineapple, lemon: read the words. ) (3)Livestock Park T: Boys and girls. Let go to the livestock park! There are many lovely animals. Do you like animals? Ss: Yes! T: T

8、he animals are in the paper bag. Now, I choose an animal and act it. Guess! Whats this?(Ask the students to choose, act, ask and answer.) T; The animals are our friends. We must be kind to animals. StepStep 3 3 PracticePractice (1) Lets talk T: Boys and girls, Miss Liu took the fruit to our class. L

9、ets say goodbye to Old MacDonald! Ss: Goodbye Old MacDonald! T: And go to our classroom. Open your books lesson 13 Watch the video of lesson 13. Read after the video. Act this lesson. (2) Lets draw T: Boys and girls. There are lots of fruit on Old MacDonalds farm. What do you like? What color is it?

10、 T: Please draw it on your paper. You have 5 minutes, lets begin! (3) Chaining game T: Please use your pictures ask and answer in your groups one by one. (Ask the groups to play the game in the front of the classroom.) StepStep 3 3 Consolidation (1)Whats missing? Look at the pictures of fruit. And g

11、uess “Whats missing?” (2)Listen and match. Listen the dialogues and try to match the right answer. (5)Share fruit T: Boys and girls. Look! Old MacDonald brought gifts to us. Which group is No. 1? Please come here and choose fruit! T: You group only have an apple, and you group only have a banana. Do

12、 you want to have all kinds of fruit? Shall we share fruit? OK. Lets make fruit salad! You can have the salad and watch the video, know more about fruit! T: The fruit is so nice! Where are the peels? Please throw the peel into the garbage can. StepStep 5 5 HomeHome workwork (1)Try to know more words about fruit, and write them on your exercise books. (2)Try to make new dialogues use “Whats this?”“Its a/an.” with your partners.


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