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Hello Alina, I know in China summer is coming. But Australia is in winter now. I really miss summer here, its really beautiful! Now Id like to share a video with you about my summer in Australia. 1. Whats the second and the hottest season of the year? 2. When does summer begin in china? 3. Hows the weather in summer? Summer is the second and the hottest season of the year. In China, summer begins around June. The weather is very hot and theres often a lot of rain. Sometimes there is heavy rain. Questions: 1. 2. 3. rainheavy rain/ rain heavily Summer is the second and the hottest season of the year. In China, summer begins around June. The weather is very hot and theres often a lot of rain. Sometimes there is heavy rain. Task 1 1. Talk about summer in groups. 2. Each one should say 1 or 2 sentences. 3. Choose one student to show. What do you do in summer? What do students do in summer? Question: In summer, schools close and students have their holidays. Some of them go on trips with their parents, some go camping with their teachers, and some have summer classes. They all enjoy the summer holidays. In summer, schools close and students have their holidays. Some of them go on trips with their parents. Some go camping with their teachers, and some have summer classes. They all enjoy the summer holidays. What do students do in summer? Task 2 1. Talk about activities in summer in groups. 2. Each one should say 1 or 2 sentences. 3. Choose one student to show. Task 3:Listen and number. ( 5 ) ( 1 )( 3 )( 2 ) ( 7 )( 8 ) ( 4 ) ( 6 ) In China, summer begins around June. Schools close and students have their holidays. Bob The weather in summer is very hot. My friends and I go on trips with our parents. Kate The weather in summer is very hot. My friends and I go on trips with our parents. In China, summer begins around June. Schools close and students have their holidays. We go camping with our teachers. We like summer! I have summer classes and I have many new friend! Task 4: Read and choose. C A D B Task 5: Write down your own moments. Homework Choose to do: 1. Finish your moments. 2. Share with your friends. Must do: Talk about summer in your groups. 教学设计教学设计 一、教学指导思想一、教学指导思想 依据义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版) ,确立如下教学理念: 1.关注思维发展:语言内容学习带动思维发展。 2.关注素养培养:阅读活动与素养培养相结合。 3.关注学科育人:情感目标与育人目标相结合。 二、二、 教学背景分析教学背景分析 1.教材分析教材分析 本课为有关夏季的阅读语篇,向学生阐述了夏季的气候特点以及人物在夏季的活动。通 过文本阅读和细化的过程,引导学生了解我国的气候特点,热爱大自然。 2.学情分析学情分析 本课是第六单元季节话题的第三课时,学生已经学完“spring 春季” ,对相关句型有一定 的了解。通过对前侧的分析,已知六年级学生已经有五年的英语学习经验,具有一定的阅读 积累量。能读懂简单的短文并抓住大意。能够围绕特定话题用英语进行连贯表达。 三、三、教学内容与重难点教学内容与重难点 1.教学内容教学内容 本课为语篇阅读课,主题是“Summer” ,主要描述的是夏季的气候特点和夏季人物的各 种活动,最终通过本课所学了解我国的季节特点,安排描述自己的夏季活动。 2.教学重点教学重点 学生能够在整体语境中感知理解生词,运用阅读策略理解语篇,在小组协作过程中理解 语篇含义,能够运用自己的语言进行表达。 3.教学难点教学难点 学生立足各自的生活实际,结合目标语言展开运用。 四、四、教学目标教学目标 1. 知识目标知识目标 (1) 学生能够在语境中认读、理解运用短语 the hottest season, heavy rain 等。 (2) 学生能够理解 Summer is the second and the hottest season of the year. The weather is very hot and theres often a lot of rain.等句子,并在情境中加以灵活运用。 (3) 通过精读文本,学生能够联系实际生活,描述夏季的季节特点和自己的夏季活动。 2. 技能目标技能目标 (1) 学生继续学习运用快速阅读获取关键信息的基本阅读策略。 (2) 能够借助核心词对文本进行梳理和表达。 (3) 学生能在小组合作学习中,树立合作意识,提高合作能力。 3. 情感态度情感态度 学生能够通过学习理解文本内容,了解我国的季节特点,热爱大自然。 五、教学过程与方法五、教学过程与方法 Step 1: Lead in Watch the video. 教师以和朋友微信聊天的形式,通过视频向学生介绍朋友在南半球澳大利亚的夏季生活, 引发学生的学习兴趣。 Step 2: Pre-reading Ask and answer. (1)借助此话题引出本课主题, “Whats the summer like in China?”通过简单的问题设 置激活学生的大脑进行思考。 (2)出示本课主题“summer” ,带领学生齐读标题。 Step 3: While-reading (1) 教师用问题引导学生仔细观察文本第一部分图片,认真听录音。 Questions: Whats the second season of the year? Whats the hottest season of the year? When does summer begin in China? Hows the weather? 学生回答,初步感知文本第一部分内容。 (2) T: Listen! What happened? 通过听声音,看图片,让学生从听觉和视觉两面感知 rain heavy rain/ rain heavily。学生齐读,从而学习突破本小节难点。 (3) T: There is heavy rain. So here are some umbrellas for you. 每把雨伞对应文本中一句原文,每一个齐读出句子的小组都会得到一把雨伞奖励。 通过多种形式激发学生的学习兴趣,朗读操练文本。 (4) T: Do you like summer? Why? T: What can you do in summer? Now lets listen. 教师用问题引导学生仔细观察文本第二部分图片,认真听录音。 Questions: What can you do in summer? 学生回答,初步感知文本第二部分内容。 (5) T: So summer is really hot, right? Would you like some ice-cream? 通过奖励冰激凌图片的形式,鼓励学生小组朗读文本内容。 Step 4: Post-reading (1)T: So whats the summer like in China and what can you do in summer? Can you have a talk in your groups and show us? 小组活动复述文本内容,请一至两组学生进行展示。 学生利用黑板上的导图理清文本思路,运用自己的语言加以复述,是培养学生综合语言 运用能力。 (2)Listen and number. 听文本录音,给相应图片排序。 从听觉、视觉两方面对本课文本内容进行复习操练。 (3)Read and choose. T: The cell phone is ringing again. 教师出示人物活动图片和语句,请学生将相应图片和语句匹配。 (4)教师引导学生发布自己的朋友圈,通过本课所学写下自己的夏季活动。将书写融入 课堂,并鼓励学生进行创作。 Step 5: Homework Summer holiday is coming, what can you do in summer holidays? Please write down and share with your classmates. 引导学生将暑期活动以文字形式书写下来,体现知识由课堂向实际生活迁移的教学理 念。 六、教学评价六、教学评价 1. 形成性评价为重点,学生以小组为单位进行合作讨论,以及最终夏季活动的形成与 介绍,从不同的角度反映了学生对本节课的理解。 2. 评价主体多元化,教师鼓励学生积极参与文本的阅读,对学生语言的欣赏,对学生 大胆发言的鼓励,对学生错误的耐心纠正,都构成了本课的师生评价。 3. 在复述环节,评价小组内其他成员的复述,提出优点,指出问题所在,是生生互评 的重要体现。 4. 学生对于自己学习成果的认同,构成本课的自我评价。