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1、1 人教版高中英语新教材人教版高中英语新教材选择性选择性必修必修一一 Unit 3 课文文本和翻译课文文本和翻译 Sarek National Park-EuropesHidden Natural Treasure 萨勒克国家公园萨勒克国家公园欧洲隐藏的自然宝藏欧洲隐藏的自然宝藏 1 A Summer Where the Sun Never Sleeps 1 _ I wake up to the sound of the wind buffeting the cloth of my tent. Even though the sun is brightly shining, telling w

2、hether it is morning or night is impossible. Im above the Arctic Circle, where in summer the sun never sets. Checking my watch, I see that it is 7: 30 a.m. I leave my tent and walk over to the mountain edge. Spreading out before me, branches of the Rapa River flow through the valley below. Im in the

3、 remote far north of Sweden in Sarek National Park, a place with no roads or towns. 风噼里啪啦地拍打着我的帐篷,我在这声音中醒来。即使阳光明媚,也无法分辨是早上还是晚上。我在北 极圈上方,夏天太阳永不落山。我看了看手表,发现已经是早上 7:30。我离开帐篷,走到山边。拉帕河的 支流在我面前展开,流经下面的山谷。我身处瑞典北端遥远的萨勒克国家公园,一个既没有道路也没有城 镇的地方。 2 A Land of Mountain and Ice 2 _ Sareks mountains used to be cover

4、ed by vastsheets of ice. Around 9, 000 years ago, this ice melted, leaving behind about 100 glaciers. Soon after, reindeer began to arrive. Following the reindeer were the Sami people, who made this territory their home. Getting here is quite difficult, so apart from the Sami very few people have ev

5、er seen Sarek. In 1909, Sarek was made a national park in order to keep the land in its natural state. Though the Sami are allowed to continue their traditional way of life in the park, no one else can live here, and all new development is banned within park boundaries. At the far side of the valley

6、, an ancient Sami cottage is visible. Close by, there are a few reindeer feeding on grass. 萨勒克的山脉曾经被巨大的冰层覆盖。大约在 9 000 年前,这些冰融化了,留下了大约 100 条冰川。不久之 后,驯鹿来到这里。在驯鹿之后来的是萨米人,他们在这片土地上安家落户。到达这里相当困难,所以除 了萨米人以外,很少有人见过萨勒克。1909 年,萨勒克被列为国家公园,以保持该土地的自然状态。虽然 萨米人被允许在公园里继续他们的传统生活方式,但其他人不可以在这里生活,公园范围内的一切新开发 项目都被禁止了。在山

7、谷的另一边,可以看到一座古老的萨米人小屋。附近,有几只驯鹿在草地上觅食。 3 Man at Peace with Nature 3 _ For hundreds of years, looking after reindeer was a way of life for the Sami. They used the reindeers meat for food, their bones for tools, and their skin for making clothes and tents. Since reindeer were always on the move, the Sam

8、i would pick up their tents and accompany them. Today, most Sami have houses in villages near Sarek and live a modern life just like their neighbours. But every spring, a small number of Sami still follow their reindeer into the valleys of Sarek, living in tents or old cottages and enjoying their tr

9、aditions. I am not a Sami, but in Sarek Ive adopted some of their habits. For example, this morning my breakfast is flat bread warmed over a fire, dried reindeer meat, and some sweet and sour berries that I found growing near my tent. 数百年来,照顾驯鹿一直是萨米人的生活方式。他们用驯鹿肉做食物,用鹿骨做工具,用鹿皮做衣服和帐 篷。由于驯鹿总在移动,萨米人会收拾他

10、们的帐篷并一路陪伴它们。如今,大多数萨米人在萨勒克附近的 村庄有房子,并且与他们邻居一样过着现代化的生活。但每年春天,仍有少数萨米人跟随他们的驯鹿进入 萨勒克山谷,住在帐篷或旧农舍里,享受他们的传统。我不是萨米人,但在萨勒克,我已经接受了他们的 2 一些习惯。例如,今天早上,我的早餐是在火上烤的扁面包,驯鹿肉干,还有一些我在帐篷附近找到的酸 甜浆果。 4 A Land ofAdventure 4 _ After breakfast, I pack my bag and set out again. Since I must carry all of my food and supplies w

11、ith me, my bag weighs about 30 kilograms. If today is anything like yesterday, it will be full of sweat and hard work as I hike over this difficult land to my destination on the other side of the valley. However, I cannot complain. Being in such a beautiful and wild place makes me feel blessed to be

12、 alive. Here I am, alone under this broad sky, breathing the fresh air, and enjoying this great adventure. What could be better? 早餐过后,我收拾行李,再次出发。由于我必须随身携带所有的食物和用品,我的包大概有 30 公斤重。如 果今天和昨天差不多,那将会充满汗水和艰辛,因为我要徒步跨越这片地形艰险的土地,到达峡谷另一端 的目的地。但是,我不能抱怨。身处这样一个美丽而荒凉的地方,我感到活着是幸运的。我独自一人在这 广阔的天空下,呼吸着新鲜的空气,享受着这伟大的冒险。还

13、有什么能比这更好的? Theme ParksFun and more than fun 主题公园主题公园 Which theme park would you like to visit? There are various kinds of theme parks, with different parks for almost everything: food, culture, science, cartoons movies, history, and so on. Some parks are famous for having the biggest or longest roll

14、er coasters, others for showing famous sights and sounds. Whichever and whatever you like, there is an incredible theme park that will appeal to you. 你喜欢参观哪一个主题公园呢?主题公园的种类繁多, 不同的公园有不同的主题, 几乎囊括了一切:食物、 文化、科学、卡通、电影或历史。有一些公园以拥有最大或最长的过山车而闻名,有些则展示了文化中那 些著名的声音和视觉景象。不论你喜欢哪一个,喜欢什么,总会有适合你的主题公园。 The theme park

15、 you are probably most familiar with is Disneyland, which can be found in several parts of the world. Disneyland will bring you into a magical world and make your childhood dreams come true. Travelling through space, visiting a pirate ship, or meeting an adorable fairytale or cartoon character are a

16、ll possible at Disneyland. As you wander around the fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or even on the street. Of course, Disneyland also has many exciting rides to amuse you, from enormous swinging ships to scary free fall drops. If you want to have fun and mo

17、re than fun, come to Disneyland 你最熟悉的主题公园可能是迪斯尼乐园,世界上好几个地方都有迪斯尼乐园。无论你是在太空遨游, 参观海盗船,还是邂逅你最喜欢的童话故事或者迪斯尼卡通里的人物,迪斯尼会把你带到魔幻的世界,使 你的梦想变为现实。当你在梦幻乐园漫步时,你可能在游行队伍中或者大街上看到白雪公主或老鼠。当然, 迪士尼乐园里还有很多刺激的游乐项目供你娱乐,从巨大的摇摆船到恐怖的自由落体,都可以让你乐在其 中。如果你想玩得开心,且有更多的收获,那就来迪士尼乐园吧。 Dollywood, in the beautiful Smoky Mountains in the

18、southeastern USA, is unique because it shows and celebrates Americas traditional southeastern culture. Famous country music groups put on performances there all year round, indoors and outdoors. People come from all over America to see skilled workers make wood, glass and iron objects in the old-fas

19、hioned way. Visiting the candy shop and trying some of the same kind of candy that American southerners made 150 years ago is a rare experience. Riding on the only steam engine still working in the southeastern United States is a special treat. And for those who like rides, Dollywood has a superb ol

20、d wooden 3 roller coaster, Thunderhead. It is word-famous for having the longest track in the smallest space. Come to Dollywood to have fun learning all about Americas historical southeastern culture. 位于美国东南部美丽的斯莫基山脉的多莱坞,因展示和庆祝美国传统东南文化而独树一帜。著名的乡 村音乐团体全年都在那里举行室内外演出。人们从美国各地来到这里,是为了看到熟练工人用老式的方法 制作木材、玻璃

21、和铁器。参观糖果店并尝试一些 150 年前美国南方人制作的糖果是一种罕见的经历。坐在 美国东南部唯一仍在运转的蒸汽机上是一种特殊的享受。对于那些喜欢坐过山车的人,多莱伍德有一个很 棒的老式木制过山车,雷暴云砧。它以在最小的空间中有最长的音轨而闻名。来多莱坞了解美国东南部的 历史文化吧。 Chimelong Ocean Kingdom in Zhuhai, China, is one of the leading ocean-themed parks in the world. Here you can walk under the Whale Shark Aquarium-the worlds

22、 largest-and see up to 20, 000 fish, in addition to a whale shark 68 metres in length. Watching the dolphin and sea lion shows is both educational and fun. Of course, you can also see all kinds of interesting animals, including polar bears. The park has more rides than you can imagine: join a water

23、fight against pirates, get turned upside down by an exciting roller coaster, or get wet in one of the water rides! Then at night, see the splendid Journey of Lights Parade and fireworks display Hungry? The park has plenty of restaurants with tasty food for every appetiteyou can even eat while watchi

24、ng the fish swim by. If it is ocean entertainment that you are looking for, come to Chimelong Ocean Kingdom! 位于中国珠海的奇美隆海洋王国,是世界上首屈一指的海洋主题公园。在这里,你可以走到世界上最 大的鲸鲨水族馆下,除了看到一条 68 米长的鲸鲨外,还可以看到多达 2 万条鱼。观看海豚和海狮表演,既 益智又有趣。当然,您还可以看到各种有趣的动物,包括北极熊。园区内的游乐设施之多超乎您的想象: 参加水上对抗海盗的战斗,乘坐一辆刺激的过山车,或者在水上游乐设施中淋湿衣服!然后,您还可以在 园区内欣赏到绚丽多彩的海洋世界。到了晚上,还可以看到绚丽的 灯光之旅 巡游和烟花表演,饿了吗? 园区内有很多餐厅,提供适合各种胃口的美味食物,您甚至可以一边吃东西一边看鱼儿游来游去。如果您 想看海洋娱乐,就来奇美隆海洋王国吧!


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