(2019版)人教版选择性必修第一册英语Unit1 Part1 Reading and Thinking(作业)(含答案).docx

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1、1 Unit1 Part1 作业作业 UNIT1 PEOPLE OFACHIEVEMENT Part1 Reading and Thinking 能力提升练能力提升练 . .阅读理解阅读理解 A A Mother Teresa (August 26, 1910-September 5, 1997) was a great woman, who did a lot to improve the social condition of mankind. Due to her contribution in serving the society, she was awarded the Nobel

2、 Peace Prize aged 69. She was brought up in a Catholic family. When she was only seven, she lost her father. Even as a young child, she was interested in the life of missionaries (传教士).At the age of 18, she decided that she would become a nun. She left her home and went to join the Sisters of Loreto

3、. It was the first step that she made towards providing services for mankind. On the 7th of October in the year 1950, Mother Teresa received Vatican permission to start the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, the mission of which would be to take care of the needy, the homeless, and people who were

4、 shunned by the society. Then it had a number of branches all over the country. The journey of Mother Teresas Missionaries of Charity started with the setting up of homes for the Dying. In the year 1983, Mother Teresa suffered from a serious heart attack, while she was in Rome. However, she recovere

5、d. But, later in 1989, she again got an attack. Her health went worse and in the year 1991, she suffered from pneumonia. Taking her health problems into consideration, Mother Teresa decided to resign (辞职) from the post of head of the order. Asecret vote was conducted in which all the nuns voted for

6、the stay of Mother Teresa except herself. So, she agreed to continue serving as head of the Missionaries of Charity. Day by day her health was getting worse. On September 5, 1997, exactly nine days after her 87th birthday, this great soul departed for heaven. 1. Why did Mother Teresa devote her life

7、 to the religious life? 2 A. Because her parents had a deep influence on her. B. Because she wanted to provide services for others. C. Because she thought the life of missionaries simple. D. Because she came to know the Sisters of Loreto. 2. Which of the following words can replace the underlined wo

8、rd shunned ? A. Cared.B. Concerned. C. Ignored.D.Affected. 3. Why did Mother Teresa decide to resign from her post? A. She realized she couldnt fully serve the people in need. B. She was only worried about her health condition. C. She wished to lead a more comfortable life. D. She knew a heart attac

9、k would take her life away at any time. 【答案】1. B2. C3.A 【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇人物传记。文章介绍 Mother Teresa 。Mother Teresa(1910 年 8 月 26 日- 1997 年 9 月 5 日)是一位伟大的女性,她为改善人类社会状况做出了巨大 的贡献。由于她对社会的贡献,69 岁的她获得了诺贝尔和平奖。 【1 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句 It was the first step that she made towards providing services for mankind.“这是她

10、为人类提供服务的第一步。”由此可知,Mother Teresa 之所以献身于宗教生活是因为她想为别人提供服务。故选 B。 【2 题详解】 词义猜测题。根据第三段中 the mission of which would be to take care of the needy, the homeless, “它的使命是照顾穷人, 无家可归的人, ”再根据 the needy, the homeless, and people who were shunned by the society.是并列关系,所以应该是“被社会忽视的人”, 故划线部分的意思是“忽视”。故选 C。 【3 题详解】 细节理解

11、题。根据第四段中 Her health went worse and in the year 1991, she suffered from pneumonia. Taking her health problems into consideration, Mother Teresa decided to resign (辞职) from the post of head of the order.“她的健康每况愈下,1991 年,她患 3 了肺炎。 考虑到她的健康问题, 特蕾莎修女决定辞去教团团长的职务。 ”可知, Mother Teresa 决定辞职是因为她意识到她不能完全为需要帮助的人服

12、务。故选 A。 B B Born in London in 1825, Thomas Henry Huxley was one of the greatest men of the nineteenth century. In 1846 Thomas Henry Huxley was appointed assistant doctor aboard H. M.S. Rattlesnake. The ship had been asked to survey areas of the Great Barrier Reef and the neighboring seas. This gave

13、Thomas Henry Huxley an opportunity to study animal life and was the start of his biological career. The voyage lasted four years, during which time he gathered much information on plankton (浮游生物). On his return from the voyage, Thomas Henry Huxley was made a member of the Royal Society in recognitio

14、n of his scientific work.Although he continued to publish papers about plankton, his interest was turning towards vertebrate (有脊椎的) animals. For some time Thomas Henry Huxley and his workmates had been discussing the possibility that animal species had evolved (进化), one from another. No satisfactory

15、 theories had been put forward, but in 1859 Darwins Origin of Species appeared. Thomas Henry Huxley at once realizedits importance and how the theory of natural selection provided “the working hypothesis (假说) we sought”. For the rest of his life Thomas Henry Huxley struggled to ensure the full recog

16、nition of Darwins work. In 1863 Thomas Henry Huxley published Mans Place in Nature in which he compared man and great apes (猿). He clearly showed similarities. Despite his many achievements, he was given no award by the British state until late in his life. From about 1870, Thomas Henry Huxley was t

17、oo involved in other things to continue actual research. He had always been interested in education. He pioneered the teaching of biology and his method of selecting “type animals” is still followed today. He spent the last ten years of his life writing essays mainly on biology. 4. Why did Huxley go

18、 on the voyage? A. To explore the deep sea.B. To do research on sea animals. C. To work as a doctor on the ship.D. To gather information for his paper. 5. How did Huxley react to the theory of natural selection? A. He had doubt about it.B. He thought highly of it. 4 C. He couldnt understand it.D. He

19、 thought he developed it first. 6. What do we know about Huxleys book Mans Place in Nature? A. It discusses the importance of human beings. B. It focuses on Darwins theory of natural selection. C. It talks about the differences between man and apes. D. It provides evidence about the evolution of man

20、 from apes. 7. What can we learn about Huxley from the last paragraph? A. He contributed a lot to biology teaching. B. He continued his research till his death. C. He became a good novelist late in his life. D. He never got awards for his achievements. 【答案】4. C5. B6. D7.A 【解析】 【分析】这是一篇人物介绍类阅读。文章主要介绍

21、了 Thomas Henry Huxley 的生平 事迹和成就。 【4 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第一段 In 1846 Thomas Henry Huxley was appointed assistant doctor aboard H. M.S. Rattlesnake.(1846 年,Thomas Henry Huxley 被任命为 H. M.S. Rattlesnake 号上的助理医生。 )由此可知,Huxley 航海是因为他在船上当医生,故选 C。 【5 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第二段 Thomas Henry Huxley at once realizedits importa

22、nce and how the theory of natural selection provided “the working hypothesis (假说) we sought”. (Thomas Henry Huxley 立刻意识到它的重要性, 以及自然选择理论如何提供了“我 们所寻求的工作假设”。 )由此可知,Huxley 对自然选择理论评价很高,故选 B。 【6 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第三段 In 1863 Thomas Henry Huxley published Mans Place in Nature in which he compared man and great

23、apes (猿). He clearly showed similarities. (1863 年, Thomas Henry Huxley 发表了人类在自然中的地位一书,将人类与 类人猿进行了比较。他明显指出了相似之处。 )由此可知,Thomas Henry Huxley 的 5 书人类在自然中的地位为人类从类人猿进化而来提供了证据,故选 D。 【7 题详解】 推理判断题。根据最后一段 He had always been interested in education. He pioneered the teaching of biology and his method of selec

24、ting “type animals” is still followed today. He spent the last ten years of his life writing essays mainly on biology.(他一直对教育感 兴趣。他是生物学教学的先驱,他选择“类群动物”的方法一直沿用至今。他生命 的最后十年主要是写有关生物学的论文。 )由此推断出,Huxley 对生物教学做出了 很大贡献,故选 A。 . .七选五七选五 Spring and summer are the best seasons of the year for lots of activities

25、, especially jogging(慢跑). This kind of running is the choice of many people who live in the city, work in the office and want to keep healthy. _8_ 1. Make good preparations before jogging. _9_There, youll have an opportunity to find and buy all the necessary sportsware. Pay attention to the selectio

26、n of jogging shoes, if you dont want to suffer from the feeling of heaviness, pain and leg swelling after the run. With all these pieces of wisdom. your body will be truly grateful to you. 2. Do fitting warming-up activities Every runner, especially the beginners should know that all physical activi

27、ties without proper warming up can cause a terrible pain and result in harm to muscles. It will probably lead to a final discomfort in your body or even disease. _10_Actually, it usually just takes you 15 minutes to increase the range of motion of our joints and warm up every muscle of the body. 3._

28、11_When running, you usually feel physical and mental pleasure. Sometimes this pleasure can be replaced by negative feelings or even some kind of pain. No matter how healthy youre, you should always pay attention to how your body reacts. If something is wrong during your jog or run, the body will ce

29、rtainly let you know by giving you some hints(暗示). Watchfulness can help you avoid all possible aftereffects of over exercise. Every type of sport is special and useful in its own way. While jogging can 6 sometimes bring pain and discomfort, it really offers you greater joy and satisfaction. So dont

30、 step back._12_I hope these tips will help you prepare yourself for jogging and avoid any serious issues. A. Listen to your body signals. B. Never give in to difficulties while jogging C. However, jogging without preparation will bring great harm. D. One of the best ways to prepare is to go to speci

31、alized (专门的) shops. E. Just go in for jogging, but remember to follow the above rules F. Therefore, you should make it a habit to warm up before jogging G. Here are some basic rules to make jogging safe, useful and comfortable 【答案】8. G9. D10. F11.A12. E 【解析】 【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了三个关于慢跑需要遵守的规则。 【8 题详解】

32、 本句为段尾句,起承上启下的作用,结合下文列举了三点关于慢跑的规则,故 G 选 项“这里有一些基本的规则,使慢跑安全,有用和舒适。”符合上下文语境。故选 G。 【9 题详解】 根据下文 There, youll have an opportunity to find and buy all the necessary sports ware.(在那里,你将有机会找到并购买所有必要的体育用品。 )可推知本句强调的 是要去专门的体育用品店,在那里才有机会找到并购买所有必要的体育用品。故 D 选项“最好的准备方法之一就是去专门的商店。”符合上下文语境,故选 D。 【10 题详解】 根据下文 Actu

33、ally, it usually just takes you 15 minutes to increase the range of motion of our joints and warm up every muscle of the body.(实际上,你只需要 15 分钟来增加关 节的活动范围,让身体的每块肌肉都暖和起来。 )可知是在说明慢跑前进行的热身运 动,故 F 选项“因此,你应该养成慢跑前热身的习惯。”符合上下文语境,故选 F。 【11 题详解】 本句为本段小标题, 根据下文中 No matter how healthy youre, you should always pa

34、y attention to how your body reacts.(不管你有多健康,你都应该注意你身体的反应。 ) 7 可知本段主要讲述的是在慢跑时关注自我身体的反应和身体信号。故 A 选项“倾听 你的身体信号。”符合上下文语境,故选 A。 【12 题详解】 根据下文 I hope these tips will help you prepare yourself for jogging and avoid any serious issues.(我希望这些建议能帮助你为慢跑做好准备,避免任何严重的问题。 ) 可知本句是在强调遵守上面提到的规则,为慢跑做好准备,避免任何严重的问题。 故 E 选项“去慢跑吧,但要记住遵守以上规则。”符合上下文语境。故选 E。 8


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