Unit 3 Getting Together-Topic 3 What would you like to drink -Section B-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+素材)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(编号:e3e3e).zip

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课件介绍及使用说明课件介绍及使用说明 本课件是为仁爱英语七年级上学期 Unit 3 Topic 3 Section B 编写的教学课件。 本单元教学内容主要围绕有关认识朋友,谈论喜好、家庭成员及就餐的话题来 展开。这是第三单元的第三话题的第二课时,继续学习一般现在时态,主要以 呈现有关三餐的词汇和操练餐馆吃饭句型为主。课件从学生实际出发,对教材 进行了必要的调整。图片新颖,吸引眼球;内容丰富,容量大;密切结合课本; 讲练结合,容易操作。 导入呈现实物图片,以小组活动形式来复习上节课的重点词汇及句型。 (幻灯片 2-3) 呈现以图片呈现新的语言项目,如 breakfast/lunch/supper 等。 讲解新词汇的用法及其句型,并进行小操练,是学生有一定的了解。 让学生听 1a 录音,跟读并圈出新学的词汇。 (幻灯片 4-9。注:幻灯片 9,点击录音 P73-1a 播放课文 1a 录音。 ) 巩固阅读 1a,补全短文,完成 1c。 听 1a 录音,完成 1b 连线。 调查并作报告。 (幻灯片 10-13。注:幻灯片 11,点击录音 P73-1a 播放课文 1a 录音。 ) 呈现实物学习,呈现新短语 sth. to eat/drink。 看图填空,完成 3a,解析主要句型。 (幻灯片 14-16) 巩固完成 3b 对话,并鼓励学生表演。 (幻灯片 17-18) 活动分组调查活动:比比谁的食谱最健康。 (幻灯片 19) 小结继续学习可数名词及不可数名词的用法。 总结新学句型。 (幻灯片 20) 作业复习本课所学新词汇及句型。 写报告,下节课向全班同学作报告。 (幻灯片 21) Unit 3 Getting Together Topic 3 What would you like to drink? Section B I. Material analysis 本课是第三单元话题三的第二课时,主要活动是 1a 和 3a。通过康康和迈 克尔之间的对话,在复习和巩固关于食物和饮料的词汇的同时,学习谈论一日 三餐饮食习惯的用语。此外,通过看图完成对话,学习顾客在饭店点餐时和服 务员对话的常用语。本课的主要句型有:“What do you usually have for breakfast, Michael?”,“May I take your order, sir?”等。在本课中,生词量不多, 因此教师应该在 Section A 已有的词汇基础上创设情景,让学生在情景对话中自 然感知并熟练掌握关于一日三餐饮食习惯及饭店点餐的用语。 II. Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims 能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并在实际的情景对 话操练中加以应用: usually, breakfast, lunch, dinner, food, may, take, order, sir, something, glass, mm; 能在情景对话中就一日三餐的饮食习惯及在饭店点餐与服务员对话这两个 话题进行交流,如: (1)What do you usually have for breakfast, Michael? I usually have milk and bread for breakfast. (2)May I take your order, sir? Some fish with vegetables and a bowl of rice, please. 在教师的帮助与指引下,通过对话操练、听力训练等活动, 能掌握 for+breakfast/lunch/dinner 的用法。 2. Skill aims 能听懂有关一日三餐饮食习惯及饭店点餐等的简单对话; 能就一日三餐饮食习惯及饭店点餐话题进行交流; 能正确朗读对话,注意语音语调; 能根据图文理解有关就餐的对话与小短文,并根据要求进行学习活动; 能根据图文完成有关就餐的对话填空。 3. Emotional aims 在学习过程中,创设真实的情景,并采用小对话、小表演等灵活多样的授 课方式,激发学生的好奇心和求知欲,培养学生学习英语的兴趣和积极主动的 学习精神; 鼓励学生积极大胆,敢于模仿,培养学生学好英语的信心; 使学生乐于接触并了解中西方餐饮习惯的差别,同时养成良好的饮食习惯。 III. The key points and difficult points 1.学生能在情景对话中,熟练运用谈论日常饮食及点餐的表达法。 2.学生能结合课堂调查将同伴的饮食习惯用第三人称进行陈述。 IV. Learning strategies 1.能够清楚、大声地进行朗读,认真听录音和老师的发音,大胆开口,反复 模仿。 2.能够逐渐养成进行预习和复习的好习惯。 V. Teaching aids 录音机、教学挂图、多媒体和黑板。 VI. Teaching procedures StepInteraction pattern Student activityTeacher activity Introduction (5 minutes) 1.The whole class work. 2.Group work. 1.Focus their attention on the teacher. 2.Do duty report. Do brainstorming. Sit in groups. Discuss in groups first. Then write down the words of food and drinks as many as you can on the blackboard. The group which can write the most words in certain time is the winner in this competition. After that, the whole class separate the words of food and drinks into two groups: countable nouns and uncountable nouns. Countable nouns: bananas, vegetables, eggs, hamburgers, bananas Uncountable nouns: water, milk, juice, rice, 1.Greet students ready for learning. 2.Help the students to revise the words of food and drinks in Section A. 3.Individual work and pair work. 4.Individual work and pair work. bread, chicken, fish 3.Match the sentences in Column A with the ones in Column B. Then check the answers with your partners. Column A: Help yourselves! Would you like some eggs? What would you like to drink? What about some.? Column B: Good idea. Thank you. No, thanks. Apple juice, please. 4. Choose the correct sentences to complete the conversation individually. Then practice the conversation in pairs. e.g. A: Help yourselves! B:_. 3.Check the answers. Walk around and offer help if the students need. 4. Check the answers. Correct the students pronunciation if necessary. A: Would you like some rice, B? B:_. Id like some chicken. A: _, C? C: Orange juice, please. A: OK. Here you are. _,B? B: Good idea! A: No, thanks. B: Thank you. C: What about some juice D: What would you like to drink? Presentation (10 minutes) 1.Individual work. 1.Look at the pictures of clocks. Answer the teachers questions and learn the new words. T: What do you often/usually have in the morning/for breakfast? S1: I often/usually have milk and bread in 1.Use the pictures to present the new words in conversations. 2.Individual work and pair work. the morning/for breakfast. T:What do you often/usually have at noon/for lunch? S2: I usually have rice and chicken at noon/for lunch. T:What do you often/usually have in the evening/for dinner? S3:I often/usually have noodles in the evening/for dinner. 2.Do 1b. Look at the picture in 1a. Predict the conversation in 1a. Then listen to the conversation and do 1b. Match the following pictures with each meal. The whole class checks the answers together. Then read 1a after the tape. Practice the conversation in pairs. 2.Play the tape. Check the answers. Consolidation (5 minutes) 1. Pair work. 2.Individual work. 1. Ask and answer questions according to 1b, talking about Michaels eating habits. A: What does Michael usually have for breakfast? B: He usually has milk and bread for breakfast. A:What does he usually have for lunch? B:He usually has chicken and rice for lunch. A:What does he usually have for dinner? B:He usually has jiaozi. Its his favorite food. He likes Chinese food very much. . 2. Do 1c. Read 1a again and fill in the blanks. Then report it to the class. 1.Make sure the students use “does” and “has” correctly. 2.Check the answers. Practice (15 minutes) Individual work and pair work. 2. Pair work and individual work. 1. Do 3a. Look at the picture in 3a. Know the food and drink in the picture. Predict what the conversation in 3a is about. Then complete the conversation. Check the answers in pairs. The whole class check the answers together. Then practice the conversation in pairs and report it to the class. 2. Do 3b. Complete the conversation with correct sentences in 3b. Check the answers with your partner. Then practice in pairs. Act it out. Remember to act like a rabbit or a monkey. 1. Help the students know the food and drink in the picture and pay attention to the sentence: May I take your order, Sir. , please. Check the answers. Remind the students to use their body languages while acting the conversation. 2.Check the answers. Encourage the students to pretend to be a rabbit or a monkey while acting out the conversation. Production (10 minutes) 1.Group work. 1.Work in groups. Survey your group members about what they usually have for breakfast, lunch and 1.Help the students revise and consolidate the expressions about three meals and ordering in a restaurant dinner. A: Hello! What do you usually have for breakfast? B: I usually have. A: What about lunch? B: I usually have. A: And dinner? B: I usually have. Then fill in the form in 2. AB C D Breakfast Lunch Dinner Then make a short report. This is my friend, Li Hua. He usually has. for breakfast. And . for lunch. He likes it very much. He usually has. for dinner. Its his favorite. . in this section. Encourage the students to speak English loudly and bravely. 2. Assign homework: Read 1a fluently and recite it; Review the words and expressions in this section; Do a survey about what your family members usually have for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Fill in the form and report it to the class next day; FMB B L D Preview Section C-1a. Teaching reflection: 这节课是对已学食物和饮料名词的再现和巩固,同时在此基础上,进一步 学习谈论关于一日三餐的饮食习惯以及在饭店用餐时的点餐用语。学生在有例 子的对话中进行套用训练会比较得心应手,但是在将调查结果用第三人称转述 时易出现实义动词第三人称单数使用的错误,因此教师应该在学生汇报时予以 纠正。此外,有的学生因为害怕发音错误,而不敢开口说英语,教师应鼓励其 勇敢地开口说,从简单的对话操练开始,不断练习和提高口语水平。 VII. Blackboard design What would you like to drink? Section B 1. What do you usually have for breakfast, Michael? 2. What about lunch? 3. May I take your order, sir? usually breakfast lunch dinner food may take order sir something glass mm 假设某同学邀请 几个同学去家中吃饭。 以自备的有关食物的图 片或幻灯片上展示的食 物为谈话内容,几人一 组进行表演。 Help yourself; would like; yes, please/no, thank you; what about; please; for me; want; like I usually have milk and bread for breakfast. have 在此处是“吃,喝”的意思。如: have for breakfast/lunch/dinner 早饭/午饭/晚饭吃(喝) A: What do you often have in the morning /evening/at noon? B: I often have milk/jiaozi/chicken for breakfast/dinner/ lunch. (录音 P73-1a ) Michael usually has _ and _ for breakfast. He usually has _ with _ and some _ for lunch. He has _ for supper. milkbrea d rice chicke n vegetables jiaozi Breakfast Lunch Dinner Match after 1a.(录音P73-1a) NameItemBreakfastLunchDinner Food Drink Food Drink You may begin like this: This is my friend, Li Hua . He usually has for breakfast. And something to drink a glass of apple juice something to eat chicken with vegetables A: May I take your order, sir? B: _ with vegetables and _, please. A: Would you like something to drink? B: Yes. A glass of _, please. A: OK. Thank you. Fish rice apple juice May I take your order, sir? (1) take ones order意为“记下某人点的菜”。如:The waiter comes over to take my order. (2) sir 意为“先生,阁下”,是对不相识的男士、男上司、男性长辈或 从事某一职务的男士的尊称,一般不与姓连用。如对方是女性,则用 madam。 Complete the conversation and then act it out. Rabbit: Monkey: Rabbit: Monkey: Rabbit: Monkey: Rabbit: Monkey: Rabbit: _ Let me see. Mm . _ No, thanks. _ Bananas. Well, Id like seven bananas. _ Banana juice, please. _ A. Would you like some vegetables? B. OK. Something to drink? C. May I take your order? D. Oh . All right. E. What do you usually have for lunch? C A E B D A: May I take your order? B: Let me see A: Would you like ? B: Yes, A: something to drink? B: Make a survey after class and report it in next class. NameBreakfastLunchDinner Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 1. Go on learning countable nouns and uncountable nouns. 2. Useful expressions: What do you usually have for breakfast? May I take your order? Would you like something to drink? 1. Review the lesson. 2. Write a report, and report it in class next day.
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