Unit 3 Getting Together-Topic 2 What does your mother do -Section B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(编号:f0044).zip

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doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer 医生,演员,律师或歌唱家医生,演员,律师或歌唱家 why not president, be a dreamer 为什么不是总统?做一个有梦想的人为什么不是总统?做一个有梦想的人 you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人 policeman, fire fighter or a post man 警察,消防员或者邮递员警察,消防员或者邮递员 why not something like your old man 为什么不是像你老爸一样呢?为什么不是像你老爸一样呢? you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人 doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer 医生,演员,律师或者歌唱家医生,演员,律师或者歌唱家 why not president, be a dreamer 为什么不是总统?做一个有梦想的人为什么不是总统?做一个有梦想的人 you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人 Section 英城街中学英城街中学 胡冬梅胡冬梅 A 1.学习目标学习目标 掌握新单词及短语 home, kid, glad, mother, father, doctor, parent, office, worker, driver, farmer, cook, nurse 2.能力目标:能力目标:能在学习有关打招呼、询问 职业等信息的表达方式的基础上进行对话 操练。 3.学习重点和难点学习重点和难点: 句型: 一般现在时含有助动词does的特殊 疑问句(询问职业) - What does your mother do? - She is a teacher. 小组长现场检查导学案,小组长现场检查导学案, 师生共同了解预习情况。师生共同了解预习情况。 PK预习大作战预习大作战,看看谁读得又快又准看看谁读得又快又准 +3+3 单词翻译并大声朗读单词翻译并大声朗读 家家_ kid_ kid_ father_ father_ 母亲母亲_ 农民农民_ cook_ cook_ doctor_ doctor_ 愉快的愉快的_ 工人工人_ office_ _ office_ driver_ driver_ 护士护士_ 父(母)亲父(母)亲 _ _ PK 预习大作战,看看谁最棒预习大作战,看看谁最棒 home 小孩小孩 父亲父亲 厨师厨师 医生医生 办公室办公室 司机司机 mother farmer worker nurse parent glad +3+3 PK 预习大作战,看看谁最棒预习大作战,看看谁最棒 1.打招呼用语打招呼用语: 很高兴认识你!很高兴认识你! _ 2.询问职业:询问职业: 如:你妈妈是做什么的?如:你妈妈是做什么的? _ Glad to meet you! What does your mother do? +6+6 休息一下,玩一玩猜一猜休息一下,玩一玩猜一猜 A guessing game 你猜对了吗?你猜对了吗? Yangyang Yangyang 雅行教育雅行教育 Everyone has his dream, and we should try our best to make our dream come true. So we need to work hard! 每个人都有自己的梦想,我们都应该为实现自每个人都有自己的梦想,我们都应该为实现自 己的梦想而努力奋斗!己的梦想而努力奋斗! What does he do? He is _. a farmer a driver What _ he do? He is_. a farmer a driver 看图,猜职业,完成对话看图,猜职业,完成对话 does an actor a cook What does he do ? He is an actor. What does he do ? He is a cook. +6+6 a teacher an office worker What does he do? He is a teacher. What does she do? She is _. an office worker +6+6 a student a nurse What does he do? He is a nurse. What does she do? She is a student. +6+6 Glad to meet you, too. Hi, kids! Glad to meet you. Mom, Im home. These are my classmates. Welcome to my home. Thank you. (视频视频P63-1a-1) 听说完成对话听说完成对话 雅行教育雅行教育 文明礼貌,见面主动问好文明礼貌,见面主动问好! ! 例如,在学校见到老师同学等应主动问好;例如,在学校见到老师同学等应主动问好; 家里来了客人,也要主动打招呼。家里来了客人,也要主动打招呼。 LearnLearn to be polite. Try to say helloto be polite. Try to say hello when you meet them. when you meet them. (视频视频P63-1a-2)What does your mother do? What do your parents do? 1. What does Kangkangs mother do? She is _. 2. What does Kangkangs father do? He is _. 3. What does Michaels mother do? She is _. 3. What does Michaels father do? He is _. a doctor an office worker an office worker a teacher 听填信息听填信息 +5+5 1b Complete the table. PersonJob Kangkangs mother Kangkangs father Michaels mother Michaels father a teacher a doctor an office worker an office worker Yukios father is a _ (doctor, driver) and his mother is a _(teacher, nurse). His sister is an officer worker. Wang Junfengs mother is an _ (office worker, actor), too. His father is a _ (cook, farmer). Listen and complete the passage. driver teacher office worker cook +6+6 1.掌握新掌握新单单词及短语词及短语 2.打招呼用语打招呼用语: 很高兴认识你!很高兴认识你! 3.询问职业的句型:询问职业的句型: home, kid, glad, mother, father, doctor, cook parent, office, worker, driver, farmer, nurse What does he do? He is a driver. What does she do? She is an office worker. Glad to meet you! Who are the winners? 1 2 看看谁读得又快又准看看谁读得又快又准 ( ) _? He is an English teacher. A. What does your father do? B. Where is he? C. Who is he? D. Is he at home? 1 23 I want to be (成为)成为) a _ 1 2 cook His sister is a nurse. (对画线部分提问对画线部分提问) _ _ his sister _? 1 2 What does do ( )Lilys mother is _office worker. A. a B. an C. the D. / 12 -Glad to meet you, Sandy. - _. A. Thank you. B. How are you. C. Please have a seat. D. Glad to meet you, too. 1 2 1. Recite the dialog in 1a. 2. Make a survey about what your friends parents do, then make a report. 3. Preview Section B. 做一个有梦想的人做一个有梦想的人 1. I am a teacher. (对画线部分提问对画线部分提问) _ do you _? 2. What do you do? (同义句同义句) What _ you? 3. His father is a nurse. (对画线部分提问对画线部分提问) _ _ his father _? 4. 他们是医生。他们是医生。 They _ _. What do are What does do are doctors Introduce the family members.(介绍家庭成员) PersonAgeLookClothesJobWorkplace +3 Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations! 1 仁爱版英语七年级(上)仁爱版英语七年级(上) Unit 3 Topic 2 Section A 教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本课时是九年制义务教育课程教科书Project English七年 级上册 Unit 3 Topic 2 Section A 中的第一课时。这个 topic 的主题是 What does your mother do?围绕谈论职业,询问家庭成员的职业,以 及工作场所。本课的教材内容主要围绕询问了解家庭成员的职业展 开。共有三大部分, 1a 的对话,是学习询问职业的句型问答。1b 通过完成表格,对 1a 的对话加以巩固,1C 是对 1a 内容进行巩固和 拓展,强调语言的输出和应用。掌握和巩固询问职业句型问答。 2 是是听力训练,是对确认家庭成员的职业这一内容进行一个输入的 过程。3a 是通过录音朗读,初步掌握元音字母组合 ow, oy, ear, ure 和辅音字母 tr,dr 的发音规律。3b 是通过录音朗读进行检查并跟读。 本课主要学习的句型: 一般现在时含有助动词 does 的特殊疑问句 (询问职业) - What does your mother do? - She is a teacher. 为后续学习询问 职业以及工作场所打下夯实的基础。 学情分析学情分析 1、七年级的学生十三、四岁,他们对新知识有强烈的好奇心, 而且信心十足,有展示自己,表现自己的愿望和行动,13 班学生积 极上进,大部分学生都喜欢英语,口语表达能力,属于中等生,但 是他们也乐于参与英语课堂的各类活动。 2 2、我校开展的小组合作+导学案模式的雅行课堂在七年级开展 的比较成功,因此,学生的小组合作也很有基础。 3、学生在小学时就已经接触和学习过有关职业的内容,所以学 生在学习本课重点内容不是难度十分大。 2、教学目标教学目标 1)学习目标:掌握新单词及短语 home, kid, glad, mother, father, doctor, parent, office, worker, driver, farmer, cook, nurse 2)能力目标:能在学习有关打招呼、询问职业等信息的表达方 式的基础上进行对话操练。 3)学习重点和难点: 句型: 一般现在时含有助动词 does 的特殊疑问句(询问职业) - What does your mother do? - She is a teacher. 3.情感目标; 1)能够积极与同学合作参与课堂活动,大胆实践; 2)培养学生乐于助人,帮助别人也快乐自己的观念。 4. 雅行教育: 1)通过学习询问职业,谈论梦想,并为之奋斗。 2)学习见面用语,做到文明有礼。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 本课的重点难是,通过学习一般现在时含有助动词 does 的特殊疑 问句询问职业的基础上进行对话操练,注意人称的数。 3 五、教学准备五、教学准备 PPT、录音、录音 6、教学过程教学过程 StepsTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose Step 1 Greetings Greetings A song about jobs. Focus their attention on the teacher. 通过打招呼, 让学生为上课做 准备。 Step 2 Check the preview 1. Show the learning aims. 2.Show on PPT. Competitions to check the students preview. 1.Try to read fast to finish 3a. 2. Work in groups to learn and read the new words. 3. Groupwork to learn the new structures. 导:导: 通过 PPT 以竞赛的方式检 查学生的导学案 预习情况,能有 效的调动学生的 学习积极性,并 且调节新授课的 速度。 Step 3 Leading in 1. A guessing game to lead in 2. A Wechat video to ask and answer: What dose he do? 3.Good manners: 1.Guess: which one is the teachers son 2.Watch a video and talk about Yangyang. 3. Talk about dreams and we need to work hard! 思:思:通过猜一猜, 吸引学生的注意 力,并且利用熟 悉的微信,让学 生了解老师的儿 子,引入话题, What does he do? 进而引导 学生谈论自己 的梦想并为之 努力奋斗。 Step 4 1. Show pictures for students to guess occupations. And finish the conversations. 2. Imitate the 1. Watch a picture. Work with the teacher to make a conversation. 2. Another picture to work in groups to practice. 议:议:通过师生对 话,学习询问职 业的句型,小组 合租模仿操练句 型。 展:展:组内操练 1c 4 Presenta- tion examples, work in groups, to make similar conversations. 3. More pictures to practice. 4.Make competitions. 的对话,实现兵 教兵强守弱,提 高学生对话能力 以及合作能力。 评:评:小组展示后, 学生会相互给出 适当的评价,激 励机制。 Step 5 Consolida -tion 1.Ask Ss to make conversations to consolidate 1c. 2. Listen to 1a-1. Learn to say hello. 3.Work in groups and act out in different ways. 1. Make conversations together. 2. Listen and answer. 3.Good Manners: say hello. 检:检:结合导学案 中的练习以小组 的形式,共同探 究本课知识点, 提高学生的自我 探究能力和合作 学习能力,同时 也是检查本课掌 握重点难点的情 况。 Step 6 Practice 1.listen1a-2,ask Ss questions. 2.Let Ss work in groups to practice the conversation. 3. Read out loudly in groups. 4.Check 1b fast. 1.listen1a-2,answer questions. 2.Groupwork to practice the conversation. 3. Read out loudly in groups. 4.Check 1b fast. 展:展:组内操练 1c 的对话,实现兵 教兵强守弱,提 高学生对话能力 以及合作能力。 检:检:通过反复操 练,检测学生掌 句型的情况。 提高听前预测的 能力。听力的 练习也是检查 学生掌握课文 的形式并提高 听前预测的能力。 Step 7 Listen and Listen and finish 2.Then check in 检:检:提高听前预 测的能力。听力 5 Progress complete the passage. groups.的练习也是检 查学生掌握课 文的形式并提 高听前预测的能 力。 回顾、总结本课 的相关知识有利 于加深学生的记 忆。 Step 8 Summary Let the Ss summarize what theyve learned. Summarize what theyve learned in this period. 检:检:回顾、总结 本课的相关知识 有利于加深学生 的记忆。 Step 9 More practice Let students do more exercises to consolidate the key points. Do more exercises.练:练: 练习的形 式是以小组为单 位,选取一定分 值的题目进行练 习。以竞争的形 式提高学生参与 的意识。评选出 优胜小组。 Step10 Home- work Ask the students to finish the homework after class. Students finish exercises after class. 作业是以口头操 练以及书面的形 式写对话,由此 检测学生,对知 识的掌握情况。 并且,预习下一 课。 教学点评:本节课通过讨论、操练的方式来引导学生谈论职业,学 习所需掌握的句型。利用歌曲、尤其是微信视频的方式吸引学生, 活跃气氛,通过小组合作、竞争的方式调动学生的学习积极性,练 习过程中通过随机得分的方式刺激学生的参与度性,达到了很好的 6 效果。这一系列的教学方式及技巧都获得教学效果最大化。本节课 还需加强激励机制以及评价机制,优化教学过程。
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