Unit 3 Getting Together-Topic 3 What would you like to drink -Section B-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(编号:6011e).zip

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七(3)班 伍玉乔 知识目标: 1、掌握单词和短语: breakfast, lunch, dinner, usually, food, glass, take ones order, sir, something to drink 2、熟练掌握重点句型: (1)What do you usually have for breakfast? (2) May I take your order? (3)Would you like something to drink? 情感目标: 通过一起就餐,培养学生热爱生活,关心他人的情感 ;积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 rice bread milk juice water chicken fish 金睛火眼: 看图拼单词,看谁说得又快又准! vegetables eggs bananas hamburgers 金睛火眼: 看图拼单词,看谁说得又快又准! They can cook three meals for themselves. What about you? 吃,喝作为 What do you usually have for breakfast? -What do you usually have for breakfast? -I usually have (a/an) and for breakfast. an egg milk -What do you usually have for lunch? -I usually have and for lunch. rice chicken - does Kimmy usually for dinner? -Kimmy usually has dinner. jiaozifor What have Yangyang Yangyang usually and for dinner. has noodles vegetables What does Michael usually have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner? Breakfast Lunch Dinner Match after 1a.(录音P73-1a) Michael usually has _ and _ for breakfast. And for lunch, he would like _ with _ and some rice. _ is his favorite Chinese food and he has it for dinner. What do you usually have for breakfast, lunch and dinner? milk bread chicken vegetablesJiaozi 伴有 The whole class read 1a together. A: What do you usually have for .? B: I usually have .and.for. Student 1Student 2. Breakfast Lunch Dinner Make a survey about three meals in groups. Complete the table and then report it to the class. corn pork You can report like this : In our group, Xiao Wei uaually has bread and an egg for breakfast. And for lunch, she usually has fish . A: May I take your order, sir? B: _ with vegetables and _, please. A: Would you like something to drink? B: Yes. A glass of apple _, please. A: OK. Thank you. Fish rice juice Look at the picture and complete the conversation. 1.something to drink一些喝的东 西 May I take your order?您 可以点菜了吗? 其回答: 1. 直接说出菜名. 2. Let me see. Mm 2. Would you like .?你想要? A:May I take your order? B:Yes, I d like ,please. A:Would you like something to drink? B:A glass of , please. A:OK! Thank you! Make a new conversation with your partner. 两人一组自编在餐馆就餐 的情景。 3b.Complete the conversation . Rabbit: Monkey: Rabbit: Monkey: Rabbit: Monkey: Rabbit: Monkey: Rabbit: _ Let me see. Mm . _ No, thanks. _ Bananas. Well, Id like seven bananas. _ Banana juice, please. _ A. Would you like some vegetables? B. OK. Something to drink? C. May I take your order? D. Oh . All right. E. What do you usually have for lunch? C A E B D 1、你午餐经常吃什么?我经常吃米饭和鱼。你午餐经常吃什么?我经常吃米饭和鱼。 - you usually for lunch? -I usually have and . 2、你想要些吃的东西吗?、你想要些吃的东西吗? Would you like ? 3、 she usually (have)an egg for dinner?Yes, .(填空题填空题) What do have rice fish something to eat Does have she does Summary 1.We learn: 2.We can: breakfast, lunch, dinner, usually, food, glass, take ones order, sir, something to drink What do you often have for breakfast? May I take your order? Would you like something to drink? Review Section B. Do workbook . Preview Section C . 教学 目标 知识目标: 1、掌握单词和短语: breakfast, lunch, dinner, usually, food, glass, take ones order, sir, something to drink 2、熟练掌握重点句型: (1)What do you usually have for breakfast? (2)May I take your order? (3)Would you like something to drink? 3、情感目标: 通过一起就餐,培养学生热爱生活,关心他人的情感;积极与他 人合作,共同完成学习任务。 重点学生能熟练运用句型: (1)What do you usually have for breakfast? (2)May I take your order? (3)Would you like something to drink? 难点 用英语正确询问他人的就餐情况。 教材 分析 教具 学具 Multimedia、Learning guide 授课步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step 1: Review Warm-up 1.Greeting. 2.Show the learning aim. 3.Review the words what we have learned in Section A.Students have a competition to guess the words after seeing the pictures. 4.Sum up uncountable nouns and countable nouns. 1.Greeting. 2. Read the learning aim. 3. If students know the words, please put up their hands as soon as possible. 4. Review uncountable nouns and countable nouns. 展示食物的相 关图片,让学 生提高学习兴 趣,也可以复 习单词,然后 自然而然地进 入学习状态。 Step 2: Lead in 1. Learn and read the phrases: have breakfast/ lunch/dinner. Ask students to read the new phrases. 2. Show the food what I eat every morning and ask students:“What do you have for breakfast/ lunch/dinner?” 3. Look and say. Do the exercises. Ask the students to answer. 1.Pay attention to the new words and read them one by one. 2.Watch the picture and think about the teachers question. 3. Look and say. Watch the pictures and do the exercises. 通过展示老师 每天吃早餐的 情况,巩固新 短语,再询问 学生的情况; 做相应的练习 主要是巩固重 点句型及其回 答:“What do you have for breakfast/ lunch/dinner? I have .for.” Step 3: Presentation 1. Let the students guess: Do you know Michaels breakfast/ lunch/dinner? 2. Lets learn 1a together. Listen to 1a again and finish 1b. 3. Let the students read 1a again and fill in the blanks in 1c. 4. The whole class read 1a loudly, clearly and fluently. 5. Make a survey about three meals in groups. 1. Students guess the answer and know the junk food is unhealthy. 2. Listen to 1a and finish 1b . 3. Fill in the blanks in 1c alone. 4. Students try to read 1a loudly, clearly and fluently. 5. Students work in pairs. Use the sentences “What do 检查学生对知 识点的掌握; 训练学生从听 力材料中获取 有关 Michael 三餐的情况; 使学生能更好 熟悉课文并能 正确朗读对话; 进行句型操练 Hand out a paper to each group. Complete the table and write down the report on the paper together.Then report it to the class. 6. Learn 3a. Look at the picture and complete the conversation. Point out the phrases: May I take your order?something to drink(一些喝的) 7. Show time. Make a new conversation with your partner like 3a. 8. Learn 3b. Complete the conversation. you have for breakfast/ lunch/dinner? I have .for.”. Write down the report on the paper together. One student report it. 6. Students read 3a and finish the conversation alone. Learn the phrases together. 7. Make a new conversation with your partner like 3a. 8. Complete the conversation in 3b. 询问同学并做 成报告,进一 步巩固如何询 问他人三餐的 情况及其回答; 独立完成 3b 和 3c,并编 造新对话,有 利于锻炼学生 组织语言的能 力。 Step 4: Exercises Ask the students to finish the exercises alone. Students finish the exercises alone and then check the answers one by one. 通过练习对所 学知识进行巩 固。 Step 5: Summary Ask students to sum up what they have learned today. Students sum up what they have learned one by one. Read the new words, new phrases and useful sentences. 让学生对整节 课的知识点有 更好的归纳, 懂得如何进行 总结。 Blackboard designing Step 6: Homework 1.Recite the dialog in 1a. 2.Do workbook . 3.Preview Section C . (1)What do you usually have for breakfast? I usually have.for. (2)May I take your order? (3)Would you like something to drink?
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