仁爱版七年级上册英语期末复习:完形填空 练习题汇编(含答案解析).docx

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仁爱版七年级上册英语期末复习:完形填空 练习题汇编(含答案解析).docx_第1页
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1、仁爱版七年级上册英语期末复习:完形填空 练习题汇编(2022上湖南衡阳七年级统考期末)通读短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。Jenny White is 1 friend. 2 is 9. 3 is 4 last name. Jenny is her 5 name. Do you want to know her telephone number? Her 6 number is 815-6235. 7 mother 8 a teacher. Her father is 9 teacher, 10 .1AIBmyCme2AHisBSheCHe3AJennyBWhite

2、CKate4AherBhisCshe5AfirstBlastCfull6AphoneBIDCschool7ASheBHerCHers8AisBamCare9AaBanCthe10AsoBtoCtoo(2022上广东肇庆七年级统考期末)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。Hello! Im a Chinese boy. My name is Liu Kai. Its Sunday today. I am 11 . I dont have any classes. Its a nice day, just right for

3、 12 a picnic. So in the morning, I 13 my good friends, Kate, Jack, Bill and Dave. I ask them to go to the West Farm for a picnic. We 14 some food and drinks with us, and we go there with a knife and some other things in our bags.On the 15 , we see many animals (动物) and take a lot of photos. Kate wan

4、ts me to sing songs with her, 16 I dont have time to do that. I have to 17 . Jack and Bill would like to help me with cooking. Dave 18 some water for us. At 12:00, our 19 is ready (准备好的). We eat eggs, hamburgers, chicken and fish. After lunch, we sing some songs and play with the animals. We are all

5、 happy. Guess 20 we get back home in the evening.11AfreeBcoolCkindDcute12AneedingBhavingCplayingDgiving13AhelpBlookCcallDthink14AeatBfindCthinkDtake15AfarmBzooCrestaurantDhospital16AandBbutCsoDor17AcookBreadCdriveDspeak18AtriesBactsCsaysDgets19AbreakfastBlunchCdinnerDshow20AhowBwhyCwhenDwhat(2022上湖北

6、随州七年级统考期末)Nicole is 11 and she loves sports. 21 class, she always does sports with her classmates, they like to play basketball, volleyball and tennis.Nicole likes 22 , too. She asks her friend Sarah to play ping-pong with her this afternoon, but she cant 23 her ping-pong ball. She must 24 Sarah and

7、 tell her before (在以前) its too late. “Hey, Sarah, do you have a ping-pong ball? I cant find 25 ,” Nicole says on the 26 .“Yes, I do,” Sarah says. “But my two-year- old sister likes playing with 27 . And she doesnt give it back (归还).”“Haha! Thats 28 !” Nicole laughs (笑) and says. “ 29 can we do now?

8、We cant play ping-pong with only two bats.”“Easy. Let me 30 my dad for five yuan, and we can buy a new (新的) one!”“That sounds good! Thank you, Sarah.”21AAtBInCAfterDFor22AsoccerBbasketballCbaseballDping-pong23AfindBhelpCspellDwatch24AloveBcallCthankDe-mail25AyoursBmineChisDhers26AphoneBmapCdeskDbed2

9、7AmeByouCitDher28AeasyBinterestingCboringDrelaxing29AHowBWhoCWhereDWhat30AaskBexcuseCmeetDsee(2022上天津武清七年级校考期末)Its a Sunday morning. The 31 is sunny. There are many people in the park. Many of them are young and the others are 32 . Some young children are playing games over there. Two boys are playi

10、ng with their yo-yo (悠悠球). A girl is flying a kite. Two children are 33 a toy boat. Everyone is 34 . They are having a good time. There is a lake in the park. The water of the lake is clear (清澈的). There are some 35 in the lake. There are some 36 on the lake. Near the lake, a young man is 37 a book.L

11、ook at that big 38 ! There are some birds in the tree. Under the tree are five men. Four of them are playing cards. One of them is 39 two cats. The cats are climbing the tree. 40 do the cats want to do? They want to catch the birds in the tree.31AtimeBdateCweatherDlesson32AyoungBoldCtallDshort33Amak

12、ingBcomingCflyingDgoing34AtiredBhappyCsadDbored35AbirdsBfishCmonkeysDlions36AtrainsBplanesCbusesDboats37AlookingBseeingCwatchingDreading38AflowerBtreeCgrassDforest39Alooking atBlooking upClooking outDlooking for40AWhenBWhatCHowDWhere(2022上吉林长春七年级校考期末)I have a good friend. Her name is Julia. She and

13、I are in the 41 class. 42 she is my classmate. She is a 43 star in our school. Many(许多) of us like to 44 her tennis games. Julia thinks tennis is fun and 45 .She plays tennis five days a 46 . So she is 47 good at(擅长) playing tennis. And we like to play tennis 48 Julia after school.Julia says she 49

14、to be a great tennis player(运动员) like Sun Tiantian. So she must keep(保持) 50 . She has many good eating 51 . She always has an apple, some milk and two eggs for breakfast. For lunch, she eats 52 rice, chicken and vegetables. She likes fruit and she always has some 53 after lunch.For dinner, she has a

15、 vegetable salad. She likes hamburgers, but her mother doesnt let her eat 54 . And she doesnt want Julia to be 55 . After dinner, she likes to watch tennis games on TV with her parents.41ArightBsameCgoodDfun42AOrBButCAfterDSo43AsoccerBtennisCbaseballDbasketball44AwatchBplayCthankDask45AboringBdiffic

16、ultCrelaxingDtidy46AlunchBclassCweekDday47AthenBwellConlyDreally48AforBwithCaboutDon49AsoundsBneedsCwantsDplays50AniceBwelcomeChealthyDeasy51AclassesBhabitsCpicturesDgames52AsomeBanyCmanyDlot53Aice-creamBchickenCcarrotsDstrawberries54AitBtheyCthemDthese55AtallBfatCthinDlate(2022上河北石家庄七年级校考期末)Dear Ti

17、na, Thank you 56 your letter. Now I want to tell you something about my life. I go to school from Monday to Friday. I have four 57 in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. School starts at 8:00 a.m. 58 finishes at 5:00 p.m. At noon, I often have 59 at school. Then I can take a rest (休息) for

18、about one 60 and then the afternoon classes begin. After school, I have many things to do. On Monday and Wednesday afternoons, I 61 basketball on the playground. On Tuesday afternoon, I have a(n) 62 lesson. I like to sing and its interesting. On Thursday afternoon, I go to the school library (图书馆) .

19、 On Friday afternoon, I practice (练习) English with my classmates. Im 63 busy on school days. I do some 64 things on Saturday and Sunday. I always play games with 65 friends. We are very happy. Yours,Lily56AtoBinCforDon57AtestsBlessonCtermDclasses58AorBbutCandDso59AbreakfastBlunchCclassDsport60AdayBt

20、imeCweekDhour61AsellBbuyCtakeDplay62AartBscienceCmusicDhistory63ArealBreallyCgoodDfine64ArelaxingBdifficultCbusyDshort65AIBmeCmyDmine(2022上河北保定七年级校考期末)Good morning, boys and girls. Im David Smith. Im 13 years old. Im from London, 66 capital of the U.K. There are four 67 in my family. Now we are in B

21、eijing because (因为) my parents work here. My father works in a hospital and my mother works as a cook in a 68 . She can cook lots of 69 food for customers (顾客). Im two years older than (比) my sister, so she is 70 years old this year. My sister and I go to No.1 Middle School in Beijing. It is a beaut

22、iful school 71 lots of trees inside. We usually walk to school, but sometimes we 72 bikes. On weekends, we often 73 our friends to watch movies at home. We enjoy our new life (生活) in Beijing, but I dont like the 74 here. Its different from that of my city. In summer, its cool in London, 75 its very

23、hot in Beijing. So we often go swimming on hot days. We have much fun here.66AaBanCtheD/67AheroesBroomsCphotosDmembers68AlibraryBrestaurant C museumDbookstore69AsoftBsameCmagicDdelicious70AtenBeleven Ctwelve Dfifteen71AforBaboutCfromDwith72ArideBtakeCcatchDborrow73AsaveBmissCinviteDpass74AdateBweath

24、erCsun Dseason75AorBsoCbutDand(2022上河北沧州七年级校考期末)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Im Dale. I have a(n) 76 . His name is Frank. Hes in Yucai School. He goes to school from Monday to 77 . He is busy on school days. Lets see 78 he does on school days. Frank always goes to school at 7:00 oclock after b

25、reakfast. His 79 class is at 7:30. He has lunch at school. After that he can play games with 80 classmates. All the classes 81 at 3:40 in the afternoon. What does he do after school? He likes 82 basketball with his friends for an hour. Then he goes home. Dinner is always at 5:30. For dinner, he 83 h

26、aving salad and bread with his parents. He doesnt watch TV on school days. He always reads his favorite books in the evening. My cousin thinks its 84 to read books 85 Saturday and Sunday. He doesnt need to go to school, so he is free.76AuncleBcousinCfriendDclassmate77ATuesdayBWednesdayCFridayDSunday

27、78AwhereBhowCwhenDwhat79AfirstBlastCmiddleDfavorite80AherBhisCourDmy81AmeetBthinkCfinishDhelp82AplayingBeatingCaskingDlooking83AbuysBthinksCwantsDlikes84AbadBdifficultCboringDuseful85AatBonCwithDfrom(2022上河北石家庄七年级校考期末)Hi, Im Frank. Im a student in Hilltop Middle School. I go to school from Monday to

28、 Friday. I have many subjects at school. Some are interesting, but some are 86 for me.However, my favorite 87 is Saturday. Do you know why? Because I have a basketball lesson 88 one hour on Saturday afternoon. Its a little long, 89 its relaxing. And the P.E. teacher, Mr. Xu, is kind and fun. We all

29、like 90 basketball with him. Yao Ming is my favorite sports star. I hope one day I can play basketball well like him. The class usually begins at 2:40 and it is 91 at 3:40. After that, he often plays games with us. And we usually have a good 92 !I have dinner at home. I have vegetables for dinner an

30、d I have 93 every day. I dont eat hamburgers or ice-cream, because I want to be healthy. 94 what do you like eating? What about playing sports with us next time? Please 95 me at 675654999 if you are free.86AfunBrelaxingCgreatDdifficult87AweekBdayCmonthDyear88AafterBinCforDat89AandBbutCorDso90Aplayin

31、gBwatchingCwatchDplay91AfromBforCoverDto92AlunchBfunCgameDtime93AitBhimCthemDus94ASoBButCOrDThen95Ae-mailBcallCphoneDfind第 7 页 共 20 页参考答案:1B 2B 3B 4A 5A 6A 7B 8A 9A 10C【导语】本文作者介绍了自己的朋友珍妮怀特的一些情况。1句意:珍妮怀特是我的朋友。I我,人称代词主格;my我的,形容词性物主代词,后面接名词;me我,人称代词宾格。空处作定语修饰名词friend,所以用形容词性物主代词。故选B。2句意:她九岁。His他的,物主代词;

32、She她,主格;He他,主格。空处在句中作主语,所以用主格代词,此处指代“Jenny White”,结合“Do you want to know her telephone number?”可知,Jenny是女性,所以用she指代。故选B。3句意:怀特是她的姓。Jenny珍妮;White怀特;Kate凯特。根据上文“Jenny White is my friend.”可知,珍妮是名字,怀特是姓氏。故选B。4句意:怀特是她的姓。her她的,形容词性物主代词,后面接名词;his他的;she她。空后“last name”为名词,所以空处使用形容词性物主代词,Jenny White是女性,所以用her

33、。故选A。5句意:珍妮是她的名字。first第一的;last最后的;full满的。英文名字中名在前,姓在后,所以Jenny White中,Jenny是名字,first name“名字”。故选A。6句意:她的电话号码是 815-6235。phone电话;ID身份证件;school学校。“815-6235”是个电话号码,所以处指电话。故选A。7句意:她的妈妈是一位老师。She她,人称代词;Her她的,形容词性物主代词,后面接名词;Hers她的,名词性物主代词,后面不接名词。空处修饰名词mother,所以使用形容词性物主代词。故选B。8句意:她的妈妈是一位老师。is是,用于主语是第三人称单数;am是

34、,用于主语是第一人称单数;are是,用于主语是第二人称单数或者所有人称复数。主语是her mother,是第三人称单数,所以be动词用is。故选A。9句意:她的爸爸也是一名老师。a一个,不定冠词,用在以辅音音素开头的单词前;an一个,不定冠词,用在以元音音素开头的单词前;the定冠词。根据空后teacher是单数可数名词,所以此处指“一名老师”,teacher以辅音音素开头,所以使用不定冠词a。故选A。10句意:她的爸爸也是一名老师。so因此;to到;too也。根据上文“Her mother is a teacher.”可知,她的爸爸也是一名老师。故选C。11A 12B 13C 14D 15A

35、 16B 17A 18D 19B 20C【导语】本文介绍了作者和朋友们去西山农场野餐的经历。11句意:我有空。free空闲的;cool凉爽的;kind友善的;cute可爱的。根据下文“I dont have any classes.”可知今天没有课,所以空闲。故选A。12句意:今天天气很好,正好野餐。needing需要;having有;playing玩;giving给。have a picnic表示“野餐”,固定短语。故选B。13句意:所以早晨,我给我的好朋友Kate、Jack、Bill和Dave打电话。help帮助;look看;call打电话;think认为。根据下文“I ask them

36、to go to the West Farm for a picnic.”可知相约一起野餐,应是打电话通知的。故选C。14句意:我们随身携带了一些食物和饮料。eat吃;find找到;think认为;take拿。根据“. some food and drinks with us”可知,是随身带了食物和饮料,take sth. with sb.表示“随身带某物”。故选D。15句意:在农场,我们看到了很多动物,拍了很多照片。farm农场;zoo动物园;restaurant餐馆;hospital医院。根据上文“I ask them to go to the West Farm for a picnic

37、.”可知他们野餐地点是农场。故选A。16句意:Kate想要我和她一起唱歌,但是我没有时间那么做。and和;but但是;so因此;or或者。根据“Kate wants me to sing songs with her, . I dont have time to do that.”可知前后有转折关系,用but连接。故选B。17句意:我必须做饭。cook烹饪;read阅读;drive开车;speak说。根据下文“Jack and Bill would like to help me with cooking. ”可知作者是在做饭。故选A。18句意:Dave为我们打了水。tries尝试;acts行

38、动;says说;gets得到。根据“. some water for us.”可知此处指拿到水。故选D。19句意:12点,我们的午餐准备好了。breakfast早餐;lunch午餐;dinner晚餐;show表演。根据下文“We eat eggs, hamburgers, chicken and fish. After lunch.”可知应是午餐准备好了。故选B。20句意:猜猜我们晚上什么时候回家的。how如何;why为什么;when何时;what什么。根据“we get back home in the evening”可知此处指回家时间。故选C。21C 22D 23A 24B 25B 26

39、A 27C 28B 29D 30A【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了妮可邀请她的朋友莎拉一起去打乒乓球,但找不到球,最后在莎拉的帮助下解决了问题的故事。21句意:课后她总是和同学们一起运动。At在;In在里面;After在之后;For为了。根据“she always does sports with her classmates”可知,应该是课后做运动;After class“课后”。故选C。22句意:妮可也喜欢乒乓球。soccer足球;basketball篮球;baseball棒球;ping-pong乒乓球。根据“She asks her friend Sarah to play ping

40、-pong with her this afternoon”可知,妮可也喜欢乒乓球。故选D。23句意:今天下午,她请她的朋友莎拉和她一起打乒乓球,但她找不到她的乒乓球。find找到;help帮助;spell拼写;watch观看。根据“Hey, Sarah, do you have a ping-pong ball? I cant find.”可知,她找不到她的乒乓球。故选A。24句意:她必须打电话给莎拉,告诉她,否则就太晚了。love爱;call打电话;thank感谢;e-mail给发电子邮件。根据“Hey, Sarah, do you have a ping-pong ball? I can

41、t find., Nicole says on the.”可知,应该是打电话告知。故选B。25句意:妮可在电话中说:“嘿,莎拉,你有乒乓球吗?我找不到我的了”。yours你/你们的;mine我的;his他的;hers她的。结合上文“but she cant find her ping-pong ball.”可知,她找不到她的乒乓球,直接引语里是“我的乒乓球”,用名词性物主代词mine来指代。故选B。26句意:妮可在电话中说:“嘿,莎拉,你有乒乓球吗?我找不到我的了”。phone电话;map地图;desk书桌;bed床。结合上文“She must call Sarah and tell her

42、before (在以前) its too late.”可知,妮可是在电话中说话,on the phone“在电话中”。故选A。27句意:但是我两岁的妹妹喜欢玩它。me我;you你/你们;it它;her她。根据“And she doesnt give it back (归还).”可知,我两岁的妹妹喜欢玩乒乓球,用代词it来指代。故选C。28句意:妮可笑着说:“哈哈,那真有趣。”easy容易的;interesting有趣的;boring无聊的;relaxing放松的。根据“Haha!”和“Nicole laughs (笑) and says”可知,她应该觉得这件事很有趣。故选B。29句意:我们现在能做什么?How怎样;Who谁;Where哪里;What什么。根据“Let me.my dad for five yuan, and we can buy a new (新的) one!”可知,她在询问能做什么。故选D。30句意:让我找我爸要5块钱,然后我们就能买一个新的了。ask询问;excuse原谅;meet遇见;see看见。ask sb for sth“向某人寻求某物”,此句是指找她爸要钱买球。故选A。31C 32B 33A 34B 35B


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