Unit 2 Looking Different-Topic 2 What does she look like -Section B-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(编号:51b8e).zip

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Unit 2 Topic 2 Section B Learning aims 学习目标 1.熟练运用have/has 各种不同形式的用法。 2.学习并掌握询问人物外貌特征的句子: What does she/he look like? 3.掌握短语give sb. sth.= give sth. to sb. Activity 1 (活动1) Speak out the colors!(我做你说) Activity 2 (活动2) Put up the right paper!(我说你做) Warming up Lets review I have big eyes. I dont have big eyes. Linda has a red ruler. Linda doesnt have a red ruler. . . Lets play.(一起来做游戏) What color is the flag(旗帜)? Red, white and blue. Where is he from? He is from Cuba. What does he look like? He has brown hair and black eyes. Cuba 1 Group work1 What color is the flag? Where is he from? What does he look like?Red and white. He is from Japan. He has black hair and black eyes . Japan 2 What color is the flag? Where is she from? What does she look like? Red and white. She is from Canada. Canada 3 She has red hair and gray eyes. What color is the flag? Where is she from? What does she look like? Blue, red and white. She is from America. She has blond hair and blue eyes. America 4 1. He is short. He has black hair and big black eyes. 2. She is tall. She has red hair and long legs. 3. she is young. She has short blond hair and a small nose. 4. He is old, but he doesnt have gray hair. His hair is black. 3 41 2 我也会描述! What do you look like? What does he/ she look like? 看起来像 Group work2 Ask and answer in groups, then act out. 1a listen and answer the questions . 1.What class is Maria in ? 2.What does she look like? She is in Class4, Grade 7. She is tall and she has short brown hair. 1a Look, listen and say. Pay attention to the intonation. (录音P37-1a) Fill in the blanks. Here is a _ for Maria. She is in Class _,Grade _. She is _. Her hair is _ and _. The _ will(将) give the letter to her. letter FourSeven tall brown short girl The girl will give to The girl will give the letter the letter . Jane. Jane give sb. sth = give sh. to sb. Exercise2: 按要求转换句子: 1.Please give the letter to Jane.(同义句) 2.Please give Tom the books . (同义句) 3.请把这把尺子给Lily. 4.He is short and he has long black hair.(对划线部分 提问) 5.I am short and I have big blue eyes .(对划线部分提 问) Please give Jane the letter. What does he look like? What do you look like? Please give the books to Tom. Please give the ruler to Lily. Please give Lily the ruler. Practice: Read 1a and practice the conversation. Then make up a new one. A: B: What look like? A: tall/short , has B: I see. give to A: B: Key words: 词汇: give . to., look like, tall, short, old , young, sorry, will, letter 句子: What does she look like? She has red hair and long legs. 你能把自己的面部特征 画下来吗? 然后, 用英 语把你的画描述一下吧! 授课材料(教材)的电子文档授课材料(教材)的电子文档 SectionSection B B 1a1a LookLook ,listen,listen andand saysay Man:Man: PleasePlease givegive thisthis letterletter toto Maria.Maria. SheShe isis inin ClassClass Four,Four, GradeGrade Seven.Seven. Girl:Girl: Sorry,Sorry, I I dontdont knowknow her.her. WhatWhat doesdoes sheshe looklook like?like? Man:Man: SheShe isis talltall andand sheshe hashas shortshort brownbrown hair.hair. Girl:Girl: Oh,Oh, I I see.see. IllIll givegive itit toto her.her. Man:Man: Thanks.Thanks. Girl:Girl: YoureYoure welcomewelcome! 1b1b FillFill inin thethe blanks.blanks. HereHere isis a a _ forfor Maria.Maria. SheShe isis inin ClassClass _,_, GradeGrade _.She_.She isis _._. HerHer hairhair isis _ and_.and_. TheThe _ willwill givegive thethe letterletter toto her.her. 2.2. MatchMatch thethe descriptionsdescriptions withwith thethe pictures.pictures. ThenThen askask andand answeranswer questionsquestions withwith youryour partner.partner. 1.1. HeHe isis shortshort. . HeHe hashas blackblack hairhair andand bigbig blackblack eyes.eyes. 2.2. SheShe isis talltall. . SheShe hashas redred hairhair andand longlong legs.legs. 3.3. SheShe isis youngyoung. . SheShe hashas shortshort blondblond hairhair andand a a smallsmall nose.nose. 4.4. HeHe isis oldold, , butbut hehe doesntdoesnt havehave graygray hair.hair. HisHis hairhair isis black.black. 3.3. WriteWrite downdown thethe colorscolors ofof thethe nationalnational flags.flags. ThenThen askask andand answeranswer questionsquestions withwith youryour partner.partner. A:A: WhereWhere isis hehe / / sheshe from?from? B B : : HeHe / / SheShe isis fromfrom A:A: WhatWhat doesdoes hehe / / sheshe looklook like?like? B B : : HeHe /She/She hashas 一、整体设计思路、指导依据说明一、整体设计思路、指导依据说明 通过游戏的形式复习上节内容,并引入对本课的学习,在不断的对话 练习中达到对本课知识的巩固与运用,最终让学生得到听,说,读,写 的多方训练。 二、教学背景二、教学背景 1. 教学内容分析: 本课是第二单元第二话题的第二部分,进一步谈论了人物的外貌特 征,引导学生注意观察生活中人物外貌,关注生活中人物的细节,以便 更好的与人相处。 2. 学生情况分析: 初一学生刚开始接触英语不久,对使用英语有些胆怯,教师就得通 过多种方式去提起学生的兴趣,并且布置各种任务,让学生在完成任务 的同时达到帮助学生大胆开口说英语,并掌握当堂课的内容的目的。 三、教学目标(以下各项可整合)三、教学目标(以下各项可整合) 1. 语言能力目标: (1)学习并掌握 what 引导的询问人物外貌特征的特殊疑问句: What does she look like? (2)复习 have/has 各种不同形式的用法。 (3)表示交给某人某物:give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. 2. 学习能力目标: (1)培养学生借助图片帮助听说和阅读理解的习惯。 (2)能够逐渐养成预习和复习的好习惯。 (3)能够从同伴中获取反馈,修改自己的错误。 3. 思维品质目标: 鼓励学生把课堂上所学知识与自身生活实际相联系,培养学生热爱 学习,热爱生活,积极向上的情感态度 4.文化品格目标: 对不同肤色的人种不歧视,公平对待。 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 1. 教学重点: (1)正确使用英语描述人物外貌特征的表达法:She is tall and she has short brown hair; (2)正确使用表示询问人物外貌特征的表达方法:What does she look like? (3)正确使用实义动词:have /has 及其否定形式 dont/doesnt have。 (4)正确使用助动词:do/does。 2. 教学难点: (1)正确使用实义动词:have /has,特别是 have 的第三人称单数否定形式; (2)助动词 do/does 的应用; (3)能够掌握由 What 引导的询问人物外貌特征的表达法; 五、课堂风貌设计(活动名称)五、课堂风貌设计(活动名称) 1. 兴趣课堂: 通过两三个游戏,引发学生的学习兴趣,并且在游戏中达到复习的目的。 2. 自主课堂: 通过小组讨论让学生自主学习,并学会发散思考。 3.“英语做事”课堂: 用所学短语和知识,模仿课文编新对话,达到巩固知识的目的。 4. 人文素养课堂: 引导学生注意观察生活中人物外貌,关注生活中人物的细节,以便 更好的与人相处。 六、教学过程设计(方法、手段、意图)六、教学过程设计(方法、手段、意图) Step1. Lets chant. Teacher and students to chant together. (通过师生一起说唱, 激发学生上课激情,使学生快速集中注意力。) Step2. Show the learning aims. Step3. Activities and play games. 1. Students speak out the colors when teacher put up the colored paper. (通过此活动来激发学生复习与颜色相关的单词) 2. Teacher says the colors in English, the students put up the colored paper. (通过此活动来再次巩固学生对单词的记忆。) Step4.Group work. Ask students to use the three questions to discuss the pictures in groups, and then act out. (通过小组讨论,让学生互 助学习怎么询问人物外貌,并且在准备好之后展示,能提高他们的学习 积极性。) Step5. Exercise 1 1.Ask students to do the exercise on page37. (通过书上的练 习,再次巩固描述人物外貌的句子。) 2.Ask students to discuss in groups ,and then ask and answer.(通过小组里的互问互答,让学生再次巩固询问人物外貌的句型 以及描述人物外貌的句子。) Step6.Listen and learn. 1. Let students listen to the dialog, then answer the questions. (通过让学生听课本里的对话并回答问题,让学生初步了解 课文内容。) 2. Read the dialog after the radio, then read in roles. At last, read together. (通过跟读,分角色读,齐读,让学生在不断的 阅读中了解对话内容。) 3. Fill in the blanks. (在读了三遍课文后,完成与课文内容相 关的填空,继续巩固对课文内容的掌握。 ) 4. Find out the language points, and master them, then do the exercises. (通过语言点的学习,做与之相关的练习,使学生学 会运用相关语法知识与短语。 ) Step7. Practice Make a new dialog according to 1a, then act out. (通过模 仿 1a 编对话,使学生进一步掌握知识点,并学会运用。然后让学生将 所编对话表演展示,让他们克服害怕开口说英语的心理。) Step8 Summary 让学生总结当堂课所学单词与句型。 Step9 Homework 学会描述人物外貌,写一篇描述自己外貌的作文。 七、教学评价七、教学评价 1. 评价内容: (1)对学生的掌握重点短语进行评价。 (2)对学生掌握的重点句型进行评价。 2. 评价方法: (1)用做习题的方式对短语的掌握情况进行评价。 (2)用编对话的方式对所学句型进行检测。 八、板书设计八、板书设计 Section B 1.short : long / tall old young 2.gives sth. to sb. = gives sb. sth. 3.What does she/he look like? 4.Ill = I will
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