Review of Units 1-2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-省级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(编号:e1972).zip

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1 Review of U1-2 1.Sounds (1 point) (1) Read and find the same sound. 1.face /ei/grade_/ei/cake _/ei/_( /ei/ ) 2.hand _cap _man _( ) 3.these _she _Chinese_( ) 4.Yes _Egg _red _( ) (2) Choose the different sounds 1.A. and/B. act/ cat/( C ) 2.A. bed_B. leg_C. neck_D.Japanese_( ) 3.A. six_B. like_C. white_D. kite_( ) 4.A. you_B.must_C. cute_D. beautiful_( ) 2.Words (1 point) (1)冠词:)冠词:a用于用于_的可数名词单数前,的可数名词单数前,an用于用于_的可数名词单数前。的可数名词单数前。 (2)可数名词单数变复数规则)可数名词单数变复数规则(6点点): 冠词冠词 (a/an) 可数名词可数名词复数复数可数名词单数变复数规则可数名词单数变复数规则 adeskdesks1. _ _box_2. _ _family_3. _ _knife_4. _ _potato_5. _ _English man_6. _ (3)Body: 头头_头发头发_耳朵耳朵_脸脸_眼睛眼睛_鼻子鼻子_ 嘴嘴_脖子脖子_胳膊胳膊_手手_腿腿 _脚脚 _ color: 白白_黑黑_橙橙_粉粉_黄黄_绿绿_ 蓝蓝_红红_紫紫_棕棕_灰灰_ clothes: T恤恤_连衣裙连衣裙_鞋子鞋子_短裙短裙_裤子裤子_上衣上衣_ 3.Sentences (2 points) (1) Put the sentences into English. 1. 穿着黑衣服的那个男孩是我朋友。穿着黑衣服的那个男孩是我朋友。_ 2. Lucy长得像她妹妹。长得像她妹妹。_ 3. 他有着金色短发和蓝色的大眼睛。他有着金色短发和蓝色的大眼睛。_ 2 4. 他们长得不像,但是他们是好朋友。他们长得不像,但是他们是好朋友。_ (2) How many Qs have we learned? 1.问好问好_ 2.问年龄问年龄_ 3.问国籍问国籍_ 4.问姓名问姓名_ 5.问电话号码问电话号码_ 6.问班级问班级_ 7.问身份问身份_ 8.问拼读问拼读_ 9.回答感谢回答感谢_ 10.问长相外貌问长相外貌_11.问颜色问颜色_12.问所属关系问所属关系_ 4. Talking (3 points) (1) Make a conversation with your deskmate about the girl. (1问问1答答) e.g. A: Whats her name? B: Her name is (2) Choose one student to talk about. (4人人1组,选定图中一人,小组长指图提问,组,选定图中一人,小组长指图提问, 其余其余3人轮流回答,建议人轮流回答,建议6-9个问题,讨论时把问题写在练习纸上,对话时脱稿个问题,讨论时把问题写在练习纸上,对话时脱稿) A: Whats her name? B: Her name is A: Does she have a round face? C: Yes, she does.No, she doesnt. A: Does she have long hair? D: Yes, she does.No, she doesnt. A: Who is he? B: He is . A: What does he look like? C: He is tall and he has a big nose. A: Do you look the same? D: Yes, we do.No, we dont. A: _? B: A: _? C: A: _? D: A: What color are her pants? B: They are A: How old is she? C: She isSorry, I dont know. A: Whats her telephone number? D: ItsSorry, I dont know. A: What color is his T-shirt? B: Its A: What class is he in? C: He is in Class One, Grade Seven. A: Are you in the same class? D: Yes, we are. A: _? B: A: _? C: A: _? D 5.Writing (5 points) (1) Listen and fill in the blanks. The boy is in Class_, Grade _. He is _ and he has _ _ hair. He has a _ nose and a _ mouth. He is in a blue _. His pants are _ and his shoes are _. Guess! Who is he? (2) Write a passage about the boy. _ _ _ _ 1 Review of Units 1-2 课型:课型:复习课 【教材分析教材分析】 本课是仁爱版七年级上册 1,2 单元的复习课。内容主要有语音(五个元音字母发音) 、单词(冠词 a/an 用法,名词单数变复数规则,身体部位、颜色、衣服的单词) 、交际用语(问候、介绍、告别、感 谢、国籍、年龄、姓名、外貌特征、物品颜色及所属关系) 、写作(运用所学知识简短介绍人物的个人 信息) 。 【学情分析学情分析】 1. 学生已经学完 1,2 单元,对相关单词很熟悉,也有一定的对话问答基础; 2. 学生用英语来与别人进行交流时处于无序状态,不能系统的总结,运用已有知识。 【教学目标教学目标】 1、认知目标:复习元音字母发音规律,不定冠词 a/an 用法,名词单数变复数规则,以及 1,2 单元中 的交际功能问句。 2、能力目标:能用英语进行简单的交际,自我介绍及介绍他人的基本信息,并能写简短英文人物介绍。 3、情感目标:教师利用顺口溜、集体回答、单人问答、同桌对话、小组活动、学生照片、个人报告等 形式引发学生学习英语的兴趣,通过学案引导增加学生学英语的信心,通过语言肯定、 个人积分鼓励学生大胆模仿说英语,通过班内学生照片展示、互相介绍增强班级凝聚力, 同学之间更加团结有爱。 【教学重难点教学重难点】 1、教学重点:复习元音字母发音规律,不定冠词 a/an 用法,名词单数变复数规 则,以 及 1,2 单元中的交际功能问句。 2、教学难点:如何调动学生积极性,让学生积极主动总结已学知识,用英语交 流,写作。 【教学方法教学方法】 功能交际法、小组合作学习法、任务教学法 【教学步骤教学步骤】 Stage 1:Getting students ready for learning(Chanting) 设计目的:设计目的:通过复习 26 个字母发音规律顺口溜进行课前热身,使学生注意力回归课堂,为本节课的学 习做准备。 教学活动:教学活动:Step1师生间常规问候。 Step2师生用问答方式复习 26 个字母发音规律顺口溜。 2 Stage 2:Sounds(1 point) 设计目的:设计目的:复习元音字母A, E, I, O, U在单词中的发音规律并进行相应的练习。 教学活动:教学活动:Step1. Read and find the same sound.(单独问答,加分。) 1.face /ei/grade_/ei/cake _/ei/_( /ei/ ) 2.hand _cap _man _( ) 3.these _she _Chinese_( ) 4.Yes _Egg _red _( ) Step2. Choose the different sounds.(单独问答,加分。) 1A. and/B. act/ cat/( C ) 2A. bed_B. leg_C. neck_D.Japanese_( ) 3A. six_B. like_C. white_D. kite_( ) 4A. you_B.must_C. cute_D. beautiful_( ) Stage 3:Words (1 point) 设计目的:设计目的:通过练习复习冠词a/an用法,名词单数变复数规则,以及身体部位、颜色、衣服的单词。 教学活动:教学活动:Step1. Fill in the table. (通过单独提问和齐读引导学生复习冠词 a/an 用法,名词 单数变复数规则。) 冠词(a/an) 可数名词复数可数名词单变复规则 adeskdesks1. _ _box_2. _ _family_3. _ _knife_4. _ _potato_5. _ _English man_6. _ Step2. Say the English words of body, color and clothes according to the 3 pictures. (师生集体问答,快速复习巩固已学单词。) Stage 4:Sentences (2 points) 设计目的:设计目的:复习交际用语(问候、介绍、告别、感谢、国籍、年龄、姓名、外貌、物品颜色及所属关 系) 。 3 教学活动:教学活动:Step1. Put the sentences into English.(全班齐做,4个志愿者各选一句写到 黑板上。全班核对答案,纠错,加分。 ) 1. 穿着黑衣服的那个男孩是我朋友。_ 2. Lucy长得像她妹妹。_ 3. 他有着金色短发和蓝色的大眼睛。_ 4. 他们长得不像,但是他们是好朋友。_ Step2. Give Qs according to sentences.(师生抢答式问答复习已学交际用语。 ) Step3. How many Qs have we learned?(师生中英互动归纳已学交际用语。 ) 1.问好_ 2.问年龄_ 3.问国籍_ 4.问姓名_ 5.问电话号码_ 6.问班级_ 7.问职业_ 8.问拼读_ 9.回答感谢_ 10.问长相外貌_ 11.问颜色_12.问所属关系_ Stage 5:Talking (3 points) 设计目的:设计目的:运用归纳的交际用语进行对话活动,通过对话复习巩固之前归纳的交际用语。 教学活动:教学活动:Step1. Make a conversation with your desk mate about the girl. (两 人对话。课件上出现的学生站到讲台上,自主选择多个学生回答问题;同桌之间 就这个学生的信息进行问答;几组志愿者展示对话,师生共评,分级加分。) e.g. A: Whats her name? B: Her name is Step1. Choose one student to talk about. (小组活动。4人1组,选定图中一学 生进行多人对话。1人提问,其余3人轮流回答,建议6-9个问题,讨论时把问题 写在练习纸上,对话后师生共同根据问答数量、是否脱稿、有无错误进行加分。) A: Whats her name? B: Her name is A: Does she have a round face? C: Yes, she does.No, she doesnt. A: Does she have long hair? D: Yes, she does.No, she doesnt. A: Who is he? B: He is . A: What does he look like? C: He is tall and he has a big nose. A: Do you look the same? D: Yes, we do.No, we dont. A: _? B: A: _? C: A: _? D: A: What color are her pants? B: They are A: How old is she? C: She isSorry, I dont know. A: Whats her telephone number? A: What color is his T-shirt? B: Its A: What class is he in? C: He is in Class One, Grade Seven. A: Are you in the same class? A: _? B: A: _? C: A: _? 4 D: ItsSorry, I dont know.D: Yes, we are.D Stage 6:Writing (5 points) 设计目的:设计目的:将对话用语转化成描述个人外貌的短文,巩固交际用语,锻炼写作能力。 教学活动:教学活动:Step1. Listen and fill in the blanks.(听2遍录音,学生志愿者对答案,全班核 对,根据短文和局部照片猜测描述的是班里哪个学生,激发学生兴趣,保持其注 意力。 ) The boy is in Class_, Grade _. He is _ and he has _ _ hair. He has a _ nose and a _ mouth. He is in a blue _. His pants are _ and his shoes are _. Guess! Who is he? Step2. Write a passage about the boy.(学生们参考Step1短文,写文介绍 课件展示的学生,并鼓励写完的学生们自愿到讲台上朗读,师生共评,加分。 ) Stage 7:Assigning homework 设计目的:设计目的:总结已学知识,布置家庭作业。 教学活动:教学活动:Step1. Summarize the key points.(本节课本来就是复习课,最后可一笔带过。 ) Step2. Hand in the paper after class. 【教学反思教学反思】 本节课中,教师运用顺口溜、集体回答、单人问答、同桌对话、小组活动、学生照片、个人报告 等多种方法和听说读写训练,对 1,2 单元的知识点进行了系统的归纳、复习和操练;通过展示班内学 生照片引发学生学习英语的兴趣,通过学案引导学生学习,通过语言肯定、个人积分鼓励学生大胆说 英语。总之,本节课内容充实,设计合理,调动了学生的学习积极性,基本完成复习目标。 【板书设计板书设计】 Review of Units 1-2 1. The boy in black is my friend.2. Lucy looks like her sister. 3. He has short blond hair and big blue eyes. 4. They dont look the same, but they are good friends. Review(复习复习) of Units1-2 (1point) 2. Words (1point) 3. Sentences (2points) 4. Talking (3points) 5. Writing (5points) 1.Sounds Read and find the same sound. 2. hand cap man 3. these she Chinese 4. yes egg red /ei/ / /i:/ /e/ 1. face grade cake Choose the different sounds 1.A. and B. act C. name D. cat 2.A. bed B. leg C. neck D. Japanese 3.A. six B. like C. white D. kite 4.5.A. you B.must C.cute D. beautiful (C) (D ) (A) (B ) Review(复习复习) of Units1-2 1.Sounds (1point) (1point) 3. Sentences (2points) 4. Talking (3points) 5. Writing (5points) 2.Words Fill in the table. a desk desks box family knife potato English man a a a a an boxes families knives potatoes English men 可数名词单数变复数规则可数名词单数变复数规则 a用于以辅音音素开头的单数可数名词前, an用于以元音音素开头的单数可数名词前。 可数名词单数变复数规则可数名词单数变复数规则 1.直接加s 2.以s,x,ch,sh结尾加es 3.辅音字母加y结尾,改y为i加es ,元音字母加y不变 4.以f, fe结尾,改f,fe为v加es 5.以o结尾的,部分加es(两人两 物) 6.不规则变化 A( ) B( ) C( ) D( ) H ( ) F ( ) G ( ) E ( ) Look at the boy and write down the name of each part. hair ear eye nose neck mouth face head I ( )arm J ( )hand K ( )le g L ( )foot What color is this? blackwhite orange pink yellow green blue red purple brown gray Colors skirt T-shirt coat pants shoes dress capClothes Review(复习复习) of Units1-2 1.Sounds (1point) 2.Words (1point) (2points ) 4. Talking (3points) 5. Writing (5points) 3.Sentences 英汉互译英汉互译 1. 穿着黑衣服的那个男孩是我朋友。 _ 2. Lucy长得像她妹妹。 _ 3. 他有着金色短发和蓝色的大眼睛。 _ 4. 他们长得不像,但是他们是好朋友。 _ The boy in black is my friend. Lucy looks like her sister. He has short blond hair and big blue eyes. They dont look the same, but they are good friends. Give Qs according to sentences. _ How do you do? _ Im fine, thank you. _ Im thirteen. _ Shes fine. _ Theyre from America. How do you do? How are you? How old are you? How is she? Where are they from? Give Qs according to sentences. _ Jane is from Canada. _ They are Lucy and Lily. _ Her name is Sally. _ She is Sally. _ My telephone number is 1234567. Where is Jane from? Who are they? Whats her name? Who is she? Whats your telephone number? _ Its a map. _ Theyre books. _ Im in Class 11, Grade7. _ M-A-P, map. _ Yes, M-A-P, map. Give Qs according to sentences. Whats this? What are they? What class are you in? How do you spell map? Can you spell map, please? Give Qs according to sentences. _ You are welcome. _ My favorite movie star is Jackie Chan. _ He has black hair and small eyes. _ He is very tall. _ The shirt is red. Thank you. Who is your favorite movie star? What does he look like? What does he look like? What color is the shirt? _ They are blue. _ These shoes are white. _ Those pants are gray. _ This is Kangkangs coat. _ Theyre their bananas. Give Qs according to sentences. What color are they? What color are these shoes? What color are those pants? Whose coat is this? Whose bananas are they? How many Qs have we learned? 1.问好 2.问年龄 3.问国籍 4.问姓名 5.问电话号码 6.问班级 7.问职业 8.问拼读 9.回答感谢 10.问长相外貌 11.问颜色 12.问所属关系 Review(复习复习) of Units1-2 1.Sounds (1point) 2.Words (1point) 3.Sentences (2points) (3points ) 5. Writing (5points) 4. Talking Name : Look: Age: Clothes: From: Favorite: Class: Phone number: Make a conversation with your deskmate about her. You can ask like this: Whats your name? Do you have a round face? What color are your pants? Ask her questions! You can talk like this: A: Whats her name? B: Her name is A: Does she have a round face? B: Yes, she does.No, she doesnt. A: What color are her pants? B: Choose one student to talk about. Review(复习复习) of Unit1-2 1.Sounds (1point) 2.Words (1point) 3.Sentences (2points) 4.Talking (3points) (5points ) 5.Writing Listen and fill in the blanks. The boy is in Class_,Grade _. He is _ and he has _ _ hair. He has a _ nose and a _ mouth. He is in a blue _. His pants are _ and his shoes are _. Guess! Who is he? 1 7tall shortblackbig wide T-shirtblack blue Write a passage about the boy. You can begin like this: The boy is . He is in. Hand in your paper after class. Tian Yanxiang Chen Pengyu
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