Unit 3 Our Hobbies-Topic 1 What's your hobby -Section C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(编号:e00b5).zip

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Topic 1 Whats your hobby ? walk a pet dog fly a kite climb mountainsswim listen to music go fishing collect stamps plant flowers Talk about your hobbies now and in the past according to the pictures and the example. Example: I used to walk a pet dog, but now I like cycling. 2 Look at the pictures. Then follow the example to ask and answer in pairs. inin springspring inin summersummer A: What do Kangkang and Michael often do in spring ? B: They often fly kites. A: What did they use to do in spring ? B: They used to go traveling. inin winterwinter inin fallfall A: What do Kangkang and Michael often do in ? B: They often . A: What did they use to do in ? B: They used to . Do you know what kind of book it is ? LetLets s learnlearn howhow toto makeake a a scrapscrapbookook. 剪贴簿剪贴簿 Watch the flash of 1a , then find out the answer. Whats the best title of the passage ? A. Scrapbooking B. The History of Scrapbooking C. Whats a Scrapbook ? D. How to Make a Scrapbook? 视频视频1a-P59 ListenListen andand readread 1a,then1a,then answeranswer thethe followingfollowing question.question. 录音录音1a-P59 What may people collect in scrapbooks today ? A. _ B. _ C. _ the worlds most stupid ideas pictures of the worlds most ugly dogs stories about bad weather Now,doNow,do youyou knowknow howhow toto makemake a a scrapbookscrapbook ? ? First , _ Second, _ _ Third,_ _ _ you should decide what you want to collect. you will need a book with background paper, scissors and glue. you need the scissors to cut out the pictures,then you need the glue to stick them to the background paper. Do you want to make a class book (班级纪念册班级纪念册) about the happy time at school? 3 Work in groups and discuss how to make a class book. Then give a report about your ideas. The following table and 1a may help you. Name What to collect How to make it Why to make it A class book School life Good friends Class photos First, Second , Third, It will help us You can report like this: Many students like making a class book when they finish their school. They call it a friendship book. They keep the school life, good friends and other things they want to remember. It is easy to get started. First, you should decide what you want to keep. Second, collect the pictures you need. Third, stick them to the paper. Itll be fun to make a class book. It will help you remember your school life and keep the friendship. Choose the correct answer. 1. Bob and I are good friends, and we _ interests with each other. A. like B. hate C. share D. with 2. I _ play sports , but now I like it. A. am not used to B. wasnt used to C. didnt use to D. dont use to 3. 我妈妈常说凡事开始容易坚持难。我妈妈常说凡事开始容易坚持难。 My mother often tells me that its easy ,but its difficult to keep on. to get started I know some phrase : start with need to do share with I know how to make a scrapbook. First, Second, Third, 1. Read 1a, and try to retell the passage. 2. Make a scrapbook in your free time. ThanThank k y yo ou u ! ! Choose the correct answer. 1. Bob and I are good friends, and we _ interests with each other. A. like B. hate C. share D. with 2. I _ play sports , but now I like it. A. am not used to B. wasnt used to C. didnt use to D. dont use to 3. 我妈妈常说凡事开始容易坚持难。 My mother often tells me that its easy ,but its difficult to keep on. Unit 3 Our hobbies Topic 1 Whats your hobby? Section C . Material analysis 本节课主要活动为 1a 和 2。 Section A 引出了爱好的话题,Section B 谈论了过去及现在的爱好,Section C 以举例的方式,具体讲述某一 种爱好。通过介绍 scrapbook 的制作,呈现了单词 background, paper, glue, scissors, stick, friendship, stupid 等。通 过 scrapbook 的制作过程,引出在谈论事情或制作的时候需要注意条理性。在 2 中也将 used to do sth 延伸到特殊 疑问句形式。本课要求学生能读懂本篇文章,并能用英文描述 scrapbook 的制作过程。这样的话题要求学生动手 参与,实用性强,学生非常感兴趣。 . Teaching aims Knowledge aims: 1. 能根据音标,正确朗读出单词表中黑体单词及短语:background, paper, glue, scissors, stick, friendship, stupid 等。 2. 能正确拼读并运用单词: friendship, funny, stupid, ugly, background, paper, scissors. 3. 能正确、熟练地应用 used to do sth 以及 prefer/ like /enjoy/ be interested in doing sth。 4. 能使用表示顺序的词如: first, second, next 等写一份简单的制作说明书。 Skill aims: 1. 能基本听懂本课文本材料,及他人对爱好的阐述。 2. 能正确地口头介绍 scrapbook 的制作流程。 3. 能正确朗读课本的文本材料,并能读懂相关的文本材料。 4. 能正确模仿本课课文,通过书面形式介绍一种自己的爱好。 Emotional aims: 通过对课文的学习,要求学生能模仿 scrapbook 的制作过程,做出自己喜欢的东西,在制作过程中养成互帮互 助和认真倾听他人建议的好习惯,让学生感受美好的事物都需靠勤劳的双手来创造。 . The key points and difficult points Key points: 1. 学习表示顺序的词如: first, second, next 等。 2. 复习表示喜好的短语、单词: used to do sth, prefer/ like /enjoy/ be interested in doing sth. Difficult points: 熟练应用 used to do sth 的各种形式。 . Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector, glue, scissors, background paper . Teaching procedures Step 1 Review 第一步第一步 复习复习(时间时间:8 分钟分钟) 师生对话谈论业余爱好. 1. T:What do you often do in your free time, S1? S1:I often go fishing. T:Why do you like it? S1:Because its very interesting. T:S2, what do you often do in your spare time? S2: T: Good. We all like doing interesting things in our spare time. My interests are changing with time. I used to walk a pet dog, but now I like cyclinge. What about you? Please tell us your interests with“I used to do sth., but now I ” 2. (请 23 名学生介绍自己过去和现在的兴趣和爱好。通过介绍,寻找有共同兴趣的朋友。) T:Well, I will ask some students to tell us their hobbies in the past and now. In this way, they can find friends who have the same hobbies with them. S3, please! S3: Hi, Im I used to , but now I like Who shares my interest? Lets be friends. S4: 3. (师生对话,引出 used to do sth. 的疑问形式。导入 2。) T: Oh, look at the pictures of Kangkang and Michael. Can you tell me their hobbies in the past and now? Step 2 Practice & Presentation 第二步第二步 练习和练习和呈现呈现(时间时间:23 分钟分钟) 1.Finish 2.Tell students that hobbies may change as time goes by. Ask students to look at part 2 and discuss “What do Kangkang and Michael often do in different seasons now?” and “What did they use to do in the past?” 2.T:different people have different hobbies. For example, I like scrapbooking. (导入 1a.) (1)Ask students to look at the tools on the teachers desk carefully. Ask, “Can you name them?” At this time, teach students the new words by showing the objects. Ask students to remember them according to the pronunciations. (2) Finish 1a. Ask students to predict what they will learn according to the pictures and the tools on the teacher s desk. (3) Finish 1b. Teacher asks the students to skim 1a and find out the topic or general idea as quickly as they can. Tell students the topic sentence will help them understand the passage. Then answer the questions. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步第三步 巩固巩固(时间时间:7 分钟分钟) 1. Finish 1b 3. Ask students to discuss “ How do you make a scrapbook?” Remind students to imitate the text book “first, second,” 2. Finish 1b 4. Let students Discuss: If they have a chance to make a scrapbook, what will they collect in their scrapbooks? ask students to read 1a again carefully and find out how to start to make a scrapbook. Step 4 Project 第五步第五步 综合探究活动综合探究活动(时间时间:7 分钟分钟) 1. Finish 3. . Ask students to discuss how to make a class book. Part 3 may give them help. 2. Ask students to share their opinions. Invite volunteers to give a report on the platform. Other students give their advice. 3. Teacher summarizes what the students learned today: some new words, some key words and the way of making a scrapbook. 4. Teacher assigns homework: (1) Try to retell 1a. (2) Make a scrapbook or a class book, and write down how do you make the book. . . Blackboard design An idea What to prepare Scrapbook How to make it Have fun and share
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