Unit 4 Our World-Topic 1 What's the strongest animal on the farm -Section C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(编号:6256a).zip

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Where does Avatar live? rainforest Whats in the rainforest? Rainforest animals and plants food wood tall trees fruit medicine Task 1 Brainstorming Pre-readingPre-reading There are thousands of animals and plants in the rainforests. tall treestall trees woodwood food food medicinemedicine fruitsfruits As we know, rainforests provide many useful things for us. They are very important to us. Today let us go close to the rainforests and learn more about rainforests. Para.1 Para.2 D. The feature(特征特征) of rainforests A. The importance of the rainforests Whats the main idea of each paragraph?(?(Match the right answer.) (2points) Fast ReadingFast Reading Task 2 Skimming. C. How to protect the rainforests Read the passage as quickly as you can and think about the main idea of each paragraph. B. What are rainforests Reading strategy (阅读策略): Try to get the key words(关键词). the feature(特征) of rainforests It covers _% of the earths surface. Its always _ and always _. Square (面积面积): Plants: animals: Climate: 6 There are_ animals. There are lots of _and _ other different plants. thousands of hotwet Many live in the trees over _meters from the ground. 30 tall trees Task 3 Read Para.1 and fill in the blanks. thousands and thousands of Careful Careful ReadingReading 1.What are the rainforests? (2points) 2.What does the word “cover” mean in Para. 1? (2points) Careful ReadingCareful Reading Task 4 Read Para.1 again and answer the following questions: Rainforests are thick forests in the hot parts of the world. It means “覆盖覆盖”. 3.Why do many of the animals live in the trees over 30 meters from the ground?(3 points) Because it rains a lot and the ground is always wet. Why are the rainforests important to us? 3) They also help to keep_. 2. Rainforests give us many things. 1) The plants help to make the air _. 4) They also help to control_. 2)They also help to hold the water and keep the water_. 1. They are the _of the earth. Read Para.2 carefully and fill in the blanks. Task 5 lungs fresher and cleaner cycling the beauty of nature the climate 1 23 4 56 Music and Flower Listen to the music and pass the flower one by one. When the music stops, the student with the flower must choose an egg and answer the question. Why are rainforests the lungs of the earth ? Because the plants in the forests help to make the air fresher and cleaner. (5points) Why should we protect rainforests well ? Because they help to hold the water and keep the water cycling. They play an important part in controlling the climate. (4points) Can you guess what the next part of the passage will talk about ? Yes. The next part may talk about what we should do to protect rainforests. (3points) They are becoming smaller and smaller. (2points) Whats happening to rainforests now? They also help to hold the water and keep the water cycling. What does“ they ” refer to?(指代)指代) “ They ” refer to plants. (3 points) Good luck! (3 points) What should we do to protect them? Rainforests are becoming smaller and smaller. Discuss the pictures in groups about Discuss the pictures in groups about how to protect rainforests. Then make how to protect rainforests. Then make a report.a report. Post ReadingPost Reading How to protect rainforeststo protect rainforests? show and tell people about importance of not use chopsticks for only once not cut down use less paper and be sure not to waste it. plant more trees You can begin like this :You can begin like this : Rainforests are very important to us. It is necessary for us to protect them very well. First, Second , Finally, in the _ parts of the world Rainforests make the air _ and _ _ the water and keep the water_ control the _ Importance Feature cover _ of the earths _ keep the beauty of _ give a home to many beautiful _ and _ give us _, _, fruit, _ and so on _ ground and always_and_in them hot wetdarkhot 6%surface plants animals fresher cleaner holdcycling climate nature wood food medicine Talk about how to protect rainforests. 1.Retell the passage. 2. Write a passage about how to protect the rainforests. 1 Unit 4 Our World Topic 1 Whats the strongest animal on t . Teaching aims and demands: 1. Learn some new words and phrases: rainforest,thick,forest,ground,wet,cover,earth,surface,nowhere,control, cimate, die, wood, reason, protect, thousands of ,die out, control the climate, smaller and smaller, play an important in 2. Learn to describe the situation of rainforests and the importance to the earth. 3. Talk about how to protect rainforests. . Teaching key points and difficulties: 1. Learn to describe the feature and the importance of the forests 2. How to protect rainforests . Teaching aids: multi-media .Learning analysis: The students of this class show interest in learning English. They often take an active part in the activities designed by the teacher. This is a reading lesson. The topic is about the forests. Some students may find it a little difficult for them to read the passage because there are many new words in it. .Teaching analysis: 2 I try to use different ways to make students understand the passage better. Let them master some skills of reading. At the end of class, let students listen to the voice of rainforests, which enhance their awareness of protecting rainforests. .Teaching procedure Step 1 Lead in 1. Let students enjoy a movie. 2. T: Whats the name of the movie? Ss: Avatar. T: Where does Avatar live? Ss: He lives in a rainforest.(Help Ss answer) T: When we talk about rainforests, maybe we can think of animals and plants in it. Brainstorm and think whats in the rainforest. T: Since rainforests provide many useful things for us. They are important to us. Lets go close to the rainforests and know more about them. Step 2 Reading 1. Have students read the passage as quickly as they can to find out the main idea of each paragraph. Match the right answer. 2. Have students read Paragraph 1 carefully and fill in the blanks. 3. Have students read Paragraph 1 again and answer the questions. (1).What are the rainforests? (2).What does the word “cover” mean in Para. 1? 3 (3).Why do many of the animals live in the trees over 30 meters from the ground? 4. Have students read Paragraph 1 carefully and fill in the blanks. 5. Have students read Paragraph 2 again and answer the questions by playing a game “Music and Flower”. 6. Have students watch the flash and understand the passage again. Play it again and have students follow it. Step3 Groupwork 1. T: From the passage ,we know rainforests are becoming smaller and smaller. What should we do to protect them? Let students discuss the pictures together in groups. 2. Ask one student of each group to make a report. Step 4 Summary 1. Weve learnt the feature and the importance of the rainforests. 2. We can talk about how to protect the rainforests. 3. Lets listen to the voice of the rainforests. Step 5 Homework 1. Retell the passage 2. Write a passage about how to protect the rainforests
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