Unit 3 Our Hobbies-Topic 2 What sweet music!-Section A-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(编号:005f0).zip

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CanCan youyou namename anyany musicmusic style?style? Classical music Rock Rap Folk musicJazzCountry music What is your favorite music? Why? Discuss in groups. I love/like/enjoy I am fond of I am interested in I dont mind it. Just so-so. I dont like at all. I hate 1a a Now watch the flash of 1a, then find out . Jane likes listening to rock music.( ) Jazz is Janes favorite music. ( ) Li Ming thinks classic music is serious. ( ) Li Ming used to enjoy pop music. ( ) 录音录音1a-P65ListenListen toto 1a a andand markark T T foror (TrueTrue) oror F foror (Falsealse) . F T T T 1b Na me Like Disl ike Rea son for dislik e Use d to No w Li Ming Jan e pop music countr y music folk music jazz classical music serious noisy rock music 视频视频1a-P65 LookLook, watchwatch andand fillill inin thethe tatablele. ReadRead 1a a andand makeake conconversationsersations withwith youryour partnerpartner toto descridescribe e youryour feelingseelings a aboutout didifferenterent kindskinds o of musicusic. TheThe followingollowing e expressionspressions mayay helphelp youyou. 1c c (Like)(Just so- so) (Dislike ) Its great ! I love it ! Its good music. How exciting ! What sweet music ! Its not my favorite, but I dont mind it. I dont like this kind of music. I hate listening to rock music. LetsLets learnlearn moremore aboutabout differentdifferent kindskinds ofof music.music. ReadRead thethe pairspairs o of wordswords andand paypay attentionattention toto thethe didifferenceerence a amongong /e/, /I/ andand /. 3a a / e / - / I / : lesson listen well will hell hill / e /- / /: lend land said sad bed bad 录音录音3a-P66 3b ListenListen andand paypay attentionattention toto thethe assiassimilationilation, stressstress andand liaisonliaison. ThenThen readread a afterter thethe tapetape andand i imitateitate. 1. A: Listen ! What sweet music ! Do you like it ? B: Yes, I do. 2.A: Do you like classical music ? B: No, I don(t) like it at all. Its too serious. How about you ? A: Well, it is not my favorite, but I dont mind it. I hate listening to rock music 录音录音3b-P66 Stress is important to express your viewpoints in speaking. I know about types of music. I can express likes and dislikes. I learn some useful expressions. 1.Talk with your classmates about your favorite music and singer. 2.Write down your conversation and present it in front of the class. AnswerAnswer thethe questionsquestions belowbelow accordingaccording toto 1a.1a. How many kinds of music are mentioned in 1a ? What are they ? Three pop music folk music classical music pop music country music rock music jazz Beatles folk music classical music What feature does each kind of music have ? 2 Key words help us understand important details. Circle key words, and use them when you retell the passage. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the help of the first letters. Then try to retell the passage with the circled key words. SoSome e TypesTypes o of Musicusic erious njoy Pop music often comes and g_ quickly. It is usually about l_ and everyday life. Country music, rock music and jazz are all pop music. They are very p_ with young people. oes ove opular cocome e andand gogo quicklyuickly 来去匆匆来去匆匆 be e popularpopular withwith s sb. 受到某人的欢迎受到某人的欢迎 电脑游戏受到许多年轻人的欢迎。电脑游戏受到许多年轻人的欢迎。 Computer games _ many young people. are popular with Folk music is special. It is a part of the working peoples songs. Guo Lanying, Song Zuying and Tengri are f_ for their folk songs. amous be e fa amousous foror sthsth. 以以 而著名而著名 be e fa amousous asas 作为作为而著名而著名 Underline the useful expressions in 2. at a concert in a theater come and go quickly everyday life be famous for Ask and answer with your partner according to 2. What kind of music do you like? Why? I like because 1. HipHop music is very popular _ young people. They think HipHop music is very exciting. A. in B. on C. with D. between 2. China is famous _ the Great Wall. Many visitors all over the world come to visit it . A. as B. of C. to D. for 3. Liu Dehua is famous _ a singer. A lot of people like listening to his songs. A. as B. of C. to D. for Choose the best answer. Unit 3 My hobbies Topic 3 What sweet music! Section B . TeachingTeaching aimsaims andand demandsdemands 1. Learn some new words and a phrase: everyday, simple, be famous for 2. Learn some useful sentences: (1) Its hard to say. (2) I dont mind it. 3. Go on learning about exclamation: (1) How exciting! (2) What sweet music! 4. Talk about some types of music: (1) Classical music is serious music. (2) Pop music often comes and goes quickly. (3) Country music, rock music and jazz are all pop music. (4) Folk music is simple but special. 5. Learn how to express likes and dislikes: (1) Its great! I love it! (2) It is good music. (3) I dont like this kind of music. (4) I hate to listen to rock music. . TeachingTeaching aidsaids . TeachingTeaching PlanPlan Step 1 Review 第一步 T: Do you often listen to music in your free time? SS: Yes, we do. T: OK. Lets go to the concert. All right? Ss: Yeah! (欢呼) Show some pictures of famous singers. T: Whos the singer? Ss: Jay Chou. T: What do you think of their songs, S1? S1: How wonderful! T: Good! What about you, S2? S2: What sweet music! T: Whats the name of the famous song? Ss: Its T: What kind of music is it? Ss: Pop music. T: How many kinds of music do you know? S3: Rock music. S4: Country music. T: Any more? Ss: Sorry, we dont know. T: Now, lets come to learn Section B. We will talk about many kinds of music. Step 2 Presentation 1. Play some kinds of music. T: Weve just heard some pieces of music, they are all folk music. How do you like them? S1: How wonderful! S2: Its too serious. I dont like it. T: Now, lets enjoy some other pieces of music. 2. Show some classical music. T: Do you like them? Theyre all classical music. Ss: Yes./No. (板书,让学生猜测词义,要求学生理解。) classical T: Classical music sounds wonderful. And its very serious. S3, do you like classical music? S3: Yes, I do. T: Why? S3: Because it sounds beautiful. T: Good. What about you, S4? S4: I dont like classical music. T: Why dont you like it? S4: Because its too serious. T: OK. Lets go on listening. 3. (教师继续播放音乐,选用 Beatles 的爵士乐。) T: What kind of music is it? Do you know? Ss: Its jazz.(帮助学生回答。) T: Youre right. Its jazz. Jazz is also pop music. Its the music of Beatles. (板书解释生词。要求学生理解 jazz) jazz 4. (师生共同总结音乐的种类。) T: Boys and girls, we have learnt many kinds of music. Now please try your best to sum them up, then lets check them together. (几分钟后,师生共同核对答案。教师板书并要求理解。) pop music, rock music, country music, piano music, violin music, folk music, classical music, jazz 5. (学生欣赏音乐并说出它属于哪类音乐。) T: Well, Ill play some pieces of music, please tell me what kind of music they belong to. The first one Is it folk music? S5: No. T: What kind of music is it? S5: Its (答对的给予鼓励。由师生问答引入 1a 听力。) T: There are many kinds of music. What kind of music do you prefer, S6? S6: I prefer pop music. T: Good. Thank you. What kind of music do you like best, S7? S7: I like rock music best. T: What about you, S8? Do you like classical music best? S8: No, I dont. T: Why not? S8: Because its too serious. Rock music is my favorite. T: Oh, I know. Is rock music Wen Weis favorite, too? Lets listen to1a. (导入 1a。) 6. (请学生听 1a 录音,回答小黑板上的问题。) T: Now, lets listen to1aand answer the questions. (出示小黑板。) (1)What does Wen Wei do in his free time? (2)Is rock music Wen Weis favorite? (核对答案。) 7. (让学生再听 1a 录音,回答几个细节问题。) T: Listen to1aagain, and find out the answers to the following questions. (出示小黑板。) (1)What kind of music did Wen Wei use to enjoy? (2)What kind of music does he like now? (3)What kind of music does Jane like best? (核对答案。) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7 分钟) 完成 1b 和 2。继续听说训练强化对 1a 的理解。 1. (让学生听 1a 录音,男女生分角色跟读。) T: Listen again and repeat. Boys read after Wen Wei and girls read after Jane. 2. (学生两人一组练习对话。然后教师请几组学生表演。) T: Nice work. Now please practise the dialog with your partner. Then Ill ask some pairs to act it out in the front. 3. (分别请两个学生来描述 Wen Wei 和 Jane 喜欢的音乐。) T: Now we know what kind of music Wen Wei likes and dislikes. Can you tell me about it without your book? S1, please. S1: Yes. Wen Wei used to enjoy pop music, but now he likes folk music. He doesnt like classical music at all, because he thinks its too serious. T: What about Jane? S2, please. S2: Janes favorite is not classical music, but she doesnt mind it. She likes pop music best. 4. (学生独立完成 1b。) T: Well done. Lets read 1b and fill in the blanks according to1a. (核对答案。) 5. (让学生听 2 录音,选择正确答案。完成 2。) T: We have known what kind of music Jane and Wen Wei like. What about Kangkang and Li Xiang? Listen to the tape and finish 2. (核对答案。) Step 4 Practice. 1. (学生在班内做一个调查,了解周围的同学喜欢什么种类的音乐, 喜欢哪位歌手及原因,完成表格。然后根据表格写一篇报告。) T: Please make a survey to find out your classmates favorite kinds of music, favorite singers and the reasons. Fill in the following table and write a report according to the table. Name Favorite music Favorite singer Reason Step 5 Teaching Reflection Students are very interested in various of music, so this class is very lively. Its difficult for them to talk about their kinds of music, favorite singers and the reasons. The teacher needs to design more activities to practice this structure.I think the practice is not enough.
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