Review of Units 1-2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(编号:36ea7).zip

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1 School_Class_Name_ Topic Reading skills What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health. You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can live on. _. So we should try to eat in a healthy way and exercise often. In order to eat healthily, I seldom eat junk food, like French fries or potato chips. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit. Playing sports can also help us build a strong body.I keep playing sports every day,such as playing basketball,swimming and running.It can help me keep fit. Whats more, I think friends are an important part of ones health. I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. _. I like to laugh with my friends.Dont forget smile . By eating properly and exercising often, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. _. These things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them. I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy. A. But if our health is taken away, we are sure to die. B. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. C. Laughing is also an important part of health Task1 Read the passage and complete it with the sentences 2 What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health. You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can live on. _. So we should try to eat in a healthy way and exercise often. Whats more, I think friends are an important part of ones health. I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. _. I like to laugh with my friends.Dont forget smile . By eating properly and exercising often, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. _. These things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them. I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy. A. But if our health is taken away, we are sure to die. B. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. C. Laughing is also an important part of health. Task2 Read the passage again and finish the mind map Task3 Retell the passage with the mind-map. Then write it down,you can add two of your own ideas In order to keep healthy, we should_,_, _and _. We should also _and _. Task4 Retell in your own way about keeping healthy. 3 Beginning :the importance of health Keeping healthy is important to everyone. Way1_ Body Way 2_ H ow to keep healthy Ending: If you follow these suggestions , I am sure you will be very healthy. Homework: Health is very important to everyone.What should we do to keep healthy? write a passage. 内容包括:内容包括: 1.the importance of health; 2.good ways to keep healthy(at least three ways) 3.字数:字数:80 字左右。字左右。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Enjoy Reading How to keep healthy 清远市清城区松岗中学 黄桂艮黄桂艮 smokeanddrink eattoomuchstayuplate Whatwillhappenifyoukeeptheunhealthylifestyles? getill besleepless overweightgetannoyed 哈尔滨市第三十六中学 教学软件开发小组 playsportsplayballgames swim rungoodeatinghabits listentomusic gotobedearly eatfruitandvegetables getupearly smilekeephappy enoughsleep Stayuplateeatjunkfoodeatfastfood Smokeordrink eattoomuch Whatisthemostimportantthingintheworld?Ithinkitishealth. Youcantakeawayourmoney,house,car,orevenourclothesandwe canliveon._.Soweshouldtrytoeatinahealthywayandexercise often. Inordertoeathealthily,Iseldomeatjunkfood,likeFrenchfriesor potatochips.Ieatalotofvegetablesandfreshfruit. Playingsportscanalsohelpusbuildastrongbody.Ikeepplayingsports everyday,suchasplayingbasketball,swimmingandrunning.Itcanhelpme keepfit. Whatsmore,Ithinkfriendsareanimportantpartofoneshealth.I alwaysfeelbetterwhenIamwithfriendsthanwhenIamalone.WhenIam withmyfriends,Ialwayslaugh._.Iliketolaughwithmy friends.Dontforgetsmile. Byeatingproperlyandexercisingoften,Icankeepmybodyataproper weightandkeephealthy._.Thesethingssoundeasytodo,butnot manypeoplecanmanagethem.Ithinkastrongwillisnecessaryifwewant tokeephealthy. Readthepassageandcompleteitwiththe sentencesinthebox. A.Butifourhealthistakenaway,wearesuretodie. B.Byspendingtimewithmyfriends,Icankeepmymindaswell asmybodyhappy. C.Laughingisalsoanimportantpartofhealth. Task1 ReadingSkills 1.Fastreading 2.Carefulreading Whatisthemostimportantthingintheworld?I thinkitishealth. Youcantakeawayourmoney,house,car,or evenourclothesandwecanliveon. _ .Soweshouldtrytoeatinahealthywayand exerciseoften. A.Butifourhealthistakenaway,wearesuretodie Fastreading(Readthechoicesfirstandfindthekeywords ) A.Butifourhealthistakenaway,wearesuretodie. B.Byspendingtimewithmyfriends,Icankeepmymindaswell asmybodyhappy. C.Laughingisalsoanimportantpartofhealth. Whatsmore,Ithinkfriendsareanimportant partofoneshealth.IalwaysfeelbetterwhenI amwithfriendsthanwhenIamalone.WhenI amwithmyfriends,Ialwayslaugh. _. Iliketolaughwithmyfriends.Dontforget smile. . C.Laughingisalsoanimportantpartofhealth Fastreading(Findthekeywords) A.Butifourhealthistakenaway,wearesuretodie. B.Byspendingtimewithmyfriends,Icankeepmymindaswell asmybodyhappy. C.Laughingisalsoanimportantpartofhealth. Byeatingproperlyandexercisingoften,Ican keepmybodyataproperweightandkeep healthy._. Thesethingssoundeasytodo,butnotmany peoplecanmanagethem.Ithinkastrongwill isnecessaryifwewanttokeephealthy. . B.Byspendingtimewithmyfriends,Ican keepmymindaswellasmybodyhappy. Fastreading(Findthekeywordsanddetails ) A.Butifourhealthistakenaway,wearesuretodie. B.Byspendingtimewithmyfriends,Icankeepmymindaswell asmybodyhappy. C.Laughingisalsoanimportantpartofhealth. ReadingSkills 1.Fastreading 2.Carefulreading eathealthilyplaysports bewithfriends eatfreshfruit keephappy smile _ Task2:Read the passage again and finish the mind- map. Carefulreading(Getthemainideaandguessthetitle, findthekeywordsandthedetails) seldomeatjunkfood eatalotof vegetables playbasketball run swim keepastrongwill How to Keep Healthy Thebesttitle: Wherethereisawill, thereisaway. eathealthilyplaysports bewithfriends eatfreshfruit keephappy smile _ Task3:Retell the passage with the mind-map. Then write it down ,You can add two of your own ideas. seldomeatjunkfood eatalotof vegetables playbasketball run swim keepastrongwill How to Keep Healthy You can retell like this: Inordertokeephealthy, weshould_,_,_and_. Weshouldalso_and_ eathealthilyplaysportskeephappy keepa strongwill haveenoughsleepsaynotosmokingand drinking. How to keep healthy Beginning Body Ending Keeping healthy is important to everyone. Way1 healthy eating habits Way2 sports Way3 _ Way 4 _ Ifyoufollowthesesuggestions, Iamsureyouwillbevery healthy. Task4: retell in your own way about keeping healthy with the outline(提纲提纲). Tip1:fastreading 1)Read the questions before reading. 2)Findthekeywords. 1)Find the main ideas. 2) Read the sentences one by one to find the details. 3) Guess the title. Tip1:carefulreading SumupReadingSkills eatinghabit keepastrongwill playports listentomusic seldomeatjunkfood ballbasketball swimming running eatfreshfruit eatalotof vegetables keephappy smile keep healthy Homework Health is very important to everyone.What should we do to keep healthy? write a passage. 内容包括:内容包括: 1.the importance of health; 2.good ways to keep healthy(at least three ways) 3.字数:字数:80字左右。字左右。 How to keep healthy Beginning Body Ending Keeping health is important to everyone. Way1 healthy eating habits Way2 sports Way3 _ Way 4 _ Ifyoufollowthesesuggestions, Iamsureyouwillbevery healthy goodeatinghabits sleep playsports getupearly listentomusic 8hoursanight fruitandvegetables gotobedearly meat ballgames swimming running hiking smokeanddrink milk keephappy smile keep healthy Listthewaysasmanyaspossible. 1 一、教学设计一、教学设计 (一)教学目标(一)教学目标 1. 语言知识:通过对健康方式的讨论,帮助学生记忆积累有关如何保持健康等 的英语词句,90%左右的学生能正确拼写,80%左右的学生能在口语操练及阅读 中灵活运用这些的词汇、基本句式。 2. 语言技能:培养和提高学生读写能力,多数学生经过操练后能用英语获取信 息、处理信息,80%左右的学生比较熟练地运用速读及精读等阅读技巧,并用英 语思维和表达相关话题。 3. 文化意识:通过与话题相关的讨论、阅读和写作等活动,逐渐形成跨文化交 际意识和培养基本的跨文化的交际能力,拓宽视野,理解健康的内涵。 4.情感目标:通过讨论健康的重要性激发学生保持对英语学习的浓厚兴趣,有 利于帮助学生树立正确的人生观、价值观,通过小组讨论,同伴合作等形式, 帮助全体学生养成团结、协作的品质,并学会如何如何保持健康。 5.学习策略:注重引导学生借助阅读,掌握阅读技巧最后并学会以读促进写作。 通过阅读环节给课堂“留白”,引导学生自学、自做、自悟,形成自主学习的 意识,通过小组合作、自主探究、合作探究启发学生,通过发散式思维积累词 汇。 (二)教学内容分析(二)教学内容分析 阅读教学在英语教学中有非常重要的地位,阅读课以培养学生的阅读能力 为主要的教学目标,为达到这一目标,需要学习和掌握课文内容所涉及的语言知 识以及了解课文内容所涉及的文化背景,进而在阅读方法、阅读速度、阅读技巧 和阅读理解的准确度和深度上得到提高。我们应该通过阅读课的教学,使学生获 得大量新的信息,开阔他们的视野,提高他们的兴趣并扩大他们的词汇量,丰富他 们的知识,提高他们应用语言的能力。因此在平常的阅读教学中,教师要根据文 章的类型和阅读目的,及时指导学生,教授阅读策略和技巧。如:略读 2 (skimming)、扫读(scanning)等。 本课选自新仁爱版八年级英语,本节课的主题是如何保持健康。本节学习 的内容,是通过巩固和运用有关保持健康的有关词和句,通过阅读任务帮助学 生增大输入量,通过信息的梳理理顺阅读的思路,最终完成本节的写作任务。 1.重点:熟练地运用 fast reading、careful reading 等写作技巧。 2.难点:灵活运用 how to keep healthy 的英语词句和语法结构,并通过 这次阅读课最后能通过以读促写,写出 80 字左右的英语书面表达。 (三)教学对象分析(三)教学对象分析 1. 学生在七八年级已掌握了大量的关于如何保持健康的单词和短语,能够为本 节课“How to keep healthy”话题的展开进行词汇的提取。 2.通过七八年级的学习,学生已经具有一定的英语语言基础,但英语阅读仍是 学生教为薄弱的一个题项,学生缺乏系统的阅读技巧的指导。(比如,如何速 读、精读等)。 3. 通过本节阅读任务帮助学生增大输入量,学生会养成用所学的语言进行思考 的习惯,在“词”到“义”的过程中,用了“句”来做桥梁,学生的语言和思 维能力将得到发展。同时会比较熟练地运用速读及精读等阅读技巧。通过一系 列形式的教学活动学生将会把零散的英语知识通过分析、归类有机地串联起来 从而加深理解、增强记忆,使知识条理化、系统化进而达到融会贯通,学生综 合运用语言的能力、语言操作能力和书面交际能力将得到同步的提高。 (四)教学策略与过程(四)教学策略与过程 1.1.教学设计思路:教学设计思路: Step1. Warm-up 通过观看一个小视频和大量的图片巧妙的引出大量有关本节话题的单词:do sports, roller-skating, like dancing, have good eating habits, eat healthily. 这些都是本节课的中心词。热身部分成功的吸引了学生的注意力, 拉近了老师和学生的距离,也成功的引入了本节课的主题,引出了关键词。 3 Step2: Presentation 在这个环节引用了不健康的的生活方式及其导致的后果为话题的背景材料,更 大的满足了学生的好奇心,在老师说,学生听的过程中,巧妙的穿插了本节更 多的关键词:smoke and drink, stay up late,get ill, overweight ,be sleepless 等等。 Step3: free talk 这一环节,再一次对教学内容进行了巧妙的设计。先利用 mind-map 引出关键词 how to keep healthy 为中心话题引出从四方面区谈论如何保持健康:eating habits,playing sports, keep happy and sleep 从词组到句子的引入过程, 巧妙的设计再次吸引了学生的眼球。 Step4. Pre-reading 面对学生对对阅读技巧的似懂非懂的样子,这时,给了学生一个“配对阅读” 的任务。这个任务设计的巧妙之处在于:它没有机械的给学生灌输词义,而是 通过配对练习,帮助学生养成用所学的语言进行思考的习惯,这个过程便是教 授学生语言知识和社会常识。有效的帮助学生巩固和掌握所学词汇、语法等语 言知识,也帮助学生发展了语言和思维能力。 Step5. While-reading 在这个环节,再一次通过阅读任务帮助学生增大输入量,通过信息的梳理理顺 写阅读的思路,finish mind-map 的设计,再一次突出本节的关键词,并在词 的后面设计了表达活动的“句”,再次强化学生用所学的语言进行思考的习惯, 避免了在复述环节因受到母语影响而出现 Chinglish 现象。 Step6.While-reading 先引导学生进行了 fill in the blanks,完成 retell the passage, 这样理解 文章的思路会更加清晰,因为之前的几个环节的铺垫,学生词句的输入量充足, 所以复述时都能畅所欲言,达到了动脑、动口、动手的目标。 Step7.Post-reading 4 设置了一个 outline 然后学生根据 outline 去复述自己是如何保持健康的 ,有 助于学生口语表达中的语言准确性,提高了学生通过自己独立思考,来解决问 题的能力。 Step8.sum up Step9. Homework 请以“How to Keep Healthy”为题,写一篇作文,不少于 80 字。 2.2.教学过程(步骤、目的、教师活动、学生活动、媒介运用)教学过程(步骤、目的、教师活动、学生活动、媒介运用) 步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图 1.Warming up 1.Greeting. 2. Show some pictures Choose Which lifestyle is better 在完成任务过 程中, 引出本 节的话题 2. PresentationShow some pictures of bad lifestyle Say the sentences about the bad lifestyles. 引用图片为话 题的背景材料, 在老师说,学 生听的过程中, 穿插了本节更 多的关键词: smoke and drink, eat too much,等等。 3.Free talk 1.Show some phrase of lifestyles1. 2.Show a mind- map . 1. Choose the good lifestyle. 2. Talk about how to keep healthy 让学生通过选 择,找出有关 健康常用的短 语,区分出好 和坏的生活方 5 式。并通过思 维导图发散学 生的创新思维。 4. Pre-reading1.Show a passage about how to keep healthy 2.Show reading skills:fast reading(scan the passage) 1.Read and know more about the key words. 通过“配对阅 读”的任务, 帮助学生养成 用所学的语言 进行思考的习 惯,帮助学生 发展了语言和 思维能力,为 下一步的阅读 作铺垫。 5.While-reading1.Show some reading skills : careful reading Read and finish the the mind-map. . 再一次通过阅 读任务帮助学 生增大输入量, 通过信息的梳 理理顺阅读的 思路,再次强 化学生用所学 的语言进行思 考的习惯 6.While-writingShow some reading skills:find the 1.fill in the blanks. 通过完成阅读 的填空, 学生 对文章的理解 6 details及对如何保持 健康的思路更 加清晰。 7. Post-writingShow an outline about keeping healthy. Retell in your own way about keeping healthy. 提供提纲,有助 于学生提高口 语及书面表达 中的语言准确 性,提高了学 生通过自己独 立思考,来解 决问题的能力。 8. Sum up.Sum up 1.Sum up the reading skills . 2.Talk about how to keep healthy with a mind-map 引导学生作出 总结。 9. Homework Homework 3.3.板书设计板书设计 EnjoyEnjoy ReadingReading 1. 2.Reading skills: Fast reading 7 Careful reading ( (五五) )教学评价教学评价 1、课堂活动过程采用教师课堂语言评价。 2、教学后采用表格式的自我评价和教师评价。 二教学反思二教学反思 (一)(一) 、亮点:、亮点: 1.1.选材新颖选材新颖 本节课是对初中英语阅读有效教学的尝试与摸索。在本次的阅读教学中, 在选材上我选贴近学生的生活题材。这节课主要所添加的材料具有真实性和交 际性;给学生提供了有针对性的、能激发学生学习动机的语境,学生很感兴趣。 因此,在确定话题后,在设计过程中着重结合学生的认知水平去控制材料的难 度。 ,从课前引入、到课中示范、到学生阅读、再到课后作业布置,环环相扣, 一气呵成,自然成一体。 2.“2.“巧巧”设思维导图设思维导图 思维导图是学生阅读与写作中遣词造句、布局谋篇的“脚手架” 。在阅读前 我巧设思维导图这一“脚手架” ,引导学生对语言进行适当重组、扩展,有助于 学生联想和记忆更多、更高层次的信息,并激发学生的创造性思维和发散性思 维,有利于知识的整合和信息的有效输出。在阅读中再次巧设思维导图,并让 自我评价教师评价 评价形式 评价内容ABCABC 上课听讲情况 课堂上发言情况 课堂练习完成情况 掌握课本知识情况 进步情况 8 学生去完成它,学生非常喜欢做这样的新颖、有趣、科学的练习。词汇、句型 是形成语篇的基础,思维导图通过层层发散的手段。把分散的词汇联系在一起, 学生依托图示既复习了词汇,又由词组句、由句组篇,最终完成全文的阅读, 并升华到写作。 3.“3.“巧巧”妙的课堂作业妙的课堂作业 通过课后作业设计,让学生把读写实践结合起来,引导学生在阅读当中最后 回归到写作当中,让学生掌握阅读技巧,学会写作 (二)(二) 、不足之处、不足之处 本节教学再设计: 一、本节课的上课地点在英德,学生的英语基础较差,英语听说的能力滞 后,所以某些点拨部分需要一些中文辅助。但在课堂教学进行到后段时间,学 生渐渐与老师有了默契。如果这时我能及时作出调整,适时减少中文的辅助, 这样更能培养学生的英语语感,提高课堂效果。 二、本节的写前输入量足够,也帮助学生准备了大量的关键词和句子模式, 帮助学生更加顺利而且迅速地完成了口头表达任务。但时间的分配不太合理, 阅读铺垫时间过长,如果时间把握好一点,整节课会更完美。
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