Unit 2 Saving the Earth-Topic 2 All these problems are very serious.-Section B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版九年级上册(编号:603c8).zip

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Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 3 What can we do at home to protect the environment? Section B 邢台市第二十八中学邢台市第二十八中学 董会芳董会芳 Learning aims: 1. Learn the ways to show your opinions First,. Second,. Third,. 2.Give your advice: You had better. You ought to. You should. 3.learn to be a greener person in our daily life Lets watch a video. Earth Song What can you see in the video? Whats your feelings? The earth is crying for help. Pollution has caused many serious problems. A group of guardian for environmental protection. (环保小卫士)环保小卫士) After learning, lets choose which group is the most excellent guardians. What should you do to be a greener person?(your advice) We should. We should use both sides of paper. We had better use both sides of paper. Free Talk: We ought to use both sides of paper. ought to应该应该, 情态动词情态动词+ 动词原形动词原形 I. Listen and complete the table. To be a greener person 1.You ought to _the electricity when you leave the room. 2. If you travel a short _, you shouldnt _ , but _. So this helps to _ and _. 3. When you go shopping, youd better _ instead of using _. shut off distance take a bus or a taxiwalk or ride a bike save energy reduce air pollution take a cloth bag plastic bags Pay attention to the words II. Read and follow the tape III.Read and sum up the key points 1.关闭: 2.代替: 3.It 作形式主语的句子: 4. 两个英语习语及含义: Actions speak louder than words. Remember some English idioms and try to use them often. Easier said than done. 说起来容易做起来难。说起来容易做起来难。 行动胜于言辞。行动胜于言辞。 Look, Listen and Say(three ways) First, Second, Third, Iv. retell V.Recite VI. Other suggestions to be a greener person. 2 Match them with the right pictures and read them. Reduce waste. Dont buy cups or boxes which can be used only once. Save electricity. Shut off the lights when you are not using them. Recycle boxes and plastic bottles. Grow fruit and vegetables yourself. Try to ride a bike when you travel. Use both sides of the paper. Cover pans when you are cooking. 2 3 22 3 2 3 1 Add your stars. One Star paper cups glass bottles cans plastic bags newspapers sort the garbage Two stars (describe the pictures) We should/ ought to/ had better. Three stars:(Fill in the blanks ) The earth is our home. Some things we have done are good for the earth w_ some are bad. We have polluted the earth, a_ it is sick now. We c_ down too many trees, so lots of rich land has c_ into desert. Factories p_ waste water into rivers. Pollution has caused many s_ problems. The earth is crying for help. What shall we do to save it? We should plant more trees, r_ the waste we produce, r_ the waste paper and soft drink cans, and ride bikes to reduce air pollution. I think we should try to be g_ people to protect our earth. After all, we have only one earth. We should do e_ to protect it, or well be punished and lose our home. hile ndut hanged our erious educeecycle reener verything 毕竟,归根结底毕竟,归根结底 Lets do our best to protect the environment. We learn: 1. Some words: action, distance, electricity 2. Some phrases: ought to, shut off, after all 3. Some useful sentences: (1)Would you like to be a greener person? (2)First, you ought to turn off the lights when you leave a room. (3)Easier said than done. (4)Well, actions speak louder than words. We Can: 1. Use the proper ways to protect the environment in our life. 2. Talk about the greener life style. Write a passage about how to protect our environment. 1.提出提出环境问题环境问题 2. 环保的建议环保的建议 Unit2topic3SectionB 教材分析:教材分析:本课件是为仁爱英语九年级上册 Unit 2 Topic 3 Section B 编写的教学 课件,这是第二单元第三话题的第二课时。本课继续以环保为话题,在对话中 学习相关的单词和短语并继续连词的学习和使用。通过本课的学习,学生能获 得更多的环境保护方面的知识。为更好更有效地实现本课教学目标,本课件从 学生实际出发,对教材进行了必要的整合,教学设计直观生动。遵循语言学习 特点,从输入到输出。本节课主要活动有 2 个,1a 和 2 。 教学目标:教学目标: Knowledge aims: 1). Learn the ways to show your opinions First,. Second,. Third,. 2)learn some phrases and sentences. Skill aims: Learn to give your advice: You had better. You ought to. You should. Emotional aims: Learn to be a greener person in our daily life 教学重点:教学重点:Learn the ways to show your opinions. 教学难点:教学难点:Learn to give some advice. 教学过程:教学过程: ILead-in: 出示学习目标: 1. Learn the ways to show your opinions First,. Second,. Third,. 2.Give your advice: You had better. You ought to. You should. 3.learn to be a greener person in our daily life 观看视频,Earth song 出示图片,导入环境问题,提出寻找环保小卫士,小组 竞赛方式。 (激发学生学习兴趣,主动参与度)激发学生学习兴趣,主动参与度) II. Listen and fill in the blanks.(two times) To be a greener person 1.You ought to _the electricity when you leave the room. 2. If you travel a short _, you shouldnt _ , but _. So this helps to _ and _. 3. When you go shopping, youd better _ instead of using _. Purpose: 挑战一,通过听力填空,从整体把握对文章整体意思的理解。挑战一,通过听力填空,从整体把握对文章整体意思的理解。 III. Reading: 1Read 1a and follow the tape: pay attention to the pronunciation. (通过跟读,注意个别词的语音语调,熟悉课文)(通过跟读,注意个别词的语音语调,熟悉课文) 2Read1a and sum up the key points: get familiar to the text. 1.关闭: 2.代替: 3.It 作形式主语的句子: 4. 两个英语习语及含义: Use pictures of cleaning the school to explain the two English idioms. (挑战二,自读课文,找出关键词组,英语习语,培养学生自主学习,总(挑战二,自读课文,找出关键词组,英语习语,培养学生自主学习,总 结能力。并结合图片,帮助学生理解习语含义)结能力。并结合图片,帮助学生理解习语含义) 3. Play the video of 1a and catch three pictures to show how to be a greener person. (抓住文中三幅图片,视频更加直观,小声跟读,进一步理解(抓住文中三幅图片,视频更加直观,小声跟读,进一步理解 1a 对对 话内容话内容, 模仿语音语调。模仿语音语调。 ) IV. Speaking: (Presentation) 1.Each group choose one student to show the ways to protect the environment by pictures. (挑战三,观看视频后,来回忆环保三种方式,展示图片,形象复述课文,(挑战三,观看视频后,来回忆环保三种方式,展示图片,形象复述课文, 提高口语表达能力)提高口语表达能力) 2. Recite : (give one minutes to recite the main ideas) (挑战四,学生限时背诵对话中,关于环保方式的句子,小组共同接龙式挑战四,学生限时背诵对话中,关于环保方式的句子,小组共同接龙式 形式完成,培养团队精神)形式完成,培养团队精神) 3. Other suggestions (show pictures and match the sentences) 1) 呈现 2 中的图片,与学生讨论怎么才能成为一个更环保的人。 2) 完成 2,并核对答案。 V. Practice: Add your stars: (做完题,利用幸运大转盘,决定展示题目,对应加星。结合实际生活设置题(做完题,利用幸运大转盘,决定展示题目,对应加星。结合实际生活设置题 目,难度有梯度,达到巩固灵活运用的目的。目,难度有梯度,达到巩固灵活运用的目的。 ) 让学生完成三项任务: 1.(1 星)垃圾分类(找同学来黑板展示) 2.(2 星)描述图(用上句型 we should/had better/ ought to) 3.(3 星)填写关于环保的小文章的缺词,完成 3 VIAssigning homework: 总结本堂课的新单词、短语和新语法项目,让学生能把握整堂课的重点。 设计了关于环保的书面表达作业。 (提出身边的环境问题,写出做环保人的建议。 )
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