Unit 1 The Changing World-Topic 2 The population in developing countries is growing faster.-Section B-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版九年级上册(编号:90868).zip

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Kinds of diseases consider : What cause those diseases? consider : What cause those diseases? The types of pollution air pollutionlitter water pollution noise pollution light pollutionsoil pollution It can cause many problems! It is harmful to our health! It causes some diseases! (尤指对健康或环境)有害的,导致损害的 相当于词组do harm to . Chemical factory What were they talk? Listen to 1a and choose the best answer. 1. ( ) Whats wrong with Mrs.Zhou? A. Its difficult for her to breathe. B. She has a bad cold. C. Her hometown has big changed. 2. ( ) How long has Mrs.Zhou been like this? A. She has been like this since two weeks. B. She has been like this for last week. C. She has been like this since last week 3. ( ) Has Mrs.Zhou seen a doctor? A. Yes, she has. B. Not yet. C. No, she havent 4. ( ) Has Kangkang noticed the dead fish in the river? A. Oh, no. B. we dont know. C, Oh, yes. A C B C 1.Whats wrong with Mrs. Zhou? 2.What caused Mrs. Zhous problems? 3. What will Kangkang do? 4. Do you have any other ways to solve Mrs. Zhous problems? Read 1a and answer the questions. She cant breathe and got a pain in her throat. The bad air makes her chest hurt and she cant sleep well at night The bad air and too much noise. He will write to the newspaper about these problems. Rush to answer 抢答 1. 心情差 _ 2. 不能容忍某事_ 3. 我希望政府能快点解决这个问题 _ 4.更糟糕的是_ 5.从上周开始我就像这样了 _ 6.这真是很糟糕_ in a bad mood cant bear sth I hope the government will solve this problem soon Whats worse Ive been like this since last week. Its really awful. Show Time Read the conversation in roles and act it out. Finish 2 Dear editor, Im writing to say something about the chemical factory near my house. The factory causes _ (too many/ too much) problems. First, it produces terrible gas, and it is hard for us to _ (breathe/ breath). Whats worse, the factory makes a lot of noise. We cant sleep well at night. It also pollutes the river nearby. Now there are many _ (die/ dead) fish in the river. I think people should care for these problems and I hope the government will solve them soon. Yours, Kangkang too many幻灯片幻灯片 20 breathe dead Pair work Make a conversation to give us some advice to how to protect the environment. We hope the sky become bluer, the air become fresher, the river become Cleanerour world become more and more beautiful! Its everyones duty to love and protect the environment. To be a greener person to love and protect the environment. 1. Some words: breathe, breath,chest , . 2. Some phrases: be harmful to, too many, too much, much too. 3. Some sentences: (1)How long have you been like this? (2) Whats worse. (3)Its really awful. Describe the environment pollutions by ourselves, and can give some advice to protect the envrionment. Homework 1. Read 1a. 2. Review the key point of Section B. 3. Preview Section C. Unit 2 Topic 1 Pollution has caused too many problems. Section B Period 1 初中英语(仁爱版)九年级上册 Unit2 Topic 1 Section B 教学设计 【设计思路】 本节课主要是学习有关环境污染的词汇以及环境污染给人们带来的 危害。课前先营造一种轻松的学习氛围,让学生尽快地融入进课堂, 以几幅由于环境污染导致的疾病的图片和学生参与讨论来导入,期 间有听,说,读(分角色阅读并表演) ,写(写对话) ,练 (pair work 表演对话) 。在教学中,还加入了小组竞争模式(把学 生分为四大组,以每组学生参与活动来进行积分,多者获胜)让同 学们积极参与课堂。 【教材分析】 本课是仁爱英语九年级上册第二单元第一话题的第二课时。本课以 康康和周太太的对话为话题,学习相关的单词和短语,让学生学会 在谈话中恰当地使用一般过去时和现在完成时。通过本课的学习, 让学生学会关心他人,并了解环境污染的种类。 【教学目标】 (一)教学知识点 (1) New words/ phrases : breathe, breath, chest, be harmful to, too much (2) Key sentences:Ive been like this since last week./ Whats worse./ I hope the government will solve this problem soon (二)能力训练要求 (1) 利用本课所学编写对话,并能提出保护环境的建议。 (2) 体会合作学习所带来的快乐。 (三)情感与价值观要求 通过学生互相帮助,互相学习,体验合作的快乐,发展合作精神。 【教学重点和难点】 重点: (1) 学会重点词汇/短语,并区分与之相似的词/短语。 (2) 学会简单的描述环境污染问题和其带来的危害。 难点: (1) 听力部分我根据中考考法进行重新设计,比课本上稍难。 (2) 组织对话描述环境污染问题 【教学策略与手段】 (1) 师生对话,生生对话。 (2) 充分运用现代教育技术手段。 【课前准备】 预习 3a,为本课讨论做好铺垫。 【教学课时】 一课时 【教学过程】 一、 课前热身:师生打招呼,互相问候。学生讨论并回答老师提出 的问题。 设计意图:以师生讨论形式引出话题,激发学生探索意识。 二、导入新课: (1) 图片导入,要求学生说出生活中出现的环境污染。并学习词组 Be harmful to/ do harm to. 设计意图:既可以检查学生的预习情况,也可以为进入新课而做准 备。 (2)听 1a 两遍,并完成任务。并教授新词 breathe/ breath, chest 设计意图:本部分由课本上的 1b 部分进行重新改编,使之与中考 接轨。让学生们适应中考难度,在日常训练中逐步提高。 (3) 读 1a,并完成 1c。 设计意图:检测学生预习情况,纠正学生的语音语调 (4) 抢答(翻译文中重要的词组和句子) 设计意图:使学生对课文的理解更透彻。 (5) 分角色阅读课文 并完成 2 设计意图:让学生熟读课文。学生独立完成 2 部分,并把理由说清 楚,既可以检测学生对课文及知识点的掌握情况,也可以在学生自 己讲理由的过程中让他们更好的理解其中的难点。 (6)小组合作,编写对话,并表演 设计意图:检测学生对本节课所学知识点的掌握,提高学生写、读、 说的能力。 三、课堂小结 今天这堂课你学到了什么? 设计意图:帮助学生回顾这节课所学内容,包括重点词汇,句型。 使他们不至于很快遗忘。 四、课后作业 五。板书设计 【板书设计】 Unit 2 Topic 1 Section B Be harmful to / do harm to, Breathe/ breath Take a deep breath
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