(2019版)新人教版高中英语必修第三册Unit2 Morals and Virtues Listening and Speaking 同步一练含答案.doc

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1、第 1页(共 14页)Unit2 Morals and VirtuesSection AMorals and Virtues Listening and Speaking一、选词填空1 1.entrust/trustA good marriage is based on.I know I canyou with my secret.2 2.marry/marriageHe didntuntil he was fifty.He played a passive role in the.3 plain/complaintId like to make aabout the noise.Im goi

2、ng toto the manager about this.4 4.respond/responseThere was an enthusiasticto my suggestions.How did theyto the news?5 5.reject/rejectionThey sent me aletter.The planout of hand.6 6.elect/electionHepresident in thegeneral.第 2页(共 14页)7 7.energy/energeticAlthough my grandfather is over 80,he is still

3、 fullof.He seems even morethan someyoung men.8 8.retire/retirementHeat 65 and he took up golf afterhis.9 9.scare/scared/scaryThe dogthe thief away.I remember one story that was quite.He wasat the thought of speaking in the public.1010.appoint/appointmentShe has recently beento the committee.She made

4、 anwith her lawyer.二、完形填空Years ago,a farmer owned land along the Atlantic seacoast.Healways advertised for hired hands.1people werereluctant(不情愿的) to work on farms along the Atlantic.Theyfeared the violent storms2the ocean.As the3interviewed applicants(申请者)for the job,he4a steadystream of refusals(拒

5、绝).第 3页(共 14页)Finally,ashort,thin man,5past middle age,came to thefarmer.“Are you a good farmhand?” the farmer asked him.“Well,I can sleep6the wind blows,” answered thelittle man.Although7by this answer,thefarmer,in great need ofhelp,8him.The little man worked well around the farm,busyfrom dawn to d

6、usk,and the farmer felt9with the manswork.Then one night the wind blew10in from offshore.11out of bed,the farmer rushed next door to the hired handssleeping room.He shook the little man and shouted,“12! Astorm is coming!13things down before they are blownaway!”The little man14in bed and said firmly,

7、“Nosir.I havetold you that I can sleep when the wind blows.”Angry with the answer,the farmer meant to fire him on thespot.15,he hurried out to prepare for the storm.To his16,he discovered that all of the haystacks(干草垛)had beencovered with tarpaulins(油布).The cows were in the barn,thechickens were in

8、the coops,and the doors were barred.Everythingwas tied down.17could be blown away.第 4页(共 14页)The farmer then understood18his hired hand meant,sohe returned to his bed to sleep while the wind blew.When youre19,spiritually,mentally,andphysically,you havenothing to20.Can you sleep when the wind blows t

9、hroughyour life?1 1.A.NoB.FewC.MostD.All2 2.A.aboveB.acrossC.belowD.through3 3.A.workerB.applicantC.farmerD.reporter4 4.A.received B.boughtC.soldD.brought5 5.A.wellB.tooC.veryD.pretty6 6.A.whenB.beforeC.afterD.because7 7.A.pleasedB.puzzledC.surprisedD.frightened8 8.A.firedB.scoldedC.hiredD.ordered9

10、9.A.disappointedB.satisfiedC.excitedD.tired1010.A.loudlyB.slightly C.hardlyD.silently1111.A.Jumping B.RisingC.GettingD.Falling1212.A.Stand upB.Get upC.Sit down D.Lie down1313.A.LetB.PutC.LayD.Tie1414.A.rolled overB.jumped overC.rolled upD.jumped up1515.A.ThereforeB.OtherwiseC.LikewiseD.Instead第 5页(共

11、 14页)1616.A.expectationB.imaginationC.surpriseD.sorrow1717.A.SomethingB.EverythingC.AnythingD.Nothing1818.A.howB.whichC.thatD.what1919.A.preparedB.finished C.determinedD.encouraged2020.A.beatB.winC.desireD.fear三、阅读理解A AFlorence Nightingale was born in Florence,Italy,while herwealthy English parents

12、were traveling in Europe.As a child,shetraveled to many places with her family and learned how to speakseveral languages.When Nightingale was 17,she told her family that she wasgoing to help sick people.Her parents did not agree,butNightingale was determined.She traveled to hospitals all over Europe

13、.She saw thatdoctors were working too hard.She saw that patients diedbecause they did not get enough care.Nightingale felt thatwomen could be doing more to help doctors take care of sickpeople.第 6页(共 14页)Nightingale knew that in order for nurses to do more,theyneeded special training in how to take

14、care of sickpeople.Nightingale went to a hospital in Germany to studynursing.Then she returned to London and became the head of agroup of womencalled Gentlewomen During Illness.These womencared for sick people in their homes.In 1854,England was fighting a war with Russia.The reporterswrote about the

15、 terrible conditions in the hospitals that caredfor the wounded.People demanded that something be done aboutit.A leader of the government asked Florence Nightingale totake some nurses into the war hospitals.So,in November1854,Nightingale finally got to work in a hospital.She took along 38 nurses who

16、m she had trained herself.At first,the doctors on the battlefields did not wantNightingale and her nurses in their hospitals.They did notbelieve that women could help.But in fact,the nurses did makea difference.They worked around the clock,looking after thewounded.Thanks to their hard work,many woun

17、ded soldierssurvived.After the War,Nightingale and her nurses were treatedlike heroes.Finally,in 1860,she started the Nightingale Schoolfor Nurses.Intime,thanks to Florence Nightingale,nursingbecame an important part of medicine.第 7页(共 14页)1 1.Florence Nightingale was born into a rich.A.Italian fami

18、lyB.Russian familyC.English familyD.German family2 2.Nightingales parents did not approve of herdecision.A.to work as a doctorB.to care for sick peopleC.to fight in the war with RussiaD.to travel to hospitals all over Europe3 3.It was not until the war with Russia thatNightingale.A.got to work in a

19、hospitalB.began to study nursingC.started to care for sick people in their homesD.became the head of Gentlewomen During Illness4 4.Nightingale played a great role in.A.the building of war hospitalsB.the education of womenC.the development of nursingD.the improvement of working conditions for women第

20、8页(共 14页)B BLetterOneLetterOneDear Editor,After I finish my homework,I often go online and chat withmy friends.Sometimes I play computer games.But my parents hateto see me playing games on the computer.Maybe they have heardtoo much news about how QQ and computer games harm children.OnceI went to a n

21、et bar(网吧)to play games after school.But afterthat I told my parents that I was playing basketball at school.Isaid so because I didnt want to make them unhappy.I feel badabout it.However,I need to rest for a while by playing computergames after studying for a long time.I really want my parentsto und

22、erstand that.Do foreign parents do the same to theirchildren?Please help me.Li Ping,BeijingLetterTwoLetterTwoDear Li Ping,I don t think it s strange for parents to keep their childrenaway from anything bad.Foreign parents will do the same as yourparents!They may not let their children watch TV for a

23、 long第 9页(共 14页)time,or like your parents,they dont want their children toplay computer games.Talk to your parents and be honest to them,Ithink.Tell themwhat you are doing and why you are doing so to make themunderstand you.Its never good to do things behind yourparents.They arent fools as you think

24、 sometimes!Our parentsseem to know what is the best for us.Remember:to be honest is the best way.Good luck,Rebecca5 5.From the passage we can learn that Li Ping often.A.talks with his friends on the InternetB.plays basketball after schoolC.plays computer games at homeD.chats online before homework6

25、6.The boy goes online.A.to get news on QQB.just to have a restC.to show he hates studyD.to make new friends7 7.The underlined sentence in Letter Two means“”.A.You must do everything in front of your parents第 10页(共 14页)B.You must always listen to your parents carefullyC.You should not do anything tha

26、t makes your parents worry aboutyouD.You should tell your parents what you do before or after doingit8 8.The editor thinks.A.children should play computer games in the net bar secretlyB.playing computer games can be very helpful to childrensstudiesC.children should be honest and try to make their pa

27、rentsunderstand themD.foreign parents dont care for their children as much asChinese parents第 11页(共 14页)一、选词填空1 1.trust;entrust2 2.marry;marriage3 plaint;complain4 4.response;respond5 5.rejection;was rejected6 6.waselected;election7 7.energy;energetic8 8.retired;retirement9 9.scared;scary;scared1010

28、.appointed;appointment二、完形填空1 1.B2 2.D3 3.B通读本段可知,作者告诉我们要知足常乐。因此选 B 项。4 4.C2 2.B表达“席卷海面的”暴风雨应用介词 across。3 3.C此处指招聘工作人员的农场主(farmer)会见那些应聘工作的人,其他几项均不合句意。worker“工人”;applicant“申请人员”;reporter“记者”。4 4.A此处表示他得到的是一连串的拒绝。 动词 receive 的含义是 “得到;接待”;buy“买”;sell“卖”;bring“带来”。由句意可知 A 项正确。5 5.Awell 可表示程度“很,非常”,可以和介

29、词短语连用,此处表示“远远超过了中年”。6 6.A第 12页(共 14页)7 7.B到最后一段农场主才明白他所雇用的这个人所说的话的含义,因此此处应选 puzzled(迷惑的)。8 8.C因为这个人是来应聘的,因此此处是“雇用”。fire 表示“解雇”;scold“责备”;hire“雇用”;order“订购;命令”。9 9.B1010.A表示“风刮得大”,可用副词 hard 但不能用 hardly 来形容;表示“风刮得大”也可以用 blow loudly。1111.Ajump 表示 “跳起来” ,可以表现出农场主的紧张和动作的迅速。而 rise,get 和 fall 与后面的 rushed 不

30、吻合。1212.B外面在刮大风时,农场主让他的雇员起床。1313.Dtie“捆,绑,系”,此处用 tie 表示“捆绑好东西,以免被风吹走”,其他选项与句意不符。let“让”;put“放置”;lay“放置;产卵;下蛋”。1414.A根据下面这个雇工所说的话可知,他只是 “翻个身” ,并没有 “起床”,应用 rollover。1515.D由下文他匆忙跑到外面可知,农场主并没有当场解雇这名雇员。由此知,此处表示转折,应用 instead。1616.C当看到一切安排就绪时,农场主的感觉应是“意外,惊奇”。A、B 两项分别意为“预料” “想象”,显然与上下文不吻合;D 项意为“难过”,句意不通。1717

31、.D根据上句意思可知此处表示“没有东西会被风吹走”,A、B、C三项显然不对。第 13页(共 14页)1818.D此处表示 “明白了雇工的意思” ,what 充当 meant 的宾语。 which“哪一个”,不合句意;that 在宾语从句中只起引导词的作用,不充当成分;how 是副词,做状语。1919.A根据上文这名雇工之所以能够睡得踏实是因为他提前做好了准备,本空意为“做好准备”,而不是“结束”,“下定决心”或“鼓励”。2020.D根据句意“做好一切准备,就没有什么可担忧或害怕的”,fear“担心,害怕” ,符合句意,其他选项与句意不符。 beat “击打,击败” ;win“获胜,赢得”;desire“渴望,想要” 。三、阅读理解1 1.C细节理解题。问题涉及弗洛伦丝南丁格尔的出生,由短文第一段第一句可以得出答案。2 2.B细节理解题。由短文第二段可以得出答案。3 3.A细节理解题。由短文第五段最后一句可以得出答案。4 4.C推理判断题。整篇文章讲述的是南丁格尔和她对护理事业的发展做出的贡献。5 5.A6 6.B7 7.C8 8.C推理判断题。 作者认为 LiPing 不应该瞒着父母到网吧玩电脑游戏;外国父母和中国父母一样关心自己的孩子;孩子们应该诚实而且要尽可能使父母理解自己。故选 C 项。第 14页(共 14页)


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