(2019版)人教版必修第三册英语Unit 1 Festivals and celebrations单元检测(含答案).docx

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1、Book3 Unit 1 单元过关检测一、用所给词适当形式填空(28 分)1. I want to express my _(congratulate) to you on your wonderfulperformance.2. Although many years have passed, the small town still has many of its_(origin) features.3. Her parents were so _(joy) to get the news that she had won theprize.4. Usually, a childs beh

2、avior is a _ (reflect) of his familyenvironment.5. Although many parts of Asia have long been connected through trade along theSilk Road and shared _(religion) systems, there are strongregional differences.6. Experts thought that meat was critical to the physical and mental health ofchildren, partic

3、ularly in _(develop) countries.7. I am very _(please) with my own cooking. It looks nice and smellsdelicious.8. The speaker made such a _(move) speech that it left a deep impressionon me.9. The marathon is an _ event in any year and each time I am very_ to take part in it. (excite)10. The girl is qu

4、ite popular with her friends, for she is very gentle and easy_(approach).11. I hope we can do business together and look forward to _(hear) fromyou soon.12. It is great fun _(sit) around the table with family and friends,enjoying the delicious hot pot.13. When I am reading a book, _(absolute) nothin

5、g can get myattention.14. They put the food out in their backyard and spent time on the nice weather,_(watch) birds.二、根据汉语提示完成句子(44 分)1. 他们有着广泛的起源,如一年中的季节、宗教、著名人物和重要事件。They_origins,suchastheseasonsoftheyear,_,_andimportantevents.2. 这个重要的农业节日是在所有庄稼都收割完毕后举行的。Thisimportant_festival_afterallthecrops_.3.

6、 它以游行和伴有音乐、舞蹈和运动的盛大宴会为特色。It_aparadeand_withmusic,dancing,andsports.4. 习俗在节日中起着重要的作用,但有时他们会随着时间的推移而改变。Customs play a s_ role in festivals, but sometimes they canchange over time.5. 如果你仔细研究节日,你会惊讶地发现不同的文化其实有很多共同点。And if you study festivals carefully, you may _different culturesactually_afterall.6. Eve

7、ryfestivalhasits_ (不同的习俗和独特的魅力) .7. Ofallthetraditionalfestivals,the_ (丰收节) canbefoundinalmosteveryculture.8. InsomeEuropeancountries,people_(装饰教堂)andtownhallswithflowersandfruit.9. During the Mid-Autumn Festival in China, families _(聚在一起欣赏明月)andenjoydeliciousmooncakes.10. One example is the _(具有代表性

8、的)Chinese Spring Festival customof_(燃放烟花以驱赶邪灵) andcelebratethenewyear.11. Although some believe festivals should not_ (商业化), othersbelieve the increase in spending_有利于经济和公众幸福)12.They_ (反映) peopleswishes,_(信念,宗教信仰和对生活的态度)13. 然而,无论他们看起来多么不同,在世界各地,分享欢乐、感恩、爱心或和平的精神在所有节日中都是共同的。 (no matter 引导让步状语从句)Howeve

9、r,_,allovertheworld,thespiritof_,love,orpeaceiscommoninallfestivals.14.人们通过庆祝来表达他们对一年粮食自给自足的感激之情。 (宾语从句)Peoplecelebratetoshowthat_.15.随着现代社会的发展和新思想的传播,一些传统可能会消失,另一些可能会建立起来。_,some traditions may _and others may be established.16.另一个例子是万圣节前夕,尽管它有宗教渊源,但它慢慢地成了让孩子们兴奋的节日。Another example is Halloween, whic

10、h slowly became an exciting festival forchildren, _.17.节日变得越来越商业化,因为商家利用了庆祝活动。 (with 的复合结构)Festivalsarebecomingmoreandmorecommercial,_.18. 网络购物网站和社交媒体应用程序让公众更容易为亲人在购买礼物方面花费更多的钱。(make+宾语+宾补)Onlineshoppingwebsitesandsocialmediaapps_.19.这些场合让我们放松和享受生活,暂时忘记工作。 (定语从句)Theyareoccasions_.20.它们有助于我们理解我们来自何方,

11、我们是谁,以及欣赏什么。 (宾语从句)Theyhelpusunderstand_.21.唱了几首歌后,参赛者们在绿地上跳起了舞,在空中挥舞着手臂,就像老鹰一样(as if 引导方式状语从句)Aftersingingthesongs,thecompetitorsdancedontothegreenfield,_.22.布林告诉我,蒙古族人每年都会从四面八方赶来参加这个节目,就像他们的祖先几个世纪以来所做的那样。 (as 引导状语从句)Burin told me that Mongolians travel every year_ toattendthefestival,_.三、选词填空(14 分

12、)set offto be franktake ones eyes offfor the first timefrighten awaygo offexcept for1. _,I am very worried about the final examination to be heldnext month.2.The building was darkened _a single light burning in a third-storywindow.3. A few minutes later the bomb _, destroying the vehicle andhurting

13、several passers-by4. Traditionally, college students have a graduation ceremony to encouragethemselves before they _for another part of life journey.5.Among the expos diverse displays,391 new products, technologies and serviceswere launched _in China.6. The lady spoke loudly and presented that she w

14、as talking with her husband inorder to _the thief.7. The little boy was so fond of the toy car that he couldnt _it.四、语法填空(15 分)Every culture in the world celebrates festivals. Though different festivals havedifferent origins,the spirit of 1_(share)joy, gratitude, love, or peace iscommon in all festi

15、vals.The harvest festival, 2_takes place after all the crops have been gatheredin,canbefoundinalmosteveryculture.Peoplecelebrateit3_(show)theirgratitudetotheyearssupplyoffood.Butthe4_(celebrate)vary from country to country. In ancient Egypt, it featureda parade and a great feast with music, dancing,

16、 and sports during the springtime5_during the Mid-Autumn Festival in China, families gather to admire theshining moon and enjoy delicious mooncakes.Customs change with the 6_(develop)of modern society. In China, manybig cities 7_(give)up the custom of lighting firecrackers in order to avoidair pollu

17、tion.Nowadays, businesses take advantage of the celebrations and make festivals8_(commercialise). Although some are 9_it, others believe the increasein spending is good for the economy and public happiness.Festivals reflect peoples wishes, beliefs, faiths and attitudes towards life. If youstudy fest

18、ivals 10_(careful), you may be surprised to find that differentcultures actually have a lot in common after all.答案一、1. congratulations 2. original 3. joyful 4. reflection 5. religious 6. developing 7.pleased 8.moving 9. exciting, excited 10. to approach 11. hearing 12. sitting 13.absolutely 14. watc

19、hing二、1. haveawiderangeof,religions,famousfigures,2.agricultural,takesplace,havebeengatheredin3.featured,agreatfeast4.significant5. besurprisedtofindthat,havealotincommon6.differentcustomsanduniquecharms7harvestfeatival8.decoratechurches9.gathertoadmiretheshiningmoon10.typical,lightingfirecrackersto

20、driveawaytheevilspirits11. becommercialised, isgoodfortheeconomyandpublichappiness.12.reflect,beliefs,faiths,andattitudestowardslife.13.nomatterhowdifferenttheymayseem,sharingjoy,gratitude14. theyaregratefulfortheyearssupplyoffood.15. With the development of modern society and the spread of new idea

21、s, fadeaway16. in spite of its religious origins.17. withbusinessestakingadvantageofthecelebrations.18. havemadeitmucheasierforthepublictospendmoreongiftsfortheirlovedones.19. thatallowustorelaxandenjoylife,andforgetaboutourworkforalittlewhile.20. wherewecamefrom,whoweare,andwhattoappreciate.21. wav

22、ing their arms in the air as if they were eagles.22. from near and far, just as their ancestors had done for centuries.三、选词填空1 To be frank2 except for3 went off4 set off5 for the first time6 frighten away 7 take his eyes off四、语法填空1 sharing2 which3 to show4 celebrations5 while6 development 7 have given8 commercialised9 against10 carefully


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