(2019版)人教版必修第三册英语Unit1Festivals and celebrations单元基础能力检测(含答案) .doc

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1、Unit 1-Festivals and celebrations单元基础能力检测单元基础能力检测【单句填词】【单句填词】1. Mr Smith, my former colleague, sent me a note of(congratulate) on myelection victory.2. I dont share her(religion) belief.3. Christmas is such a(joy)time of year.4. More(agriculture) land is being used for building.5. The discovery of t

2、he new drug is(significance) for people suffering fromheart problems.6. The exhibition which is regarded as(有重大意义的)(以为特色)paintings by contemporary artists. Their works(反映)their(信任)in future life.7. One of my hobbies is(play) table tennis.8. I was fortunate to pick up a wallet(lie)on the ground on th

3、e way backhome.9. The boy(ride) a bike before me is my son.10. The news that they announced was so(surprise) that many couldntbelieve it.11. China and India are both large(develop) countries.12. This hardworking student finally worked out the(puzzle) problem.13. Do you know the boy(play) basketball?

4、14. The man(talk) to my mother is my uncle.15. The stranger(stand) in front of my house caught my attention.16. Lawyers help others and(respect) by people.17. He was(horrible) burnt so he was rushed to the hospital.18. We chatted(brief) about the weather before we parted.19. The audience(clap) and c

5、heered when she stood up to speak.20. I didnt fancy(swim) in that water.21. Armed with the information you have(搜集), you can set out making a(灯笼) by yourself. I think it will be full of(高兴).22. As the people(行进) into the(教堂), they heard a(宗教的) song being played.23. It is(典型的) of him to(装饰)a room wit

6、h different colors, which(包括) from red to yellow.24. I(认为) that I would(祝贺) him on his success at the(典礼). However, the event was cancelled.25. The(收获) festival, an important(农业的) festival, is celebratedby people after all the(农作物)have been gathered in. It shows that peopleare(感激的)for the food they

7、are given.26. There are many shops in the(commerce) heart of the city.27. All non-violent religious and political(believe) should be respectedequally.28. We can take part inwide range of activities after school.29.All the wheat(gather) in before it rained.30. The man was grateful to mewhat I had don

8、e for him.31. We had no trouble finding the way(lead) to Zhongshan Park.32. China, which is a(develop) country now, will be advanced and powerfulin 20 or 30 years.33. There was terrible noise(follow) the sudden burst of light.34. The manager walked into the room to attend the meeting(hold)then.35. C

9、limbing mountains was(tire), so we all felt worn out.36. Her job is(keep) the lecture hall as clean as possible.37. The problem that he raised at the meeting was quite(surprise).38. The man(wear) a sad look said, “Ive lost my wallet. ”39. The house(build) for the old is to be completed next month.40

10、. One of his bad habits is(smoke) while having dinner.41. The offer has yet to be accepted by the lawyers(represent) the victims.42. The little boy is(please) to see his parents.43.(Wrestle) is a sport where two people fight and try to throw each other tothe ground.44. I was(absolute) angry with him

11、 because he made the same mistake again.45. The boss suggested making the most of those last precious(moment).46. Those(sit) on the bench at the end of the classroom are some studentsparents.【选词填空】【选词填空】atmosphere, represent, please, fancy, grace,absolute, moment, brief, respect, horrible1. She trie

12、s to create anof calm and security for her children where they canlive happily.2. I spent a fewthinking what I was going to say.3. The scientist who is making a speechby everyone present.4. The family members screamedwhen they saw the snakes crawling on theground.5. He made his reasons for buying an

13、other carclear.6. I wanted a simple black dress, nothing.7. The old man wasto watch his son appear on TV.8. Mr King was chosenthe company at the conference.9. We are impressed with thewith which a dancer leaps into the air.10.speaking, English is so useful that all of us students should learn it wel

14、l.【补全句子】【补全句子】1.(参加) the celebration was an exciting experience for me.2. Buying such a house in the centre of the city is(值得).3.(坦白地说), the dish you cooked tasted terrible.4. The moment the gun(开火), the soldier gave himself away.5. It looks(好像) the plan went on well.6. If you have someone in your f

15、amily that can do this,you should.如果你的家人有人可以做这件事, 你应该充分利用他们的技能。7. The two books.这两本书有一些共同点。8., your kids deserve this time with you.无论你有多么忙或多么累, 这段和你在一起的时间是你的孩子应得的。9. The change of weatherfor many people to catch a cold in the springtime orfall.天气的变化使得许多人在春秋时节容易患感冒。10. The Internet.因特网已经使得学习一门外语变得容易

16、多了。11., I dont really think you will get the chance to go abroad.坦率地说, 我认为你不会得到出国的机会。(frank)12. We are discussing when totomorrow.我们正在讨论明天什么时候出发。(set)13. Fireworks willat the square at 7 in the evening.晚上 7 点钟将在广场燃放烟花。(go)14. The two books are the samethe fact that this one has an answer key at theb

17、ack.除了这本书后面有问题答案以外, 这两本书完全一样。(except)15.unsure of where she was, she hesitated and looked round.她仿佛不知身在何处, 犹犹豫豫, 向四周打量着。(as)16. You should adapt to.你应该适应这种快速变化的局势。17. The old manlooks energetic.在公园里锻炼的老人看起来精力充沛。18. The stadiumwill be the largest in our city.现在正在设计的体育馆将是我们城市里最大的体育馆。19. The boysare my

18、 classmates.聚集在校门口的那些男孩是我的同学。20. The furniture in a large shopping center comes in a variety of colors andshapes, and from round to square.大型超市里的家具有各种颜色和形状, 从黑色到白色, 从圆形到方形。21. The childrenand went to attend the ceremony.孩子们盛装打扮去参加仪式了。22. I thought I would fail the exam, but I passed.我原以为考试会不及格, 可我毕竟

19、还是及格了。23. The sizes of apples苹果的大小从小到中等不等。24. The age of the studentswith an average of 19.这些学生的年龄在 17 岁到 21 岁之间, 平均年龄为 19 岁。25. Hopes of reaching an agreement seem to.达成协议的希望似乎正在消失。26. People(四面八方的) came to the market to buy things.27. The coat suits you well(除以外) its color.28. These traditions(对有重

20、大影响) people.29.(尊重) our parents is very important.30. Because of the heavy rain, they didnt(出发) until 12 oclock.31.yesterday as if he had been invited.昨天, 他打扮得漂漂亮亮地去参加聚会, 好像已经被邀请过似的。32. You should forgive him for his forgetfulness;.你应该原谅他的健忘, 毕竟他已经七十多岁了。33. She has had a number of different jobs,che

21、fswimminginstructor.她做过许多不同的工作, 从厨师到游泳教练。34. With the country disappearing, its own unique national culture.随着这个国家的消亡, 它的独一无二的国家文化逐渐消失。35.the fact that doctors have even warned that it causes cancer, people stillkeep on smoking.尽管事实上医生已经警告说抽烟会致癌, 但人们还是照抽不误。36.wanting to see him again, she refused to

22、 reply to his letters.尽管很想再见到他, 但她却不愿给他回信。37. Ma Yunthe Internet and succeeded in the early 21st century.马云利用网络在 21 世纪初取得成功。38. On this problem, Iwith you.关于这个问题, 我和你想法不同。39. People who take these calls are trained to stay calm,.无论这些电话听起来多么奇怪, 接这些电话的人们都被训练得要保持镇静。40. The Kongming lanternscaught our a

23、ttention.飞上天的孔明灯吸引了我们的注意力。(动词-ing 形式作定语)41. I dont think.我认为她的笑话无趣。42. Her life story.她的人生故事听起来很感人。43. My hobbies are.我的业余爱好是唱歌跳舞。44. What I am tired of is.我厌烦的事情就是等公交车很长时间。45. No one is allowed to speak loudly.在阅览室不允许大声喧哗。46.,she became famous overnight.获奖后, 她很快就出名了。(after+动词-ing 形式)47. The girl si

24、ts there,.女孩坐在那里和她的同学聊天。(动词-ing 形式作伴随状语)48. My parents thinkis not a job.我父母认为搞音乐不是工作。(动词-ing 形式作主语)49. We should think up a good waythe bad people.我们应该想出一个好方法把坏人吓走。(frighten)【句型转换】【句型转换】1. Watch the men who are coming this way.Watch the man.2. The boy who stood near the window was good at playing f

25、ootball.The boywas good at playing football.3. The question that is embarrassing is hard to answer.is hard to answer.4. Designing machines is my job.My job is.5. The result made us disappointed.The resultto us.6. The sun that is rising looks beautiful.looks beautiful.7. The dog that drank the pollut

26、ed water yesterday is dead.The dogis dead.8. The baby who is crying makes me annoyed.makes me annoyed.9.Anyone who wishes to leave early may do so.Anyonemay do so.10.Arriving at the factory half an hour early is his habit.His habit is.【短篇写作】【短篇写作】A用动词-ing 形式作定语和表语的句子简要介绍你母亲的工作。1. 妈妈的工作是在超市里卖水果。(动词-i

27、ng 形式作表语)2. 这些水果种类繁多, 从常见的苹果、梨到进口的水果。(动词-ing 形式作定语)3. 妈妈经常给我们带来一些卖得好的水果让我们品尝。(动词-ing 形式作定语)4. 虽然一些人认为我母亲的工作是无聊的, 但我认为她的工作是有意义的。(动词-ing 形式作表语)_B结合课文主题, 使用本单元词汇与句型写一篇 50 词左右的短文1. 春节前妈妈总为我买新衣服。在新年那一天我就可以穿上盛装(dress up)了。我非常感激(grateful)我的妈妈。2. 另外, 我们总会买各种各样的(a wide range of)水果和蔬菜。3. 每年除夕一家人聚在一起(gather)看春

28、节联欢晚会, 期待看到一些著名的人物(figure)。4. 尽管(in spite of)社会在变化, 但是我们会利用(take advantage of)这个有重大意义的(significant)节日。_【应用文写作】【应用文写作】假如你是李华, 你的美国笔友Tom给你发来一封电子邮件, 表示对中国的传统节日非常感兴趣。他想请你介绍你最喜欢的一个节日, 如端午节、中秋节、春节, 你通常是怎么庆祝的, 以及你喜欢这个节日的原因。请你根据他的问题回复邮件。注意: 1. 开头语已给出, 不计入总词数;2. 词数 80 左右。Dear Tom,Im glad to hear that _参考答案:【

29、单句填词】1.congratulation2.religious3.joyful4.agricultural5.significant6.Significant;features;reflect;beliefs/faith7.playing8.lying9.riding10. surprising11. developing12. puzzling13. playing14. talking15. standing16. are respected17. horribly18. briefly19. clapped20. swimming21. Gathered;lantern;joy22.

30、Marched;church;religious23. Typical;decorate;range24. Figured;congratulate;ceremony25. Harvest;agricultural;crops;grateful26. commercial27. beliefs28. a29. had been gathered30. for31. leading32. developing33. following34. being held35. tiring36. keeping37. surprising38. wearing39. being built40. smo

31、king41. representing42. pleased43. Wrestling44. absolutely45. moments46. sitting【选词填空】(1) atmosphere(2) moments(3) is respected(4) horribly(5) absolutely(6) fancy(7) pleased(8) to represent(9) grace(10)Briefly【补全句子】1.Taking part in2.worth it3.To be frank4.went off5.as if6.take advantage of their ski

32、lls7.have something in common8.No matter how busy or tired you are9.makes it easy10. has made it much easier to learn a foreign language11. To be frank12. set off13. go off14. except for15. As if/though16. the rapidly changing situation17. exercising in the park18. being designed now19. gathering at

33、 the school gate20. ranging from black to white21. dressed up22. after all23. range from small to medium.24. ranges from 17 to 2125. be fading away26. from near and far27. except for28. have great influence on29. Showing respect to30. set off31. He dressed up and went to the party32. after all, he i

34、s over seventy33. ranging from;to34. faded away35. In spite of36. In spite of37. took advantage of38. have nothing in common39. no matter how strange the calls sound40. flying up in the sky41. her joke is interesting42. sounds moving43. singing and dancing44. waiting for a bus for a long time45. in

35、the reading room46. After winning the prize47. chatting with her classmates48. playing music49. to frighten away【句型转换】(1) coming this way(2) standing near the window(3) The embarrassing question(4) designing machines(5) was disappointing(6) The rising sun(7) drinking the polluted water yesterday(8)

36、The crying baby(9) wishing to leave early(10)arriving at the factory half an hour early【短篇写作】A:My mothers job is selling fruit in a supermarket. There are all kinds of fruits,ranging from common apples and pears to imported fruit. She often brings us somefruit selling well to let us taste it. Though

37、 some people think my mothers job isboring, I think it is meaningful.B:Before the Spring Festival, my mother always buys me some new clothes so thatIll dress up on the New Years Day. I am grateful to my mother. Besides, we alwaysbuy a wide range of fruit and vegetables.Every New Years Eve my whole f

38、amily gather round watching the SpringFestival Gala and expecting to see some famous figures. In spite of the changes ofsociety, well take advantage of this significant festival.【应用文】Dear Tom,Im glad to hear that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals. Myfavorite festival is the Mid-Aut

39、umn Festival. It usually comes in September orOctober. On that day, our family members usually get together and have a nice meal.After that, I always admire the moon and share mooncakes with my family.I love this festival because I like eating mooncakes. They are in the shape of afull moon and carry peoples wishes to the family they love.In short, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a special day full of pleasure and happiness.I hope that my letter will help you know more about Chinese festivals.Best wishes to you.Yours,Li Hua


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