(2019版)人教版必修第三册英语Unit4 Space exploration单元基础能力检测(含答案).doc

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1、Unit 4-Space exploration单元基础能力检测单元基础能力检测【单句填词】【单句填词】1. There are many kinds of recreational(facility) in our school.2. They had(sufficiency) food to sustain life.3. While sleeping, astronauts must attach themselves to something to prevent(float) around.4. She solved the problem in an(intelligence) w

2、ay.5. Yet, they are not as(universe)as we think.6. He gave up without(argue).7. There are many kinds of(resource) like coal, tungsten, oil, and copper.8. How much would you spendsport products?9. I have found the solutionthis problem.10. I provide himall his rights.11. He came(show) me his new scien

3、ce book.12. Our English teacher has many ways(make) her class interesting.13. The doctors are busy doing what they can(save) the dying man.14. The old man was too angry(say) a word.15. He got up early(catch) the bus.16. She was forced to live a simple life because of lackmoney.17. How do(astronaut)

4、do exercise in the space?18. I think you are(mental) tired.19. She(signal) us that everything was all right .20. I thought he was very attractive and obviously very(intelligence).21. Three large(地球仪) stand on the floor.22. This can be(致命的) for them.23. Put the milk in a(浅的) dish.24. Do you like the(

5、图案)?25. The heart(监视器)shows low levels of consciousness.26. What can go around the earth without(rocket)?27. John Glenn, the American who first(orbit) the Earth, was welcomedwith 3, 529 tonnes of ticker tape when he got back.28. But I want to be strong and(independence) one day.29. Keeping your(musc

6、le) strong helps you to avoid back problems.30. He(leap)forward and caught the ball.31. You should do it(regular).32. I limit myselfthree cups of beer a day.33. She attached a stampthe envelope.34. They provided some necessary supportthe sufferers.35. So from the(globe) perspective, it is very impor

7、tant.36. Is there any other travel(代理处, 服务机构) near here?37. We should save every drop of our(资源).38. Our time and money are(有限的).39. The source of the gunshots still remains a(谜).40. We(粘贴) labels to things before we file them away.41. Police insist that Michael did not follow the correct(程序) in app

8、lyingfor a visa.42. Susans a very bright and(聪明的) woman who knows her own mind.43. It wasnt difficult then to cross the(国界).44. I want to have an all-electric(车辆) in my lifetime.45. They are hoping to learn more about how the(宇宙)expands andshrinks.46. He hurried to the station to see Tom off, only(f

9、ind) he had alreadyleft.47. He has a lot of work(do) every weekend.48. They are looking for a room(live) in.49. I have no chance(go) sightseeing with so much work to do.50. He put his photos on it for everyone(look) at.51. He is(determine)to stay for a long time.52.Asatellite has been(launch) to lea

10、rn more about space.53. I was(disappoint)that John was not there.54. Your desiresuccess leaves a deep impression on me.55. While we live in the school dormitory, we have to live(independent).56. The doctor told me to take the medicine(定期地)three times a day.【补全句子】【补全句子】1.in the morning will do you a

11、lot of good .早晨大声朗读英文会给你带来许多好处。2. I dont knowthe offer.我不知道是接受还是拒绝这个提议。3. It is no good.学而不实践是没好处的。4.As long as you do your best, you neverwhat you want.只要你竭尽全力, 一定能够得到你想要的。5.All of us canto our society.我们所有人都会对我们的社会产生影响。6. Mo Yan is(第一个获得诺贝尔奖的中国人).7.After he left, I just tried to(继续)as normal.8. Ha

12、ve the passengers gone(上船)?9. They have come to the North Africa(怀着寻宝的希望).10.An Olympic gold medal can(带来, 导致) untold riches for an athlete.11. The pollution of the river hasunsafe drinking water.河流的污染导致饮用水不安全。12., I finally succeeded .结果, 我最终成功了。13. We cannot justsix months later.我们不能在六个月后就把钱花光。14.

13、, Class of 2002, we would like to leave you with some words ofwisdom .2002 届的同学们, 最后, 我们将留给你们一些至理名言。15. He himselfsuch a big family by selling newspapers.他靠卖报纸养活了这么一个大家庭。16. So every one of us has the duty tofake commodities for our society andfor ourselves.因此, 为了我们的社会, 也为了我们自己, 我们每个人都有责任与伪劣产品作斗争。17

14、. There are enough chairs for the guests.有足够的椅子给客人坐。18. We are delightedthat youre going to visit us next month.很高兴得知你下个月要来看我们。19. The tea is.这茶太热了, 不能喝。20. He lifted a rock only.他搬起石头结果砸到了自己的脚。21. Make sure that your boss know you(热衷做某事)be promoted.22. This course will describe each of the planets

15、in our(太阳系).23. You should recognize(当前的形势).24. The scenery on the top is(难以描述).25. She studied hard(怀着的希望)being admitted into the keyuniversity.26. He is alwaysand last to leave the office.他总是第一个到办公室, 最后一个离开。27.As you will see from my resume, Ifor the position.正如您从我的简历中看到的, 我符合这个职位的要求。28., I am ver

16、y grateful to you for your timely help.最后, 我非常感谢你的及时帮助。29. It rained heavily yesterday., the train was delayed.昨天下大雨了。所以, 火车延误了。30. It took them almost five yearsbuilding the dam.建完大坝花了他们几乎五年的时间。31.(把人送入太空) is not an easy goal to achieve.32. We have(取得很大的进步)in the area of space exploration in recent

17、years.33. She decided to help him(尽管存在困难).34. They(下定决心出国).35. The activitybroadens our horizonsenables us to understandour life better(不但而且).36. They(渴望去拜访他们的老师).37. Only by working hard can we(成功做好每件事).38.(确保) that you find the answers to these questions from them.39. It makes you want to watch th

18、e next episode to(弄明白) whats going tohappen.40. I worked hard(结果竟然失败了)at last.41. I livemeeting with him; but this meeting is not yet.我活在与他相见的希望中, 但这相见的时间还未到来。42. He washis opinion among us.他是我们中最后一个发表意见的人。43.As soon as we went, our ship left port.我们一上船, 船就出港了。44. We willour discussion tomorrow.我们明天

19、将继续讨论。45. Unfair bosses and rude staff.不公正的老板和粗鲁的店员让我们不愉快。46. We shall be very happy.我们将很高兴在这个项目上与你合作。47. He is the teacher.他是下学期教我们英语的老师。48. I have nothing.我对这问题没什么可说的。49. The whole family went to beach.全家人去海滩度周末。50. The next planeis from New York.下一班到达的飞机来自纽约。【短篇写作】【短篇写作】A李华正在和同学张青谈论他的宇航员梦想, 请根据语境

20、和提示完成对话。Zhang: I 1.(很高兴得知)you are interested in the space exploration.Li: Indeed, Id like to be an astronaut in the future.Zhang: Sounds good. 2.(要想成为一名宇航员), you need to satisfy therequirements of a qualified astronaut.Li: Yes. First of all, I should study hard 3.(为了得到一个相关的大学学位).Besides, I must take

21、 exercise every day 4.(来保持健康).Zhang: Exactly. Have you heard Yang Liwei, who is the first man in China 5.(进入太空), went through lots of mental and physical training.Li: Of course. He is really a hero. He realized our dream 6.(探索太空).B结合课文主题, 使用本单元词汇与句型写一篇 50 词左右的短文1. 人们一直梦想着探索太空( explore space), 然而一些人认

22、为到太空旅行( travelling into space )是不可能的。2. 经过多次的实验之后, 苏联在1957年成功地发射了第一颗卫星(launch the firstsatellite)。尤里加加林在 1961 年成为第一个登上太空的人(the first person to gointo space)。3. 因此(as a result), 人类探索太空的梦想得以实现。_【应用文写作】【应用文写作】假定最近你们班进行了一次题为“保护文化遗产是否很重要”的讨论。 根据以下要点用英语向大家介绍一下讨论结果, 并谈谈你自己的看法。1. 80%的学生认为重要及其理由。2. 20%的学生认为不

23、重要及其理由。注意: 1. 词数 80 左右;2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。_参考答案:【单句填词】1.facilities2.sufficient3.floating4.intelligent5.universal6.argument7.resources8.on9.to10. with11. to show12. to make13. to save14. to say15. to catch16. of17. astronauts18. mentally19. signaled20. intelligent21. globes22. fatal23. shallow24. pat

24、tern25. monitor26. rockets27. orbited28. independent29. muscles30. leaped31. regularly32. to33. to34. for35. global36. agency37. resource38. limited39. mystery40. attach41. procedure42. intelligent43. frontier44. vehicle45. universe46. to find47. to do48. to live49. to go50. to look51. determined52.

25、 launched53. disappointed54. for55. independently56. regularly【补全句子】(1) Reading English aloud(2) whether to accept or refuse(3) learning without practice(4) fail to get(5) make a difference(6) the first Chinese to win the Nobel Prize(7) carry on(8) on board(9) in the hope of finding treasure(10)lead

26、 to(11)resulted in(12)As a result(13)run out of money(14)In closing(15)provided for(16)fight against(17)to sit on(18)to know(19)too hot to drink(20)to drop it on his own feet(21)are keen to(22)solar system(23)the current situation(24)beyond description(25)in the hope of(26)the first to come to(27)me

27、et the requirements(28)In closing(29)As a result(30)to finish(31)Sending people into space(32)made great progress(33)despite the difficulties(34)are determined to go abroad(35)not only;but also(36)desired to visit their teacher(37)succeed in doing everything(38)Make sure(39)find out(40)only to fail(

28、41)in the hope of(42)the last person to express(43)on board(44)carry on(45)make us unhappy(46)to cooperate with you in the project(47)to teach us English next term(48)to say on this question(49)to spend their weekend(50)to arrive【短篇写作】A:1.am delighted to know2.To become an astronaut3.to get a relate

29、d college degree4.to keep healthy5.to go into space6.to explore spaceB:People have always dreamed of exploring space. However, some people thoughttravelling into space was impossible. After many experiments, the USSR succeeded inlaunching the first satellite in 1957. In 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the

30、 first person togo into space. As a result, humans realise their dream to go into space.【应用文写作】Recently our class had a heated discussion about whether it is important toprotect the cultural heritage. We hold different views on it.80% of us think it important to protect the cultural heritage. They b

31、elieve thatthe cultural heritage is a symbol of splendid ancient civilization which can make usfeel proud of our nation. However, the others dont think so, arguing that protectingthe cultural heritage cannot promote the development of society; or rather, it is awaste of time and money.In my opinion, its our duty to take more effective measures to protect ourcultural heritage and we can benefit a lot from the cultural and historical inspirationsit conveys.


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