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1外研版八年级英语上册导学案外研版八年级英语上册导学案Module 8 AccidentsUnit 2 I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again.学学习习目目标标1 1、知识目标:掌握带有、知识目标:掌握带有whenwhen , , whilewhile 状语从句的过去进行时句子;状语从句的过去进行时句子;2 2、能力目标:读懂含过去进行时的文章;、能力目标:读懂含过去进行时的文章; 3 3、情感目标:掌握在危险时刻应该做的事情。、情感目标:掌握在危险时刻应该做的事情。课课堂堂准准备备1. 用英语读出并写出以下单词。用英语读出并写出以下单词。咬,叮_ 爬,攀爬_躲,躲藏_ 扔,掷_冰箱_ 痛,疼痛_更糟的,更坏的_ 药,药物_2. 自读课文,找出并翻译以下短语。自读课文,找出并翻译以下短语。几天前_ 捡起_拍照_ 疼痛,痛苦_把发送到_ 爬出_咬伤某人_ 转坏、恶化_自自学学交交流流1. 小组内朗读课文。小组内朗读课文。2. 小组讨论并完成下列句子。小组讨论并完成下列句子。1)I_(read) a book at 9 oclock yesterday. 2)When she _(work) in the field , it suddenly rained.3)Tom left while his mother _(work). 4)I _(do)my home when my friend came to see me. 5)_ Tom _(sit) with his father at that time? 6)I _ _ (try) to pick it up when it bit me again.3搜集手机的用途。搜集手机的用途。What can you use the mobile phone to do?(Activity1)1. Watch and choose.What is the main idea of the passage?A. The snake bit the cooks leg.B. The doctor saved the cook. C. If the snake bites you, take a photo.2. Read and match. Paragraphs Contents Para1 the beginning of the story Para2-6 a piece of advice Para7 the details(细节) of the story2合合作作探探究究Para 1: the beginning of the story 1. Where was the cook, Henry? _ 2. What happened to him?_ Para 26: the details of the storyWhat did he do after the snake bit him?How did the doctors save his life? He t _ it across the kitchen and it l_ on a table. He quickly p_ up his mobile phone and t_ a photo with it. He h_ to the hospital and showed the photo to the doctors.The doctors s_ the photo to a zoo. They g_ Henry the right m_ . Para 7: a piece of advice If a snake bites you, _, _, _, _.What do you think of the writer?_巩巩固固提提高高1. Fill in the blanks.A. O _, Henry was working in a restaurant.B. S_, a snake appeared and bit his hand. C. Henry was trying to pick it up w_ it bit him again. D. W_ the snake was lying on the table, Henry picked up his mobile phone and took a photo. E. A_ the doctors were checking him, Henry got worse. F. As s_ as the doctors showed the photo to the zoo, they saved Henry.G. S_ if a snake bites you, take a photo.2. Retell the story in groups.3拓拓展展延延伸伸Writing:Write a story about an accident in groups. whenone daywhereYuejin Roadwhat boy, ride his bike, listen to music, fall off, hurt his kneewhydriver, talk on his phoneresultcall for, the police, the doctor, send to the hospital要求:使用要求:使用when, while, so if句式和表格信息描述图片。句式和表格信息描述图片。(10 分分) _学学后后反反思思Level A : Write down a story about saving peoples lives with the use of science and technology products.Level B: 1. Read the passage after the tape at least three times. 2. Look through the internet to know more stories that are good to our life with the use of science and technology products. Unit 2I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again.frdrpenhadbat medsnw:sklambiteworseclimbmedicinethrowpainhidefridgePick apples!Can you give a happy ending to the farmer?to make phone calls. to send messages. to send emails. to take photos. to take videos. to wake us up (alarm clock). to tell the play gamesto read novelsWhat can we use a mobile phone to do? We can use a mobile phone to_.A cook.In the fridge.He is taking a photo of the snake .What is the mans job?Wheres the snake? Whats the man doing? What is the main idea of the passage?A. The snake bit the cooks leg.B. The doctor saved the cook.C. If the snake bites you, take a photo.Watch and chooseParagraphs (段落段落 ) Contents(内容内容)the beginning of the storythe details(细节细节) of the story a piece of advicePara.1Para.2- 6Para.7While-readingMatch1. Where was the cook, Henry? He was in a restaurant.2. What happened to him? A snake bit his hand.Para.1: the beginning of the story.What did he do after the snake bit him?How did the doctors save his life? He t _ it across the kitchen and it l_ on a table. He quickly p_ up his mobile phone and t_ a photo with it. He h_ to the hospital and showed the photo to the doctors.The doctors s _ the photo to a zoo. They g_ Henry the right m _ .hrewandedickedookentaveedicinePara.26: the details of the story.urriedIf a snake bites you, _, _, _, _.take a photo go to the hospitalstay cooltake some right medicine What do you think of the writer?Smart ,humorousPara.7: a piece of adviceCopyright 2004-2015 版权所有 盗版必究A. O _, Henry was working in a restaurant.B. S_, a snake appeared and bit his hand. C. Henry was trying to pick it up w_ it bit him again. D. W_ the snake was lying on the table, Henry picked up his mobile phone and took a photo.E. A_ the doctors were checking him, Henry got worse.F. As s_ as the doctors showed the photo to the zoo, they saved Henry.G. S_ if a snake bites you, take a photo. Fill in the blanksPost-reading ne dayuddenlyhenhilesoonoworkingin a restaurantpicked up,took a photoappeared, bit arrived from, hid hurried tohospitalshowed to saved his life125678436couldnt helpOne day SuddenlyA few days earlier WhenWhile But As soon asIf you are in danger / trouble, use the technology . It can help you. Write a story about an accident in groups.whenone daywhereYuejin Roadwhatboy, ride his bike, listen to music, fall off, hurt his kneewhydriver, talk on his phoneresultcall for, the police, the doctor, send to the hospital要求:使用要求:使用when, while, so if句式和表格信息描述图片句式和表格信息描述图片。2分分3分分4分分6分分8分分8分分ABCDEFLevel A : Write down a story about saving peoples lives with the use of science and technology products. Level B:1. Read the passage after the tape at least three times. 2. Look through the internet to know more stories that are good to our life with the use of science and technology products. Match the words with the pictures and phrases.medicinehurtbitehide1243Choose the correct answer.1. The snake bit Henry again when _. a) he was throwing it across the kitchen b) he was trying to pick it up c) it was climbing out of a box 2. When Henry was trying to find the snake, _. a) he could take a photo b) the snake became cool c) his hand began to hurt badly 3. Henry hurried to hospital because _. a) his hand was hurting b) he had a photo of the snake c) the doctors called him on his mobile phone 4. The doctors gave Henry the right medicine after _. a) they knew what kind of snake bit him b) they saw the snake in the photo c) he left hospital the next day Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.climb hide hurt medicine pain throwA snake (1) _ out of a box of bananas and (2) _ somewhere. When Henry was working, the snake bit him. climbedhidHe (3) _ the snake on a table and took its photo. When he was trying to find the snake, his hand began to (4) _ badly. At the hospital the (5) _ got worse. The doctors sent the photo to a zoo. After they found out what kind of snake bit him, they gave him the right (6) _.threwhurtpainmedicine根据汉语提示完成下列句子。根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1. 前段时间我发现了许多游戏前段时间我发现了许多游戏。 I found many games _. 2. 那只猫掉进洞里那只猫掉进洞里,爬不出来爬不出来。 The cat fell into the hole and couldnt _ it. 3. 电话响起,我拿起了话筒。电话响起,我拿起了话筒。 The phone rang and I _.4. 让我们拍一张酒店的照片。让我们拍一张酒店的照片。 Lets _ of the hotel.a few days earlierclimb out ofpicked it up take a photo根据句意及首字母提示,写出相应的单词根据句意及首字母提示,写出相应的单词。 1. Do you b_ your fingernails?2. The kids are always c_ trees.3. Quick! - shes coming - wed better h_!4. Someone t_ a stone at the car.5. You keep more food than beer in the f_.6. Take these pills if youre in p_.7. The weather was w_ than last year.8. Have you taken your m_?itelimbingidehrewridgeainorseedicine1. What were you doing this time yesterday? I _ on the grass and drawing a picture. 【2011北京北京】 A. sit B. sat C. am sitting D. was sittingD2. While I _ TV, the bell rang. 【2011广西北海广西北海】 A. watch B. watched C. am watching D. was watching3. Why didnt you answer my telephone yesterday? Sorry. I _ a bath. 【2011山东山东 淄博淄博】 A. took B. take C. am taking D. was takingDD1外研版八年级英语上册教学设计外研版八年级英语上册教学设计Module 8 AccidentsUnit 2 I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again.单位:单位:做课人:做课人:教学对象:教学对象: 八年级学生一、一、Teaching modelReading and writing二、Studying analysis1. 八年级学生对英语普遍感兴趣,但有很大的不稳定性,好奇心强,已不满足教师对课文的简单重复。2. 对刺激记忆手段多的知识记忆深刻,遵从记忆规律。3. 偏重于形象思维,对片面零碎的材料缺乏一定的概括分析能力。因此,在教学过程中注重启发引导,培养学生分析、概括能力的同时更注重教学方法的具体性,注重学法培养。三、三、Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. To read, spell and use the new words and expressions.2. To describe the contents of the passage by reading.3. To write a short story about an accident.Ability aims:To read the material by the way of skimming, scanning and detailed readinneg. Emotional aims:To learn how to do when we face the danger.四、四、Teaching methods 采用自主学习定向学习合作探究解惑提升反馈验收的五环教学模式来完成教学环节。即:1.自主学习 单元导入2.定向学习 熟悉语篇3.合作探究 拓展延伸 4.解惑提升 达标检测5.反馈验收 课堂小结。五、五、Important and difficult pointsImportant points:Use the right reading skills to understand the story.Difficult points:Write a short story about an accident using the past continuous tense.六、六、Teaching aids: Multi-media 七、七、Teaching steps 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图2 自主学习 单元导入1. Play a game about new words2. Brain-storming:What can you use a mobile phone to do?3. Watch a video: Play The farmer and the snake and ask:Can you give a happy ending to the farmer?1. Learn new vocabulary.2. Make a drill about the use of the mobile phone.3. Give a new ending about the video.激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生搜索信息和自学能力。引入话题,激活已有词汇。学习本单元新词汇为下面的阅读活动做准备。悉定定向学习 熟悉语篇1. Skimming2. Scanning3. Detailed reading1. Watch a video and choose the main idea.2. Match the paragraphs and contents.3. Answer the questions according to Para 1.Complete the table according to Para 2.Fill in the blanks according to Para3.培养学生捕捉文章中心思想的能力、整体语篇的理解能力、处理细节信息的阅读技巧。合作探究 拓展延伸1.Sum up how to tell an accident.2.Show a picture and some information.3.Share the short composition.1. Fill in the blanks and retell the story according to the pictures.2. Write a short story in groups. 3. Make a report to the class.引导学生能用所学功能结构进行信息输出,体现“用英语做事情”的目的,升华主题,回扣教学目标。使教学达到高潮。突破教学重难点。解解惑提升 达标检测1. Have a competition.2.Congratulations to the winners.Choose and answer the questions in groups.反馈矫正,达成目标。反馈验vocabulary:bite, climb, hide, throw, fridge, pain, worse, medicinestructures: when/while So if, take3收 课堂小结topic: how to do when we face the danger HomeworkLevel A :Write down a story about saving peoples lives with the use of science and technology products. Level B:1. Read the passage after the tape at least three times. 2. Look through the internet to know more stories that are good to our life with the use of science and technology products. 八、板书设计八、板书设计Module 8 AccidentsUnit 2 I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again. ParaPara 1 1 oneone dayday suddenlysuddenly whenwhenSmileSmile ,please.,please. ParaPara 2-62-6 whilewhile asas asas soonsoon asas ParaPara 7 7 soso ifif
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